(Written by fikko3107)
Let’s continue our discussion on collecting LEGO related materials. This is going to be the second part on collecting LEGO comics, you can read the first part here: Collecting LEGO Comics – Part 1. (There are also links at the bottom of this article for further LEGO collecting topics.) This time I will show you six LEGO comics; three LEGO Ninjago, two LEGO Friends, and one LEGO Legends of Chima. So let’s cut to the chase and jump right in! 🙂

➡ LEGO NINJAGO COMICS – It’s not at all surprising that Ninjago has quite a few comics as the theme is very popular. I won’t be giving you free scans of the Ninjago books by Papercutz (see here: LEGO Ninjago Books by Papercutz) as that would get me in serious trouble, however I shall share with you some LEGO comics from the Hong Kong Toys’R’Us website. Remember; these LEGO comics are originally from the LEGO Club Magazine, so you may have seen them before, but I’m sure many others haven’t…
LEGO Ninjago Comic 1 – Ice Dragon Rescue!: This comic was released in 2011. Like many other LEGO Club comics, it is short – consisting only two pages – and it has a very short and straightforward story. Pretty much feels like advertisement for LEGO sets in the format of a comic. If that is so, then I believe they are advertising the #2260 LEGO Ninjago Ice Dragon Attack and the #2263 LEGO Ninjago Turbo Shredder sets. You can download the PDF version of this LEGO comic here: DOWNLOAD

LEGO Ninjago Comic 2 – Skeleton Army Ambush!: Basically all I said about the first Ninjago comic applies to this one as well. However, the sets advertised in this comic are the #2516 LEGO Ninjago Ninja Training Outpost, the #2258 LEGO Ninjago Ninja Ambush, and Cole and Kai’s spinners. I find this slightly odd, as usually the largest sets are advertised. However in this case you see some of the smallest sets of the 2011 Ninjago wave. You can download the PDF version of this LEGO comic here: DOWNLOAD

LEGO Ninjago Comic 3 – Mid-air Mayhem!: Same with the above two comics, only this time the advertised sets are the #9446 LEGO Ninjago Destiny’s Bounty and the #9443 LEGO Ninjago Rattlecopter. These two sets are almost always advertised together. Also, I find it rather amusing that Kai is using a jetpack to get takeaway food, and that it seems that Lloyd’s head in the last picture is the same as Agent Chase’s and some of the knights from LEGO Castle. You can download the PDF version here: DOWNLOAD

➡ LEGO FRIENDS COMICS – This is a LEGO theme with increasing popularity. Similar to the Ninjago comics, they are short and have little or no storyline. So yes, they also feel like advertisements in the form of comics. I believe that these weren’t in the regular LEGO Club Magazine, but the version that was specifically made for girls – with focus on LEGO Friends, LEGO City and LEGO Creator. (These happen to be my sister’s three favorite LEGO themes, and I’m sure she’s not the only one.)
LEGO Friend Comic 1 – Too Many Treats To Chose!: Sigh… I’m very sorry that all the LEGO comics I bring to you today are kind of lame. I promise to show you more interesting ones in Part 3. This comic details how Andrea asks for way too much food at the City Park Café. (Which, I believe, is the set advertised.) The advertising aspect here feels stronger as – unlike the Ninjago comics that appear to be drawn – these are more or less literally captioned photos. Also, don’t you find it weird that despite eating so much, Andrea, a mini-doll, is still much slimmer than her chubby minifigure cousins? You can download the PDF version here: DOWNLOAD

LEGO Friend Comic 2 – Saturday Adventures!: The pictures used here are not photos, but they aren’t drawn either. It seems like they are computer-generated. While I feel that CGI is a great technique, it’s not working for comics. Also, somehow LEGO managed to advertise five sets in this short comic; namely #41003 LEGO Friends Olivia’s Newborn Foal, #41011 LEGO Friends Stephanie’s Soccer Practice, #41001 LEGO Friends Mia’s Magic Tricks, #41002 LEGO Friends Emma’s Karate Class, and – perhaps unintentionally – #3061 LEGO Friends City Park Café, though it’s much less in focus than in the first comic. You can download the PDF version of this LEGO comic here: DOWNLOAD

