LEGO is gearing up to the release of the Legends of Chima theme next year. The LEGO Legends of Chima website now includes two short videos as well as changing teaser-images from the world of Chima – just to give you a taste for what’s coming in January. 😛

LEGO is expecting Legends of Chima to be huge. In fact so big that they predict Chima will surpass the success of Ninjago. Some LEGO fans – especially Ninjago fans – are doubtful (even resentful) about this, but LEGO is certainly making sure they are giving Chima as much boost as possible.
There will be LEGO Legends of Chima sets, a TV show, a game called Speedorz, six Hero-Factory-style buildable figures and also board-games. LEGO will also run Speedorz tournaments – called the LEGO Chima Challenge – at LEGO stores and most likely larger toy stores like Toys’R’Us (like they have done with the Ninjago game).

We have already discussed the LEGO Legends of Chima sets and the Speedorz game sets. You can read more about them here: LEGO Legends of Chima Sets Pictures! Today I would like to show you what’s coming later in 2013. According to here is the list of the 2013 summer LEGO Legends of Chima sets.
- #70007 LEGO Legends of Chima Eglor’s Twin Bike
- #70008 LEGO Legends of Chima Gorzan’s Gorilla Striker
- #70009 LEGO Legends of Chima Worriz’s Combat Lair
- #70010 LEGO Legends of Chima The Lion Chi Temple
- #70014 LEGO Legends of Chima The Croc Swamp Hideout
- #70107 LEGO Speedorz Skunk Attack
- #70108 LEGO Speedorz Royal Roost
- #70109 LEGO Speedorz Whirling Vines
- #70110 LEGO Speedorz Tower Target
- #70111 LEGO Speedorz Swamp Jump
- #70112 LEGO Speedorz Croc Jump
- #70114 LEGO Speedorz Sky Joust
- #70200 LEGO Legend of Chima Laval
- #70201 LEGO Legends of Chima Eris
- #70202 LEGO Legends of Chima Gorzan
- #70203 LEGO Legends of Chima Cragger
- #70204 LEGO Legends of Chima Worriz
- #70205 LEGO Legends of Chima Razar
LEGO Legends of Chima is centered around the conflict between six tribes. There are three good tribes (Lions, Eagles and Gorillas) and three bad tribes (Crocodiles, Ravens and Wolves). There will be a lot of characters, but it will be fairly easy to identify them as the name of each character starts with the first letter of their tribe’s name. So for example you can tell that Laval is from the Lion tribe, Eris is from the Eagle tribe, Gorzan is a Gorilla, Cragger is a crocodile, Worriz is a wolf, and Razar is a raven. 🙂
Adding in the fist wave of LEGO Legends of Chima sets coming in January 2013, that’s 37 sets so far! If you are interested in Chima you better start saving up your money now as this is going to be an expensive year if you want to collect all the sets in the series! 🙄

Looks like LEGO is definitely excited about Legends of Chima and have great confidence that the theme will perform well. What do you think? How do you like Chima now that we start to have more info? Share your thoughts in the comment section below! 😉
You might also like to check out the LEGO Legends of Chima section for more news, reviews videos and discussions, or choose from the posts below:
Wow. That’s alot.
Actually, I’m not liking the show as much now, just because the bird in the second video. Compared with the semi-realistic style of the rest of the animations, it looks way too cartoony (his eyes are siting on top of his head), nothing like anything LEGO has made, and the flying animation is very weak and all wrong compared with how a real bid flies. Still, the quality of the show has not determined my LEGO purchases yet.
I am curious what is meant by “skunk attack”. Maybe will get skunks as minifigure scale animals, though it is a battle pack. I think the twin bike design might be interesting, and if the Croc lair has more olive green I think I will enjoy it. I do want to see want the Gorilla minifigures look like as well.
Jacob, I have heard some speculations about the skunk. It doesn’t appear to be a separate tribe. Some people say it may be some kinds of brick-built challenge or creature. As far as the Gorilla’s, most people seem to think it will be the same (but of course with different printing) as the one in the Collectible Minifig Series. It kinda makes sense. We shall see. 😉
Probably simmilar to the Ravens in the Disc Shooting Speedorz, though why skunks I’m not sure. Maybe they will play a role in the movie a little like Dereth’s in the Ninjago movie?
