As we have discussed previously LEGO Legends of Chima sets are now starting to surface and they are also listed at theOnline LEGO Shop. Today I would like to share with you a couple of pictures (courtesy of Huw from Brickset), and also a video that gives us a first look of a member of the sixth tribe; the Gorillas! 🙄
LEGO LEGENDS OF CHIMA BAD GUYS: the three animal tribes that are considered to be the bad guys are the Crocodiles, Ravens and Wolves. See members of the tribes below (click image for larger view.)

➡ LEGO Legends of Chima Crocodile tribe – 5 members: Crominus, Cragger, Crooler, Crug, and Crawley. Crominus appears to be the king as he has a golden head-piece, a cape and shoulder-pads, and Cragger the military-general, guessing from the cape and shoulder-pads. Crooler is a female croc, and Crawley appears to be a generic croc-warrior. Why Crug is brown is not known. Perhaps a different species? A member of a lost tribe? I’m sure there is going to be a back-story to reveal his identity.
➡ LEGO Legends of Chima Raven tribe – 4 members: Rawzom, Razar, Rizzo, and Razcal. Rawzom appears to be the leader due to his golden shoulder-pads and head-ornament. In general this tribe looks pretty raggedy – as Ravens usually are – but still awesome!
➡ LEGO Legends of Chima Wolf tribe – 4 members: Worriz, Wakz, Wilhurt, and Winzar. Worriz appears to be the leader, and Wakz the military-general, while the other two are generic warriors – all with some serious battle-scars – looks like they are eager to fight!
LEGO LEGENDS OF CHIMA GOOD GUYS: the two animal tribes that are considered to be the good tribes are the Lions and the Eagles. There is also a third tribe, the Gorillas, but they won’t make their appearance until later. See members of the tribes below (click image for larger view.)

➡ LEGO Legends of Chima Lion tribe – 4 members: Laval, Longtooth, Lennox, and Leonidas. Here Laval is the lion-prince. (I’m not sure if his dad, the lion-king will ever appear in a set.)
➡ LEGO Legends of Chima Eagle tribe – 5 members: Ewald, Eris, Equila, Eglor, and Ewar. Here Ewald appears to be the leader due to the golden crown and robes. It is not clear at this point if Ewald is female, or perhaps a male priestly figure. Eris also has a golden crown and she is definitely female. The other eagles seem to be generic warriors, although note Eglor’s different color. I’m sure there is a story for him too.
➡ LEGO Legends of Chima Gorilla tribe – ? members: nothing is known about the Gorilla tribe at this point, except that they appear to be part of the good tribes. There is also this video that gives us our first glimpse of how the Gorillas will look like, and a little bit more about the story:
Notice from the pictures that in each tribe there is a warrior with some kind of special chi-aura around the body; Cragger, Razar and Worriz in the bad tribes, and Laval and Eris in the good tribes. It is interesting that sometimes this aura is around the king/leader, and sometimes it is around the commander. I’m not sure what is the significance. What do you think? And which one of the tribes do you like best? Share your thoughts and insights in the comment section below! 😉
You can also check out the LEGO Legends of Chima section for more news, reviews, videos and discussions, or select from the following posts:
Thanks. I am certainly looking forward to the new sets!
I don’t really like Chima in general, but I really don’t like the “good” tribes. They all look…goofy. 😛 They may surprise me and make it really good, but I highly doubt that will happen. 😛
Laval has the goofiest smile. 😛 😛
You are not the only one who think that the good tribes are goofy. As far as I read a lot of people prefer the wolves, ravens and crocodiles, and consider – especially the lions – goofy or less interesting. As we are dealing with all animal tribes this was bound to happen. It is not like Ninjago where the good guys were human ninjas and the bad guys snakes, skeletons, or pirates. There most fans identified with the ninja. Here, with the animals, it is really up to the fans which tribe to choose. But yeah, the bad tribes are definitely cooler. 🙄
I actually don’t think the eagles look so goofy, more the lions (and I don’t like the crocs either), the problem with the eagles is that their head-piece doesn’t go down far enough. The ravens are awesome and the wolves are nice but I’ll leave those to my brother!
