Continuing our discussion on the upcoming 2015 LEGO sets (see links at the end of this post), let’s talk about the LEGO Pirates line today. The return of LEGO Pirates is actually a big deal, and something that LEGO fans have been waiting for quite some time. The last LEGO Pirates sets was released back in 2009, so it’s nice to see their return. There are five LEGO Pirate sets lined up for release early next year. See below. 🙂

➡ #70409 LEGO Pirates Shipwreck Defense – this is the smallest of the upcoming LEGO Pirates sets. It includes an Imperial Soldier with a firing cannon, and a pirate on a very basic shipwreck assembly. The are also plenty of guns and other odds and ends as accessories. 84 pieces. Price should be around $10.

➡ #70410 LEGO Pirates Soldiers Outpost – this is a sweet little LEGO Pirates set with lots of action. There is a basic raft with a tattered sail and one pirate, and an Imperial Outpost with two Imperial Soldiers and one firing cannon. There is also a black Kraken with glowing orange eyes. I like the dark red brick accents on the outpost. 164 pieces. Price should be around $15.

➡ #70411 LEGO Pirates Treasure Island – we don’t have a picture of this set without the confidentiality watermark, but I can tell you what it looks like. It has a small island with a brick-built white skull that is large enough for pirates to hide behind. It also probably includes some treasure. The two pirates included in the set also have a firing cannon. There is also a small banana-tree on the island, as well as a parrot. There is an Imperial Soldier in a standard small LEGO boat trying to get to the island, and there is also a crocodile to make the scene more dangerous and dramatic. 180 pieces. Price should be around $20.
➡ #70412 LEGO Pirates Soldiers’ Fort – this is one of the larger sets in the 2015 LEGO Pirates line, including a somewhat bigger outpost for the Imperial Soldiers. In my opinion it is really a stretch calling it a fort though. It is more like a skeleton of a fort. Maybe the rest of the fort has been already destroyed by the pirates and disappeared under the sea? Anyhow, there is another firing cannon here, along with jewels, weapons, and other fun accessories. 234 pieces. Price should be around $25.

➡ #70413 LEGO Pirates The Brick Bounty – this is the largest set in the 2015 LEGO Pirates line with an awesome LEGO pirate ship. It appears to be almost identical to the #6243 LEGO Brickbeard’s Bounty from 2009, although honestly, I think that one was a better looking ship. We will have to see more pictures though to form a full opinion. 745 pieces. This set is going to be to be $90 according to Brickipedia.

And that rounds up of the upcoming LEGO Pirates line. Here we see the same trend as with many of the other 2015 LEGO themes; lots of small to medium size sets with an affordable price. I think they will appeal to younger kids as pirates are a perennial favorite with them, and there are a lot of play-features in each of the sets. However I believe that teen and adult LEGO fans will be disappointed. None of the sets are substantial or interesting enough to really appeal to older LEGO fans. The recommended age range is 5-12 on most of these sets (with the exception of the pirate ship which is 5-14), and I think that’s a bit pushing it. I would see them appeal more to 5-10 year olds. Perhaps later LEGO will release a larger set in the LEGO Pirates line, like they did with the #10210 LEGO Pirates Imperial Flagship – a beautiful set released in 2010 specifically for older LEGO Pirates fans.

