Sadly, the second season of the LEGO Ninjago saga – NINJAGO Year of the Snake – has come to an end. If you haven’t watched the episodes yet, you can access them in the LEGO Ninjago section, or go to the season-summary: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes – the Story…

Naturally, all LEGO Ninjago fans are now wondering if the adventures of the ninja will continue in further episodes. LEGO has done an incredible job developing all aspects of the world of Ninjago; the movies, the characters, the Spinjitzu games, the LEGO sets – gathering a worldwide fan-base, who now wants more! 😀
According to the Internet Movie Database (which is a fairly reputable website), there will be indeed a Ninjago Season 3 coming in November of this year. Below is the list of episodes listed at IMDB’s website. Please keep in mind that at this point we can’t confirm if these are indeed the upcoming Ninjago Season 3 episodes, or if it is a fluke. As we find out more, we will certainly let you know, but for now at least this gives Ninjago fans something to talk about and look forward to. 😉
➡ NINJAGO SEASON 3 – EPISODE 1 – Darkness Shall Rise: After months of peace in Ninjago, danger erupts once again when Jay’s parents, Ed and Edna, are captured by a fearsome crew of undead pirates, the Ocean Plunderers.
➡ NINJAGO SEASON 3 – EPISODE 2 – Pirates vs. Ninja: As the ninja begin their quest to Tenebrae Surget, they are viciously attacked by another group of pirates, the half-man, half sea-creature Wave Marauders, who are also looking for the lost island.
➡ NINJAGO SEASON 3 – EPISODE 3 – Double Trouble: When the Wave Marauders continue their onslaught, the Ocean Plunderers decide to mount an attack of their own. To survive, the ninja must unlock their Golden Weapons’ adapting ability.
➡ NINJAGO SEASON 3 – EPISODE 4 – Ninjaball Run: While the ninja are fixing up the Bounty M2 after a devastating attack, they train, share stories, and even create their own sport – Ninjaball.
➡ NINJAGO SEASON 3 – EPISODE 5 – Child’s Play: After laying low for a while, the ninja, secretly traversing the skies, put their ambush on the pirates into action. However, the Wave Marauders have one last trick up their sleeves.
➡ NINJAGO SEASON 3 – EPISODE 6 – Wong Place, Wrong Time: A fair distance ahead both pirate crews, the ninja run into one of the worst things imaginable – the mythical, all-powerful Kraken, a beast said to have sunk a thousand ships.
➡ NINJAGO SEASON 3 – EPISODE 7 – The Stone Army: With the first Temple Key in their hands, the ninja temporarily land on the island of Insula Lapidem, to gather supplies and have a well-earned rest. However, the island holds a dark, lethal secret.
➡ NINJAGO SEASON 3 – EPISODE 8 – The Day Ninjago Stood Still: After unleashing a curse upon Ninjago, turning everything and everyone in the land into stone, the Stone Army declare that they will only undo it if the ninja leave Insula Lapidem, without the second Temple Key.
➡ NINJAGO SEASON 3 – EPISODE 9 – The Last Voyage: Within a few miles of Tenebrae Surget, the ninja are attacked yet again by the Wave Marauders, who still possess a Temple Key. This time, the ninja must defeat them once and for all.
➡ NINJAGO SEASON 3 – EPISODE 10 – Island of Darkness: As the ninja finally land on Tenebrae Surget, they realize that all is not as it should be. They soon discover that the Stone Army is present on Surget too, after occupying the island many centuries ago.
➡ NINJAGO SEASON 3 – EPISODE 11 – The Ticking Clock: With the Stone Army proving too strong, the ninja retreat into the woods to escape and search for the fourth and final Temple Key. However, they end up entering Surget’s toxic swamps along the way.
➡ NINJAGO SEASON 3 – EPISODE 12 – The Overlod Cometh: As the ninja finally reach the Eternity Temple, with both pirate crews occupied but the Stone Army hot on their tail, they find themselves facing an old enemy thought long dead.
➡ NINJAGO SEASON 3 – EPISODE 13 – The Ultimate Spinjitzu Master: With Garmadon and the Stone Army defeated and the Fountain destroyed, Kai, Zane, Cole, Lloyd and Nya, now equipped with their new PWR Armor, hasten to help Jay in his final confrontation with the Ocean Plunderers.

The above picture is supposedly a preliminary image of the Ninjago PWR Armor from the Russian website ClubNinjago. I can’t say for sure if this is authentic or not, but it sure looks unique! (Thanks, Зейн!) So what do you think so far? Do you think ninja vs. pirates is a good story line? How do you like the story-development? And what do you think of the PWR Armor? How about that Stone Army? Sounds interesting? 🙄
You can share your thoughts and opinions about the third season of Ninjago in the comment section below. Again, just remember that the episodes for Season 3 are not yet confirmed. They could be exactly as described above, there could be slight changes, or it could be a completely different story, so please remember this as you discuss the future of Ninjago. Also, if you hear about updates you can post those as well. NINJA, GO!!! 🙂
You can also check out the LEGO NINJAGO section or follow these links:
first comment
um, no sadly not
am i training alone 🙁
No I’m training 😉
Lego Universe your not training alone. 😉
Why do you say”training” are you refering to ninja training or is it just what some of you say? I’m very confused 🙁
cool 1st comment
cool 2nd or 3rd comment.
Oh we are just refering to the ninja training. 😉
ok and your comment would be 2nd
Ok so does a new villian come in your next story?
YES!A very odd one at that, Geffory the talking rat
Oh that is weird villian
Geffory? Yes he’s weird and just plain dumb too. Mostly because he’s a rat.
😮 I forgot to say thanks (THANKS)
Oh,your welcome. 😉
Geffory the talking rat is not a villan because he screws everything up and has a speech deformity but he is a villan at heart
Oh kay
am I training alone?
Like I said your not training alone I’m training too. 😉
sorry the computer glitched
julianne are you and brandon dating in real life?
What, no?!
O-O what a weird question.
sorry i read one of your comments and it mislead me
Whoops sorry I like to act my character sometimes. 😉
Episode Five, The Four Sword, Part Two, Conclusion:
Drake: *walks over to the rock* this must be it..
Lloyd: what must be what?
Drake: This. *puts put pieces of the sword on the rock and it transforms in an anvil with a hammer next to it*
Lloyd: woah, so what now?
Drake hears a voice in his head (Brandon’s) use you emotions to craft it, grab the hammer, and use the emotions, the love, the hate, and the love you have for Juliet, i can feel it inside of you, use it.
Drake: *picks up the hammer* I hate you shadow, you took one of my Friends! *hits the pieces once* And i love my Friends too much to let you take anymore of them! *hits the Pieces once again* *thinks to self* and i use the love i have for Juliet! *hits the pieces once more and they turn into one blade, a small silver blade with a golden hammer and hand guard, and a green gem on both the hand guard and the bottom of the hilt.*
Lloyd: wh-what is it?
Drake: it is the “Four Sword.” *picks it up and his clothes turn green, and a long green cap appears on his head, and a shaft for the sword on his back, he has the perfect clothes to match the sword* I am the hero, the hero of Ninjago. NINJA-GO!
Three more of him appear, one blue, one red, and one purple.
Lloyd: whaat is happening??
Drake: i am going to face Shadow now.
The copies go back inside of the sword,
Fi: *comes out of the sword* i am glad to see you have returned master, thankyou for fixing the sword.
Drake: you’re welcome Fi. *gets on his MotorCycle and rides back to that same warehouse*
Comment if you enjoy my stories
(only three more episodes left, i am trying to speed through it so i can start writing the Three part Special :mregreen: )
awesome!! 😉
I enjoy you stories. 😉 Cant wait for the three part special.
