You may or may not know, but there is a full-length LEGO movie in the making, called simply as The LEGO Movie (in case anyone had any doubts of what the movie is about). Yep, you heard that right; you will be able to follow the adventures of your little plastic friends on the big screen! The LEGO Movie will be released on the 14th of February, 2014. Below is the official announcement and trailer. 🙂

The LEGO Movie follows Emmet, an ordinary, rules-following, perfectly average LEGO minifigure who is mistakenly identified as the most extraordinary person and the key to saving the world. Emmet (Chris Pratt) is drafted into a fellowship of strangers on an epic quest to stop an evil tyrant, a journey for which he is hopelessly and hilariously underprepared. 🙄

Will Ferrell, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, Will Arnett, Elizabeth Banks, Nick Offerman and Alison Brie join Chris Pratt to form the cast of the first-ever full-length theatrical LEGO movie, the greatest movie ever assembled, which is set to hit cinemas in 14th February 2014. Screenplay by: Dan Hageman, Kevin Hageman, Phil Lord and Chris Miller. Directed by: Phil Lord, Chris Miller Chris McKay. Produced by: Doug Davison, Stephen Gilchrist, Igor Khait, Roy Lee, Dan Lin, John Powers Middleton, Seanne Wehrenfennig, Jill Wilfert. Below is the official trailer. Enjoy!
So what do you think of The LEGO Movie? Are you excited? How do you like the story-line? I also fully expect that there will be LEGO sets tied in with the movie. Does that sounds like a reasonable prediction? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below! 😉
And you might also like to check out the following LEGO entertainment:
- The Best LEGO Videos – March 2013 Picks
- The Best LEGO Videos – April 2013 Picks
- LEGO Star Wars Father & Son Video
- Fun LEGO Video: Henri & Edmond’s Adventures
- LEGO Stop-Motion Video on a Quiet Square
- LEGO Music Video by Oblong Pictures
- Just a Little Fun Video: I Love Buildin’…
- LEGO Video: Notes from the LEGO Tub
- Wishing Happy 80th Birthday to LEGO! (video)
I hope it has LOTR! 😎
same, and some Bionicle
In the rules for the contest to get your brickfilm included in the movie there were some pretty strict restrictions, such as no elements that are recognizable as Star Wars or Harry Potter. I doubt that very many of the licensed themes will make it into this movie.
Gabriel, thanks for sharing that! Very interesting!
Seen this yesterday…
I want more, it cracked me and my kids up:)
“I only do black and ……..sometimes dark grey”
No, no, you got it wrong; it is very-very dark grey. 😉
I was laughing too much..
seeing everyone fall apart during Morgan Freeman’s speech was great!
I love Morgan Freeman and Gordan Freeman
I thought this was fake…. Better be good.
It will be. Batman only uses one of the 50 shades of gray
LOL for the 50 shades reference!!! 😆 😆 😆
I’m on vacation right now so I haven’t been commenting any cause i’ve been biking. Anyway I saw Lloyd!!!
This is awesome
Me, my sister and her boyfriend are totally gonna go see that we are obsessed with lego
My collections biggest even though my sisters 25 and I’m 13!!!
It’s nice that they are able to include at least some of the licensed sets, since those have been a big part of Lego’s offerings in the recent years. Though they can’t possibly have enough time to be inclusive of all the major Lego themes that have existed. Reminds me a little of the Clutch Powers movie, which also found a way to crossover between different themes.
The clutch powers movie was amazing! I loved the castle tie in 😀
That was a good movie! I bet this one will be better though!