These animations do not show what all the animations in the future will be like. I know some other LEGO promotion videos that would make the most style-blind watcher of promotions wince with pain. By the way, the reason the crocodile’s eyes are seated where they are is because this is meant for children and young teens, so they need to humanize these animal beings. Basically, don’t judge this by the promo-animations. Personally, I am waiting for the actual TV series next year.
No offense to Lego, but Cragger looks HORRIBLE in the show! 👿
Crocodiles are not known for their beauty. Just sayin’. 🙄
Very excited about the new animal parts being introduces, but not about the new game. Ninjago has kind of soured me on my normal completist attitude about LEGO themes. If we get any Chima, it will only be the main sets and even then, I only like the minifigures. Not really all that excited about the rest of the sets. Hopefully these will be over printed, making the minifigures and minifigure accessories relatively inexpensive on Bricklink.
Sarah, nice to have ya! I’m pretty much thinking the same way; like the minifigs and some of the parts, and looking forward to larger sets, but the rest I leave for the kiddies. 😉
Hmm….this doesn’t look too promising. 😛
This looks incredible! Much better than Ninjago!!!
This looks cool but chima ultimately means the death of ninjago. I cant imagine the world without ninjago. Soon there will be no more ninjago sets or spinners or tv series!!!!! I have never had top deal with the loss of such a great lego theme and even though chima looks cool, i will always be a ninjago fan at heart!! I keep on reminising on how we used to talk about who is the green ninja, why does garmadon have four arms, what are the serpentine planning, will the green ninja reaaly defeat lord garmadon? I miss thinking those questions and i do wish they finished the series alot better than they did. Goodbye ninjago, I will never forget you!!!! 🙁
Yeah, those were the good old days! Remember all those controversies? 🙄
Correct me, but I don’t specifically remember any controversies surrounding Ninjago. I’d like to hear at least a couple, not to be rude, I’m just curious. 😀
LOL! There were plenty! You don’t remember all those long arguments about the identity of the green ninja? Gosh, practically a war broke out! Or if Lloyd was good or bad? Or who the Great Devourer was? Or how will Lloyd get longer legs? Or about Lloyd’s Mom? Or if Zane was indeed an android? Nobody wanted to believe that! Or all those wild speculations about Season 4? 🙄
Ah, the season 4 speculations. Those were the good old days. 😀
What are constraction figures? do they mean like hero factory Guys?
Yes. As far as I know it would be the same way DC and Marvel had larger figures in addition to the sets. I am looking forward to these. Hopefully they match the actual minifigure colors they are based on (unlike the DC and Marvel figures, save Joker) so we get some new tan and green (dark and/ or olive) Hero Factory parts. Maybe a few other new colors as well.
I was going to save this picture for a later post, but since you guys are talking about the large Chima figures, I decided to show them to you now. Enjoy! 😉
O. M. G. That is the awesomest thing I have ever seen! You really should make a separate post on the Constraction Figures. I can’t wait to see Razar!
Interesting. Mixed opinions. Although I do like that we get more gold parts, I was really hoping for tan. Also the legs on the Lion one don’t look strong enough to support his weight well. Trans Dark blue armor is very nice. I like how the Croc has darkgreen, but wished that some more and more diverse armor parts were used, as he feels a little bear with the tiny ones. I do like that his head looks like it can open and close, which will likely lead to some dragon creations. Will use for parts to supplement Hero Factory at least.
Jacob, I pretty much had the same thoughts; like the heads, but the rest just looks too skinny with not enough bulk/armor. Although this is usually the issue with the large figures in general; they tend to look good from one angle, but look a bit odd from other angles. However they often have very interesting parts. 🙂
I have high hopes for the raven, but can’t say either of these impress me too much. I’m really not that interested in Contraction figures, for one thing, and only the heads of the two figures really look good for me. But if LEGO does as good a job on the contraction raven as on the minifigs, it will be the one I’ll probably end up getting!
