(Written by Nathan K. – ntk743)
Pictures of the 2013 LEGO Ninjago sets have been finally revealed, so I thought to share them with you here. I have to say that in my opinion they look amazing! Like, the best Ninjago sets ever! I’m not sure of the exact release date of the 2013 Ninjago sets, but my guess is sometime in January. So let’s look at the upcoming sets one by one. Enjoy! 😛

➡ #70500 LEGO NINJAGO KAI’S FIRE ROBOT:To get the four legendary blades of Fire, Lightning, Ice and Earth, the ninja must awaken the Golden Robot! Lord Garmadon sends a scouting party, and is trying to take the Fire-blade from Kai, but Kai is expecting him! You can create the battle between the crossbow-scout and Kai’s Fire Robot. Begin the battle for the Fire Blade! Minifigures included: Kai and Waruwaru samurai scout.

This set looks cool, although it is a lot smaller than I thought it would be. If I wasn’t a Kai fan, I probably wouldn’t buy it, but since I am, of course I will! Below is a detailed picture of the set with Kai’s awesome mech.

➡#70501 LEGO NINJAGO SAMURAI BIKE: Lord Garmadon’s soldier minions are aimed at Jay’s Lightning Blade! If the blade is stolen, he will not be able to awaken the Golden Robot. Gone will be the means to stop Lord Garmadon! The enemy is equipped with a high-speed missile attack. Jay wonders if it is possible to escape with a rocket-pack! Minifigures included: Jay and Waruwaru samurai warrior.

This set is quite remarkable! I love the treads on the bike and the minifigs! Jay’s suit is very nice and the samurai is awesome! I don’t want this set as much as some of the others, but if you are a Jay fan, you will probably like it!

➡ #70502 LEGO NINJAGO COLE’S POWER DRILL: Waruwaru Samurai minions have claimed Cole’s Earth Blade. In this state, he will not be able to awaken the Golden Robot! Cole rides a super tough Power Drill to take the blade back! Try spinning the drill to start the engine! The Power Drill will plow through any obstacle. Take back the blade before it is too late! Minifigures included: Cole and Waruwaru samurai swordsman.

Nice set, do you agree? It reminds me of one of the old LEGO Power Miner sets with that giant drill at the front.

➡ #70504 LEGO NINJAGO GARMATRON: The strongest warriors of Lord Garmadon, the Kozu General, have stolen the Ice-blade. He is trying to ride away in the Garmatron straight to the world of darkness. Zane is following the Kozu General in his ice-speeder! Successfully dodge the Garmatron’s secret missiles and take the blade back! Minifigures included: Zane, four-armed Kozu General, Waruwaru samurai swordsman.

Check out that four-armed Stone Warrior! Isn’t he awesome?! I also love the front and back treads on the Garmatron, and the giant mouth looking thing at the front! This set is at the top of my wanted list, but make sure you keep reading because I saved the best for last! 🙄

➡ #70503 LEGO NINJAGO GOLDEN DRAGON: In order to confront the soldiers of Lord Gamadon, Golden Ninja Lloyd calls upon the Golden Dragon. Lloyd mounts the Golden Dragon in preparation for the battle! Bombard the enemy with huge wingbeats! Fire the dragon sphere! The power of the Golden Dragon returns the minions of Lord Garmadon to the world of darkness! Minifigures included: Golden Ninja Lloyd, Waruwaru samurai scout, Waruwaru samurai warrior.

The Golden Dragon is awesome! Also the Golden Ninja. There is still some discussion if the Golden Ninja is indeed Lloyd, but I’m pretty sure it is Lloyd as he is the ninja destined to defeat the Dark Lord, and besides, if you look closer you will see green in his golden suit. 😉

➡ #70505 LEGO NINJAGO TEMPLE OF LIGHT: The epic final battle has begun in the land of Ninjago! Golden Ninja Lloyd and Sensei Wu enter deep into the Temple of Light! Stealthily sneaking in front of Lord Garmadon and his minions, they place the four blades Fire, Lightning, Ice, and Earth to awaken the Golden Robot! Minifigures included: Golden Ninja Lloyd, Lord Garmadon, Sensei Wu, Waruwaru samurai scout, Waruwaru samurai warrior.

Of course this set is at the top of my wanted-list, and I bet yours too! This is the epic final battle between good and evil! Who will win?

Also, here is another close-up picture of some of the main characters, including the Golden Ninja (see the green in his uniform?), Zane in his new kimono-suit, a stone warrior, and a stone-army leader, a.k.a. Kozu General.