😉 this reminds me of somthing I drew once
Sweet! But why does link come ? I thought u we YU GI oh
At the end You mean
thats what you said in the comment! and how old are you in real life?(just wondering)
Who me?
Oh I’m 12
me too! 12 year olds are awesome!
Ya do you have a sis or bro?
1 bro 1 sis
You have a bro!!! Lucky you
except I am still the youngest my bro is 13 my sis is 15
my bro is annoying
I’m the youngest to my sis is 15 and my bro is…nevermind. 🙁
Wolfy, you said that you have a new villian, what ever happened to me? 🙁
You are the main evil, person, thing whatever, the point is you won’t be replaced especialy by somthig as little as a rat
Did you read the last episode if not it is at the bottom of the last page.
it’s 8:00 here I will have to go to bed soon(school tomorrow)
its 10:30 here
It’s 6:19 here
6:20 here.
Drake you have the same time as me.
i do 😮
Lol Julianne your 12? very freeky, i am 12 too, freeky like a deeky 😮
I know weird. 😕
ha, I’m 12 too and did you read what I wrote up^ there? just wondering
Yes Yes I did. Lego Universe or anyone do you have a bro or sis?
yes, she is 21 married, well she is not my true sister but we share the same mom
Well I never had a bro. 🙁
Did he….NOPE I do not want to know.
Well if i think I know what you are thinking and the answer is yes when her was born.
Not her it’s he
It’s ok to say it.
oh…. sorry 🙁 *tear* that happened to me only it was not a brother or sister, my dog heartworms.
It’s ok I’m over it.Ya it’s pretty sad to herar that my bro died before he was even born. But like I said I’m over it.
yes um I’m going to end this conversation now, I never like talking about theses sort of things
Me neither I guess we have something in common. 😉
I have 3 younger brothers. TOO ANNOYING!!! I’m (Techniclly) The oldest. I have an older half sister and older half brother. We share the same dad. Yeah. I have a big family 😯
O-O this is strange, very….
I know I just want to has a conversation.
Have not has
has have had, had, And if you want to have a conversation try somethin diffrent… like I don’t know, Ninjago
Ok then I really want to know what happens in wrong place,wrong time.
??? Well I think Lord Garmadon(Grandma) traps the ninja and loyld has to save them… mabey
But I checked on the internet and it said garmadon goes back in time and I think changes the past.
MWAHAHAHA! i have a new pic
I can see that, this one is….smaller.
i posted my answer up the page
what state or country do you guys live in?
I live in California and that’s all I’m saying
The one oppisite of missippi
I live in Southern California. LOTS of people speak spanish down here. And yet, I don’t know a SINGLE word of spanish. But taking spanish is helping me understand what they’re saying.
😆 Anyway my episode 8 is on the other page at the bottom. Brian, you may want to read it. It involves you and me in a rap battle.
oh i live in canada except im going to california next summer it would be weird if we saw eachother……. wait one minute your a..,………… California girl, your undeniable fine fresh skin you got it on lock, fine fresh skin so hot youl melt my popsicle oahhoahahhoahhoohoaoaohoaoaha
Umm ok 😕
(FYI) California girls… it is a song
Oh I know. 😉
Oh VERY funny. Bring the song California Girls By Katy Perry Back Up!! (Not that I don’t like it) WEST COAST!!!! Home of surfing and Beaches!!! Not to mention HOLLYWOOD!!!!! B-) It gets hot here though. It was in the 90’s here on Sunday.
Whoops. I meant 8)
Oui. I mean 😎
Why did you say that?
sorry it was a katy perry song and it was really random…………………………………………………………………………………………………………. sorry
I like that song though. 🙂
guys and girls?
?????? oh my name tells that…. wait a minute….
nothing…. 😀
Are you sure?
YEP! absoutly 😀 …
Okay. Do you think Drake is done with his story?
UUUmmm, IDK that is my answer, anyway, GOODNIGHT!
Night!!! See ya tomorrow. 😉
😉 night
julianne did you read my comment a bit up the page its really random
Yes I did and it was random
yeah sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry
It’s ok it’s ok
Ok,wait you live in Canada!!!! That’s so cool and you going to visit California that would be weird and cool if we met.
yeah…… wait if the trip doesnt get canceled lets find a meeting place and we could meet up!
Ok then where?
I…………. have no idea 😐
Maybe like at a park or something.
well see tomorrow
so….. I really like your stories
Thanks I like your stories too. 😉
Julianne are we like the same person but your a girl and i’m a guy? 😯 i live in california too, this is very creepy 🙁
Woah. You too? I do as well.
WHOA!!! Creepy!! :Shock:
Hey !! It was supposed o be 😯
That is creepy 8-0
Hey where’s didi and Zane the cook ? They haven’t been on all day!
Zane the cook went to a party
I’M ON!!! I’M ON!!! I go under moderation! You can’t see my comments untill they’re comfirmed by Admin! I’m on 24/7!!
That party took a LOT longer than expected. My story will be tomorrow.
Wolf-girl, can you tell me when I come back into your story
Good night 😉
Was it funnier then go carts? I BEAT LIKE 20 PEOPLE AND CAME IN 2nd!!! Would of been first if go cart no shut down twice. 🙁
Yeah what?
i posted that earlier and it just came up now and can you read my comment a bit up the page
Oh, and Mel, I have been at camp and then my grandfathers birthday party
how was it?
It was good
Bye!!! 😉
night everyone see you tomorrow 😉
is anyone on?
Everyone: SHUT UP DEEDEE!!!!
I’m on and are you going to post story?
i can try tomorrow, or tonight, i probaly don’t have time though, sorry.
i am on and i am going to post my story soon 😉
i am! 🙂
Yeoj when are you going to post your story?
tomorrow i’ll post episode 6. then your ninja will be in episode 7
Ok, thank you
good night ;0
Pink ninja of wind
Platinum fans
likes to read, study, train,sing
Ninjago theme song
Sensai Wu: Episode 1- Oh.MY.GOSH!:mrgreen)
We all looked at Jay exspectantly. “So what’s your big idea, genius,” asked my sister. KiKi isn’t very patient, but she’s more patient than I am. Seriously.
“I can always pretend that you never found out and keep being paranoid to the point where I puke my guts up,” the lightning ninja said.”All in favor, say’I’.”
“See? GiGi’s with me! Anyone else?Please?” he practically begged.
KiKi coughed a’Loser.’ “Well as I was about to say before I was so RUDELY interrupted,” I began.” I have a MUCH better idea. Kai, if I’m not mistaken, Nya’s birthday is tomorrow.” Kai nodded in understanding.” So Jay can propose then!” I smiled triumphantly.
“Yeah, that makes sense, but why didn’t Jay-the BLUE NINJA -not ask me- the RED NINJA- if I was okay with this?”Boy, and I thought I was the pink ninja.Sorry Jay:mrgreen).
Next Day:
“Happy Birthday,Nya!” I shouted as my sistersand I gave our roomie a hug. We’ve been friends with Nya since we met everyone and KiKi realized that we packed her SO LOVED orange dress and she freaked.
“Aw, thanks you guys! And yes, I DO know that none of you are boys.” She said this last part as KiKi opened her mouth for a snappy reaction.We all burst into laughter.My sisters tried and failed to tell our friend about how Jay had a surprize.
GiGi can I be in your story?
Gigi can I be in your story?
