LEGO Friends have been a big hit with young girls and adults alike. Girls like the characters and the story-based sets, and adults the beautiful pastel colors and tons of accessories that come with the LEGO Friends line.

Besides standard LEGO Friends sets there are also books, accessories and tons of other fun stuff under the LEGO Friends label. Today I would like to show you two products by DK Publishing, a well-known publisher for their beautiful and very high quality LEGO books and BrickMaster sets. Then I tell you how you can get your very own copies. 😉
LEGO FRIENDS BRICKMASTER BOOK & SET: As you probably know already BrickMaster books are fun picture and story books for children that also include LEGO bricks and minifigs. Within the stories there are instructions to build various small sets from the included LEGO elements. These books have been very popular as they provide both fun and education. They are also great for collectors of unusual LEGO sets.

The LEGO BrickMaster books are hard-cover with full color pages, and there is a built in compartment behind the front cover where the LEGO elements and minifigures are included. Below is the official description of the LEGO Friends BrickMaster book:
When the girls of Heartlake City are around, there’s always something cool to do! Now young girls everywhere are invited to join in the fun with DK’s LEGO Friends: BrickMaster book. They can follow Mia and Chloe as they search for buried treasure hidden somewhere in Heartlake City or create an adventure of their very own. Featuring more than 100 LEGO bricks, two LEGO minifigures, and an entertaining book packed with exciting stories and clear building instructions, the LEGO Friends: BrickMaster book will bring creativity and fun together in a way like never before!

The LEGO Friends BrickMaster book is 47 pages long and includes five chapters; all short and fun stories about Mia and Chloe’s adventures. It also includes all the LEGO pieces needed to build the sets described within the story, as well as two mini-dolls; Mia and Chloe. The chapters are as follows:
- Chapter 1: Mysterious Map – includes building instructions for building a bed, chair, window, and planter with plant.
- Chapter 2: Building Fun – includes instructions for building a raft, an apple-tree, a work-bench, and an axe.
- Chapter 3: Setting Sail – includes instructions for building a mast and rudder for the raft, a lookout point (which is a fun micro-build), and another tree.
- Chapter 4: Cave Discovery – includes instructions for building the cave, a table, and some awesome treasure the girls have been after.
- Chapter 5: Bejeweled – includes instructions for building a fireplace, a sofa, and table.
❗ The LEGO Friends BrickMaster book is available at bookstores as well as on Amazon. The regular price is $29.99. Amazon’s price right now is $19.79. You can get it here: BUY LEGO FRIENDS BRICKMASTER BOOK
LEGO FRIENDS ULTIMATE STICKER COLLECTION: If you or your kids are into stickers and like LEGO Friends, this LEGO Friends sticker collection is a must! Seriously; it has over 1,000 reusable full-color stickers related to LEGO Friends! There are stickers of all the mini-dolls, their accessories, activities, pets, etc. Many of the stickers are full-size (meaning the real size of the mini-dolls), and there are also small square stickers that would work well in a diary or notebook. The LEGO Friends sticker book also includes a 32-page story section where you can learn all about the girls and their hobbies, and place the larger stickers. Here is the official description:

The LEGO Friends Ultimate Sticker Collection contains more than one thousand full-color reusable stickers of all the LEGO Friends mini-doll characters and their accessories, pets, and favorite places! The book is packed full of information about the girls of Heartlake City; readers can find out about each characters’ likes and dislikes, pets, special talents, and the city they live in. Lively captions provide bite-size LEGO Friends facts, while caption headings match up with the labels on the sticker pages, providing extra help for children to complete their sticker books.

