Just a reminder that LEGO just started the double VIP points promotion yesterday. This is the offer many LEGO fans are waiting for during the year to make their larger LEGO purchases. From now until the 8th of April you earn double VIP points on all LEGO purchases in LEGO Stores, at the Online LEGO Shop and over the phone! 🙂

In case you are not familiar with the LEGO VIP program, it is free to join and allows you to earn valuable rewards every time you shop directly from LEGO (online, in store, over the phone). Usually you earn 1 VIP Point for every $1 you spend, except at special promotion times like right now. When you reach 100 VIP Points you get a $5 VIP Reward!
So for example if during the double VIP promotion you purchase the #10232 LEGO Modular Palace Cinema, which is a $149.99 set, you will earn $299 VIP points. Just add one more VIP point and you just earned $15 that you can use to buy other LEGO sets. Yes, at double VIP points time those points add up fast! 😛
Below are some other LEGO exclusives worth checking out at this time to take advantage of the double VIP point offer. And of course you can also collect VIP points on the more standard LEGO sets. These are just some of the best ones in my opinion:
Other benefits of the LEGO VIP program is deals and promotion for VIP members only, and early access to exclusive LEGO sets. You can also sign up for the VIP mailing list to be the first to hear about new releases and other insider news.
➡ If you would like to learn more about the LEGO VIP program you can do it here: Welcome to the LEGO VIP Program
➡ If you have questions about the LEGO VIP program you can check here: LEGO VIP Program Frequently Asked Questions
And for those of you who are already LEGO VIP members head over to the Online LEOG Shop to select what you want. Happy shoppin’! I would love to hear what you are getting, so feel free to share in the comment section below! Remember; April 8th is the deadline! 😉
Yeah! I’ve been planing for this to go to the Lego store! The double VIP points are given for the pick-a-brick wall right?
Yes, I believe so. 🙂
I’ll be ordering a couple sets next week. Nothing too large just some smaller stuff I’ve been wanting.
I find myself becoming more and more a fan of Technic as time goes on. I’ll probably buy the Grand Prix Racer during this promotion.
Arthur, yeah, it is interesting how our favorite themes can change. I always call myself a Castle/Fantasy fan, but the fact of the matter is that in the past couple of years I only bought Space sets. The resons? I appreciate the building techniques more. I learn from them more. I can whip out a Castle at any time, but to build a mech – I’m still learning. I believe it is the same with getting into Technic; the building techniques are awesome! 🙂
Building a regular set is kind of calming for me, as the techniques involved are usually simple to manipulate. Technic, on the other hand, is definitely more challenging, and the completed product always feels like much more of an accomplishment and something of which to be proud. (This is especially true for me as I have yet to delve into MOC’ing.) Also, as technic sets tend to have a lot of moving parts, including at times full-up automobile transmissions, I feel like I learn something from building them – almost like a crash course in mechanical engineering if you will.
That said, I rarely build two technic sets in a row. I need to space them out, and to give my mind (and fingers) a rest after each technic set, especially the larger ones.
Arthur, yes, my Dad says the same thing; he really likes Technic sets as they are also an education in mechanics. He is an architect, but also loves tinkering with cars. Technic definitely teaches you real-life applications, so the sets are fun, challenging and educational. After building a Technic set regular LEGO sets are definitely a break. 😀
Sigh…I wish Shop-at-home will one day be available in Asia…
I’m sure it will. LEGO is opening a full-facility LEGO factory in China next year. They are planning to cather to the growing Asian LEGO fan market. 😉
To bad there isn’t a lego store where I live….
Ha ha ha! My brother’s 4th birthday is on April 8th. . . 😛
My favorite theme is still Castle and Medieval, but I also like the Modular Buildings.
Yeah… I’m going to need those VIP Points! But I’m broke after buying a book series for myself…. TO THE PARENTS! 😀