The beginning of a new month means new LEGO deals. The focus this month is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, so as a freebie you will get an exclusive LEGO TMNT Flashback Shredder minifigure with purchases of $75 or more, at LEGO brand stores and at the Online LEGO Shop. And there is more, so read below what’s happening during the month of July! 🙂

Besides the free LEGO TMNT Shredder minifig LEGO VIP members can also get 50 bonus VIP points with the purchase of the #79121 LEGO TMNT Turtle Sub Undersea Chase set. The new wave of LEGO TMNT sets will be available on July 6th at LEGO stores and the Online LEGO Shop.

The #10244 LEGO Creator Fairground Mixer is now available to non-VIP members. If you are a LEGO City fan I think you will really enjoy this set. You can see a video-preview here: Unveiling of the LEGO Fairground Mixer, and a full review here: LEGO Fairground Mixer – Full Review

Also, if you live near a LEGO brand store, the Pick-A-Brick Wall got updated for the summer with pastel color elements to match the LEGO Disney Princess and LEGO Friends lines. So if you are into unique colors like pink, purple and azure, check at your friendly local LEGO store.

LEGO VIP members will get early access starting on the 18th to the #10242 LEGO Creator Mini Cooper set. You can see a preview-video and the full press-release on this set here: LEGO Mini Cooper Coming Soon!

For our friends over in Europe the offers are quite different. From July 1-7 LEGO VIP members receive a white LEGO Classic Space minifig and robot on orders over €30 (most likely to gear up for the LEGO Ideas Exo Suit set’s release in August).

From July 1-16 all orders over €30 will include a free #30264 LEGO Legends of Chima Frax polybag, and from July 17-31 a free #30265 LEGO Legends of Chima Worriz’ Bike also for orders over €30.

And finally from July 18-31 the #10242 LEGO Creator Mini Cooper will be available to LEGO VIP members, and the tiny version #40109 Mini Cooper polybag will be included with the order. I guess we could call it mini Mini Cooper or Micro Cooper – in either case, super cute! 😀

So what do you think? How do you like the LEGO shopping specials this month? What are you planning to get? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! 😉
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I was going to place an order today to get the flashback shredder, but LEGO keeps putting the Galaxy Squad sets back to full price…
Hm… that was clever from them. They know that people will be coming for the new promotions so they put their prices back to normal. Galaxy Squad is on its way out though, so look out for another price-drop in the near future.
The price for them has been back and forth. This is the forth time it’s happened in the past two weeks (that I know about)…
Interesting… I guess they can’t make up their mind! 🙄
I thought Flashback Shredder looked cool when the UK had it, but I’m no too interested now. I really want that Classic Space minifig! 😡 And why is it always $75 or more? Why not $50? the UK gets £25! 🙁
Not liking the new TMNT sets, either. The turtles’ heads are just…weird. 😕
Looks like I am going to miss the good stuff this month: P-A-B & Ninjago. 🙁
BTW, Fusion is up on Lego Shop US, as “coming soon”. 😉
Yes, but the UK has higher prices on LEGO in general, so it is either this or that. And I agree that the Turtles are quite ugly-looking this time. If you don’t like the promotions this month, next month we are also getting the Chima promos and the mini Mini Cooper. 😉
Don’t you mean the US has higher prices on LEGO in general? On Brickset, the numbers are lower in the UK than the US, so the difference in value becomes almost equivalent.
No, the prices in the UK are higher. They are in pounds. Pounds are worth a lot more than dollars. The USA has the the cheapest prices on LEGO in the world. 😉
Didn’t know that. But no wonder pounds are worth more, the inflation here has cut the value of USD almost in half. 😕
I believe the exchange rate for the British pound is 1: 1.62. So if I buy something in the UK it costs more than 1.5 times what it would cost in the U.S.
I’d like to get that mini mini cooper build and see if I can mod it to fit a minifigure inside. If you find the instructions for it online, can you let me know?
I think Lego will release downloadable instructions for it at the same time they add the replacement part inventory. Correct, admin?
Yes, that’s what usually happens, so I expect it to be the same this time.
The instructions aren’t the highest quality, but The Brick Fan has them:
Thanks for sharing that! Perfect! 😛
I got that calendar on Sunday at the Fashion Valley San Diego LEGO Store. As soon as I saw Oroku Saki I thought it was pretty sweet, now they just need to make Hamato Yoshi and Tang Shen and we’ll have all the TMNT throwback characters.
I’m curious as to what the new exclusive will be, because there is another one in August, is it the new pirate ship?… I sure hope so.
I also can’t wait to see the SDCC exclusives, it’s an exciting time!!!
Micho, I have heard that the exclusive is going to be the Batman Tumbler. 😉
:-O … shock and awe!!!! That would be sweeeeeet!!!
Sorry to bother you, Micho, but do you know if there are any 1×2 or 1×1 tiles at the Fashion Valley pick-a-brick wall?
Thanks in advance!
Oh yeah, I also received two 2X1 coupons for Legoland California. AAAAAND the new PAB wall has the new brown horses, I wanted to buy a small container but could only fit 5 🙁
Brown horses? Oh, that’s nice! 😛
Apparently they should be in Copenhagen, as well. Wonder if I’ll get there before they’re out of stock… Oh well, I need to find space for building, anyway…
Aaugghhh! 😡 I want horses! My brothers each have one, but me, I am the sucker who has ZERO. -sigh- 🙁
Although I’m not into tmnt, (but I like Ninja!) it’s almost my birthday soon (coming up this month! 😀 ) So I’ve been hinting to my mom that she should buy my presents/Lego sets online so I could get the minifigure. 🙄 I really want that minifigure’s weapons!
Great…. More Lego chima and tmnt