I’m not super interested in these kinda sets… 🙄
Looks amazing! Can’t wait for pictures of the summer sets! Anyway, my LEGO fighting squad:
Name: Laval
Species: Lion
Powers: TBA
Weapon: His sword
Name: Lloyd Garmadon
Species: Minifigure
Powers: As seen on TV
Weapon: Super Bolt
Name: Chase McCain
Species: Minifig
Powers: None, but has many disguises (see his game LEGO City Undercover)
Weapon(s): Same as LCU
Name: Gold King (castle/kingdoms)
Species: Minifig
Powers: None
Weapon(s): Sword
Name: O Robot (Galaxy Squad)
Species: Robot
Powers: Unknown
Weapon(s): Gun from it’s set
Name: Super Wrestler
Species: Minifig
Powers: None(?)
Weapon(s): None
Name: Yoda
Species: I forgot
Powers: The Force!
Weapon: Lightsaber
Name: LEGO Iwata
Species: Minifig
Powers: Being awesome
Weapon(s): Whatever he can find
Guys, these videos are not of the TV Series. They are done by a company called ADVANCE, who only does promo animations. Wil Film produces the TV series, and will be done in the same style as Ninjago. This is what Cragger looks like in the TV series.
George, interesting info! I wonder why would LEGO use a different company for their promos and the TV series. It would make sense to use the same folks for both. My guess it would be cheaper, but what do I know? Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Yeah, your right, the Ninjago promotional videos looked tons worse than the TV series. I wonder if you can do italics here… if I may ask, what format did you use to get the link like that?
Forget it. Nice to know I can link like that now. I had been thinking about trying it earlier, but figured if it didn’t work it might look a bit wierd… 😛
As far as I know pretty much any HTML coding works. And if you mess it up I can always fix it for ya. 😉
I was wondering why the animation was so jerky and uneven. It is extremely pathetic that a company that specializes in plastic toys does better animation than a company that specializes in animation. 🙄
You know how some of the Chima animals’ names are puns on actual words? I’ve decided to make a list of the pun-names:
Gorzan- Tarzan?
Razcal- rascal
Razar- razor
Rawzom- awesome?
Crooler- crueler
Equila- Acqilla (greek for eagle)
Worriz- worries?
Wilhurt- will hurt
Yeah, some are pretty funny! 😆
Greek for eagle is “αετός.” But “aquila” is Latin for eagle and “Águila” is Spanish for eagle. 😆
Fun list! Thanks for sharing! 😀
You never noticed that in Ninjago? 🙄 I can’t believe this…
In general I’m not too interested in Chima, I can see why TLG thinks it will be a big hit with their target age group, especially if they do as well with the TV series as they did with Ninjago (and that probably won’t be a problem). There are really only three of the Speedorz I want and two sets. Between them that is $90… so I’ll likely have to drop some (the Speedorz can really add up!), but it’s really not that much compared to the total first wave. I wonder how long LEGO plans to continue this; as long as Ninjago at least I’d guess (3 yrs.) but possibly longer? For one of LEGO’s own (non-licensed/evergreen like city) themes, if it lasted 5 years that would be doing really great!
gid617, I would guess they don’t have a planned age, a hoped goal maybe, but it just depends on how well the sets ell. If they sell well, it might be as long or longer than Ninjago. If they don’t sell then, well, I think we will only be seeing one season of Legends of Chima.
I’m sure the first wave at least will sell well, LEGO is doing everything they can to promote this theme; yeah I’m sure the length will depend a lot on exactly how well it does, but LEGO plans pretty far in advance so they likely have a good idea as to how long they want it to stay around – though again, that could easily change!
at first, i was really excited about this theme and wanted to get all of the minifigs, but now i really have no interest in buying any sets or getting any of the minifigs
The legends of chima sets look awesome! But why cant they keep ninjago?
Running two extensive themes like that with their own TV show, sets, games etc., would be a tremendous strain on LEGO. In fact it would be likely way too much for the public too. According to many LEGO fans LEGO is in fact stretched out too much already with so many licensed themes, in-house themes, games, movies, theme-parks, etc. In the past such an expansion almost killed the company. So they have to be careful to keep their focus nice and tight.
I am so going to save up for the chima sets!!!! But the lego sets are so expensive in Nassau! 🙁
Oh, you are in Nassau! Next time we cruise that way I can drop off some LEGO sets for ya! 😉
But yeah, I imagine your LEGO sets are expensive! Almost everything at small places like that is expensive! 🙁
Here is how the speedorz work (video), and below is a really cool set up of the January sets:
Both are from this(Korean) site, where there are also lots more pictures (scroll down until you see the thumbnail that has a picture of Chima, it’s the first one in the group of smaller ones).
