Awesome news for LEGO Ninjago fans: the LEGO Ninjago TV show is back today with two new episodes (Ninjago Episode 29: Blackout, and Ninjago Episode 30: The Curse of the Golden Master). Below is the official announcement from Cartoon Network with all the details, along with the schedule on Cartoon Network. Enjoy! ๐

The powerhouse series NINJAGO: Masters of Spinjitzu continues on Cartoon Network with two special episodes on Wednesday April 16 beginning at 6:30 p.m. (ET/PT). During the special episodes airing throughout 2014, the Ninjas will be pushed to their limits as they face new technological threats and gain new allies in this state-of-the-art and futuristic New World. Endowed with four mysterious Techno-Blades, the Ninjas will once again be forced to protect young Lloyd as they discover his Golden Powers only make the Nindroids stronger.
In โBlackoutโ, the power is out in all of Ninjago, but the hard drive containing the Digital Overlord has disappeared. Some mysterious Stranger has stolen it and is now sending alternatively powered Nindroids to attack the Ninja and capture Lloyd. โThe Curse of the Golden Masterโ picks-up with the Stranger and the hard drive still missing. The ninjasโ search for the Stranger and the Digital Overlord brings them deep underground where an old enemy assists them.

The first two special episodes of NINJAGO: Masters of Spinjitzu debuted on Cartoon Network on January 29, 2014 and were the most watched telecasts of the week among boys 2-11, 6-11 and 9-14 behind only the Super Bowl XLVIII programming (including the pre-show, Super Bowl game and post-show), according to Nielsen Media Research. NINJAGO: Masters of Spinjitzu premiered in January 2012 and quickly became a ratings powerhouse. On average, seasons one and two of NINJAGO: Masters of Spinjitzu were the #1 programs on Wednesday nights (7-9p) with kids 2-11/6-11 and all key boys on all TV, while #1 with kids 9-14 on basic cable. The series is based on the best selling line of LEGO construction toys.
So get your popcorn ready and tune in to Cartoon Network tonight! I will also try to upload the episodes here if and when they become available online. Once you watched the episodes feel free come back and share your thoughts on it! Wouldย love to hear what you think! ๐
You may also like to check out the LEGO Ninjago section to watch previous episodes or select from the following recent posts:
- Ninjago Episode 27: The Surge
- Ninjago Episode 28: The Art of the Silent Fist
- 2014 LEGO Ninjago Rebooted Video Sneak Peek
- 2014 LEGO Ninjago Sets Video-Reviews!
- 2014 LEGO Ninjago Sets Available & More!
- 2014 LEGO Ninjago Rebooted New Trailers!
- LEGO Ninjago Movie Coming to Theatres!
- LEGO Ninjago Books by Papercutz
Underground old enemy? Skales?
Interesting. I wish I had cable! ๐
It is times like this when I wish I had cable ๐
Can’t wait until they are on YouTube! ๐
Will you be posting these?
If I can find a good quality and reliable source I will.
I’ll Help ๐
I know you will. ๐
I’ve had a moronic grin on my face all day.My friends think I’ve gone completely nutty.
I’ve been the same way! ๐ฏ also… AAH!!!!!!! SOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN’T CONTAIN MY EXCITEMENT! someone deep underground? oh great! I made this bet with my sister that the stranger wouldn’t be Pythor but it looks like I’m losing! NOOO!!! also there is a trailer for this episode! and its looks so awesome! ONLY EIGHT AND A HALF MORE HOURS!
hey I know this is kind of off topic but on I made a post called “Pythor is the stranger?” first post I ever made and its turning out to be a huge success!
plus, people that aren’t ninjago fans are missing out!
I’m stuck at school missing the marathon!!! Grr..I can’t wait for the new episodes!!!
Are you saying you are commenting on TBB while IN school?
What’s wrong with that? BTW, some time back there was someone here who mentioned that pretty much all other websites were blocked on their school computer, but they were able to reach TBB. I guess that means we are part of the curriculum.
Well, LEGO is pretty educational:)
Yeah, I agree. ๐
I go on at school all the time
I’m not telling anyone… ๐
Deep underground? Old enemy? Sounds like the Serpentine to me. Also, did anyone also catch the mysterious white-hooded figure slithering whenever he moves? I caught it in one of the trailers…instead of walking like a regular mini-figure, he slithers. And he always wears a dress…not hide what? Maybe it’s Pythor hiding his tail.
I have read that it is likely Pythor. But we shall see. ๐
Didn’t Pythor get viciously devoured? Sure Sensei didn’t die but he’s Sensei.
Which trailer is the one with this figure in it?