LOL! Nice that you guys can share like that! My favorites are the eagles and the wolves. I don’t like the lions very much. I don’t know what’s up with that pointy mane. Although I do like their torso printing; very royal-ish. I also like some of the ravens. The crocs I would have to see personally to decide. I hope TRU will have a display where I can check them out. 🙂
Sometimes I wish they came with different names,like I named Laval to Let,Worriz,to Ylvis,Eris,to Athena,and so on
I meant Ley not Let,sorry …and I thot that there was a fire side and an ice side,the good guys were fire (the tribes with orange eyes) and the ice was bad (the tribes with blue eyes) but I guess not
Yeah, I think the crocodile tribe is the least goofy looking. I don’t know what the show will be like, and maybe I will end up liking it. (though definitely not gonna buy sets, because we’re working on our City collection. :P)
Yea! The bad tribes look so cool!
A couple things; I believe it’s Wakz, not Waks (and I think you messed up on a few other names in there too 😉 ) and also as far as the aura is concerned it seemes to me like it’s always around the battle commander rather than the king (though in the case of the Wolves and Lions, there is no king to contrast with, yet at least). I like the new wing piece and the gorrillas look pretty nice. Seems like there might be a brown one in one of the scenes there in the trailer as well. It’s interesting that LEGO has released all three bad guy tribes so far but is saving the gorrilas for later. I guess it probably has some connection to their role in the show? Also it seems like it will have one hour TV special first kind of like Ninjago. I wonder how long LEGO will wait after that to air a 13 (or however many) episode season?
Eh, I knew it was going to happen! No spell-checker can help with those wacky names! I just corrected Wakz, the others seems to be fine, but if you notice another one let me know. 😉
Yeah, I was thinking also that maybe it is the commanders only that have the chi-aura thingy. With the lions we do know there is a king as he is in the trailer. With the wolves it may be that Worriz is a commander. He doesn’t have any crown or other special markings to indicate that he is a king. He just have that raggedy cape. So yeah, it could very well be that it is the generals/commanders who have the chi-aura consistently.
I also like the new wing-pieces. Can’t wait to get some!
The one gorilla we have seen so far is cute. He seems to have the same head-piece as the collectible minifig series gorilla-suit guy. I have no idea why they are delaying their appearance. It seems like the gorilla is less of a warrior, but perhaps wizer than the others. Maybe the two good tribes and the bad tribes will just keep fighting with no clear winner as they are all strong and warrior-like. Eventually the good tribees will ask the gorillas for help and their wit will help to win the battle. 😉
Yeah, the asking for help scenario seems fairly likely. I thought the gorrilla was pretty cute too, of the good guys (if the tribe keeps up like that) they will be my favorites. The other names that were wrong that I was talking about was Nennox and Wald (though you just did that one time and now looks like you corrected them!) 😉
Yeah, I went thru the article again myself and caught those. It will take a while until I learn to spell them right at first try. 🙄
im guessing for the gorrillas they are missing or something. just a guess, maybe something like. the gorrillas have been missing for a thousand years or something.
Well after much debate over the Christmas festivities between Family & Friends I am now going to jump on the band wagon for these sets though I am seriously hoping the Castle sets are spectacular later this year. I think series 9 & 10 will also help some of the new sets later in the year as well. Happy New Year to all.
Steven, let us know how you like them! As far as Castle, I don’t know… I’m kind of disappointed… here you can see images of the summer sets, including Castle:
Like the new Galaxy Squad sets! We will probably see the Chima summer sets pics soon!
Here are the best images of summer 2013 Chima sets that are available.
The wolf and eagle tribes look great! The ravens also look interesting. I am so going to save up for the Legends of Chima sets!
yeah me too, they look awesome!
I raelly like the ravens.
hey guys! you know what, i was thinking, it said one hour event! so that could mean? what? maybe its a one show and its over thing? that got me a little confused? what do you think?