For some reason the picture didn’t work (perhaps it goes under moderation? – I thought the entire comment would) anyway here’s the link.
It didn’t work (I know what I forgot… 😳 ) here. 😛
Gen, I believe the only way to include pictures in the comment section is if I first upload it to TBB’s own gallery. BTW, it is an amazing photo! I will upload it here, but the comment section is also limited by size, so it will be smallish. Anyway, others can also check your link for the larger version. 😉
this is awesome!!! i love it!!! it’s just like the ninjago world that they made!!!! awesome!!!
Wait… so where is the link for the video?
Yeah, it stopped working the other place I posted it too… but if you go to the site and then to the chima article, (actually it has some spongebob too… 😛 ) then you should be able to find the video if you scroll down enough! 🙂
Just as I guessed, we will be seeing a LOT of similarities from Ninjago stretched to Legends of Chima. Anyone see the big red and black truck? It TOTALLY rminded me of the Skulkin (official name for the skeleton army) truck!
Thanks for the tips! The small sets in Nassau cause like $21! 🙁
Big sets like Ninjago and Lego City cause like $100.99!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😥
How come you other guys never answer me? 🙁
Uhm… I answered you… that doesn’t count? 😕
Sorry about that…
Just because i am new you guys dont answer me? 😥
Sorry, but I do not really know how to “answer” facts like prices… and the end of Ninjago for Chima has already been discussed at length in the Ninjago section… several times. 😐
I don’t have any new sets as I live in England, but it seems that Chima and Galaxy Squad both have a gimmick, Chima being the whole theme (more or less) and GS being the detachable vehicles.
In other news, the sets I really want to get next year are all the Ninjago Final Battle sets, all TMNT, all Galaxy Squad, some Hobbit/LOTR sets, High Speed Chase City set (one with Chase McCain), probably some Lone Ranger too. And Chima. Lots of Chima.
Yeah, 2013 is going ot be another expensive year! 🙄
I’ve got a great idea for a story; A TMNT/Ninjago crossover!
It starts at the beginning of each’s respective series then they blend to form the best story ever!
LOL! That’s a great idea! Would love to hear what you come up with!
I’ll put a snippit here for now, to see if it’s good or not.
It was this day where mutant turtles became 15 and where one blacksmith became a ninja. After many days of training, Kai met his team mates, Jay, Cole and Zane. They then embarked on a quest to find the Golden Weapons and rescue Kai’s sister, Nya. Meanwhile, the turtles leave their home for the first time, meeting their favorite food, pizza, for the first time and trying to rescue a girl and her dad, to which they failed at first but then infiltrate the alien-robot’s. the Krang, base and manage to free April O’ Neil, but not her father Kirby, after an epic battle between the Krang and a mutant named Snakeweed. The Ninjago ninja and their sensei, Sensei Wu, found the four Golden Weapons after fighting the Skeleton Army/Skulkin and encountering some dragons, who they later befriended.` The last Golden Weapon was in the Fire Temple, where Nya was trapped by Garmadon, Wu’s brother. Then sme strange and awesome things happen. Then Samukai, leader of the Skulkin. is deceived by Garmadon, as Samukai is destroyed. Garmadon planed this all along just so he could escape the Underoworld. The ninja then go home and relax for a while. Then a NY civillian finds a ninja star, and reports it to the news people who then report it to most of the world, what alerts Shredder, finally finding where his arch enemy, Hamato Yoshi AKA Master Splinter, has been hiding all these years. But now the two worlds collide. At last, ninja meets ninja. Sister meets adoptive sister. Sensei meets sensei. Bad guy meets bad guy. It all starts here.
Very sweet! Thanks for sharing! 😀
Just migrated from Ninjago comments 🙂 Not a lot of activity anymore…
I like to think that the Galaxy Patrol ad Battle Mech know the Galaxy Squad teams and the ADU’s from Alien Conquest.
Am I the only person who realized there is not much comments about the Lord of the Rings video game?
