The highly anticipated Series 12 of the LEGO Collectible Minifigures should be available in October, although some people are reporting that they have already found them at various retailers who put them out early – most likely by accident. While we are waiting for the official release, you can check out WhiteFang’s review over at EuroBricks. This is the first non-licensed series of LEGO Collectible Minifigs since The LEGO Movie and the LEGO Simpsons minifigure collections, so it is quite exciting. 🙂

WhiteFang is known for his very detailed reviews on each series of the LEGO Collectible Minifigures. He goes through everything from packaging, to detailed pictures of each minifigure from all angles, and also how many minifigures he found in a full box. And I especially enjoy his comparison pictures to similar minifigures from various series. You can find WhiteFang’s full review at EuroBricks, all of the detailed pictures of each minifigure at his flickr gallery, and he also put together a compilation of the pictures in a video that you can watch below.
We have talked about Series 12 of the LEGO Collectible Minifigures before (see: LEGO Collectible Minifigs Series 12 Pictures!), however for your reference, here is the list again, along with how many are found in a full box. As you probably know already, a full case includes 60 minifig packets, and there are 16 different minifigs in each series. So if you get an unopened box, you will be able to put together 3 complete collection, and end up with 12 extra minifigs you can use as army-builders, for trading, or for selling to offset the cost of the box.
- LEGO Series 12 Space Miner – 5 in a full box
- LEGO Series 12 Swashbuckler – 5 in a full box
- LEGO Series 12 Video Game Guy – 5 in a full box
- LEGO Series 12 Battle Goddess – 4 in a full box
- LEGO Series 12 Dino Tracker – 4 in a full box
- LEGO Series 12 Piggy Guy – 4 in a full box
- LEGO Series 12 Pizza Delivery Guy – 4 in a full box
- LEGO Series 12 Rock Star – 4 in a full box
- LEGO Series 12 Wizard – 4 in a full box
- LEGO Series 12 Fairytale Princess – 3 in a full box
- LEGO Series 12 Genie Girl – 3 in a full box
- LEGO Series 12 Hun Warrior – 3 in a full box
- LEGO Series 12 Jester – 3 in a full box
- LEGO Series 12 Life Guard – 3 in a full box
- LEGO Series 12 Prospector – 3 in a full box
- LEGO Series 12 Spooky Girl – 3 in a full box

Please note that sometimes boxes don’t have the same distribution, so take this list as a guide, not as a definite inventory. As you can see, this series has a pretty good distribution, so you should be able to find all the minifigs when you are searching through packets at retail locations, and even when you are buying randomly (like at the Online LEGO Shop where you don’t have a chance to feel through each package) you should get a fair mix.

So what do you think? Are you looking forward to Series 12 of the LEGO Collectible Minifigures? Which ones are you planning to get? Or are you going to get all of them? Maybe even a full box? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! 😉
And you might also like to visit the LEGO Minifigures section for more news, reviews and discussions, or select from the following related posts:
Totally getting the swash buckler, jester, Hun warrior, and Greek goddess.
I glad there’s a more even distribution of figures in this series. three to five of each is better than having six of the same figure in a box. I’ll be searching for battle goddess, piggie guy, Dino tracker, the Hun, and the Jester.
Yes, the distribution is better than in the past, so that’s a good thing! 🙂
I want the Wizard the most since I’ve been waiting to see one since series 5 or 6! The piggy guy and gamer come in a close second for me but what really surprises me is that the Genie Girl is rare however ive had more swaps of her more than any other character! I’ve only bought about 12 packs and 2 or 3 of them were Genie Girl?! Like wth?!
Need…… 😛 But I guess I still need some of the Simpsons ones… oh well series 12, you will have to wait. 😛
I guess…. I will have to wait. not them. 😛
So which one is everyones favorite? Mine is The Jester… but there are a few others that I love 😀
I’m going to get pretty much everybody from this series!
I hope to get all of them but my favorite is the wizard and the piggy guy
I have always wondered how you get a full box of minifigures
A lot of stores don’t mind selling you full boxes if you just ask. I know Meijer is one of them, also some Wal-Marts and TRUs. Just need to ask. 😉
How much is it
It really depends. If the series is brand new you will probably pay full price. If lots of boxes have been sitting around you can get a discount. Also, with a larger purchase like that don’t forget the benefit of reward-points and special discounts either thru the store or your credit card. 😉
so if you lived in the US and you bought a hole box that was this series (series 12) how much would it be? twenty, thirty dollars? oh and also, is whitefang the guy who write’s those things for the feel guide so you can find them easier?
Well, there are 60 minifigs in a full box, so $3.99 x 60 = $239.40. The feel guides are written by William. He is legally blind and has an excellent sense for feeling for the minifigs. He never made a mistake. 😉
oh wow really? that’s cool. but $239.40? that’s not so cool 🙄 I didn’t know that there was that many in one box! 😯
Yeah, it’s a pretty big box. 😉
I guess my fav is the Goth Girl.
I think the rock star would be interesting if it was female. Looks a bit like Joan Jett or later Nena.
Haven’t they made a female rock star in another series Hakan? Series seven or eight I think.
Yeah, with the pink hair from Series 7. 🙄
Yeah, She’s New Wave-ish, but leather is more Punk Rock. (Early punk rock, anyway, later female punks got more theatrical and gothish…)
Let me be the first (well, probably not the first) to say, finally! Non-licensed minifigures!
Yeah!… 😀
We haven’t had a new minifigures series since, may? June? I’m looking forward to well, a lot of them! To many to name. finally a good series. I’m not saying the others where bad but this has to be one of the bests in a long time.
I cant wait! i want the jester, and i will have to put THAT code in for LMO!
I totally want some of these! I have zero (none at all) collectable minifigs 🙁 , and these are the perfect ones for me to get (though I really wanted Abe Lincoln for TLM series). Definitely the Hun Warrior, need his sword, the Pizza Guy, Space Miner, and Battle Goddess.
I heard some people have already found them, but when is their official release? October 1st?
Yes, the official release is at the beginning of October. I can’t wait for these guys! 😛
you know BLProductions, you could always get one’s you want on or other places. but if I where you I would not wait for them to get older, they become more expensive. sometimes you can get minifigures for under US $1.00, sometimes without having to pay shipping.
I sure hope I find these after X-mas for $1 a pop… I really need to because my sale inventory is depleated and I need some of the new sets coming out… PIRATES!!! ARRRRRGH!!!
I’m looking forward to the Pirate series as well. 😀
I’ll definitely be getting the Lifeguard, Video Game Guy, and Piggy Suit Guy. 😛 😀 The others I’ll have to narrow down… 😛 They’re all so cool! >_< 😛
I hope to get at least ONE… I hardly ever get minifigures, I’m not allowed :S I have the money…
Yeah i am looking forward to them, and some genuine Lego mini-figs that are not licensed, yay! these are probably the ones i am going to get.
LEGO Series 12 Space Miner
LEGO Series 12 Video Game Guy
LEGO Series 12 Battle Goddess
LEGO Series 12 Dino Tracker
LEGO Series 12 Piggy Guy
LEGO Series 12 Pizza Delivery Guy
LEGO Series 12 Wizard
LEGO Series 12 Hun Warrior
LEGO Series 12 Jester
LEGO Series 12 Prospector
You know, i might just get the box, hahaha.
I found some at wal-mart. I found a Wizard and a Piggy Guy.
At WalGreens I found the Dino Hunter, Wizard, Prospector< and the Gamer!
Nice find! 😛
I got 5 Goth Girls out of one a box at work, I’m starting to think the figs are no longer set per box
ignore that lol