It’s just shown randomly on CN. I saw it while watching Ep. 23 today. I note he has red slitlike eyes. Only Pythor has those. It’s be great for Acidicous to be the Stranger ๐
Something amazing just happened.Scouts came to my school today and they saw me play basketball and soccer.(My third and fourth loves.Ninjago and writing are my first two.)They offered me a chance to play in an expensive charter school with no tuition fees for their basketball and soccer team!The bad news though is that it’s out of my county and I’d have to leave all my friends.I already printed out the applications(Mom’s orders).I’m feeling really conflicted.*Insert confused face here*
Wow! Big steps, big decisions! I would be confused too! What does your heart tells you? ๐
What country are you offered to go?
She said county, not country. Quite similar, but big difference in distance. ๐
That’s the thing though.It’s so confusing.I mean,it’s a good school,but I really don’t want to move AGAIN.But it would be so amazing.I mean,basketball and soccer along with advanced reading and writing courses isn’t something I get here.I texted my mom about it,and she said I’ve got to make a decision by the end of the week.*Groans*My heart is pulling me in about fifty different directions.
Also,it’s not a different country.It’s a different county in a different state.
Yeah, I can see that this is not an easy decision to make. Exciting but scary at the same time. Maybe sleep on it? Giving your thoughts to your pillow can help. ๐
this is a tough decision man. there is pros and cons for everything. on the one hand even though you get a good education and u r doing something you love u leave your friends. on the other hand you get to meet new people and u r can still stay in contact with your other friends as well as the education and sports. personally i would take the chance because i feel the pros outweigh the cons. however i do not know how it feels to move away since i have never moved (although i have had friends move) make the decision that feels right to you. in the end, it will usually turn out alright.
Finally! The day has come… And the next episodes probably won’t be until June ๐ . Also, since my CN is horribly pixalated (HD and reg) I wanted to record it at my grandparent’s house to watch on Saturday, and the DVR won’t record anything!! ๐ก So mad! ๐ก ๐ก
Has anyone seen the trailer w/ Evil Wu yet? I remember it shows Wu hit Kai twice, then Cole’s like “But we can’t hurt him, he’s Sensei!” and Kai says “Not anymore.” Yet there’s only 2 episodes after this. It’s gonna wind down fast. ๐
Just saw the Ninjago special! It’s a white-colored, raspy-voiced Pythor! Love the twist! LEGO 4ever! <3
Please no more spoilers!! I haven’t watched either of them! But I pretty much guessed that. ๐
Spoilers!!!!.!!.!.!.!.! I put this so somepeople that havent watched the episode and are desperate can see, leave and never return!
Pythor is back he is white, skales has kids and tells the ninja about the curse of golden master,and tells them pythor is back.
Overlord captures lloyd and drains his powers, which leads him to throwing garmadon into the water, also power is back in ninjago
oops, that ones korean:(
Aand i just found it O_o so ignore my spoilers sorryz i am on mobile so i dont have link but go on youtube and search for the user
NINJAGO CHANNEL you will find his video there
Peeaaace(says in rusty pythor voice)
yeah, thats what i just posted before, but as i said, its korean
Found it, Great quality:)
and episode 4:
Do i get another cookie? ๐
Yes, two episodes = two cookies. Big ones. I know I can always count on you. ๐
yay i get to share some cookies with somebody. i got my 2 big cookies when you posted the anouncement for the first 2 episodes
Yeah, I remember that. ๐
Damn it no cookie for me d:
The golden master looks suspiciously like the overlord minifigure from the leaked Toy Fair pics of the Battle for Ninjago City set. How much are you guys willing to bet the ninja are going to go against Lloyd, for fear he’ll become the “Golden Master” and Lloyd will get upset because “his friends are trying to get his coveted golden power” like his dad said?
I hardly got any sleep last night due to Ninjago(it always came back to Jay and Cole breathing in each others’ faces)and my situation.I really don’t think I’m any closer than before.*Groans*Being thirteen shouldn’t be so hard.
Despite this issue,I still laughed last night.One of my favorite parts:
Jay:Well,I’m superhooped,and I haven’t brushed my teeth in a week!*Breathes in Cole’s face*
Jay:Choose blue!You know blue!You’re comfortable with blue!
Cole:Choose black!Black is NOT blue!
Jay:*Glares at Cole*Well,I’m going to make you black and blue!
After Nya saves them:
Jay:Which one did you choose?
Nya:*Smiling*Like I’m ever going to tell you.
*Jay and Cole look at each other for a brief moment then breathe in each others’ face*
lol on the floor DID YOU JUST SPOIL IT?!>:(
*Smiles*Not much.I could’ve told you everything…but I didn’t.
