If you are a LEGO Ninjago fan, waiting for the 2012 summer sets and spinners, check out this commercial about the upcoming Ninjago spinners! (All of these Ninjago spinner-sets should be available in June.)
I know the Ninjago commercial plays quite fast so you may need to watch it a few times to catch all the details. I also added a few screen-captures and extra images for you, so you can see the spinners better:

#9554 LEGO NINJAGO Zane ZX – small booster-pack, including Zane ZX minifigure, character-card, battle cards, boosters for the spinner (no spinner included), and weapons. Price: $4.99

#9555 LEGO NINJAGO Mezmo – small booster-pack, including Mezmo minifigure, character-card, battle cards, boosters for the spinner (no spinner included), and weapons. Price: $4.99

#9556 LEGO NINJAGO Bytar – small booster-pack, including Bytar minifigure, character-card, battle cards, boosters for the spinner (no spinner included), and weapons. Price: $4.99

#9569 LEGO NINJAGO Spitta – spinner & cards set, including Spitta minifigure, character-card, battle cards, spinner, spinner-crown, and weapons. Price: $9.99

#9570 LEGO NINJAGO NRG Jay– spinner & cards set. Description: Spin your way to victory! Jay has transformed into pure lightning-energy and is ready to strike those slippery snakes down-Spinjitzu style! Use the 4 battle cards included in the set to influence the outcome! Includes: NRG Jay minifigure, character-card, battle cards, transparent spinner, silver spinner-crown, and weapons. Price: $9.99

#9571 LEGO NINJAGO Fangdam – spinner & cards set, including Fangdam minifigure, character-card, battle-cards, spinner, spinner-crown, and weapons. Price: $9.99

#9572 LEGO NINJAGO NRG Cole– spinner & cards set. Description: Spin your way to victory! Cole has transformed into pure earth-energy and is about to take his Spinjitzu skills to the next level! Use the 4 battle cards included in the set to influence the outcome! Includes: NRG Cole minifigure, character-card, battle cards, transparent spinner, golden spinner-crown, and weapons. Price: $9.99

And here is another screen-capture from the Ninjago commercial showing the spinner-sets with all accessories:

So what do you think of the upcoming Ninjago summer spinner sets? Are you planning to collect them all? Share your thoughts in the comment section below. And to see the Ninjago 2012 summer sets head over to the LEGO Ninjago section or check out the posts below:
ya first to commet at last
did not watch the video in case some one commetned first.
Lol, selfish much? JK. The video is pretty good, although I would really like to know what extra spinner pieces come with Cole. (And the other spinner sets, but Cole is my favorite) One question admin, is this just a promotional video or have the spinners actually been released?
Ninja, as I mention in the post, these are scheduled to be released in June. You can see the extra spinner pieces on the last picture. 😉
Hey admin, why is Bytar there? isnt he supposed to be released in september?????
Mezmo, that is a really good question! According to Brickipedia Bytar supposed to be released in September, and Lizaru in June. However Lizaru is not in the commertial, but instead they show Bytar. So I don’t know if Brickipedia is just wrong, or did LEGO change around the release-dates for these two. 😕
Interesting, I would like to have Lizaru first cause I like the Venomari tribe, but if thats true, I guess Bytar will do for the time.
lizaru and bytar both come out in september
that’s waht I thought too. Weren’t there only supposed to be two booster packs in summer and two later?
I say Lizaru is my favourite snakes or mabey it is Acidus
they are so cool
bytar is out (in the samurai mech at least! XD)
I wish they could be released right now
dose anyone have a picture of lloyds super bolt read the dsusripytiion on the link it sounds awesome
the owner of ninmja fan .com please post episode 2 of my story i was santa clause zx
thats me
Ooooooo. Transparency!
Thats awesome!!! I’ve got to save my money!
nrg jay and bytar nrg cole and spitta the booster packs mesmo and zane zx good job well done nrg cole messsejes atahan the arzsen
green ninja is lloyo and samurai x is nya bye bye cole talk tomarow
lolz everyone knew that before the episodes where it was official came out! .3.
fangdam o fangdam come snake eyes or a baby you are
lloyo garmadon too fangdam and nrg cole
Awesome again. Admin, I went on bickepidia and it said there’ll be a tool pack and it will come with KAI NRG. Is that true? When will it be out?
i want nrg jay
i want nya and zane
whos your fav ninja if you like jay nya cheats on him in season 4
i wonder when finn becomes the purple ninja if he is nrg or zx or dx
He won’t. Series 4 is all LIES!!!!!!!
And if it wasn’t they’d have a new type of suit by then. 😐
i cant wait for it to release. i am so going to buy them.also bytar is very small with a huge head
I want Kai NRG and mezmo.
Do the NRG ninjas have the same headpiece as the normal ninjas?
Just Not Silver Or gold 😉
Kai, you should be able to see on the pictures that no, their heads are completely different. The head-color matches the color of their element and their eyes are glowing. 8)
He means the hood
they are slightly differnet, but very siilar to ZX
I’ve got two of the big old sets garmadon’s fortress and lightning dragon battle. My friend gave me a snake staff and a spinner crown.
I have pre ordered the new boosters and have just got the last ones
i allready came up with that scthe idea on 1st january……
can i sew lego…. lol
Wow, I just love the look of the NRG ninjas! I would most likely get NRG Jay, since Jay is my favorite of the ninjas (aside from Lloyd, who hasn’t come out yet). I think I’ll end up buying all of the NRG ninjas anyway, but truthfully I think Cole looked the best. By the way admin, I have gathered all of the pieces for my NRG Lloyd, and I have finished his torso decals. All that I have left is to paint his head wrap (I still don’t have the right kind of paint) and I’ll be done!!!!!
Lloyd, looking forward to seeing your NRG Lloyd minifig! 😀
Instead of painting that white head wrap green, I decided to give the white head wrap to my duplicate of Jay ZX (he looked awesome like that) and paint his old blue head wrap green. That way, he looked so much more like and NRG ninja. The torso decals aren’t as good as I’d hoped, because the paper color doesn’t really fit, and the details are drawn with colored pencil, so the details aren’t very sharp. But, this is my first job, and I’m not a professional, and considering that, I did great. I’ll be sure to send you a picture when I’m done!!!!!! Hope to hear from you soon!
Glad to hear it! You started that a while ago, didn’t you? 😉
Around two moths ago. I ordered the pieces and when they arrived, I didn’t really do anything with them. In fact, I just finished the torso decals two days ago. I was kinda lazy and out it off, but I’m back on track now. By the way Luca, I don’t remember you commenting on that at all. How do you know about it?
i am spending my whole day tring to find out if lego univese will open back up. please come back 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