Element:Animal(summon and talk)
Personality:Shy,sneaky,mysterious,and funny
I dont have to go yet
Yay, hurray!!!
So do you think we should meet at a park?
Anyone still on?
Gigi can I be in your story?
Name: Sam
Element: air
weapon: bow and arrow
Color: grey
Personality: very kind, and when he is around Julie Sam starts to get really nervous
now i have to go to bed night everyone
uh, ok, weird your crush is on Julie, maybe i should ask to be in GiGi’s story, and then make sure that i’m the one with the crush on Julie, MWAHAHAHA! (i am kinda serious) 😛 but uh yeah, you suddenly like Julie? 😯
Drake are you jealous?
No i am joking XD it was the Brandon side of me 😯 i have three alter egos 😛 Brandon Brian and Drake.
I have three too Me Julie and Juliet
Episode Six, Drake Vs Shadow, Rematch:
Drake rides back to that same warehouse that he lost at the first time, but this time it will be different.
Drake: i am here, Juliet. *walks into the warehouse* i am here.
Shadow: oh the champion has returned, you have a new sword for me to break? *takes out the dark set*
Drake: nope, because your not going to break this one. *takes out the Four Sword and the Hylian Shield* NINJA-GO! *turns into the four seperate Drake’s again*
Shadow: what the?
Green Drake: prepare to die.
Shadow: so what you think because you have a new sword, some minions, and a new outfit your better then me!?! well your not! *charges sword* DARK SLASH!
all Four Drakes: FOUR SWORD STRIKE! *they all use strikes in the form of energy that overpower the Dark slash, and hit Shadow.*
Shadow: you will pay for this!
Red Drake: i doubt it.
Purple Drake: Lasers?
Blue Drake: *nods* lasers.
Green Drake: let’s do this. *they all shoot lasers at Shadow*
Shadow: *falls on the floor* fight me like a man!
Green Drake: ok. *turns back into one* let’s do this then.
Shadow: i will destroy you! *gets up*
Drake: NINJA-GO! *sucks Shadow into spinjitsu*
Drake: then let’s just end this. *stops*Say goodbye. *Fi comes out of the sword*
Fi: are you ready master?
Drake: of course. LETS DO THE WHIP!
Fi: prepare your sword.*turns into fire*
Shadow: what the?
Drake: *puts the sword into the flame* SKYWARD, STRIKE! *strikes shadow with ultimate goddess power, and it completely tears him apart, destroying him.*
comment if you like my stories
Great story!! 😉
want me to start writing until i get to the end of this series? (then i can maybe post one part of the special) only two episodes left
Sure! 🙂
Drake are you writing your story?
Episode 6:Turning back to Normal
Julie start to glow blue
Nyla:What’s happening
Zane:She’s turning back to normal
Julie stopped glowing
Julie: What?
Kim:She’s back!!!
Julie:My head hurts
She past out
Zane:She needs to go to bed
Later that night
Julie:No Garmadon don’t.
In The Underworld….
Garmadon:We need to figure out how to destroy the ninja.
Pythor:How about we attack the ninja
Garmadon:We already tried that!!!
Pythor:Well I got nothing
Garmadon:I got it!!!
T Be Continued…..
You guys!! GiGi is my one of my BEST FRIENDS!!! As you can see, she represents Pink Wind ninja. Hopefully,KiKi can get on as well.
KiKi: SHH!!! I’m trying to sleep.
DeeDee Sorry.
:/ 🙂 🙁 😀 8) smile! 🙄
Can’t Wait for your next episode. 😀
8 ) I think you mean 8)
Oops that doesn’t work for me too!
Sasuto, yeah, I noticed that symbol doesn’t work for me either any more. I think WordPress must have changed something. You can use the written out code for it though. The word “cool” between : and :. Like this: 😎
Got to sleep might be back on. Night 🙂
Well I got back from the store but, I have to go to sleep now. Btw it’s 10:18 . Night!!
Episode Seven, They Saved Juliet:
Juliet: THANK YOU! now open this cage please!
Drake: Ok, uh,
Shadow: I am going to make you die. *Shadow’s Spirit goes through Drake’s soul and makes him fall*
Drake: uh uh, *falls to the ground* Dang it…
Juliet: Drake? DRAKE ARE YOU OK?!?
Lloyd: *runs into the Warehouse.* is Drake Ok!?!
Juliet: i don’t know!?! open my cage, i need to get out of here…
Lloyd: *opens the Cage* let’s take Drake back to the Shop.
Later at the Shop.
Kim: has he woken up yet?
Lloyd: no, it has been hours, and nothing..
They were standing at the counter while Drake was in bed.
Drake: i wouldn’t say nothing *limping and is holding onto the wall*
Lloyd: you’re awake!
Drake: yeah i guess… *coughs*
Juliet: thank you for saving me! *runs over to him and hugs him*
Drake: um, your welcome, but my chest is kind of hurting right now, and your making it a little worse…
Juliet: oh sorry, *steps back*
Drake: it’s fine, i can take anything, and then even more…. *smiles at Juliet*
Juliet: oh, well i hope your Ok…
Lloyd: oh Kim, i forgot to show you something…
Kim: show me what?
Lloyd: just follow me…
They both leave.
Juliet: so, your Ok, right? i know that you got hurt out there…
Drake: i should be fine..
Juliet: Ok good, i am just glad your not hurt…
Drake: are you Ok? i am sorry that i wasn’t here to stop Shadow from taking you, if i was here i would have stopped him…Juliet will you go on a date with me?
Juliet: uh, Yes i will! *she hugs him again*
Drake: *smiles at her* my chest still hurts..
Juliet: oh yeah, um… so where are we going to go?
Drake: uh, *thinking to self* where would we go where would we go? um,
Juliet: you Ok?
Drake: it will be a surprise, just get dressy this Friday night at eight, and meet me outside of the shop, we can take my Motorcycle, to NNC, we’re going fancy.
Juliet: NNC? but don’t you have your mark?
Drake: as long as I’m with you, nothing matters *smiles at her again and hugs her*
Comment if you like my stories, and the next one is the season finale, Lovey Dovey.
Liked and loved it 😉
UGH I COULD NOT HANDLE THIS! I HAD TO WRITE THE THREE PART SPECIAL! and plus nothing really was supposed to happen on the episode “Lovey Dovey” i can just tell you what happened, Drake and Juliet went on a date (which was succesful) and at the end Drake gave Kim and Lloyd both their own MotorCycles, and NNC stop trying to hunt them, they actually made peace with them, and they can go back there anytime they wish. 🙂 ok so anyways, here is the Special 😀 oh yeah and when the date between Drake and Juliet was over, Drake almost found his true potential, but instead something more powerful happened to him, and a mark on his hand appeared called the “Sacred Seal” appeared on his hand, which gave him untold powers.
Special #1, Part one:
Venice Italy, 1998:
Brian: *jumping on roof tops* yeah, uh, I’m bat man, *almost gets hit with a fire-ball* woah! ya’ll gon’ make me get my game on, up in here, up in here ya’ll gon’ make me throw a slash, up in here, up in here. *jumps off the roof top and onto the ground* well it’s a good thing i play allot of Asassin’s Creed! *sees another Dragon in the sky* ok dude, you obviously don’t know who your dealing with, the name’s Brian, and I’m Absolutely Flawless! ooh, how bout a little help, White Dragon.
White Dragon blocks a giant beam of fire from a Dragon. and the blast splits into two hitting buildings.
Brian: well it’s a good thing Venice is appearently, EMPTY! or that might’ve been kind of dangerous.
????: Finally i have found one of the destroyers of the world.
