If you collect the LEGO minifigure series, or even if you just have a large collection of minifigs from various themes, sooner or later you will ask yourself the question; what is the best way to store them and display them?
Of course there are many great LEGO storage solutions; from simple storage boxes, to advanced storage systems, and we talked about these before in the Care & Feed of LEGO section. However most likely you wouldn’t just want to keep your minifigures hidden away in a storage box, but would like to have them on display.
Ideally, the best solution would serve the dual purpose of both showcasing and protecting your most cherished LEGO minifigures. Below I will show you some LEGO storage and display ideas LEGO-fans came up with for their minifigures. Also, there are some LEGO storage solutions provided by LEGO for minifigure displays, and I will show you those as well.
One way to display your LEGO minifigures is to build them a simple display-stand from LEGO bricks. The nice feature of the display-stand made by Doctor Mobius (see below – click image to enlarge) is that he used the package-color for each of the collectible minifigure series as the color of the background – yellow for Series One, blue for Series Two, etc.
Here is another brick-built LEGO display by Lukas Sogor. He uses a similar brick-built technique for displaying his LEGO Star Wars minifigures.
And here LEGO magnets are used (readily available from the magnet sets) to display minifigures on a metal surface (i.e. refrigerator door):
This last picture is from Ernesto Carrillo, displaying his LEGO Star Wars minifigures. He also uses the LEGO magnets, as well as small LED lights (available on eBay: see here) to build the ultimate LEGO Star Wars minifigure storage and display case.
The benefit of a LEGO brick-built display case is that you can always expand it or change it according to your needs, and build it in any shape, size and color you want. I also like the open design which makes the minifigures easily accessible for playtime. The downside is that you would need to dust of your collection from time to time. Although I’m sure you could add some LEGO windows or clear doors if you really want.
You can also use display-cases from other hobbies that work quite well for LEGO minifigures. For example take a look at these cheap, but very nice wooden boxes originally made for displaying coffee-pads. 🙄
Here is another nice LEGO minifigure storage solution using IKEA display-cases, some LEGO bricks, and a little glue. (Click image for larger view.)
And how about this one; using a golf-ball display-case! This cabinet is available on Amazon.com in black, cherry, oak and walnut finishes. Here is the link: 49 Golf Ball Display Case Cabinet Holder Rack w/ UV Protection
The benefit of closed display cases is that they will protect your LEGO collection from dust (also, as you see on the golf-ball cabinet, it even protects your minifigures from UV rays!). And if you get the right kind of display-case, you should still have easy access to your minifigs by simply opening a door. The downside of these display-cases is that their shape and size is fixed, so it is a good idea to do a bit of thinking ahead before making a purchase. It would also be smart to buy several of the cases at one time if you think that your collection will grow – this way you can ensure that you will have them available when you need them.
💡 If you are handy with tools you can make your own LEGO storage and display case. Here is a nice tutorial on how to make one: How to Make a LEGO Minifigure Display Case.
Recently LEGO also came out with their own LEGO minifigure storage and display cases. They come in several sizes and colors, they are stackable, and provide a wonderful solution to display your collectible LEGO minifigures and other minifigs. The best prices for these are on Amazon.com. See here: Lego Minifigure Storage Case

So what is your LEGO minifigure storage and display solution? Do you use one of the methods mentioned above, or something entirely different? If you like, you can share your own LEGO minifigure storage and display ideas in the comment section below. 😉
You might also want to check out the Care & Feed of LEGO section for other LEGO storage solutions, or just pick from the posts below:
ya first one to comment!
Saying “first comment” is not a comment. Please write something more meaningful to add to the conversation. Thank you. 😐
Actually, they’re even cheaper when you order directly from Schylling:
I just ordered 2 more from them for Series 7 and presumably Series 8.
Thanks, Johnathan! 🙂
This is a great comprehensive overview. I’ve been looking around for a solution that’ll hit all the marks for me but haven’t really found one yet: dust-free, easy/front access to the minifigs in the display, and inexpensive. I haven’t really seen one that hits all three, though as time passes and my buying power increases, the expensive won’t be as much of an issue. Until that time, a lot of my minifigs are being kept in empty tins that used to house butter cookies or they’re just sitting on my desk and bookshelf.
YTjedi, I’m sure your minifigs don’t mind the cookie jars! 😉
Displaying minifigs is an always evolving process. Personally I like my minifigs to be very accessible, so I used a metallic sheet that I attached to the wall, painted it the same color as the rest of the wall, and use the LEGO magnets to display them. The whole project costs me less than $10. Since I always use them for various MOCs they don’t really get dusty.