Actually being a teen is probably the hardest part of life. Before that you are just a kid and things are easy, and when you are an adult things are pretty straighforward too. But teen years? Everything is so confusing! You are not a kid and not an adult, and sometimes you feel like a kid sometimes like an adult. People treat you like a kid one day, and an adult the next. Your body is growing in weird ways. Your hormones and emotions are all over the place… there are social pressures, parent pressures, peer pressures… yeah, it can’t really get any worse. ๐
Tell me about it.My mom is always telling me,”You’re too old for Ninjago and Legos.”And then she turns around and says,”You’re too young to go to your friends,”or something like that.I feel like Lloyd in so many different ways it’s unreal.
LOL! Yeah! Lloyd is the perfect example of what a teen’s life looks like! I guess you could just sit on your hands for a few years until the teen madness passes, but that wouldn’t be as much fun. So yeah, it is very confusing and all, but also fun. And it only lasts a few years, so just hang in there! ๐
True.I’ll probably get something out of all of this.I might not become the Golden Ninja and bring peace to Ninjago, but something tells me it’ll be like that in my own kind of way.
Absolutely! You are The Yellow Ninja after all, with the potential to do lots of great things! ๐
Instead of sitting on your hands, do something with them, A.K.A. Build with LEGO ๐
Yeah, but then you are risking somebody saying you are too old for playing with LEGO! Fortunately once you grow up and have your own money people can’t say that any more. Or they may still do, but who cares? My money, my toys. ๐
Well then, build one of those full head dentist implants to keep their mouth shut out of Technic bricks. then they can’t tell you not to play with LEGO, cause their mouth is stuck shut. ๐ ๐ฟ
LOL! LEGO as a torture device? ๐
man tell me about it. my doesn’t have a problem with the growing part or having emotions or having people say your to old for legos ( even though i have been told that) my main problem: school. school is the biggest jerk EVER when you are a teen. i hate it
I feel your pain. You are forced to go to school and you don’t see the benefit. At least later in life, even if you don’t like your job, you get paid. They should pay kids to go to school! ๐
Yes! That would be awesome! However, I’m homeschooled, so how would I get paid? ๐ Ah-ha, Lego sets would be great payment! ๐
Yeah, LEGO as payment works too! I would also take that! ๐
I can see it now.”Hey!From now on you don’t have to give me money.I’ll willingly work for some Legos!”
i haven’t been on here in a long time,but i love this site. >:( i was mad last night my grandma hogged the tv so she could watch the news. What is more important.. the news ….. or the NEW Ninjago episodes:)
The news is so over-rated. It is always bad, it is never really true, and it only makes people feel bad and confused. I vote for Ninjago. ๐
Ninjago all the way
I kinda have a HUGE spoiler that I just noticed…I looked at the new summer 2014 sets and saw the mini-figure that looks to be like the overlord…only he has not mini-figure legs…he has a tail :O Don’t quote me on that but that’s what it looks like in the picture. My guess is that Pythor and the Overlord combine into one like Garmadon and the Overlord did before. If that is so, then I’m definitely getting that Battle for Ninjago City set! ๐
I think it’s more of a ghostly spirit trail thing that some stereotypical shadowy specters have than a snake tail.
Awesome! I’m looking now!
It looks like the Golden Master from the legend…
I think that is purple fog around his legs.
It has some purple and black combinations…purple for Pythor maybe? Who knows, we’ll just have to find out then.
Nevermind, don’t quote me, it’s that dress-like piece that the new Pythor has, sorry guys…but they still might combine for metamorphasis though.
this sucks because i dont have like cable or direct tv or anything like that.
read the previous comments, i posted both the episodes
thanks man
Did anyone else cry when Lloyd broke down after he was captured? Or was that just me?
I didn’t,but I had the same feeling that Lloyd did when the baby bird was about to fall.(I’m a sucker for animals,especially if they’re helpless.)
I know I freaked out when they threw Garmadon over the side. First I screamed no then I laughed at how ironic it was being that he did that to the serpentine.
the masked figure is Pythor, Hands Down.
Proof: 1. His Eyes 2. the masked man hissed on s’s
proof 3: it says so at the end of ep 30
OK, I just got done watching a really pixalated Ninjago 29 & 30.
I note that Lloyd makes the green ninja cycle in ep. 30, while Overborg is in 28 – the tank bike never even exists! So Overborg Attack is a mixed set. ๐
And it is definitely Pythor, if you watch the last 2 minutes, he shows himself to Lloyd. The MechDragon is also huge!
BTW, Did anyone else like the part when Dareth was “talking” to the shark? That was hilarious. ๐
I’m still confused with the number of episodes to-be. Jay Vincent said at least 8 new episodes and everyone else says only 6. Well, at least we know why Jay Vincent said there were many magical flutes to come, though! Pythor is back! Maybe the ninja find the flute Pythor stole way back in season 2?
oh boy. i have had a cold for 2 days and now i have a voice just as raspy as pythors
I am so excited to see episode 31 + 32. Episode 31 is rumoured to be named “Enter the Digiverse”. Do you think it’s true?