❗ The LEGO Friends Sticker Book is available at book-stores as well as on Amazon. The regular price is $12.99. Amazon’s price right now is $9.35. You can get it here: BUY LEGO FRIENDS STICKER BOOK
Now, as far as how you can get your own copies of both of these LEGO books, DK Publishing was kind enough to provide two copies of each book for our readers in a fun little contest/giveaway, so here you go: THE LEGO FRIENDS BOOK CONTEST
➡ HOW TO ENTER: In the spirit of LEGO Friends let’s keep this simple and fun. To enter the contest just finish the following sentence in the comment section below:
- If I win the LEGO Friends books I will…
➡ WHAT ARE THE RULES: Nothing difficult; just complete the sentence. You can say whatever you like. One entry per commenter please. If you comment more then once, only the first comment will count. Other than that just keep common-sense courtesy and manners otherwise your answer can be as serious or funny as you want! Have fun!
➡ HOW TO WIN: Contest will run from now until Sunday, April 7th at midnight US EST. Once the contest is closed I will ask my little sister to pick two numbers between however many comments are there. (So if there are 100 comments I will ask her to pick two numbers between 1 and 100. Don’t worry; she is old enough to know her numbers!) Whichever numbers she picks are the winning comments.
➡ WHAT YOU WIN: The winning commenters will receive two LEGO books: the LEGO Friends BrickMaster book, and The LEGO Friends Ultimate Sticker Collection book.
➡ HOW TO RECEIVE YOUR PRIZE: If you are the winning commenter I will contact you by email. Please make sure your email address in your comment is correct! You send me your shipping address (no PO Box please) and DK Publishing will send you both LEGO books! Best of luck! 😛
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will… sell it.
If I win the LEGO friends books I will give them to my kids.
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will create a “feature-length” story photostream on Flickr. 🙂
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will cherish them, as I do with all of my other LEGO books. LEGO Friends is my favorite line, even if I’m an AFOL!
If I win The Lego Friends Book I will build with the parts
Admin I have a great post for you to do!
Please keep the comments on this post on topic. Especially since this is a contest. If you have some ideas for posts just email me. 😉
If I win the Lego Friends books I will share them with my friends.
So sad I can’t participate because i’m in Nassau… 🙁 But i’ll still answer it.
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will love,cherish,and build all of things I can that is mentioned in the book. I always wanted a LEGO Friends set and I am very interested in the mini figures. I hope I am able to win if I get it. 🙂
The rules doesn’t say anything about being an American citizen, just that you need a proper e-mail address…
If I win i’ll send you my shipping address. 😛
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will… give it to my nieces.
I’m not entering but I might as well say it anyway. (Nice offer though. Think you could do the same thing with the Death Star?) 🙂 If I win the Lego friends books I will keep all the non-pink pieces and give the rest to my sisters.
Or you could just save up to build a pink death star…
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will give them to my daughter to enjoy!
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will give them to my niece, I am positive she will enjoy them!
If I win The Lego Friends Book I will give them to my friend’s daughter for fun gift!
Let me guess, you’re name is Johnny?
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will brilliantly gift them to my dazzlingly, beautiful goddaughter who is truly a princess at heart, and I will also magically give your stellar blog the most wonderfully, enchanting of shout outs ! : ) A trillion thanks for this truly kindhearted giveaway! : )
I will keep them for me 😉
If I win … I will play with the sticker book myself (though I am sure my daughter will have other ideas). LOVE LEGO FRIENDS!
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will probably give them away to my geeky AFOL friend…
Well, if I was to win… Yeah, I probably would keep the Brickmaster peices, and give the second book and the mini-dolls to my sister. Yes, that may seem mean, but you know how rare those pastels are. 🙂
OH If I win I will share them with the Alzheimer patients at the nursing home who still are alert enough to enjoy little stories I make up. The Legos would be fun and colorful for them.
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will … give them to my (almost) 7 year old who will squeal with joy, and love playing with them.
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will give them to my daughter to play with.
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will give them to my little LEGO building daughter.
If I win the Lego Friends books, I would look like a hero in my daughters eyes, and that is the best gift of all.
If I win the LEGO Friends books, I will let my kids have the stickers. Maybe. I might even let them look at the book…
If I win the Friends book, I probably will…Cherish them like my other books, and review the brickmaster book!
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will…give them to my little girl to inspire her to build more! She loves LEGO Friends, and whenever daddy is building, she pulls out her little bin of LEGO and builds, too. I’d love to be able to give her these books. I know she’d love them, and I’d love to see what she creates with the Brickmaster book!
If I win I will use the books to create more legos friends and share with my little sister who loves legos like my brother and I.
If I win the Lego friends books I will share them with my big sister and brother, and we will play with them every day.
You know only your first comment counts since you entered twice right?
If I win the LEGO Friends books… My daughter will incorporate it all in her Horse summer camp and the pool. And, maybe she will ask her little brother to play and work Friends into a City scene…
…… I would give it to my niece, Lily.