Anyone notice the mytic’s staff is an unfinished lollipop? lol
“Will Ferrell, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, Will Arnett, Elizabeth Banks, Nick Offerman and Alison Brie join Chris Pratt”… WOW!! This is a STAR STUDDED Line-up… I can’t believe they got this many A lister actors to voice act. The trailer looks GREAT!!! I’m more excited about this movie than anything DC is putting out LOL. It looks so funny and exciting, I love the laser shooting and flying scenes. I hope it is not rated G, and that it gets a PG rating. I wish I could see what Will Farrel’s President Business minifigure looks like, and I definitely want the Elizabeth Banks and Morgan Freeman minifigures 😀 so I hope there are toys attached to teh movie. Also oh man… The Will Arnett Batman is going to be HILLARIOUS!!! I love Will Arnette, he’s always a really funny jerk LOL… I showed teh trailer to my wife and she was like “noooo, I don’t wanna watch that”, thena fterwards she said “wow, that was waaaay better than I expected, let’s watch it” LOL
I can’t see how this movie would be PG, neither that it would gain anything significant in that case. Remember that the core product is from 4 years and up, and you don’t want to risk offending the soccer moms.
Anyone else notice that there are no Marvel Superheroes in the movie??? That’s because the studio producing the movie is Warner Brothers which owns DC… It would have been nice to have some crossovers, but I’m happy with the Turtles being on a same movie with Batman :-D… BOSS!!!
Warner bros, DC, Injustice, Netherrealm studios, Mortal kombat.
Injustice Mortal Kombat
Add Mortal Kombat characters in LEGO form? >,<
I’ve got a feeling that would soften the Finishing sequences…
sorry i haven’t commented in a while…been on vacation:)
Thanks for posting this trailer, Brickblogger. AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE MUST SEE IT! 😛 One little error I noticed, though, was that you said it was to be released on Feb. 14. While this was the initial release date, the new release date is Feb. 7. 😉
Yay! The earlier the better! I can’t wait! 😛
yeah, you might want to fix that. I did some research the other day for a post on my blog and it was Feb. 7th for the US (other countries may vary)
I actually got the original press-release directly, which states the 14th as the release date. So I rather stay with that. I’m sure this is not going to be the first time the release date will change. 😉
really???It’s on the 7th now? Maybe my parents will take me to it as a 3 day early b-day present 😀
The movie Lego The Adventures Of Clutch Powers is another Lego movie and it’s such a good movie! I’ve watched it over 100 times!
Yea,i’ve heard of that. I’m still thinking about Henri and Edmond! That was hilarious! Can’t wait to watch this LEGO Movie though!
Well, I’m quite hopeful that this won’t end up as an over-glorified advertisement as The Adventures of Clutch Powers did. I also like the fact that it is animated to look like stop-motion, and thus the movements are very natural. I like the way that some bricks appear to be used, with fingerprints on the bricks when seen in sunlight, and the worn-out look of the Classic Blue Spaceman. I wonder how well Will Ferrel and Liam Neeson will play as antagonists…It also seems the movie is made to appeal to both children, casual LEGO fans and hardcore LEGO fans.
And did you see that the spaceguy has a helmet with a broken chin-strap? I thought that was just way too funny… and sweet. It’s a small detail that probably only older LEGO fans would catch and understand, but I thought it was a touching reference to LEGO’s history. 🙂
I understood COMEPLETELY.
ANYWAY, It will also appeal to Collecters like me dont forget them
Someone needs to add Sackbots in this 🙁
Or the Mafia will find you and MESS YOU UP LEGO.
I wanna Make a LEGO city and stuff. Im starting SLOW,
PS: This is Soooo off topic buuut, I liek Mudkips
Fikko, was that you who just asked on the LEGO answers website about downloading non-flash videos? I can help you with that. I would have answered it there but a mod closed the question. Anyway, if you use Firefox, there is a an add-on called Flash Video Downloader – YouTube Downloader 3.8.7. (Just search for it under the add-ons section.) It will download any kind of videos, including the ones you couldn’t. 😉
Oh yeah, it was me, thanks, but it’s not the flash I can’t download…it’s the “LEGO Movie Player” whatever that is. If the one you say works, I wouldn’t have tried it, since it has the words “YouTube” in it, which means it works solely for YouTube. The thing is, I’ll be going away from my preciousss laptop for the next 5 days, so if you could give it a test to see if it works on the LEGO Club! LEGO Friends and LEGO Star Wars websites it will be great. I’ll try to keep updated with my mobile, but I’m not sure how much coverage I’ll be getting…
By the way, back on topic, LEGO is really emphasizing the stop-motion feel to the movie. Every laserbeam in that movie, the puff of clouds the green ninja appeared in and all other special effects we have seen and will see seems to be composed out of LEGO pieces. This gives the illusion that it is a Stop-motion, except for the fact it’s clearly CGI, since even the most dilligent, detailed, reputable LEGO stop-motion makers uses computer generated beams. Here, all of the beams looks like lightsaber blades! And in those scenes above, with all that crossfire, it would be hell if it really was stop-motion!
