A few months ago I introduced you to a fellow LEGO fan who designed a very cute little WALL-E based on the 2008 animated film by Pixar. The LEGO version of WALL-E was created by Miro, and includes all the key features; the simple square shape, all-terrain treads, the shovel-hands, and binocular eyes are all there (see previous article here: Build Your Own LEGO Robot: LEGO WALL-E). And now there is more! 🙂

Since then fans of WALL-E have been asking for the other main characters of the film, EVE and M-O, so Miro set out to recreate them as well. You probably remember that EVE is WALL-E’s inspiration and love interest – a strong-headed robot who shoots first and asks questions later. And M-O is the little cleaning droid who befriends WALL-E and helps out on his adventures… oh, and also keeps him clean! 😀

And here they are; the three partners in crime. Miro actually included step-by-step instructions for his LEGO WALL-E, so you can easily build your own (see Miro’s flickr gallery here for the instructions). With EVE and M-O although there are no step-by-step instructions right now (Miro is working on it) if you have the required elements you should be able to build your own characters by looking at the pictures in this gallery.

Also, you can visit Miro’s BrickLink shop, as he regularly puts together and releases kits to build your own WALL-E, EVE and M-O. They only costs a few dollars and include all the parts needed to build the robots as well as full instructions to assemble them. Just look under Custom Items in his BrickLink shop called The Brick Corner. (Please note that I took a current screen-shot of Miro’s store, however prices and availability can change.)

What do you think? How do you like this little LEGO WALL-E? Have you built one yet? Are there any other LEGO WALL-E creations that you really like? Feel free to share in the comment section below! 😉
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I want these!! Wall.E look perfect!
Personally, I don’t like his EVE. :S
I agree, it looks to blocky for her…
Bob, as you are probably aware, it is not easy to create round shapes with mostly square elements – especially in such a small scale. And EVE is very round (sorry, EVE, I’m not implying that you need to go on a diet), and using some very interesting technology of some kind of a magnetic field to keep her torso and head together, plus being able to seamlessly retract her fingers and arms into her body. And of course we are all free to explore and experiment to come up with a better design. 😉
I built the M-O in the picture where he’s cleaning up after Wall-E on LDD, but I see I will have to re-do it, as the new one is different. 😕
EVE is definitely off, possibly b/c it looks to big compared to Wall-E. 😐
Yeah, the new M-O is a bit different than the first version – in my opinion even better. I built him a couple of days ago. He is very cute. I did change the bottom on mine a bit though so he doesn’t need the stand. With EVE the issue is that she is so round it is very hard to re-create her in LEGO. I think this is pretty much the closest you can get on this scale with the current selection of LEGO elements and without using stickers.
Yes, it’s definitely close to the best possible, but there’s room for improvement.
Also, I have started building the Exo-suit on LDD. It’s very neat, though I’ve only done the legs. 🙂
Nice! Once the instructions are available you should have no problem building one in LDD. There are a few parts in new colors, but other than that, all parts are available.
Who needs instructions? I use those to check my work. 😉
As for the new-colored parts, I work on Extended, so it’s not a problem, although it’s good to know what pieces are new.
And I was just shopping, and at Target there were Series 2 Mixels, but I couldn’t get any; and at Walmart, I could get one, but they didn’t have any! Disgraceful! 😡 🙁
LOL! All right, Master Builder! Sure, who needs instructions?! I also use the Extended version LDD, but yeah, it is good to know what you can actually buy in case you do want to build your design. Sorry about the Mixels… I was watching a video with the BrickShow and they said that there are actually going to be a lot more Mixels even beyond the series we know about. So hopefully you will be able to get some of them.
Ooh, more Mixels? Oh-no, I won’t be able to afford any. Saving up for larger items. 😉 From Series 2 I just want to get Lunk and Tentro.
Anyways, I built all the limbs, part of the cab-section, and the turtle to the Exo-suit. About 218 pieces, I think. 🙂
I’m also considering just getting the first 3 waves of Mixels and just stop even if there are more. I really like to mess around with them, but I don’t think I want a huge collection. As far as the Exo Suit, what do you think of the arms? A lot of people complain about those barrells. However Mark Stafford said he had to use them because he is hiding some connections inside.
To be honest, I’m fine with the barrels.
But hidden connections? That sounds interesting. Right now I just have an 8-stud shaft ( http://brickset.com/parts/design-4095 ) holding all the exterior parts together to the hand and elbow. I guess there’s an axle joiner in the barrel, with a stick in one side, and an axle in the other. 😕
There doesn’t seem to be that many basic colors left for the mixels except black and white… (Unless you consider chrome and trans, but it seems unlikely they would be used for a whole character.)
And also, the themes might increasingly get more and more strained – rock, fire and electricty feels kinda basic, but the newer themes might get weirder and weirder…
I thought of that too. Actually I would hope there wouldn’t be any more Mixels. I like to collect small sets like these at times and I would feel my collection is not complete if I don’t get the new ones. Also I agree that they might get too weird or repetative if they keep pusihing them. Anyhow, it was just a rumor I heard through the BrickShow, so it might not even be true.
Yes, Mark mentioned something like that. Like there was an axle on one side a stick on the other… I should know soon enough as I’m getting my copy of the set tomorrow. I supposed to get it today, but missed the delivery lady because I was at the beach. 😕
@admin, I think there’s a 3M axle, which connects to a light sword blade by means of an axle joiner inside the barrel.
I wish I could get a review copy, but I guess I need a website of something… Huw should be reviewing it also this week, so that will help. 🙂
Yes, I’m pretty sure that’s what Mark said! Good job figuring it out! 🙂
@Håkan, bright green, orange, and purple aren’t that basic…
Also, you’re forgetting a few other colors in LEGO that could be used, such as Pink, Gold, Dark Green, and Light Grey. Though what elements those would be I have no idea…. 😀
I considered the “basic colors” as black and white, the six rainbow colors and brown, but yeah, it’s arguable. (Also, brown might just be considered “dark orange”, as pink would be “light red”.)
(Some might claim that the rainbow actually contains seven colors, but the indigo/ violet distinction actually doesn’t make any more sense than a green/ teal/ blue, or a yellow/ lime/ green etc…)
Eve doesn’t look good. But I liked the usage of the Hypnobrai staff piece on her 🙂 Wall-E and M-O look great though!
No, it’s a Venomari staff piece. But, yeah, it looks nice! 🙂
Yeah it’s a Venomari piece, very creative idea though. The robots are so cute 😀 and I changed my name, I was Majestic Kai Fan
Ah dang. I forgot 🙁 I’m sorry Ninjago!
I’d love to buy this but can’t find it anywhere..:(
Carol, the link to buy them is in the article. 😉
I found it now lol.. I was looking in the wrong place..
Here’s my offering, a pretty simple build of WALL-E, EVE & MO I threw together back in 2011 for my kids.
Matt, nicely done! 😀
Pneumatic Technic pieces… Cool!
What are the two L-shaped brackets serving as the front of the goggles? I’ve scoured catalogs but can’t find them.
They are standard minifigs neck-brackets. See here: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=42446