Brian: what do you mean i destroyed the world?
????: i am Timeian, i am am here to destroy you, before you destroy the world.
Ninjago City, 2012:
Drake: *standing at the edge of a cliff that over looks NNC* ahh, it’s times like this when i can just stand here, and enjoy the a peaceful Autumn morning….
Lloyd: Drake.
Drake: *sighs* hello Lloyd.
Lloyd: me and Kim have a bet to settle.
Drake: what kind of bet?
Lloyd: well..
Kim: can you help us see which one of us can ride our Motorcycle’s faster?
Drake: i was actually planning to just go out for a drive.
Lloyd: well while you do that can you help us settle the bet?
Drake: i guess.
Lloyd: ok then let’s do this, uh do do do do *they get onto the road and start driving* riding to the danger zone, YEAH! gonna take you riding to the danger zone..
Timeian: *comes out of a portal* ahh, more destroyers.
Drake: Lloyd watch out.
Lloyd: Kim watch out.
Kim: Wario watch out.
Drake: who is that?
Lloyd: i don’t know..
Drake: well i guess it is time to teach him a lesson! COME ON OUT, WHITE DRAGON!
Timeian: ahh, perfect! now i can take your Creature. * throws a white square at his Dragon, then a purple ball appears around the White Dragon.* now watch, as i take your Dragon!
Drake: what?
Timeian: *the Dragon disappears* Thank you for the Dragon! *leaves into another portal*
Drake: *back at the Tea Shop* i cannot believe he took the White Dragon….
Juliet: *Walks in* there you are!
Drake: um, hi Juliet…
Juliet: why so glum?
Drake: my White Dragon was taken…
Ali: *Walks in with Jake* Drake look at what we found….
Drake: *looks at an artical on the internet* it says that about twenty years ago, Dragons came and destroyed most of Europe…
Lloyd: *looks at it* one of the Dragons was described as being white, with great power..
Grace: *Runs inside* GUYS LOOK OUTSIDE!
they all run inside and see the building start to disappear, and ash starts appearing everywhere.
Drake: what is happening?!?
White Dragon’s spirit: Drake, i am here to aid you, you must ride upon your motorcycle back to the past, and save the heros of Ninjago City.
Drake: guys, i am sorry, but i must go *Starts running towards his motorcycle then mounts it*
Lloyd: guys get back into the shop!
Drake: *starts driving* i must ride to the past, to save the future.
Back to Brian.
Timeian: ready to be destroyed Mr. Destroyer?
Brian: i keep telling you, my name is Brian!
Timeian: White Dragon, destroy him!
The White Dragon shoots a blast at Brian and he is thrown against a building.
Brian: that tears it, VENICE, SUCKS! *gets thrown against the building* next time i’m vacationing in Germany, nothing bad ever happens there.
Timeian: Now white Dragon, Have an all out attack!
Brian : mother.
The Dragon shoots.
White Dragon: A-TRAAA-U!
Drake: *comes out of a portal shortly after the spirit of the Dragon* TIMEIAN!
Timeian: Destroyer?!?
Drake: i came to the past, to destroy you!
Timeian: WHAT!!
Brian: dang son, that is one awesome motor bik….
Drake: your not riding it.
Brian: worth a shot.
Timeian: DRAGONS! come with me, we are going to destroy Brandon. *travels back into the past with the Dragons*
Drake: dang it…..
Hope your going to enjoy the next two parts
I loved it!
And finally, here goes… the long awaited next episode of my story !!!
Ninjago Sasuto Season 5 Episode 11:The final fight against the Snakeltons:
While the ninja were playing on playstation the Snakeletons and Lord Garmadon atttack the ninja.
A Constrictai: Time for the final fight!
Jay: Come on! I was so close to complete the final level of “Extreme Ninja 2”!!!
Lloyd: But don’t even think about playing it when that fight ends!
Jay: Why?
Kai: Because now all of us want to play the “Extreme Ninja 3: Ultimate Fight” or if “Extreme Ninja 3: Ultimate Fight ” then we will play the “Dragon Ball Z : Ultimate Tenkaichi” (This one really exists).
Jay: But…We still haven’t got enough money for “Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi”
Zane: (Enters the room)Guys, i made some money while i was helping people!
Jay: No!
Kai: Yes! Ultimate Tenkaichi, I’m coming!
Zane: …But i gave all of the money for some new batteries and a new system for me …
Jay: Hooray!
Cole:Anyway, let the fight begin!!!
Sometime in the fight…
Garmadon:(Finds a text) What’s that?
Text (Garmadon Reads it):Please help me…Just say “Qilby in 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 , NOW!!!
GArmadon: Allright. “Qilby”!!!
The text becomes Qilby.
Qilby: Huge mistake for you to free me from my prison…
Garmadon: Eh?
Qilby: Allright i will telll you my story: Once upon a time,when i was free, your brother,Wu, got me in the prison from which you free me right now.Now i just sent a message to Zerkonians, my soldiers that i’m free …Now they will come here and help me destroy everything here…
Kim: The Snakeletons are pretty strong!
Garmadon: (Realizes that the Zerkonians are coming)
Qilby: Hehehe…
Garmadon: (Thinking)Oh,no! The Zerkonians…They are coming!
Qilby: Ready, Garmadon?After you the ninja are next up!
Zane:Let’s see…Garmadon’s power level is 5.000.Very Strong.
Hoshi: What’s Qilby’s power level?
Zane: What!!!How could that happen! Incredible!!!IT’S OVER 9 THOUSAND POINTS!!!
Kai: This is bad.If Qilby kills Garmadon then we will be next up.
By the way,no skeletons are alive.From Snakeletons they Become “Garmadon and the Serpentine”
Qilby attacks Sensei Wu.
Cole: Sensei Are you ok?
Sensei Wu: That hurts…But i’m ok…At least for now…
Cole: Nya, DiDi, Kim, Julie! Go and help Sensei! Me and the others will try to defeat the serpentine!
DiDi:Ok! Let’s go!
Qilby: Uh-oh! Thay are coming to help their Sensei! Better go to my home to finish this.
Nya grabs the portal in the final second befor it disappears.So Everyone is following Qilby.
Sensei Wu: Nya! Kim! DiDi!Julie!
Nya and Julie: Eh… W-We did it!
Narrator: Allright this episode and here.
To Be Continued…!
In the next episode:
two fights: Cole,Zane,Kai,Jay,Lloyd and Hoshi vs Serpentine and Garmadon, fight forthe ninjago city,
Nya,DiDi,Kim and Julie vs Qilby, fight for Sensei Wu
Comment if you enjoyed it!
No!That’s not true!No one is 4 thousand power points ahead of me!I am supposed to be the main and strongest evil person!
Perhaps.But things are changing in ninjago!
Nappa: Vegeta,what does the scouter say about his power level?
Vegeta: IT SAYS IT’S OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!! *crushes scouter*
Nappa:over Nine Tousand? but how!?!
Lol (and everyone knows that that game is real.)
Awesome!!! epic!!!
GOOD MORNING!!! I gotta go to camp soon so I will be back, and write my story, later. By the way……..
UPDATE: Guys, this post is soon reaching 10,000 comments. At that time I’m going to close comments here. If you are a Ninjago story writer, or otherwise participating here, please migrate over to LEGO NINJAGO Season 3 – New Trailer Thank you for your cooperation, and have fun! NINJA GO! 😉
OH SNAP!!!!! We posted thar many? That’s pretty cool, but then again.
WHY?!?!??!?!?!? 😯
I dont KNOW!