Fikko, the Firefox video-downloader does work on all videos. Not just YouTube. They just recently added that to their name – probably so people who are looking to downoad YouTube videos can find it. But it works on all other video formats. Once you install it (takes a few seconds), a simple arrow will be added to your Firefox menu bar. The arrow will turn blue when you are on a page with a video. You just hit the arrow and download will begin. It is extremely easy to use. One of our French readers told me about it about a year ago and I have been using it ever since. And yes, it works on LEGO’s website, the LEGO Club website, etc. 🙂
Woohoo! It’s worth a shot. I’ll try it when I get home. Does it really work with Club,Friends AND Star Wars?
Fikko, it definitely works on Star Wars because I just downloaded some from the micro-site. I haven’t tried Friends, but I might do that too before you get back, just to make sure. I have also downloaded some on the Club site about a month ago. Basically if you go to a site where there is a video and the blue arrow lights up it means the download should work. 😉
I also saw the official Danish trailer. It has some fore footage 😉
Meant to say more… sorry! lol
I didn’t expect the animation to be like that! (and I just saw this yesterday!) plus Morgan Freeman is in it! so is the green ninja! I wonder what he’s going to act like! or if the green ninja will be in the shadows! I bet batman will be one of the best characters in the movie! (one problem about this movie… i’m going to get a lot of quotes stuck in my head!) can’t wait!
Yeah, I’m so excited too. I already watched the trailer like 50 times! 🙄
I watched it like ten or more times! I love it!
Btw, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (okay, I had my fun)
On Lloyd ZX, I won”t get my hopes to high. That’s a cameo and that’s as far as it gets. On Batman…well, he will be one of the four main characters.
I get alot of Star Fox 64 qoutes stuck in my head.
“Do a Barrel Roll!”
“Peppy, Long time no see!”
“You will die, Just like your father.”
“Hide your kids, Hide your wife, Hide your kids, Hide your wife, Oh and hide your husband because they be snatching them all up”
Oops wrong thing,
ANYWAYS Im not sure about this.
That was off topic.
Lol.Star Fox. XD
Is the green ninja played by the same person as he is in ninjago
He’s not voiced by anyone, he just appears in the movie.
Alan, not sure what you mean. TBB is not a news site. It is my personal blog to share the LEGO hobby with my friends and other LEGO fans. Some of our regular readers also help out by writing, but we are all in the same situation; we write whenever we have time between work, school and life in general. You are welcome to pitch in as well if you want. 😉
That’s totally true! Life can be hectic!
The trailer is repeating over and over in my head! I memorized the whole trailer……
I watched it like ten times already, but that’s nothing compared to 50. 8-o Anyway, I really hope EXo-force, Power Miners, Indiana Jones, Bionicle, etc. are all in the movie, though it’s pretty doubtful that every single LEGO theme is going to be in it! 😆
❗ I just opened a new blog called TheBrickCenter ❗ Please check it out! Go to and feel free to comment!
Plans for upcoming posts?
Do I? Yes! I have a line of posts ready!
I saw the trailer for it. I can’t wait to see it! 😀
Whoops! I meant I saw the trailer for it before I read this post!
I want that girl minifig!
Btw, that theme tune reminded me of Aha’s classic “Take on me”. The video made a massive impact when it came out on MTV in the 80’s.