But then again; if I would be a collector and would have a collection of very rare minifigs, I would probably go with something more protective. I like those golf-ball cases actually. Especially in white and black.
Just watch the waist-line of your minifigs in the cookie-tins! They are already kind of chubby! 🙄
I just keep my favorite minifigs (less than a dozen) on display. I take the rest apart and store the pieces in theor own separate compartments in a sorting box. That way it’s easy to get any kind of piece you want! I don’t break my Minifigs from the series down, though.
Yeah, nice, huh? 🙄
Ernesto has a huge collection! The figs are so cool. Im so Jelus that he has them. Star wars Is awesome very cool.
My only problem is that I cant decide whether to make a brick display from my SW figs or do what I do know and put the figures in huge battles and put the vntg ones in a display case
I would definitely vote for huge battles! I strongly believe that minifigs don’t like to be just standing in a display-case. They are meant to do stuff! 🙄
Yeah I love looking at the battles! I just wish I had some more transparent bricks to make some space battles. I tried hanging my mini Death Star but it kept spinning and I was afraid it would fall 🙁 .
Have you tried fishing-tread? It is strong and pretty much invisible. Get the kind rated for big fish if you worry about the weight. I have also seen people use glass-shelving for space displays. Putting space-ships on different levels, and giving the illusion they are flying. 😉
Im more afraid of the brick the string is on coming off and the ship comes crashing to the ground.
Oh, I see what you mean. Yeah, that could be an issue. You could glue the piece, but you may not want to do that. If you do end up gluing it I recommend regular school-glue instead of something harsh. Many LEGO model-builders use it. It is fairly strong, won’t damage your bricks, and removable. Another option is to thread the string thru the model or loop it around it for a more secure attachment. It is worth a try. 😉
I have a cabinet with see through doors in my room that i display some of my figures in. I have most of my CMF figures on the top with some atlantis, HP, and POTC on the second shelf. At this time, the rest is between 2 small boxes, loose in a drawer, and a 2 tray tackle box in or on my rolling cart plus the parts of some figures i’m making between 2 small containers in the top drawer of the cart.
I’ve thought about putting some of my favorite figures in display in my room, especially the nexus astronauts i’m making thanks to a torso lot find on ebay, but i have no where to put them. The cats get into everything so on top of my dresser isn’t an option, even if i could find a wall mountable display case on the cheap i don’t have anywhere to hang it that the cats wouldn’t get to unless i take down one of my hardware organizers, and my cabinet is getting pretty close to capacity so that isn’t an option unless i only put the figures on the third shelf. Plus since i spend almost all of my day out of the room, i’d rather have my figures close to me.
Sherrie, so sorry, somehow your comment ended up being caught by the spam-filter. 🙁
Yes, if you have pets it is best to keep your collection away from them. Displaying and storing minifigures is a very individual process and people will do it different ways for different reasons. I also like to have them close so they are ready for action, but I also respect collectors who carefully preserve and display their minifigures. LEGO is a great hobby for a great variety of people. That’s the awesome thing about it. 😉
I’m thinking about trying to find some sort of wall mountable case. When i made the post, i had completly forgotten that we are moving a desk into my room so i’ll have display space. And with the desk, i’ll have somewhere to spend time during the day
Sherrie, looks like you will have some fun with your new space! If you have a wide enough desk and it is pushed back to a wall, you can also just place display cases (like the stackable LEGO cases) right on the desk. This way your minifigs are right at hand, but also protected. 😉
I figured I mention it in light of this wonderful post, but Joann’s Fabric and Craft store is having a 60% off sale on frames, and it seems to include shadowboxes and display cases. It looks like it’s just online, but some of their stores might be having it too. Here’s the link:
They also have scrapbook supplies and storage on sale 40% off too, but that probably fits more with the storage and organization posts.
For those that like keeping their pieces in drawers and cases with compartments for sorting the smaller pieces. (I’m looking at you extra cheese wedges that come in almost every set!)
YTjedi, nice find! I love Joann’s! They even have that golf-ball display case on sale that I like! Shipping fees are expensive though, so I think it would be worth to try to see the selection of a local Joann’s. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
We bought two of the golf ball display cases and then have been buying the LEGO storage display case that is stackable. Toys R Us sells them between $23 and $25. It’s varied over the last several months. I just picked up a blue one for $23, which I hadn’t seen before.