So sorry, but the number of comments here are making the pages hard to load. You guys can continue your stories and discussions at the other page. No need to get bent out of shape. 😉
do we transfer now?
am I training alone? 🙁
Lego Universe I’m on.
See you on the new page I can write my story there if you want? 😉
did you leave already or are you on the other page?
julie? Oh and you dont have to call me Lego universe you can just call me Sam that is my real name
I’m still on Sam
I’m not a guy
sorry I know………………………… well that was awkward
oh do you want to go on the new page that admin was talking about?
Mel when are you going to post your next story?
Sam do you to go to the new page?
You like em?
Of course we like them 😉
sure ill type a coomment to you there
hey deedee when r u posting your next episode
Ningagos biggest fan when are you going to post your story?
Episode 6: The Moment of Truth
Shadow Cole: We’re gonna go.
Lord Garmadon: Go with Shadow Thomas.
Shadow Cole: Of course.
On the Bounty . . .
DiDi: Now we’re going to the birch wood forest.
Kai: How did you know that? We never told you!
DiDi: I just knew.
Kai: Wow, you’re like Zane. Wait, Zane? Aw man, too bad we didn’t solve the case.
DiDi: Don’t you mean the case about Zane’s crush?
Kai: Wow. Can it be?
Shadow Finn: The Bounty is right there!
Shadow Zane: There going into a snowy place.
Shadow Thomas: It says, “beware of treehorns”.
Shadow Zane: What is a treehorn?
Shadow Finn: It’s probably just some wild squirrels.
All eleven ninjas went in the workshop.
Shadow Finn: They just went in a tree! Let’s go.
In the workshop . . .
DiDi: Hey, it’s me on a blueprint. Wait, I’m a robot?
Zane: Get used to it.
DiDi: I remember everything. Me and you. We did everything together. Until dad turned off my memory switch.
Zane: Sis, I have a confession to make. I really love you.
DiDi: Me too. Let’s go on a date on Friday.
Zane: Sure.
Jay: Weird.
Zane and DiDi walked outside.
Zane: Treehorns!
He got captured.
Shadow Cole: There they are!
DiDi (thinking): What should I do?
The others went outside.
Thomas: She’s unlocked her full potential!
Thomas (weak): That . . . was . . . AWESOME!
Everyone else woke up.
Finn: That was impressive.
Shadow Cole: You’re getting stronger, but not strong enough to deal with us.
DiDi: You can’t deal with us shadow ninjas.
Cole: Well hiding didn’t work. We’ll just have to do it fast. And let’s get outta here before the treehorns wake up. THREETWO ONE!
To Be Continued . . .
Loved it!!!!
awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait for the next episode!!!!!
ninjagos biggest fan when are you going to write your stories?
Almost 10000 comments!!!!! Sp do I go to the other page?
I will
Yes, please go to the new page. I’m closing this one in a few minutes.
season 1 episode 2
ninja party part 1
katy:so nya what is it you want to ask me?
nya:some of my friends are having a party to honor the ninja and i wanted to know if you wanted to come with me and the ninja
katy: i would love to!!!
nya: ok perfect!!!
wu:come on katy its time to train.
katy: coming sensei.see ya later nya.
katy goes to train with sensei wu
meenwhile in the under world……………
garmadon is pacing back and forth
garmadon:i need to get rid of those ninja or atleast make them weak long enough so that i may get the golden weapons and rule ninjago.but how?
skales:lord garmadon there is a new ninja.her name is katy and she is a water ninja.
garmadon:WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?A NEW NINJA!!!!!!!!??????????now it will be even harder to stop the ninja!!!!unless…………….
skales: unless what???
garmadon:skales go to the monastary and spy on katy.
skales:yes master.
skales leaves to go spy on katy
meenwhile at the monastary……………………….
wu:you are doing very well katy.
katy:thank you sensei.
wu: ok katy you have done enough training for today.
nya:come on katy its time to get ready for the party.
skales: a party hmm………
to be continued………………..
Great job. 😉 Can I be in your story? If I could here is my bio.
Element:Animal(summon and talk)
Color:Pink or Velvet
Personality:Shy,sneaky,mysterious, and funny
P.S She has a pet bunny named Blu
UPDATE: Comments on this post are now closing. If you are a Ninjago story writer, or otherwise participating here, please migrate over to LEGO NINJAGO Season 3 – New Trailer NINJA GO! 🙂
UPDATE: I reopened comments as there may still be some of you who would like to comment here, but since quite a bit of time passed traffic sould be a lot less and shouldn’t overwhelm the page.
Hi, i’m new on this site, but I am going to tell you my ninjago story!
Episode 1 (After the nindroids and bringing Zane back to life)
It started in the bounty.
Cole: WHAT?! Whoa whoa back up say that again!
Nya: Its called the DanceGo Competition, its the biggest sing and dance competition in all of Ninjago!
Cole: And you want me to perform in it?!?! No way!
Kai: Look we know you don’t like dancing and singing in front of people but….
Cole: No i’m not doing it cause of them.
Cole opens the competition folder and shows a picture of a girl with blonde hair wearing a blue dress and a boy wearing a hat beside her.
Jay: Umm who are they?
Cole: Well, umm, thats my big sister and big brother……
Everyone was silent.
Cole: Actually…..I have about 11 brothers, and 13 sisters…..
Everyone stared at him.
Jay: Whoa. But how?
Cole: Most of them are adopted.
He sighed he walked to the mirror of the bounty.
Cole: I’m the only one in my family who doesn’t have a career in music and dancing. If they see me, there gonna MAKE me sing and dance. All of them do, I’m the only kid in my family who can play every instrument, well except Claire. I can’t let them see me!!! Or my life is ruined!!!
Kai: It can’t be that bad!! By the way, what did you do as a kid anyways! I mean 24 siblings?!
Cole: Uhh yea I had a umm, “Eventful” childhood.
Cole imagines about his childhood listening to all his brothers and sisters sing and dance. His mind returns.
Zane: But the trophy is made out of a piece thats very rare. Its the only thing we need to finish fixing the Bounty!
(The bounty was destroyed by nindroids and Zane was brought back to life.)
Cole: No no no, not happening.
Later outside the door of Cole’s house…..
Cole: How did you guys talk me into this?
Cole rings the doorbell and his father opens the door.
Cole: Ok whatever you do you can’t let my brother and sister see me!
They walk in.
Girl: Cole?!
Cole turns his head and sees his brother and sister.
Cole: (Embarrassed laugh) hehe hey Clair, hey Ryan.
Cole puts his head down.
Meet ‘Misako’s ninja’s
Misako has become a sensei and has new ninja’s she needs help from sensei Wu and the others ninja to help her ninjas get on there feet. But first there bio’s
Marina Carlson: Named after a area of water where yatchs and boats go.
Color: Teal
Hair: Brown worn in a ponytail with blue ribbon. normal size
Element: Water
Pets: All sea animals
Found: Saving a baby dolphin after it washed up on the shore (by herself) Misako watched and talked to her. She was the first ninja. Born into a rich family, after seeing her father pollute the ocean she had a fight with him and ran away.
Personality: Doesn’t laugh much, has a very very very small tiny crush on Kai but will never admit it. Is very serious and almost never smiles. Misses her father very much.
Sonny Davids: Named after the sun.
Color: Yellow
Hair: Blonde worn down in a headband (and sometimes a cowgirl hat) little longer then Marina’s
Element: Sun
Pets: A cow named Bessie that lives on her families farm. she has a cowbell under her pillow to remind her of Bessie, or O’l Bessie as she likes to call her.