I was wondering about that too. No idea. Ask Geneva. Maybe she got some insights. 😉
LOL! My guess is that it will have a pilot episode like Ninjago (although that was divided into two episodes, and later into four) and then if that goes well (and I’m pretty sure it will!) a series. I have no idea how long LEGO would wait before airing a series though – I would think not very long but then if Ninjago will have another season who knows? They could even wait until next year like Ninjago. I kind of thought LEGO did that with Ninjago just because they weren’t sure how popular a TV show would be and that they would be a bit more confident about Chima. But maybe not. Or maybe it’s just a one hour special the first week to get viewers interested and then an episode every wednesday? IDK.
Why do they make the bad tribes look so awesome,and the good tribes okay? The good tribe is okay,but the bad tribe is great! I am still gonna get some of the good guys though. Legends of Chima is going on the list along with Galaxy Squad,Star Wars,Ninjago,and City. I may get other sets than that but I have to save up for those sets.
Those look seriously cool! Especially the Lion Temple! 😀
Well, the minifigs are awesome. I might pick them up on Bricklink individually. At first I wanted to get some sets but now that Castle is returning my full focus goes towards that, then Ninja Turtles. I also wanted the Lone Ranger sets, but I’m kind of glad that the sets are not that awesome… I do want that girl on the stagecoach though, her hairpiece is awesome.
We do have a name for one of the gorillas—Gorzan.
And the aura (Chi would be the proper term here) is not around the leaders. Those are all princes/princesses. We don’t have names for the Lion King, Wolf King, or Gorilla king, but Crominus is the leader of the Crocodile tribe (not Cragger), Ewald is the leader of the Eagle tribe (not Eris), and Rawzom (funny name, I know) is the leader of the Raven tribe (not Razar). A thing I’ve noticed is that all the leaders appear to wear gold on their heads.
George, thanks for the details! I think some of the confusion comes from that it seems each tribe has a king and also a military leader – or as you call them; prince/princess. Is there any evidence that the chi aura around the figures indicate they are the sons/daughters of kings rather than military leaders? Or are they both? My understnading was that chi was giving power to whoever possesed it – which would be more appropriate for a miliatary leader than a prince or princess. But again; the same person could be both. 😉
I think it really pertains to who has access to chi and can control it, so technically it could be anyone. That’s my theory at least. Laval is the lion leader guy’s son, from what I’ve heard, and was also stated in a promo video to be the lion prince. Like in history, most princes do lead in battles, so it could they could very well be both. Also, Eris (who is female) was stated to be a fierce warrior in a promo video, and from what most people have guessed on Eurobricks, she is Ewald’s daughter (which would make her a princess). I’m unsure about the others, seeing as we have very little information on the Ravens and we don’t know that much about the Crocodiles (since this trailer has Crominus accompanied by a queen), and the other tribes we don’t even know the leaders. Hopefully more information comes about when the TV show kicks off.
Also, if you haven’t already, you could mention that the LEGO Legends of Chima TV series will have a one-hour premier on Wednesday, January 16th at 7:30pm (6:30 central) on Cartoon Network. 🙂
And if you ever need any more Chima information, [hopefully] The Chima Wiki will be able to answer any questions. 🙂
Thanks, George! Yes, Eris could very well be Ewald’s daughter. It is still not clear though if Ewald is a king or queen, or even some kind of a priestly figure. We shall see. As far as teh TV show, the video above already talks about it at end so I didn’t want to repeat the info, but yeah, can’t wait! 🙄
Ewald I’d think is a male character, just because Ewald is a name given to males. It’s a very uncommon name now but doing some Wikipedia searches for that gets you a lot of interesting stuff. 😛 Also from looking at the minifigure, Ewald doesn’t have the curved printing on their sides like most female minifigures LEGO makes nowadays, so that seems to be our strongest indicator of Ewald’s gender.
George, yeah it makes sense. He must be some kind of a pristly figure then with that rope. I don’t remember LEGO ever making a male figure with a slope bottom besides Zurg – but Zurg was a robot, not really male or female. 😉
What about Splinter?