So what do you think? Which one of the 2013 LEGO Ninjago sets do you like the most? And who do you think the Golden Ninja is? And how do you like the other characters? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below! 🙂
You may also like to visit the LEGO Ninjago section for more news, reviews and videos. You can also check out my other posts listed below:
ITS AWSOOOOOOOOME i love it!!!!!!
Wow, I love the Golden Ninja’s outfit.
Im gonna get Cole’s Power Drill!
josh of course your going to get it.
I really want the golden dragon! I found the last 2 episodes on youtube. poor quality of course but still pretty good
episode 25:
episode 26 pt 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRMm7ycQ3o4
part 2:
A some dod you are good at that.
Me too
Awww what ever happend to the four headed dragon
Its in ninjago city
Forget the serpentine
I guess they never made the mega wepon
you’re wrong
the ultra dragon is in ninjago city just watch ep 22.
The golden dragon is an attack, not a real dragon. But Lego gets it mixed up sometimes. It’s still cool though.
you’re wrong too
that is incorrect, in episode 26 when battling the overlord Lloyd’s Armour turns golden then he creates the golden dragon to help him fight the overlord
There are different kinds of lego sets sometimes that are not applicable to the episodes, but 2013 sets are what I am looking forward to! I heard that the number of lego pieces for “Kai’s Fire blade” is 67, but I’m gonna want both that and “Temple of Light” for the holidays.
I like the samurai bike!
wow i can’t believe that ninjagos getting replaced in january thats so freigen stupid.
josh i know your going to get coles power drill you showed me the picture at school.
I love all these sets mostly the temple of light but i hope that skales and the serpentine come back
The serpentine are locked underground where the stone army was, the great devourer’s venom got into the tomb and the stone army came to life and they battled the serpentine and beat them and left leaving the serpentine locked underground
I have the original green ninja. Now I want the gold ninja with his golden dragon.
cool! im a huge ninjago and jay fan. the dragon and the stone bike is both cool!
how much is the light temple?
They are coming out with the dark dragon.
In the last set (the one with the golden samurai mech) there is no general stone samurai instead there is transformed Garmadon
I just want to know one thing about all of these sets how much are?
the garmadon is OVER LORD!!!
actually the overlord takes over lord Garmadon when the balance is destroyed.
That is what I meant
i think 80 dollars
Are any of you into pokemon?
I’m not
There is new updates on Happy Wheels. http://www.totaljerkface.com
A new pokemon series is coming out in december. It is called Plasma Gale.
They need to make a set that has 8 minifigures that were in the show and aren’t for sale here is the 8
1 Jay’s Dad
2 Jay’s Mom
3 Misako
4 Sensei Dareth
5 Overlord (As Dog Dude)
6 Cole’s Dad
7 Evil Nya
8 Nya (in her fancy outfit)
That’s actually a really good idea! A special set with the extra characters! What about the ninja in pijamas so we can have their hair pieces? 😉
That ia an AWESOME idea also for 6 Cole’s Dad he should have all the other singers that sing with him
the Overlord is not a dog. Didnt you see the episode when the
Overlord turn into a dragon?
The golden ninja is obviously lloyd because the flags are all green and the description of the golden dragon set says that the golden ninja is lloyd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I think all of them are cool but the creator should put more Lego parts on some of the sets
Can somebody tell me the prices?
All I know is that the Temple of light is $60.00
I think they should have made the golden dragon set bigger.It should be golden Lloyd,Misako,evil Nya,sensei Dereth,golden dragon and overlord dragon.Also,the power drill should come with zane’s dad too.
I think they should have made the golden dragon set bigger.It should be golden Lloyd,Misako,evil Nya,sensei Dereth,golden dragon and overlord dragon.Also,the power drill should come with zane’s dad too.Other than that,all the sets rock.
I think the golden dragon set should come with Misako,golden Lloyd,sensei Dereth,evil Nya,golden dragon,wolf-like overlord and overlord dragon.Also,the power drill should come with zane’s dad.
Why can ninjago already have the prices out? I really want the dragon and the samurai bike!
I’m sure LEGO will list the sets and prices soon enough. After all we are almost in 2013! So be patient; we are almost there! 😉
I like Jay’s new suit; all of them actually!
I think there is a large lack of mini figures in these sets. For example, the garmadon machine will probably retail for about $50, but it only has two mini figs. The light temple will most likely retail for about $120, but it has only has 4 mini figs v.s. the same priced fire temple or dragon battle that has like 6 or 7. Does anyone agree?
