The first episode of LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles is out! We first discussed the Yoda Chronicles back in December (see: LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles), and were wondering what secrets Yoda was going to reveal. Well, the saga just begun…

The first episode of the Yoda Chronicles is now here, and to be honest I find it quite disappointing. Of course the animation is great, but it is barely over a minute long and it has no voice-over! It basically just looks like an extended commercial for the new LEGO Star Wars sets. I was definitely expecting something with a little more substance…
Anyhow, you can watch the first episode below to form your own opinion. This first episode is called LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles – Episode 1 Part 1 Umbara. Enjoy! 😀
So what do you think of the first episode of the LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles? As I said; I’m not too impressed, but I hope future episodes will be more developed. Would love to hear your thoughts, so please share them in the comment section below. 😉
If you would like to keep up with the Yoda Chronicles you can visit You might also like to check out the LEGO Star Wars section for more news, reviews and discussions, or select from the following recent posts:
hmm… interesting, i guess….
I think the lack of voice over is fine (LEGO is international, and sometimes it is better to not have voices if they can’t get the “right” ones). I do agree, while it looks nice, there really isn’t much to it.
That was more like a teaser trailer than an episode. It does say episode 1 part 1 so maybe there will be more of a plot later. But if it’s just a web series I’ll be disappointed.
Yeah, pretty much my thoughts too… 😐
Chima is coming out tomorrow hey admin can you tell me if you are going to upload it for thursday SMILEY FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
George, someone will need to upload it to YouTube for us to post it here. Let’s see if anyone is brave enough to do that. 🙄
i thought it would be epic, guess not
Yeah, that is a little underwhelming. Oh well.
I’m a little disappointed. No audio, and it only lasted a minute, maybe less. I only really knew half of what was going on! I hope they get better. I bet they will get better, though.
Seems more of an advertisement of the new star wars sets than a show
cheap cheap cheap cheap (bird sound)
thanks, 😀
Pretty cool but will you be doing each new episode every day? because i don’t know what website this is on but you could just tell me the website.
Micah, the website address where you can keep up with all the upcoming videos in the series is in the article above. Towards the end. 😉
Here is the second part of the episode
It’s better than the other one 🙂
my mishap!!!;(
how do you links?