Found: Sitting on the highest mountain peak staring right at the sun without sunglasses. She turned her head and saw Misako sitting beside her (Kinda like sensei Wu) She was born in a barn, she someone talks country just to joke around. and is sometimes caught wearing a cowgirl hat. She was the second ninja to be found by Misako.
Personality: She can be very loud at times, she is friendly but can be rough especially if someone messes with “her” Clark.
Clark Wilson
Hair: yellowish brown
Color: Peach
Element: Wind
Pets: No pets but he has a fondness for birds, (Which annoys Zane sometimes as he is always messing with his falcon)
Found: He was famous in his town for sleeping in the middle of a tornado.
Misako heard of him and came to see him, she talked to him and he joined (After seeing Sonny) He is the third ninja to join Misako, He is the only boy so far. He was born into a poor family and got lost from his mother one day.
Personality: A bit of a scaredy cat. Nice. Sometimes picked on by Marina. In love with Sonny, and sonny is in love with him (Not as much as Clark is in love with her)
Shyanne “Shy” Petals: named after her being extremely shy and loving flowers.
Color: Purple
Hair: short curly brown hair
Element: Nature
Pets: all animals even monsters and dragons
Found: singing to animals in a forest. She can speak to animals and monsters and dragons. She was born in a small cottage out in the woods. She was out picking berries for some food and grew tired and fell asleep, when she awoke some animals had crowded around her gently hugging and pawing her. They led her home and became her best friends. She is the fourth ninja to join.
Personality: Very super duper shy. Sweet sensitive kind and sweet. Can get very angry when animals are in danger, or if no one is listening. She cries a lot.
Storm Weathers: Name is a pun on the weather.
Color: smoky blue
Hair: long black curly hair
Element: Weather
Pets: Unknown
Found: Trying out Benjamin Franklins project on electricity. She was electrucuted and Misako helped her up. She grew up in an orphanage left on the door step as a child. She is the fifth ninja to join.
Personality: Quiet and silent. Can cry when thinking of a fire at the orphanage. Is nice but can get angry. especially if Ghostly is hurt.
Ghostly Von Dracula: Name is Dracula because she is Dracula’s daughter
Color: Grey
Hair: Sparkling white hair a wore completely down sometimes with a ghost barrette on it.
Element: Darkness and Shadows
Pets: Ghost puppy named Drac 2
Found: Was first a villain causing trouble. Didn’t know that evil was bad she thought evil was good and good was evil. She was then taken but Misako stopped Sensei Wu and the others and decided she can join her group. She is really a vampire but her amulet keeps her from burning in the sun and her wings and fangs hidden. She is the last ninja for now and the sixth one.
Personality: Likes scaring people and climbing in the rafters. She is sweet and sensitive. Loydd is in love with her and some of it is because he understands her (Seeing how his father used to be evil.) She can be angry at time.
Hope you enjoyed this and there will soon be stories for them. and the other ninja, BYE FOR NOW Zanelover (;
Hi As you should know by the Misakos ninja Bios this is a new Ninjago.
Episode 1: A new threat
Cole: Hey guys have you seen Sensei Wu?
Jay: Nope.
Cole: Hmm Weird
Sensei Wu: Ah you are up. Today I must tell you something.
The ninja and Nya gather around Sensei Wu
Sensei Wu: You remember Misako? lloyds mother. She has become a sensei. And she needs our help. She has already gotten a few ninja but she needs our help to get them ready. There is an enemy all the way across town and she needs us.
All the ninja’s mouth hung open including Nya’s
Jay: Whoa wait so lloyds mom is a sensei now?
Sensei Wu nodded. They left heading across town. When they landed they saw Misako waiting.
Misako: Wu! Oh good come in!
They walked in and these masked people appeared. The ninja and Nya got there weapons ready.
Sensei Wu: STOP!
Misako grabbed one of the masked people.
Misako: What are you doing? These are guest!
Masked Girl: We are sorry Sensei Misako
The masked people jumped down.
Misako: Ok first off. NINJAGOOOO
Misako used spinjitzu and put the ninja in there normal outfits. It was like the ninja’s except it didn’t cover there hair. btw the normal ninja wasn’t wearing the hat part of there suits.
Yellow ninja girl: I hate when she does that.
Misako: Ok meet Sensei Wu, my brother in law, and his ninja. This is Marina, The Teal Ninja element of water. Sonny The Yellow ninja element of the Sun. Clark The Peach ninja….
Clark: I hate that color
Marina: I thought it was your favorite.
Misako: Enough! As i was saying, Clark is the Peach ninja element of air. Shyanne OR Shy as we call her. The purple ninja element of nature.
Shy very silently: hi….
Jay: I didn’t quite catch that.
Sonny: Ok doll what did we talk about? Gotta be a bit louder then that, or no one can hear ya got it?
Shy less quiet: Yes….
Misako: And then Storm, The smoky blue ninja. Element of weather. And then there is……..Oh dear. Where is Ghostly?
Sonny: Again?!
Suddenly a girl appears by Clark
Ghostly: Boo.
Misako: *Sigh* ANd Ghostly the Grey ninja, element darkness and shadows.
Cole: THATS AN NINJA?!? more like an enemy.
Misako: Well we found her wreaking havoc in a building. We stopped her.
Ghostly disappears again and appears by lloyd, hanging from the rafter.
Ghostly: Are you THE lloyd GARMADON!? Son of the evil LORD GARMADON!?
Lloyd: Umm yes?
Ghostly disappears and hangs in front of lloyd on the rafters.
Ghostly: Sooo cool!
Suddenly lloyd sees her silver eyes twinkle.
She jumps down and stands by storm.
Misako: Thats all of them for now. Now why don’t you show them around?
Sonny: What?! Why us?! Your the sensei!
Misako looked at her. Marina stepped in calmly (As usual)
Marina: Of course Sensei Misako.
Clark: I’m just happy i get to meet other ninjas that aren’t……..
Sonny: Aren’t what?
Storm Sonny, and Marina stare at him.
Clark: Uhh nothing……..
Sonny: Thought so. Anyways. Follow me! If your brave enough to come that is.
Sonny smirked.
They walked in a room in complete darkness.
Kai: Can’t see! Zane give us some light.
Zane: Ok.
Zane turns on his light. Suddenly a broken teddy bear shows on the bed. It seemed to stare at them.
Jay: Is it just me or is that toy staring at me?
Sonny: This Ghostly’s room.
Suddenly a figured appeared in the dark room. Her eyes glowed. She stepped into the light. All the other ninja cringed except Misako’s ninja.
Cole, Jay,lloyd, and Kai: AHHH
They jumped (Except for Zane him being a robot and all)
All Misako’s ninja laughed. (Except Marina. Storm just smiles.)
Sonny: I love when that happens.
Sonny high fives Ghostly.
Clark: Never gets old!
They move to the others room.
Sonny: There happy? Oh wait forgot.
They bring them to a room full of computers and things.
Sonny: Well Shy did a lot of it and storm helped get it working and i set up the solar power and Clark well what were you doing?
Clark: Well umm. Something important?
Clark remember drinking sodas and eating in a restaurant.
Marina: Whatever.
suddenly an alarm went off.
Sonny: What? No that can’t be right! OHMIGOSH! GUYS YOU MIGHT WANT TO SEE THIS!!!!
Everyone crowded including Misako and Sensei Wu.
Ghostly: *Gasp* He’s here!
She ran outside
Sonny: NOT AGAIN!!!
Kai: Again?
To be continued…………………..
Heya there Zanelover here,
Episode 2: A father’s revenge.