Sarah,, nice! I really like those stackable cases too. They are quite practical and look LEGO-ish. 🙂
I made a brick built minifigure display. So far it only has two levels though and can only fit four minifigs! 😛
Good start! My strategy of LEGO building is to have basically piles of LEGO mini’s, then separate them for my needs, like right now I’m building apoca-lego, so I take all of my zombies and terrorists, marines and stuff and put them in one pile, while the rest go to elsewhere. Sometimes I take civilians and arm them for a street battle, so I take a wad of civilian bodies and put them in a pile, and then I take a wad of random vehicles I build and put them into the pile too, I build the setup… And BOOM! I assort the guys and vehicles onto the battlefield, and then make a storyline, get it prepared for mocpages and then not bother to post it because I am too lazy, (just had to add the last part 😀 )
Chronicler, I know what you mean. Taking photos and writing up stories is a lot of work, and not nearly as fun as setting it all up. 🙄
Hello, i have an version 2.0 of my Star Wars Minifig display. This is the link:
Thank you!
Ernesto, yeah, I saw that yesterday! Looks gorgeous! 😀
i put most of my minifigs on my bookshelf and the rest in a box, but I’m kind of woried because the end of their pants might scratch their faces. :[
I used to just dump all of mine in with all my other Legos (dumb I know) but then when I got more minifigures (and Legos) I kept them in a seperate container. I don’t think I want a big display case for them ecspecially since a lot of my people are in pieces most of the time 🙂 Even though dumping all of them in a box together probably isn’t the best way to avoid cracked arms it is cardboard so it doesn’t hurt them to hit the sides.
Strider, LEGO is actually pretty tough and can stand up to a lot of use and even abuse. Still, if you take care of them nicely they wil reward you with many-many years of play. Even for generations. 😉
For anybody dealing with minifigs with loose hands, a way that usually works is to switch them around with other minifig hands. That’s what I did with my Asajj Ventress minifig, and both were fine. And, if you haven’t thought of this already, you can put sets on top of their boxes on the floor if you’re having trouble finding room for them. However, I wouldn’t advise stacking for height, though, because they can be kind of wobbly. :l
Yes, that is one way to deal with loose hands. You can also run the hand under hot water and bend it back to a stronger grip. They mould quite easily. 😉
I meant more in the terms of the hands twisting too easily, but thanks a million.
I ought to try that with my favourite Kit Fisto fig, as his lightsaber comes off very easily. 🙂
I was wondering if anyone is interested in these custom minifigure bases I have had made from aircraft grade aluminium, anodised and laser etched.
Please look at the flickr link and let me know what you think please.
Kind Regards Richard
Richard, they look fantastic! Let me know if you want to have a feature post about them. 😉
Wow! Love the colour-coded idea… would work well with my minifigures in my room, as I only have windowsill space (about 1.5 metres high) because of some certain little fingers… Cant have it to high though though coz it might fall… Thanks for the suggestions : )
I’ve recently posted a closed & all-LEGO minifigure display case with integrated LEGO Power Functions LEDs on Cuusoo. Have a look on it – and if you like it – support me. Thanks!
Alcyon thanks for sharing! Looks a big expensive, but nicely done. 🙂
I am VERY interested in the display case above that uses 9 white rectangular “shadow box” type shelves. “You can also use display-cases from other hobbies that work quite well for LEGO minifigures. For example take a look at these cheap, but very nice wooden boxes originally made for displaying coffee-pads.”
But I don’t know what a coffee-pad is??? Do you have more information on where I can find these for myself?
Samantha, you can ask where RobErNat go this boxes. He is from Belgium. Here is the link to his Bricklink store. You can contact him from there: http://www.bricklink.com/store.asp?p=RobErNat
You can find a lot of different display boxes like that or similar to the ones RobErNat used on Amazon. For example, check out this one. It is almost the same as the coffee-pad box: Watch Box Large 12 Mens Black Leather Display Glass Top Jewelry Case Organizer
We have put together a series of Lego Minifigure Display Cases w/ Custom Card Backs for that have a great nostalgic Retro feel. Please visit our website and help spread the word!
New store for Lego Minifigures Display http://bitly.com/LegoFrame
The final solution to your Lego minifigures. Show them in an organized way and keep them safe and dust free. https://www.etsy.com/es/shop/LegoMinifiguresFrame
Those are actually pretty nice! 🙂
Hey! new web site for Lego Minifigures Frame http://www.minifiguresdisplay.com
Came across this guide on how to store lego minifigures, must read
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