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will… enjoy the happiness my little daughter will show when she gets this wonderful gift!
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will…have to buy another one for my other daughter:)
But I am sure they both would love to read and play with this one.
Great contest again!
I would enjoy them and share the fun of building with my nieces. I used to build when I was their age and have loved the fact that they have come out with girly colors and themes. We are big kids at heart!
I already commented for my entry, but I just wanted to say that you have Sunday April 6th as the last day. Well April 6th is a Saturday. So which is it?
Antoniette, thanks for catching that! The deadline is Sunday, the 7th. I just fixed it. Thanks again for pointing that out! 🙂
No problem. Just wanted to make sure everything was fair and fabulous.
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will…give it to my daughter to enjoy. 🙂
I would give it to my daughter:)
If I win the lego friends books, I would give them to my daughter to share more of the lego experience that I grew up with.
If I win the Lego Friends books…I will give them to my daughter who will think I’m the best mom ever!
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will give them to my LEGO loving daughter for her 21st birthday on September the third.
If I win the Lego Friends book I will sit the whole day long playing with the bricks to make new tourist sites for Heartlake, and decorating my notebook with stickers. When hubby complains he is hungry I will order pizza!
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will be so excited to use the beautifully colored bricks to add to my beach themed MOC.
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will… watch my little girls face light up when I tell her she has a special mail package. (It’s the small special moments I love the best)
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will give it to my daughter who loves LEGO but is struggling to read. Great motivator!
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will… give them to my 5 year old to add to her growing Friends collection.
If I win the LEGO Friends books, I will be very thrilled! And, surprised at the same time, because I don’t think I’ll win. 🙁
There’s 50 comments already.
IT”S OVER 60!!!!!! (well at least it’s not over 9,000)
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will… give them to my kids. They LOVE this stuff. Best money I have ever spent on a toy.
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will… give them to my daughter to foster her love for LEGO sets and foster her reading skills (yes, bribery to get her to read more).
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will give it to my 3 year old daughter who is a TFOL (toddler fan of Lego). She will love it.
I met a 3yo TFOL (isn’t it the same acronym as a Teen Fan Of Lego?) at a sci-fi fair this winter, carrying the Monster Fighters Ghost Train in his ars in his cart. I thought the dad had bought the set for himself, but he said that his kid built the sets by analysing the manual. Quite impressive.
Yeah, some young LEGO fans are way ahead in their LEGO building skills. LEGO is really quite an amazing platform for creative people of all ages. 🙂
That should have read *in his arms* of course… Sorry… *-_-*;
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will share them with my daughter to help fuel her love for LEGO, with the reminder that stickers are for paper and not LEGO or furniture.
If I win the LEGO Friends books, I will give it to my lil’ sis for her to enjoy and keep until she grows up and becomes an AFOL.
If I win the LEGO Friends books, I give them to my daughter. She loves playing with LEGO every day and having her own special sets (apart from her brothers’ collection).
If I win the Lego books I will give them to my 7 year old daughter who likes to build Lego creations.
If I win the LEGO Friends books, I will give them to my cousin which really likes building pretty toys and pink colour.
If I win the lego friends books, I will sit with my grandchildren to help them build & establish good reading skills, as lego is the favourite activity.
If I wint hte LEGO Friends books I will have them in English and auf Deutsch!
If I win the LEGO Friends book I will give it to my sisters who as so into LEGO friends! I hope I win so they will be surprised! 🙂
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will be excited to have my very first LEGO Friends item. I love treasure hunts!
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will give them to my daughter for her Birthday.
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will…Give them to my daughter who loves the LEGO friends line!
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will take the books to show and tell at my school and show them off befor having a LEGO Lot of fun.
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will enjoy the purple pieces. I intend to build MOCs with the set.
UPDATE: This contest is now closed. Thank you for your participation! Winners will be announced shortly. 😉
UPDATE: So sorry for the bit of delay, I just wanted to make sure that the two winners could be reached before I announce them. So… drumroll, please… the two winning numbers were 18 and 38. And the two winners are Pat and Billie. Congratulations to the winners! Your books have already been mailed. 😀
For all of you who entered this fun little contest, thank you for playing! Stay tuned as we regularly run contests and giveaways. 😉
If I win the LEGO Friends books I will take really good care of it.
If I win the lego book’s I will thank god the people who started this contest and people who are sending it and I have been in pain from scratches, bruses , scrape’s, falling, and if I win I will be thankful and I would probably give to my sister and I burnt my tounge, finger and I’ve been running fever’s
if I win the LEGO friends books I will be jumping for joy and screaming the whole day for everyone to hear I am so happy they have a contest to win cool lego prizes
Hi lm Alexander Westmore l love the Lego friends of Mario bros lm 29