Last time, The ninja met Misako’s ninja and Misako is a sensei now, something wrong has happened and Ghostly (One of Misako’s ninja has ran out the room.
Sonny: Lets do this guys!
Marina grabbed her triton of water
Clark grabbed his sword of air
Sonny grabbed her nun chucks of the sun
Storm grabbed her rain daggers
Shy grabbed her scythe of Peace
The other ninja grabbed there weapons.
Kai: We’ll help!
Marina: We don’t need your help.
Misako: I have asked them to help you.
Marina glares back at Kai. They run outside where Ghostly is.
Ghostly: He’s coming I feel it.
She closed her eyes and opened them
Ghostly: BEHIND YOU!
Sonny and Marina jumped out of the way but Clark was hit.
Sonny: CLARK!
She ran to him.
Sonny: Are you ok Clark?
Clark: Just fine……I think.
Ghostly closed her eyes again as if seeing something.
Ghostly: He’s here.
Lloyd: Who is?!
Sonny turned to the other ninja.
Sonny: Him.
She pointed to a raven flying in the sky. And no it was not Zane’s cause Zane’s was on his shoulder. The unknown bird flew down and transformed into a human with dark hair.
The raven man: Ghostly……
He smiled.
Ghostly: Hello Raven.
Raven leaned down to his wrist.
Raven: Found her.
Suddenly there was smoke. and when it cleared more strange looking people were there. One looked like a vampire, she had red and black wings with white fangs. One was a normal girl but then she turned into a wolf and howled. Which made Everyone have to hold there ears. have to hold her ears. And then there was one that looked like a frankestein. And then a ghost girl, she was glowing white.
Vampire girl: Ghostly! Oh good! We found you! Now we can save you from these do-gooders *Fake barf*
Ghostly: Hello Fangs, Franky, Howl, and Boo. By the way not happening. HA!
Ghostly jumped up and hit Fangs kicked fangs. Fangs grabbed an axe and Ghostly grabbed her spear of shadows. They fought.
Raven: We got the friends covered.
It was a full one battle.
Howl: Oh man so easy makes me want to howl AROOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Sonny covered her ears and tripped.
Howl: Gotcha.
Right then Kai kicked the wolf. Howl growled at him. Clark ran over there and grabbed Sonny.
Sonny: By the way we umm haven’t learned spinjitju yet sooooo!
Cole: Well that ones easy! Just do what you do in training!
Sonny: I get it! Over the bars, through the vines, here comes the target! NINJAGOOO!! I did it!
Suddenly everyone except Clark did it.
Clark: I can’t do it!
Sonny: I know what to do. Clark, hit me.
Clark: WHAT?!
Sonny: HIT ME! NOW!
Clark jumped up and almost hit her but she moved before he could, suddenly he accidentally kicked Howl, jumped on Raven’s head, and went ran into Fangs, and then he did spinjitzu.
Clark: I did it! Wait I did it?
Jay: How did you do that!?
Sonny: Everything he does is by accident. Sooo I used that.
Raven: Fangs! There is to many! We need to retreat and come back later!
Fangs: Fine. RETREAT! This is not over Ghostly!
Suddenly smoke appeared. Everyone coughed, Even zane. And when it cleared everyone was gone.
Cole: Who was that?
Marina: One of Ghostly’s friends from her old school, Grievlys school for Monsters.
Ghostly looks down and walked back inside. Lloyds watches her.
Marina: They will come back.
Marina looked at the others.
To be continued…….
Season 1 episode 1: The dancing ninja.
It started in the bounty.
Kai: *Whispering* Hey guys why is Cole so quiet in the room?
Jay: *Whispering* I don’t know, ever since he got a letter in the mail he hasn’t come out of the room.
DiDi: Lets go check on him.
They walked up to the boys room. Cole wasn’t there.
Kai: Huh?
Suddenly they hear faint whimpering in the closet. They open the door and find Cole.
Cole: No comment.
GiGi: Spill it!
Cole shows them a letter.
Kai: *Reading the letter* Dear Cole, me and some of the others siblings decided to come visit you! So make room. We’ll be here tomorrow! Wait what?! Your brother and sister are coming?
Cole: Actually 15 sisters 14 brothers.
Everyone stared at him.
Kai: Is that even possible?
Cole: Most are adopted. I’m the only one in my family without a career in music or dancing Etc. MY LIFE IS RUINED NOW LEAVE ME ALONE UNTIL THEY COME AND GO! *Cole slams the closet door shut*
DiDi: Well how do we get him out of there? KiKi I know that smile.
KiKi: I know how!
She grabbed a bucket of water and opened the door fast. Then she poured in on him.
Cole ran out the closet.
All the others were laughing there heads off.
That night……..
Cole: Oh man oh man. My life is over tomorrow!
Nya: They can’t be that bad.
Zane: I sense he is overreacting.
Cole: AM NOT! They just always try to make me sing and everything ugh it drives me crazy and then Claire treats me like a puppy, Rawkfist keeps punching me in the arm, Haley, Naomi, and Bridgette always prank me. Mary Kate and Ashley bang me in the head with there tambourines like i said my life is over.
Cole lied awake but finally fell asleep.
Cole: *Yawn* Man long night last night.
He walked downstairs still in his Pjs along with the other ninja. He sat at the table
Kai: Finally I thought we were gonna have to give Lloyd your waffles. Zane cooked by the way.
Cole: Oh good! *Yawn* Mmm so good.
Then they heard a knock on the door. Cole’s eyes widened.
Cole: Oh no. There here! Oh man oh man! HIDE ME!
Kai: Oh no you don’t! They came here to see you! And they are gonna see you. *Kai drags Cole by the ear to the door*
Cole: OW OW OW!
Kai opened the door and saw quite a few people.
Girl in pink jacket: COLIO!
She grabbed him and hugged him. She dropped her bag on one of the boys feet.
Cole: Hey Claire hey Ryan.
Claire: Hi!
Other kids outside the door: COLE!!!
Cole: Uh oh.
Cole was ran over with hugs from his siblings.
Cole: Rawkfist……can’t…….breathe………
Rawkfist: Whoops sorry bro.
They all got up and looked around.
Cole: Guys, meet Halye, Scott, Naomi, Claire, Ryan, Jerry, Rawkfist, Adam, Bridgette……TRUIT?! CHINA?! MATTHEW?! YOU CAME?!
China: Uhh duh.
He hugged all three.
Truit was a little boy about Lloyds age, Matthew was about three. China was about two years younger then cole. *She is 20*
Truit: Heya!
They all walked in and scattered everywhere. China, Truit, and Matthew stayed by cole. Truit saw DiDi.
Truit: Hey Cole is that your girl friend? She’s hot.
Cole: TRUIT! Umm, hehe.
DiDi: At least he has good taste! *Whisper* That kid is just like Cole!
Truit: Whatever you just don’t wanna admit it………Pretty boy.
Cole stared at truit. Truit just grinned.
Cole: This is going to be a long week..
To be continued……………..
Episode 2: Attack of the siblings.
Cole: *Yawn* AHHHHHH!!
He saw Haley, Naomi, Bridgette, and Scott standing by his bed.
Haley: NO We can’t find Adam! We looked everywhere! And no he didn’t get stuck in the fridge!
Cole: *Jumped out of bed instantly* Whoa wait. ADAM IS MISSING?! OH MY GOSH! Come on guys i’ll go tell the others. *They all ran downstairs and saw everyone looking around* I guess they done told you.
DiDi: FinallY! DUDE YOUR BROTHER HAS GONE MISSING! Man you sleep like a rock!