I’m sure there will be. An interesting phenomenon is that even though TBB has the largest traffic on Saturday and Sunday, those two days are also the lowest in comments. It appears that regulars (who are most vocal during the week) are busy with other stuff and get replaced by the “silent crowds”. 😉
Where is everybody?:|
Thanks for the info Admin! 🙂
I’m here! I acyually haven’t been on for the past few days. I’ve been quite busy with, well, a whole bunch if stuff! (mostly indoor drumline and practicing for my concert on monday and going christmas shopping and babysitting my little bro and going to church. And a bunch of other stuff. 😀
I like the game
A few interesting Chima Videos:
TV show trailer?
Speedorz Promotional
Set Promo
Why isn’t Razar in the trailer?
Yeah, the lack of ravens is kind of weird, but after all there are going to be gorrillas and they weren’t mentioned either so they’ll probably both play a part later in the show.
Got this off lego shop!
Here’s the Link:
70000 Razcal’s Glider
Price $11.99
Coming Soon on 1 Jan 2013
70001 Crawley’s Claw Ripper
Price $14.99
Coming Soon on 1 Jan 2013
70002 Lennox’ Lion Attack
Price $24.99
Coming Soon on 1 Jan 2013
70003 Eris’ Eagle Interceptor
Price $34.99
Coming Soon on 1 Jan 2013
70004 Wakz’ Pack Tracker
Price $29.99
Coming Soon on 1 Jan 2013
70005 Laval’s Royal Fighter
Price $39.99
Coming Soon on 1 Jan 2013
70006 Cragger’s Command Ship
Price $79.99
Coming Soon on 1 Jan 2013
70011 Eagles’ Castle
Price $39.99
Coming Soon on 1 Jan 2013
70012 Razar’s CHI Raider
Price $39.99
Coming Soon on 1 Jan 2013
70013 Equila’s Ultra Striker
Price $39.99
Coming Soon on 1 Jan 2013
70100 Ring of Fire
Price $14.99
Coming Soon on 1 Jan 2013
70101 Target Practice
Price $14.99
Coming Soon on 1 Jan 2013
70102 CHI Waterfall
Price $14.99
Coming Soon on 1 Jan 2013
70103 Boulder Bowling
Price $14.99
Coming Soon on 1 Jan 2013
70113 CHI Battles
Price $19.99
Coming Soon on 1 Jan 2013
70115 Ultimate Speedor Tournament
Price $29.99
Chima looks cool, but Ninjago is better.
Hey, this comment is for everyone who’s sad about ninjago. Well, its not gone!!!!. The Lego group have decided that they’re gonna bring ninjago back in 2014!!!!!!!!!. They probably just wnat a break from it all. I mean, they were making new episodes like, every second day!.So, ninjago ‘s comin’ back, so just wait. And while you’re waiting for 2014, maybe just play with chima a little, just to pass the time
Ninjago is TERIBLE
can someone tell me where I can see the episodes of Chima? I saw the first two on tv and havent seen any new episodes….any info, Thanks
Jordan, only the first two episodes have been released. Further episodes should be coming in the summer.
Admin remember me? I haven’t been here for a long time, apologies for that. I love ninjago and it appears to me that it is better than legends of Chima, but I can’t be sure until both the tv series and the stets come out. There are many rumours suggesting that ninjago will return in 2014. ‘The brick overlord’ stated it and I have researched it and a lot of people say this. What is your opinion on this and are you able to contact any of your Lego friends and confirm this? (Lego friends as in friends that work in Lego, not the Lego series) 🙂
Saad, nice to hear from ya, long time no see! As far as Ninjago, yes, as it was mentioned in one of the last articles in the Ninjago secction all seems to be indicating that Ninjago is coming back in 2014. That was announced by a LEGO employee. Please read the post in the Ninjago section. 😉
Here is the main video that talk about ninjago 2014 and there is also an image leaked which appears to be a bionic eye? Lego robots, machines or cyborgs. Maybe even ninrods? Maybe Zane is the main hero. Or maybe even the purple ninja (though the eye is turquoise). What is your opinion? Please tell 🙂
Saad, were you planning to add a link to this comment? 😕
oops sorry admin
Saad, that is quite old news. We have discussed this extensively in the Ninjago section already. 😉