Yeah, I thought the same thing, however there also appear to be male lions in similar robes, as seen in this image. It could be that Ewald’s minifigure has a more casual gown that he wears around the castle, and could wear other outfits if he goes outside of the Eagle Castle.
Oh, that’s a great picture! Haven’t seen it before! It looks like the robed characters all have gray hair, which further seems to indicate that they are elders. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
You know when you go to Target or Wal Mart and they have like all the Marvel or DC or LOTR Minifigures displayed behind a small plastic case?… yeah, that’s the stuff!!! I wish they’d give me those displays once they have to take em down.
I saw a single Chima set at Wal-mart. And several Galaxy Squad and TMNT sets at Target.
Thanks for mentioning that. I was also hoping to see some, but last time I went there were none. However they were still clearing out Christmas merchandise, so I’m thinking of going back today. I would really like to get at least one small TMNT set and definitely Galaxy Squad. 🙂
70000 Razcal´s Glider
70001 Crawley’s Claw Ripper
70002 Lennox’ Lion Attack
70003 Eris’ Eagle Interceptor
70004 Wakz’ Pack Tracker
70005 Laval’s Royal Fighter
70006 Cragger’s Command Ship
70011 Eagles’ Castle
70012 Razar’s Chi Raider
70013 Equila’s Ultra Striker
70100 Ring of Fire
70101 Target Practice
70102 Chi Waterfall
70103 Boulder Bowling
70113 Starter Set Chi Tournament
70115 Ultimate Tournament
70104 Jungle Gates
70105 Nest Jump
70106 Speedorz Ice Tower
70007 Eglor´s Twin Bike
70008 Gorzan’s Gorilla Striker
70009 Worriz’s Combat Lair
70010 The Lion CHI Temple
70014 The Croc Swamp Hideout
70107 Skunk Attack
70108 Royal Roost
70109 Whirling Vines
70110 Tower Target
70111 Swamp Jump
70112 Croc Chomp
70114 Sky Joust
Thanks for the update! I really like the Lion Chi Temple! 🙄
7o200 Laval
70201 Eris
70202 Gorzan
70203 Cragger
70204 Worriz
70205 Razar
Gorzan said “that place is crazy” so he must be watching them
Yeah, love his accent!
16th January, 7:30/6:30c. I hope someone uploads it so I can watch it! (not now, when it’s out as I live in England)
I need to get all the summer sets and constraction ones, as well as some winter ones. Add to that all Ninjago 2013, TMNT, Galaxy Squad, Furno XL, a Lone Ranger set or two, some LOTR/Hobbit, some Castle, LEGO City High Speed Chase, City Monster Truck Transporter and Horizon Express, I’m not sure me or my parents could afford it all!
Crawley and Cgug next generation Kruncha and Nukal
Whoops!! Crawley and Crug
I really like crawley’s claw ripper
I was funny when he juggled
i like the monkey! he seems cooooooooooooooooooooool
Just went to my local Lego Store in Concord, NC, USA today. Unfortunately, they didn’t have the new collectible minifigs and TMNT sets, but they did have the Horizon Express…which I got two of! It certainly does look better than the previous red train that I assume they’ll be phasing out soon. I think I’ll take the Power Functions from that train and put it in my new one! Buyers beware: The Horizon Express isn’t motorized, so you’ll have to get the Power Functions sets or pieces from another train to put in it.
Andy, awesome that you got two trains! Please note that the Horizon Express is an Expert Builder train, whereas the Red Cargo train was a regular City train. That is why you would find so much more realism and advanced building techniques. However getting the Red Cargo train with its tracks and power function actually works out cheaper then having to buy a bunch of tracks and power function elements for the Horizon Express. At least that’s how it was last time I checked. So you did awesome! Enjoy your train! 😀
Oops…commented on wrong article…sorry! 🙂
hmmm… mabie it’s not going to be a tv show. cause in the preivew they only said it was a 1 hr special
That is probably like the Ninjago Pilot episodes
Just give me the Japanese Architecture sets from LEGO Cuusoo or give me death… 😛 Im a large supporter of lego cuusoo and I’m always wondering why they even have LEGO Cuusoo if they never use any of the GREAT ideas.