Hm… good notice… 😐
no finnal battle of golden ninja vs overlord but thats the best part the finnal battle!
I wish general kozu came with all four butterfly blades.
It is sad that kimono Lloyd only comes in the character encyclopedia.
will there be a way we can get the golden dragon set before Christmas?
I have a son I could make really happy on the 25th.
Zippy, that is going to be a tough one, and I’m afraid it might not be possible. The set is not scheduled for release until the end of January. Historically Toys’R’Us is the one that tends to list sets earlier than the official release date, but I’m talking about something like 2 weeks early. Not a month ahead.
If I see it pop up anywhere I can let you know, but to be honest I would just get something else as there is slim chance you will find it before Christmas. Not to speak of having it delivered. BTW, the set number is #70503. This might also help you looking for it. I’m sorry I couldn’t give you better news!. 🙁
They sell it on http://www.amazon.co.uk
Last year lego released their 2012 sets on Dec. 1 and that was awesome. Why can’t they do that this year?
I think they should put the pwr llyod in green in the set , why do they have to put pwr llyod in the ninjago book ? Why cant they put ninjago set with the hair ? Why cant they put overloard turn into a dragon ? Why cant they make a training temple with sensei wu and kai inside in the set like in the show ?
I know right!!!!
everyone i like the new sets how about Lloyd,s father when he came back with out the divorer bite do you like that.
well do you
I think the samurai bike will only be $15 because it has a lot of similarity with the skull motorbike from 2011, which was also $15. I hope it will be.
In the darling of elmore high I know my English was not correct ooops ! I forgot to tell you guys that I am a girl and I Ilike boy toys and not girl toys and I have to website .
In the darling of elmore high I know my English was not correct .
The Golden Ninja is Lloyd!!!!!!!
Hey, Admin I have a question, were do you live???
I know we’re on here to talk about these AWESOME lego sets, but can you?????
P.S. I live in Lincoln, Nebraska,and they have a Toys r us down here and they have the new City sets, Ninjago sets(I’m not joking),Teenage Mutant ninja turtles sets, and a new theme of legos called Galaxy Squad!!!!
Please Reply :0
Zane, I’m not sure what you mean. I’m in Florida. It’s not like I live at the end of the world or something. Also, I have been keeping you guys updated on all the new sets and themes. We have talked about Galazy Squad and TMNT extensively already. They have been available for a couple of weeks now. I would suggest that besides just reading the Ninjago posts you also explore other sections of the site. Otherwise you miss out on the latest news. 🙄
I do too! I haven’t been to TRU in a while. Do they really have the New ninjago sets?
I have all of the sets ypu just saw
I have all of the sets you just saw
I think they should put Dareth , inside the box . And why cant put misako , Coles dad and Jays parents in the 2013 set ?
yeah the should i wonder why not?i want them because they are funny
Green ninja the giant snake is not called divorer it is called Divourer
, your English is rong .
Oh I forgot to tell you guys they should put Zanes father inside too .
Okay someone is lying. I live in Lincoln too, and I went to ToyRUs yesterday. and they said they haven’t received the New Ninjago sets.
Yeah, I had that feeling. 🙄
yeah you are right but i can wait until the new ninjago lego sets come
I just picked up Kai’s Mech and Cole’s drill at our Toy’s R Us yesterday. I’m not sure when they came in, but I went yesterday morning and saw the shelf full of all the sets except the Golden Dragon. I was with my son, so I couldn’t make a purchase. I went back to the store around 6:30 that night and all that was left were 2 of Cole’s drills a few mechs, and 3 Garmadon sets. I couldn’t believe it how fast they went and I’m glad I didn’t wait until the weekend.
Yes, they are flying off the shelves really fast as many kids requested these for Christmas. Thanks for sharing! I’m glad you got the sets you wanted! 🙂
I really want those sets so bad!!!!!!! If u sell them on seen site tall me!!!
tell me too i l want those lego sets so bad
The Gold Ninja and Dragon looks AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!
I Know who the golden ninja is!!!
Lloyd Garmadon
@Ninjago Fan 1# I found the sets on Amazon.co.uk
really what stuff is on that website
@ benjamin obiwan poli, any word or prices?
Where can we get them? Santa needs help getting it by Christmas!!
There are the 2013 LEGO Ninjago sets. There is a slight possibility they may come out earlier, but don’t count on it. Toys’R’Us is the retailer that tends to sell LEGO sets a bit earlier than the actual release date. So if you have a TRU near you, you can give them a call. 😉
just make sure they wont be too expensive