Cole: Anyways! ADAM?! ADAM?!?!?! WHERE ARE YOU ADAM?!
Claire: *Walks down in her robe* Whats with all the yelling I need my beauty sleep.
Cole: Claire! Adam is missing! M I S S I N G! MISSING!
Claire: What? Thats crazy right Ryan. *She turns* Ryan? Ryan?! RYAN!
Ok if this is a joke its not funny! Where is my Ryan!!
Jay: Another one?!
Suddenly they hear screaming.
China: *Runs down stairs really fast* COLE! THEY TOOK HIM! THEY TOOK TRUIT!!! AND MATTHEW!!! *She grabbed Cole and hugged him now crying.
Cole: Who did?!
China: I don’t know! I woke up and some snake had both of them and just disappeared! *China crying on Cole*
Cole: *Very angry* Lord Garmadon! China and the others stay here!
The ninja ran to the control room and looked on the screen for signs of serpentine.
Cole and the other ninja (DiDi GiGi KiKi Zane Lloyd Kai and Jay) Claire?
Claire: S s s s s SNAKES! T th th th they t t t t took China and Haley! And Jerry and Mary-Kate!
Cole: *Growling on the inside and very angry* LETS GO GUYS! THEY HAVE MESSED WITH THE WRONG NINJA!
The ninja headed to the underworld. When they got there they looked around.
Jay: looks like no one is home!
Cole: Wait. Its quiet. To quiet.
He looked around and saw Lord Garmadon beside multiple cages.
Lord Garmadon: Well. Your brother should come for you soon.
Lord Garmadon: SHUSH IT!
Lord Garmadon took the kid out of the cage.
Lord Garmadon: Oh really.
He held the little boy over the lava pit.
Cole couldn’t hold his anger in anymore.
Cole: IF YOUR HURT ONE HAIR ON HIS HEAD YOUR GONNA REGRET IT! *He jumped in and kicked on the snakes and skeletons down at once.
Lord Garmadon smirked.
Lord Garmadon: Deal with him.
???: Yes sir.
The masked person jumped on Cole.
???: Wouldn’t you like to know.
The others were to busy fighting the snakes and skeletons to help him. Cole rolled over on top of the masked girl.
???: Your strong. But not strong enough!
She jumped on him and flipped over and kicked him she punched him in the gut and pushed him into the wall.
Cole: *Gasping for air* Those….Moves…. Only one person…..Can…..Do them that well……………
The masked girl smirked.
Cole: Vanessa?
She took off her hood and punched him one last time. He fell and saw his friends put in cages and then passed out.
Who is vanessa? How does Cole know her? Will they escape? Find out.
To be continued…………….
Recap: Some of Cole’s brothers and sisters came to visit and now the ninja and some of Cole’s brothers and sisters are trapped by Lord Garmadon and Cole seems to know a mysterious girl working for Lord Garmadon.
Episode 3: A “Band” of Siblings
Cole wakes up slowly
Cole: Huh….What? Huh? Where am i?
DiDi: Umm Tied to me.
KiKi: And Kai is tied to me
GiGi: And Zane is tied to me.
Cole: Wait China? China?!
China: I’m here Cole i’m tied to Truit and Matthew but we’re fine.
Jerry: Here! tied to Ryan.
Haley and Adam: We’re here!
Mare-Kate: And i’m all alone. as usual.
Lord Garmadon: Well. Cole is still to weak to fight again. Isn’t that right.
???: Yes sir. Especially when I put this in him. *The girl hands Lord Garmadon a vial of poison.* He could have been dead if you hadn’t stopped me sir.
Cole looked over at the girl. She took off her hood showing her purple hair with a black bow in the top.
Cole Vanessa?
Vanessa: Hey Cole.
Vanessa: I’m one of Cole’s sisters.
Cole: There is more then 24. I didn’t want to tell you about Vanessa.
Vanessa: Remember Lord Garmadon. When you are finished I get Cole.
Lord Garmadon: Of course.
Kai: *Whispering* Psst zane, get your falcon to go show Lloyd and sensei where we are at.
Zane nods.
Tiger: DiDi. Why didn’t you ask me to chew up these ropes anyway.
DiDI: TIGER?! Oops i mean *Whisper yelling* Tiger?! Of course you need to.
Tiger: Ok. *He chews the ropes and cuts DiDi and Cole free.
DiDi: Cole you should sit this one out.
Cole: But DiDi. Ahh!
DiDi: Are you ok?
Cole: Its the poison i’m fine.
He sat agains’t the wall.
DiDi cut down the other ninja.
DiDi: I’ll get you other guys later.
Lord Garmadon: ATTACK!
All the snakes and skeletons attack.
Back at the bounty….
Sensei: Let us go!
Bridgette: *Listening in* Hear that? Lets follow them. He is our brother. We have a right to help. Everyone nodded.
Back with the ninja….
Zane: Its sensei and Lloyd!
Vanessa jumped to the wall where Cole was sitting.
Vanessa: I was going to wait. But now I might as well.
She pulled out a blade and was about to put it in Cole. He was still to weak to fight.
Bridgette: HOLD IT! NO ONE TOUCHES MY BROTHER AND GETS AWAY WITH IT! *She cuts down the other brothers and sisters and hands them there instruments* Remember. *She winked* Suddenly the others ran in and started hitting the snakes and skeletons with there instruments.
Mary-Kate and Ashley banged two skeleton in the head with there tambourines.
Haley smashed multiple snakes in the gut with her guitar.
Bridgette tied two microphones to each other and started banging the bad guys in the head with them.
Rawkfist grabbed his guitar and started punching them in the stomach with it!
Jerry and Bridgette tied up some of the snakes with the microphones.
Scott grabbed his drumsticks and slapped the snakes with them and then jumped on there tails.
China turned and saw Vanessa and Cole
China: Vanessa.
Vanessa: Oh goody two shoes China!
China jumped at her.
China: No one hurts Cole. No one.
They started to fight. Truit and Matthew saw them and grabbed Cole’s hand and pulled him away.
China jumped on her. Vanessa rolled over and pinned China to the ground.
Vanessa: You must be stupid to mess with Vanessa.
She grabbed her blade and lifted it up. Cole (Still weak) Turned his head and saw her.
Cole: CHINA!!
Vanessa sliced China in the gut with her blade.
China: *Gasping for breath* If I go down i go down fighting TRUIT! MATTHEW! PLAN GUITAR!
Truit grabbed his guitar and danced to china then he threw it to matthew who was closer to China. Matthew caught it and flipped it to China. She grabbed it and punched Vanessa
China: Thats for calling me stupid.
She punched her so hard she flew out the building!
Lord Garmadon and Pythor: RETREAT!
All the evil ones ran out. Cole ran to China.
Cole: China. Why did you jump at her?
China: I couldn’t let her hurt you. Its fine.
She smiled. Cole had tears in his eyes.
Cole: China.
She dropped her guitar and fell in his arms.
Cole: CHINA!
He picked her up and ran to the Bounty. He ran through the door with everyone else and put on the bed in the infirmary.
Cole: China. Don’t leave me. Please.
He hugged her.
DiDi: Cole. She will be fine you should go.
He walked out the door. He looked back at her.
and looked down.
Will she make it? To be continued…………
Is anyone on? I have been reading OLD OLD COMMENTS AND THERE SOOOOOO COOL! but they were wrote in 2012 and its 2013 soooooooo there gone. );
Most Ninjago fans migrated to more recent posts. Check out the Ninjago section. 😉
Everything is awesome!