Yeah, I really hope that Japanese Architecture sets will make it! They are beautiful! I also have some doubts about how CUUSOO works. But the site is still in Beta, so it is a good idea to send LEGO feedback (you can do it thru the CUUSOO site) as they are still working on it as they move along. 🙂
Guess what, Ninjago is comin’ back in 2014 while Legends of Chima is on. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!
Yeah, we have been talking about this for quite a while. Check here:
I just bought Wakz’s Pack Tracker! It’s really cool.
awsome i think i’m going to buy it too
Sorry, I don’t know where to write this, but what exactly is Lego cuusoo?
LEGO CUUSOO is an online venue where LEGO fans can submit their own ideas for future LEGO sets. You make the design, submit pictures and the idea. Then other LEGO fans can vote for it. If your project reaches 10,000 votes, LEGO will consider making your idea into a real LEGO set that people can buy at regular LEGO stores. They will also pay you a 1% royalty on the sets sold. I’m just publishing a post today on a featured LEGO project, so you might want to check that out. 😉
Awesome… is ti somehow linked with
This is the AWESOME story of Chima according to the LEGO magizine…
“There is a world called Chima. where for 1000 years, there was peace and harmony. All shared the benifits of a mysterious and powerful energy source called Chi, which gave them great might as well as made their machines run.
Then there came a day when the crocodiles decided they should control all of the Chi in the world. The Lions, long the fair and just keepers of the Chi, naturally objected to this.
And so, today, there is still a world of Chima and there is still the power of Chi…
…But it isn’t very peaceful anymore.
Sounds awesome!
I was just reading my LEGO Club Magazine last night. Cool, huh? :d
sounds lego is now coming up again with new ideas that are nonsense especially with this chima thing. Or else they should have posted many articles including a lot of videos to introduce Chima characters, see the plots and stories and so on before selling the Chima packs.
Wakowski, you make some good points and LEGO is in fact on a major campaign right now to promote the Chima line. There are Speedorz tournaments at LEGO and Toys’R’Us stores, half of the latest LEGO CLUB Magazine is dedicated to Chima, there are lots of promotional videos on LEGO’s website, YouTube Channel, Facebook and Google+ Pages… so yeah, Chima is all over the place, and they have just started! 🙄
I like EWAR. I like the details on his body. i got Ewar’s acro fighter!!!
(SPOILER ALERT)if you are reading i remember a sneak peak od Chima where a Lion saved a Crocodile why would a good guy save a bad guy? any guesses?
Well, the Lions are supposed to be honorable warriors and they don’t actually want to destroy the enemy tribes. Also, since the Crocs used to be buddies with the Lions it makes sense that a Lion would try to save a Croc.
hi admin when are you gonna pot the tv show?
You mean the Chima TV show? It will be unlikely unless someone posts it on YouTube. LEGO’s legal department has been pretty heavy forcing people to take down full shows – at least recent ones. So your best bet is to catch it on TV. 😉
Or you can wait for the episodes to be released on DVD and Blu-Ray. 🙂
Since the constraction characters for the Eagles and Ravens aren’t their leaders, maybe Ewald is actually Eris and Razar overthrows Rawzom (something like the slither pit?)
😀 Gorilla: That place is craaaaazy!:D
No it didn’t.
Fangtom, the one hour thing is just a preview for the series, so yeah, we are stuck with Chima for a while now. Might as well enjoy it. 😉
Oh didn’t read your comment right! WAIT you still hate Chima! >:(
the music sounds like the theme music from lego universe
I can’t wait for Chima!
It’s 2013- when is the site on gonna pop up?
Just a heads up, if you want to make another blog post, it would mean a lot if you used The Chima Wiki as the source for this news:
Three new Legends of Chima video games have been announced. You can read more here
Thanks, George! Will definitely do! I’m planning to post a Chima update on Friday. 😉
Sorry, Admin! I just wanted to see if this works:
All the faces and stuff are in the “How to Comment” section of the “Welcome!” tab.