in my toysrus they have it but my mom says i already have my christmas present
hey guys i wander if ninjago season 4 will come
Lloyd, there is no Season 4. Ninjago is being replaced by Legends of Chima. 😉
what is the golden ninja sword on the pictures of ninjago 2013 lego sets
I want it
But is not out yet here in Sngapore
OMG, guys, I’ve just got my free Minecraft giftcode!
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Today I got the ninjago character encyclopedia , it includes the kimono Lloyd mini fig! He is awesome but a little less awesome than I expected because the details are kind of small. I wonder if the other kimono ninja will be similar?
Yeah, the issue is that we see these huge awesome pictures online and then we get disappointed when we get our small minifig. I always knew the kimono version is not going to be my favorite as the print is so tiny and also very dark. But still it is a unique version, so I would suggest you keep him. 😉
My ninja our very good! If you could get me some travelers tea please.
“OK” This Is a b
oy and PPLLEEAASSEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! send me lego ninjago 2013 sets
Lloyde is the golden ninja dummy. Just look on the show episode 26 season 3 or 4. And green and gold both have the letter G in front of all the letters. Jes, wats rong with you?
Daniel, please note that date of this article as well as the comments. It was not possible to know for sure who the Golden Ninja was at that time. No need to call people names just because they couldn’t tell the future. 😉
gold ninja stinkin’ awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nederlands: Ik vind de Garmatron het coolst, en die heb ik ook!
English: I like the Garmatron the most, and I got it too!
Dirk, glad you got it already! Merry Christmas! 😀
The gold ninja is m’y favorite
Brickipedia has the planned prices in USD for them. Here they are:
Kai’s Fire Mech: 6.99
Warrior Bike: 14.99
Cole’s Earth Driller: 29.99
Golden Dragon: 29.99
Garmatron: 39.99
Temple of Light: 59.99
Well, it’s pretty obvious, after season three, the ninjago has ended. There is a brown ninja added, who wears Kozu’s helmet by accident and controls the stone army. The Golden Ninja is Lloyd after he has some energy ball explosion against ‘Darkness Dragon’ (some creature that is responsible for all evil) and when the dragon dies, Lloyd can summon a gold dragon. Lloyd is Garmadon’s son and when the dragon dies, Garmadon changes back into a human. SIMPLE!
Hey Lol?, actualy Lego Ninjago is going to continue in 2014. Here is proof. http://thebrickblogger.com/2013/11/2014-lego-ninjago-rebooted-new-trailers/ See? This is the trailer for 2014 4th season of Lego Ninjago. There are gonna be 8 more episodes. Look at this too! http://thebrickblogger.com/2013/10/lego-ninjago-2014-sets-more-images/ Here is one of the sets that will come in 2014 or this December on the 20th. So ninjago is not doomed.
Please note that you are looking at an old post. Always check the date of the posts as well as the date of the comments. Just go to the Ninjago section to find all the latest updates, including the new trailers you mentioned and all the new sets. 😉
I changed your links to the updates here. Many of the youngers kids here are restricted from visiting outside links. 😉
I have all of the sets there but you now the mechs arm it kinda wobbley well mine is
I got all of them except for the golden dragon.
Now I have every single ninjago minifigure from all three seasons
I wonder why the pirates are not in the new sets but the Stone Army members are cause the pirates appered before them!!!!!!!!!!
im getting the teple of light by..next weekend maybe?
i’m getting the light temple for my birthday
i em a huge lego fan and not all the sets r out in australia yet so i only have the garmatron but i hope to get all the other sets and i hope theres more sets and spinners i always reaserch lego i know all the 2013 lego sets so far and ive even seen a season 4 poster of ninjago i also found out about a purple ninja and nai has two twins they call them i think edd and eddna
Ya I only have the samurai bike it’s really awesome it shoots missles and every thing.
Lloyd, golden ninja, me too! In june!
Then I have all the sets!
Awsome can’t wait to get them 😉
I’m getting the temple of light for my birthday. SCORE
I am a kai fan and I have the kai ad my brother is going to get the garmatron
hey kids i am kai and ninjago isnt gong to end but lets see
I have the Garmatron, the fire mech and I’m getting the golden dragon today.
Hey guys! I got the enclopedia book theres a green ninja for free
and it shows you the sets.
Nice book, isn’t it? 😀
Admin does no one write stories anymore?
Story-writing is still fresh and alive! Just go over to the Episode 26 post. They are all there. 😉
wow A lot of story writers have left 🙁
COOL!.Those pictures are AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!! DO SOME MORE!