Could be from Pitbull’s remix on it. Not as good as the original, though… (Although I like Christina Aguilera. She was born on the exact same day as myself, I’m trying not to compare accomplishments…)
Oh, I was trying to remember where I heard that tune! Thanks for sharing! That music video is AMAZING! 😀
I can’t wait! Hee hee hee I’m so happy!
This looks amazing!!!! I love how Batman and other superheroes are in it! Oh and The Green Ninja…excuse me for a second: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I am so flippin’ happy that he is in it! He better have a big role in it or I will be mad…Also I am so happy that Liam Neeson’s epic, ultra awesome voice will be in it!!!! “Well, sorry pal, Looks like I’m gonna have to report youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu” LOL Laughed so hard!!!!!!
Um, Cool story Bro? Half your comment was random
Morgan Freeman is better >;O I’ll report YOU.
Add Sackbots in this movie.
Want Green Ninja with a big role? Go watch more Ninjago.
It wasn’t a story -_-
And it wasn’t random!!!!!!!!!!! >:(
Well If this movie is BASED of sets, Why would there be sets of this?
This will no doubt be a good movie MORGAN FREEMAN WHAT ELSE DO I HAVE TO SAY?!?!?!
Okay. I want to build a LEGO town. It will have LEGO in it.
made no sense that did.
Agree with you I do. XD
Hey guys, today my Dad will take me into town and I can finally get some series 10 minifgures! Hopefully my two dreams of finding Mr. Gold will come true! xD
YESSSSS! They got Morgan Freeman!
Actulay knew about the movie like a month ago when I googles,”Morgan Freeman” and in his bio it said,” upcoming movies: The LegoMovie” that’s when I had no idea what the movie was about. Now I know! 😀
Oops! I forgot the “I” after actualy.
BTW, budder!
Good luck! 😀
When I saw the name Morgan Freeman I misread it and though Martin Freeman was playing in it! 😆 I saw the trailer for the Hobbit Desolation of Smaug and it looks pretty neat!
I can hardly wait for a Lego set of Smaug the dragon :D.
I found Medusa,the Baseball Catcher(for the Stackers),and a Motorcycle repair man.
Chris, it is not stop-motion. It’s just made to look like that. A brilliant idea if I might say so. 😉
You said spot-motion! 😆
LOL! Okay, fixed it. spot-motion actually sounds good though. 😆
haha awesome! Now there is a movie I’m gonna have to see… 🙂
This will be the greatest movie ever “built”! 😀 I wonder if Lego will make a special set or sets for this next year? It could happen!
I would LOVE to see that! 😀
Batman also wears Blue and White. 😉
ITS BATMAN!!!!!!!! oh yeah, i guess the green ninja and Morgan Friedman to. This is gonna be epic. i wonder if someone could actually build and recreate the whole movie…
Looks like a fun movie! I can predict what the criticisms will look like, though. “A big commercial” but I think it will be great!
I think this will be more than that. Of course any LEGO movie can be considered an advertisement for LEGO’s products, but with such big names behind it I think this is shooting for a lot more. It should be really fun! 😛
i think that this is cool but definantly not as well done as lego ninjago
when I saw the lego movie trailer on youtube I thought it was a teaser video ,but when I saw the trailer at the movie theater when I went to go see despicable me 2 my jaws dropped and I was jumping out of my seat.
Sweet! Yeah, it is very exciting! 😀
OMG! hey everyone, im Katy. i just got done watching the trailer and it was so awesome!!! btw, Jordan i saw the movie trailer while i was at the movies watching Despicable Me 2. it was a hilarious movie.
-Emmet: i think i got it. but just in case… tell me the whole thing again, i wasn’t listening.- that was so funny!!! XD XD XD
not only will this come out, but there will be a ninjago movie in theaters as well. cant wait for both!
Yep! Can’t wait! Just another proof that Ninjago will be back soon! 😀
Woo!!!!! I can’t wait for the Ninjago movie and season 3!!!