yes yes yes i found it its coeming back in june. im so happy right now im crying i can barly see the keyboard. thax to the peole who aare bringing it back in june. (snif)
I’ve been here a long time, but only recently started commenting. 😀
Wait, wasn’t your name Lloyd ZX before?
no i used to be zane for green ninja
I mean NRG Lloyd.
LU will be back in june 2013. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES
e mail your friend call 911 tell obama lego universe is coming back hare comethe tears again
(sniff) if (sniff) lego (sniff) universe( sniff) doese (sniff) not (sniff) open (sniff)
WE RIAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aw nuts. When it comes back all everyone’s gonna be talking about is .. That… stupid… LEGO UNIVERSE!!!!!! IT IS SO DUMB I HAVE TO INVENT A NEW WORD FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have a new word for it awesupecooovile
I agree with the “vile” part. BTW vile means descusting. You probably meant “ville”
Which is a suffixe for “village”
i wand lego universe
Tell me About it !! 🙄 Five Stupid Words I…..Hate ……..Lego….Universe 😈 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is my new gravatar working
Yeah I don’t see it either.
No try again
Sorry, but I don’t see your gravitar. 🙁
Yeah, im not keen on lego universe. Im not spending money to buy the dvd or to become a stupid member….. Personally, i think the real
Reason it was shut was that LEGO didnt want people getting too much into virtual bricks, so they stopped it to keep their real bricks going. Wait… Why are we talking about lu?
PS : the ninjago logo looks like ninjagq instead of ninjago!!!
An NRG Lloyd? I can’t wait to see it.
So many Lloyds!!!!! I got confused
Oops. My actual name s Lloyd Garmadon ZX. Not Lloyd ZX. But you are right there is lots of Lloyd’s.
lloyd1 lloyd2 and the lloyd in the hat
in the fake season 3 intro whats up with lloyd creepy link
i made a few twecks to my name
admin dont moderate me my gravatar is different because im on my 3ds right know the one on my computer is gray
I love the new sets. By the way, i’m making some custom fangblades, so you know the gold fang sort of piece that you use for the Scythe of Quakes? Does anyone know which set comes with that piece in silver? And correct me if i’m wrong, but are there: 2 Gold Fangblades (Hypnobrai, Venomari) and 2 Silver Fangblades (Fangpyre, Constrictai) all with a silver lightsaber hilt? Thanks
They’re all silver with a silver lightsaber hilt and one of the emblems from the staffs on the bottom.
It comes in silver in the mountain shrine. (2011 set w/ Kai DX not ZX)
I love all thouse. Im not sure my mom will like the snake booster packs (or snake spinners) but if I have enought $, I’d lie to get them all! 😉 I’m trying to collect all the fire spinners, and I’m only missing Fang-suei and snappa.
Is your Mom scared of Snakes ? 😕
my mom frecked out the first time she saw pythor
hmmm. . . my mom wouldn’t freak outfor anything after she saw lord garmadon in the movie (and that’s the reason I don’t have him. . .)
i het pythor
boys the venomarı.hypnobraı.constrictaı.fangpyre. elements is 4 team
fangdam is bad what you doing nrg cole lloyo zx you nit a nrg team
and ar win
awesome!!!!!!zane zx gets a two sided weapon!
did the person who made the nrg lloyd finish yet
which is better: NRG cole spinner OR mezmo and bytar boosters?
NRG Spinners have very poor sp (only 900!), so I would probably say the two booster packs. Unless you collect cole or don’t have a spinner and arn’t planning on getting any of the others.
bytar booster
thanks for your opinion, it was very helpful.
i think that cole in his true potential form should have a bubble around him like his full potential
I’LL BITE HIM SOME DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how about i bite you too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have a fresh bite right from the oven!!!!
I Love NINJAGO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ME TOOOOOOOOOOO it is my favorite LEGO brand
Is anyone there? (Yes, I know this is not chat, but I am new here, and I’m lonely!)
to make a good custom lloyd print off his torso disign put it on a green body use jays shoulder thingys and paint a custom mask
who ever is making the custom nrg lloyd ill make you a offer for it
ps are you dome yet
this looks terrible
Yeah, that’s pretty bad. 🙁
Wow. Thumbs down.
There’s a better one I saw somewhere only it had Jay’s head…
When I find it I’ll link my name to it. 😉
it looks like a 6 year old made it
Are those flames on his helmet??? I say nay nay to that green
ninja =P
I see your Gravatar now! Cool!
LOL! That’s funny! LEGO should really make a pink ninja! I would love to get one! Go, pink ninja, go! 😀
That is hilarious! I love the pink ninja!
that’s pretty cool!!
Thanx! I love that face Jay is making!
i dont know what to say!
i know, is the spinners going to be realesed when the sets are?
its kai not kal