Nope the last three didn’t work! 😮
Sorry if someone else already wrote this but just in case: THERE WILL BE RHINOS AND BEARS IN LEGO CHIMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Sorry if someone else already wrote this but just in case: THERE WILL BE RHINOS AND BEARS IN LEGO CHIMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Yep, will talk about that in tomorrow morning’s post. 😉
If you need images, feel free to use these (with accredidation to The Chima Wiki, since our content license requires it):
– Rhinos
– Bear
– Music video in 1920×1080 resolution (feel free to embed this)
– A designer video with Mark John Stafford
The gorilla tribe is actully two groups good and bad.
Right! and there will also be a Gorilla tribe too!
That will be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The website is up!
Wolf and croc tribes
that’s the worst tribe of all the tribes of the better of the two
Chima is coming out tomorrow I can’t wait except I don’t have cable. are you going to send the episode’s on thursday if so can you tell me.
George, it all depends on if someone is brave enough to post it on YouTube. 😉
Plus a Rhino and a Bear tribe.
I LOVE the raven tribe Razar, Rawsom my fav.
hope they will come out with bears rhinos and gorrilas
My favorite tribes are lion and eagle tribes. Laval and Eris seem prety awsome and funy to me
there are skunk tribes which is cool
And Foxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Admin, I was going to get the set with the two ravens and one eagle, I think. But I changed my mind and got two lego hero factory sets instead. Is that a bad thing because I felt bad that I didn’t get it. 🙁
Hm… yeah, that sometimes happens; not being able to make decision, then make a decision and regret it. In regards to LEGO, I don’t think there is such a thing as a really bad LEGO set, but still, some has better play-value, minifigs, etc. I always try to make a decision before going to shop for LEGO so that way it is less likely I get distracted and buy the wrong set.
Perhaps you can exchange your Hero Factory sets with someone else, or just wait some and save up for the Chima set. Chima is going to be around for a long time, so there is plenty of time to buy them. Although I’m not a Hero Factory fan, I do like some of the sets for the parts. So you might be able to get some good use out of them too. 😉
😉 d)
I got some images of new characters during my trip to Nuremberg for Toy Fair. Windra, Gardo, G’Loona, Grizzam, and Furty. As a side note, Furty and Skinnet’s minifigures do in fact have tail pieces.
So awesome! Thanks for sharing! I should write a post about them for next week! 😀
Do any of the other summer minifigures have tails??!
No, only Skinnet and Furty.
Why is that?
Do you have any pictures of the sets? if you do please post them!!
I have quite a few, but I’d have to gather them all together. I can work on it.
Please do!!!!
Working on it.
Do you have pictures of the croc swamp hideout?:)
If you do please post them!:)
I hope they will have a snake tribe or maybe a panther tribe.
That would be so cool! If there WAS a panther tribe it would be evil. And if there was a snake tribe they would be evil, maybe?
its going to have a tirger tribe
don’t know
minecraft is EPIC
I dont’t know there is only nine tribes now
I think raven tribe is the best i like Razar and razcal
Tiger tribes snake tribes Panther tribes bat tribes but i think chima is stupid i More like ninjago i like lloyd phytor and legendary go Lden ninja
i like laval,equila,leonidas
love CHIMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like the characters but some of the names are stupid but Meneldur son of Garamar hates it.
Laval is my favorite,and cragger is the worst and worriz
i just love chima star wars ninjago so much
i love all tribes
I am makeing a chima minecraft skin cause a lot of ppl want one
I am makeing a chima minecraft skin cause a lot of ppl want one. It will be cool!!!!!
Oops sorry I said it twice
you missed rhinos and bears and skunks and foxes and rhinos and beavers
Ryan, when this article was written those were not known. Always check the date, then look for new updates in the Chima section in the left-hand side-bar. 😉
you can get the king of the lions now!
crooler vocé e linda