➡ LEGO LEGENDS OF CHIMA COMIC – TRAPPED! – This is a recent release, that I was not able to add in the first part of this series with the other Legends of Chima comic, as it wasn’t out yet. Personally, I think this is one of the most disappointing LEGO comics I’ve ever seen. The story is incredibly predictable and consists of only two pages. However, there is a twist: one may choose 1 of 3 things for Laval to do to escape the wolves; they are to go down, charge, or to go to the forest. I was expecting a radically different ending for each one and I had my hopes to high. But all versions end with the same final panel; showing Laval escaping in triumph. On the bright side I’m somewhat amused of the cameo of Windra, the white wolf. You can download the PDF version of the first page and the alternate endings of this LEGO comic here: DOWNLOAD First Page, Going Down!, Forward Charge!, To the Forest!

Also, please note that the first picture in this article is from a LEGO CUUSOO project started by one of the LEGO comics artists mopeydecker. If you would like to support their project to start a LEGO monthly comics series you can do so here: SUPPORT LEGO COMICS PROJECT ON CUUSOO
So that’s all for now. I hope you enjoyed these LEGO comics. Stay tuned for the next part featuring LEGO Pharaoh’s Quest comics! In the meantime you can share which is your favorite LEGO comic and why in the comment section below! 😉
You can also check out the links below to my previous articles on collecting LEGO related materials. Thanks for reading!
Rescue! Ambush! Meyhem! Trapped!
how violent has LEGO comics become!
Yeah, the world around us is quite a violent place. Comics simply reflect our world and where our consciousness is at as human beings. Sadly… 🙁
also some vido games (halo call to duty etc ) well i haven played any of those games but they do involve a lot of killing 🙁 my famly dosint have a x box 🙂 soryy i haven’t been comentin latly 😉
not violent enough! no I’m kidding! I think not just the chima is a (unfortunately) bummer! I was really looking forward to it! but back to the point, I think all these comics where in the LEGO club magazines right?
More or less, yeah.
Remember the competition I mentioned before? (see here for more info: http://www.legobyw.com/) I WON! First place! I’ll get into detail in a post later on…
YOU DID WHAT???!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Yeah, you definitely have to tell us about it! 😛
Oh, BTW, that link just takes me to a page that doesn’t lead to anywhere. Some kind of a homepage for LEGO with a bunch of flags, but no links to check out anything. 😕
You sure? The flags are links. You should click the Singapore or Malaysian flag though. They’re both in English and are the most definitive. The Indonesian flag on the other hand, leads to a page saying “Coming Soon”. Very disappointing.
By the way, I tried the downloader, and I’m sure it’s the right one, since it appears as a grey arrow that turns blue when a video is detected. but when I download it, it’s a very small file, and it can’t be played. Any suggestions?
Found it! I choose Indonesia and all I got was the coming soon page. Got it now! Super exciting!
As far as the downloader, I would suggest that you go to some site that you know for sure the download should work. Like YouTube. Pick a video and download it. See if you can play that one. That way we know for sure if it is your settings that are a problem, something got corrupted in the set-up, or something else.
I know this is off topic, but is the summer chima sets coming out in Ireland? I can see them on the FR site. I REALLY want to get them. But I can’t find them. 🙁
Wolf, I don’t know what’s the schedule of the Chima TV series in Ireland. Even in the USA only three episodes have been shown. Two at the beginning of the year, and one over a month ago. So yeah, we are waiting too! 😕
Nah. I mean the sets
Anyone? I’m MAD, Chima sets cost LOADS more than in France! 🙁 Can’t wait anyway!
Does anyone know?
I should come around for that quick write-up of the 60’s-80’s comics soon, I realize. I think I’ll have some free time these upcoming two weeks. Trying to keep in touch.