the guy whos making the nrg lloyd when will you be done
i got a new avatar woohoo! but i also loved the vid
hi friends
isnt there supposed to be a tools pack with NRG kai and snike? Im confused.
NRG Kai and Chokun, not snike. So far, I have not heard of any spinner/booster pack with snike – although totalling the 25 character cards leaves room for him.
i love this website if im not hear im watching wrestling
Ya, pink ninja!
Thats wierd, my comments up here. Sorry
Ya! pink ninja power! (:
Whenever i make comment it appears up here. HELP!
P.S i am new, so im very clumsey at commenting. 😀
hi lloyo zx i hurt my leg new ninjago
ninjago last packs in lego@ninjagos
what are we talking about ???? you can get one of the spinners that is not out on Amazon it has NRG Kai
yep i got it
looks familler
Hm… wonder why they changed Nia’s hair. She was fine as she was. 😕
Nia looks better in short hair. Long hair dose`nt look right.
I agree. Although I don’t really think she looks that good anyways.
I dont get this for some reason I dont know what you are talking about admin.
Kai, we are talking about the eBay auction Santa shared. 😉
Guy’s, the weapon pack (9591) is out on amazon!
I ordered it! 😀
James, sweet! Let us know how you like the set! 😀
and could you tell us what cards are included, please! 😉
WHAT. I thought they will be realesd in Augest
Just bought it at Target, have no idea why it’s out.
Chokun’s Cards included are:
Gateway Gaurdian-Ice
Elemental Shift-Ice
Circluar Saw-Earth
Lava Puddle-Fire
NRG Kai’s Cards are:
Ring of Fire-Fire
Spitfire Snake-Fire
Sensei’s Whistle-Lightning
Strike Down-Lightning
The Set is great, alot of good weapons!
Nice! Thanks for sharing that! 😀
Can you post what the cards do?
Now it cost 34.99 on amazon.com!
P.S. can you realy buy the weapons pack at target because last time i checked it wasnt there?
Pythor, please keep in mind that not all target stores carry the same stock. 😉
Sorry I could not post the cards, I was busy, thanks x2012 for posting it, also its a great set!
I also think it would be a good idea to post the 9591 weapons pack somewhere on this site so that everyone can know it’s out. 😉
UPDATE: New post with some tips & tricks with Spinjitsu spinner cards from our latest TFOL contributor, gid617. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome! Check it out here: Fun with the LEGO Ninjago Spinjitsu Cards 🙂
im the last 1 to commet
UPDATE: new post on the summer Ninjago spinners is now up with lots of pictures. See here: New LEGO Ninjago Spinners Enjoy! 😛
hello I am the stranger
admin, i thought that there was a slithera i may be wrong but i saw him in a video at the new york toy fair
please respond
Perhaps… so many snakes! It is hard to keep up! 😉
My favorite ninjago guys are
my are kai lloyd cole zane nya jay
admin this is the link i found slithera here it is ps its the first spinner they show. 😉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dvs86GjCGA
Pia, that’s a nicely done video. And yes, I see Slithera too! 🙂
if you havent seen it here is the finshed slithraa spinner http://images.wikia.com/lego/images/3/3c/SlithraaBox.jpg
thank you admin, so i have a question will there be a Slithera spinner set, 😉
and if there will be when will it be out? 🙂
Well, if they have shown it at the Toy Fair, then yes, there should be one, released sometime later in the year. 😉
thanks admin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
mean nya kils kai cole jay zane
no she doesn’t. 🙄
admin, is there a way i could get zane’s speeder bike separately. 😉
Pia, you can consider trading with a friend or just get the parts on BrickLink. 😉
admin, how could i find the parts that i need if i don’t have the manual? 😉
thanks. 🙂
IM BUYING NRG JAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pia, good question! You can download the building instructions on LEGO’s website for any current (and even past) sets. 😉
Admin, can you send me a link to zane’s speeder bike manual on lego.com?
Pia, go to this page and just type in the set number to download the instructions: https://www.lego.com/en-us/service/buildinginstructions?domainredir=service.lego.com
Nrg Jay is awesome totally getting him
Spittas card is a remade version of fang suei. I know everything O_O
hey guys i havent been on lately have i?
well to fill you in ive been on a cruise and i am now in FL on my dads comp. its pretty fast so ill be able to talk more.
Nice to have you back! 😉
sooper dooper pooper!
no description needed. read name
is fang suei pronounced FANG SWAY or FANG SWEE
It is the same as the pronunciation of feng shui. Here is the MacMillan Dictionary’s website and you can listen to the pronunciation: https://www.macmillandictionary.com/pronunciation/british/feng-shui
it sounds like this: fang sue-e 😉
when does lloyd zx [the green ninja] come out in summer
guys im really exited i while ago i orderd a NRG kai and chokun pack thats gonna be released in june but im gonna have it sooner!so exited!
i already have that