I new Pythor was still alive. If he got turned into a snakeborg then I would call him Pythoid
Guys omg episode 31 is on the lego msg boards, someone linked it and got banned. White A said so
happy easter Ninjagoens
Happy Easter to you to, Jay! ๐
NRG Cole when I go to youtube for your ninjago episodes you posted, it says they are private. Anyway you could fix that?
Go to filefoot. Then press the watch now button. It doesn’t download anything, despite saying it does.
So many thanks your way
I’ve searched,but I couldn’t find anything.What did you search?
I actually found the information on wikipedia the first time I searched ๐ Not to make you jealous or anything though. Here is what I found:
31 “Techno Strike” 2014
After Lloyd has been captured, The Overlord has finally gained a physical body and is holding Lloyd captive. Now with Sensei Garmadon re-united with the ninja, they go for a full scale assault on the Nindroids to reboot the hard drive and save Lloyd. 32 “Arctus Operation” 2014 Now that Lloyd is saved and the hard drive has been rebooted, the ninja must find out the mystery of Operation: Arctus. 33 “Return of the Golden Weapons” 2014 The ninja must adapt to space quickly to beat the Nindroids to the Golden Weapons, but somehow they get stranded on a comet and find something stowed awayโฆ something not of their world.
Note: The Golden Weapons return and the ninja find The First Spinjitzu Master in his world who allies with the ninja. 34 “Age of the Golden Master” 2014 The ninja and The First Spinjitzu Master returns to New Ninjago City only to find The Overlord turned into an immortal God-like form known as the Golden Master. Now one of the ninja must make the ultimate sacrifice to stop the Overlord’s reign of destruction.
Sounds like a very interesting story plot to me! Can’t wait! ๐
That is very interesting! ๐
Dude! I so can’t wait! That sounds AWESOME!
i think that the new episode are awesome. Zane is so sweet how he gave P.I.X.A.L. half of his power. Power to the “Robot love.”
I thought that was sweet,too.Too bad the moment was ruined…
Yeah, Zane was always my favorite ninja. ๐
he’s always monotone… lol i like it
When do the new episodes air? just curious ๐
I have heard that Episode 31 and 32 will come in July and Episode 33 and 34 will air in September.
Where did you hear that? (sigh) I was hoping for June, but July (right before the summer wave) sounds correct. ๐ But the pattern says October next, but I guess the sooner the better! ๐
I can’t remember where I heard it. I hear so many things. I think somebody shared it here on another article…
Guys, animation takes a very long time. It would take about 8-10 days just to get one episode in.
It’s hard to animate! Sorry to burst your bubble.
I asked someone in the Lego store in NYC in March and he also said it would be two episodes per season in 2014.
September? Why so long? :'(
Wait, a season? DX
I hope what they say for Episode 33 is true.(First Spinjitzu Master returning) If it is, I will be sooo excited ๐
Probably will, and he will probably make the ultimate sacrifice to finish off the battle he and the Overlord started years ago, as it says in the description of the episode 34: Age of the Golden Master, found in my previous comment above.
Actually,what I think might happen,P.I.X.A.L. Might make the ultimate sacerfice and give Zane back his power before she dies. ๐ If I’m right I’m gonna be sad.
It is unlikely that will happen. Nobody ever dies in LEGO movies, so not to worry. ๐
New pictures of the Summer 2014 sets. In the X-1 Ninja charger, a Nindroid drone is going to be a character, too.
I have a post ready for Sunday so we can talk about those! ๐
Also, Lego Cuusoo will be replaced by Lego Ideas on April 30th.
I hate Day Pitney LLP. No more Ninjago Youtube videos ๐
Yeah… ๐
Yeah, and no Yoda Chronicles either….
Is Day Pitney a person or a company? If he’s human, then he must not like the videos he claims are copyright. BTW, this explains copyright:
it may be a little confusing. ๐
Day Pitney is a law-firm representing LEGO, and probably Cartoon Network too. We may not like it, but the fact of the matter is that both Ninjago and Chima are the intellectual properties of these companies. It is totally up to them what they do with it and how they distribute it. Taking their property and uploading it without their permission is technically illegal, so yeah, we may not like it, it may not make sense to us, but they have every right to protect their own property in whatever way they wish.
Wait I heard on another site that they have most of the episodes done. I kinda think thats true cuz they have most out but in other languages. Oooooohhh they make us wait to long! I’m going crazy!
Info about Episode 33 is not true. Instead it’s a plot for the 11th Ninjago Graphic Novel called “Comet Crisis”.
How do you find them? I’d like to read them myself.
I just can’t believe that information plus l thought the first spinjestu master was dead