What do you think? How do you like the LEGO Pirates sets coming out next year? Are you planning to get any of them? Do you have a favorite? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! Ahoy! 😉
And you might also like to check out the following related posts:
I’m excited for the new shark, and am glad to see that it looks like they kept the old cannons. For me, these are must haves as I’ve got the other pirate sets in the series. Love the details, colors and accessories.
Nice to hear this from a knowledgable LEGO Pirate fan! 🙂
I think the shark, is a swordfish.
Most of these look too juniorized, although the play value seem decent. I also miss the 90’s bendable palm tree. Why was it discontinued?
Note sure about the palm tree. I have one and I really like it. If you want I can ask Kevin Hinkle. 🙂
Yeah, why not. Sure, if you find the time. Thank you!
We could probably do something like a Q&A with Kevin, Mark Stafford, or even others. I know for sure that both Kevin and Mark are open and happy to answer questions from the community. I’m thinking maybe doing an article just basically gathering questions to see if anybody else from our community would like to ask something, then we can submit them all at the same time. What do you think? 😉
Ah. Alright. Might be more interesting. Why not? (Although that might make my particular question a bit narrow…)
I’m going to ask your question anyway, it just made me think of the idea for the future. 🙂
While you’re at it, you could ask why there’s so few useful pieces in Reddish Orange… 😉
Sure! I want more too! 😀
They all kinda look like remakes of the old ones.
LEGOLAND Florida was awesome, so was the Downtown Disney LEGO store.
Nice! I’m glad you had a great trip! I’m going down to BrickWorld Tampa later this month. Are you coming?
Why do I always watch the videos (2good4u) before the blog post on here is made? =P
Sorry, I meant just2good. I got mixed up with another LEGO youtuber
I watch his videos right away too. Resistance is futile! 😈
I’m not a huge fan of these. They definitely don’t look like difficult sets to build at all and aimed more at a younger audience. Like the police and castle sets, there’s really only so much you can do with the pirate theme (a ship, a little fort, etc.). This seems like a tired theme for Lego and one that they aren’t putting much effort into anymore.
Andy, that’s an interesting point. I remember the previous wave was just sitting around on retail-shelves for a long time. In my opinion that was actually a better assortment with a nicer ship and a bit more substantial sets. Then came Pirates of the Caribbean, which had some really sweet ships, and compared to those the generic LEGO Pirates line does indeed look tired. Also, I’m really not sure how much kids are into pirates these days. They are big here in Florida, but other places I don’t know. LEGO ships are beautiful though and it is a good idea for LEGO to release one every few years to keep up with new generations. They could make the design a bit more interesting though. We always get the same generic designs with the same sails and minifigs. 😕
A bar or similar would be cool, but maybe it isn’t considered child-appropriate.
LOL! Yeah, with bottles of grape-juice!
Oh my gosh!!! I think I’ll get all of them! These sets look really nice and I really like the shipwrecked boat in the first one that the pirate is hiding behind. These look epic!
The second line and fourth word of my post should be like… not lie
Fixed it for ya. 😉
These sets lack the finesse of the previous Pirates range we had in 2010. They look like something from the 1990’s.
well then I must be a little 32 year old kid LOL… jk… I LOOOOOVE the fact that this collection is so small and I can get everything at around $200, if I can manage to get them all in 2015 before it is expanded. Pirates was the 1st theme I got into in the early 90s. I am very excited about the sets and although they look simplistic at first glance, when I compare them to the 90s sets and to some Pirates II sets you can clearly see how the new elements and building techniques stand out. I love the pirate on soldier’s fort, from the pics it looks to be an updated re-make of the original generic pirate sailor. just… just… “EVERYTHING IS AWESOMEEEEE!!!!”
This is how it all started for me:
“JACK! JACK! He’s a LEGO maniac!” 90s Pirates and castle commercial
LEGO Pirates 90’s commercial and stop-motion video
LOL! I’m jealous of your childhood!
yeah I don’t blame you… we were all gung-ho on LEGO, VHS, Nintendo Entertainment System, Soda, pizza, Chicago Bulls, Analog TV, Ninja Turtles, and jean jackets it appears LOL.
Yeah, the good ol’ days… My family lives in the suburbs of Chicago and I remember going into the city and seeing those larger-than-life Michael Jordan cut-outs everywhere. And who can argue with soda, pizza, Ninja Turtles, and jean jackets?
:-O … I envy your childhood too
Okay, so when I figure out time-travel we can invite each other over for play. 😉
It’s already figured out (supposedly HAHAHA)… so when its affordable enough LOL… but yeah, sounds like a plan!!!
Yeah, it would be nice to see that happen in our lifetime! Would love to go back to my childhood and pick up the Galaxy Explorer! 😛
HAHAHA!!! make sure your bill are printed on the year you are traveling to or before 😀 … remember Doc’s briefcase from Back To The Future II?
Yeah, I’m concerned about that… you really gotta have your destination right, and I’m already really bad with numbers and dates! 😕
Micho, thanks for sharing! You reminded me that I read something interesting from my favorite LEGO Designer, Mark Stafford, the other day: “Got to say it is irritating as hell when leaked preliminary images are posted and people leap to conclusions though and I can’t say anything. That’s when I become Captain Grouch!” And I have been thinking about this – how these leaked images make us jump to conclusions about how good or not good an upcoming set is without knowing all the details.
So having preliminary images has its plusses and minuses. Personally I like them and always look at them because it helps me plan for the upcoming months. It can also save money; like if a minifig is currently only in a very expensive set and it costs $20+ on the secondary market, but I know that a cheaper version is coming out down the line, I will wait. On the negavite side, we may be judging a set or new theme too fast with having only images.
If anything in my opinion the leaks should be looked at as movie teaser trailers, just something to wet your whistle before the big reveal, form me, as soon as I saw the stand in figures, it spiked my interest, the I found out Captain Red Beard and Governor Broadside were making a return and I was all like “Oh yeah!!!” I still can’t wait to see the closeup redesigns on high def. I’m so excited for the next generation of 6 to 12 year olds that get these sets and hope they learn to treasure them as I have mine. If any polys come out you can bet I am getting a bunch and handing them out to the kids I know to get em hooked!!!
It was like me. I jumped to conclusions when I saw the preliminary images for Ninjago, though it was horrible. When I saw the official ones they looked incredible and I changed my mind.
The name, The Brick Bounty reminds me so much of Destiny’s Bounty. Argh I watch too much ninjago! 😉
I can sympathize with Stafford 🙂 I’m always so annoyed when people say things and get them mixed up, even if someone walks in when me and others are watching a movie, I have this urge to explain everything thats going on to the newcomer.
But I still like preliminary photos 😀
Oh, the Denstiny’s Bounty! That was a nice ship, isn’t it! 😛
I found some of the images cool but others were a little disenchanting. There was one picture of the pirates sets that I’m disappointed didn’t make it, though maybe it will be in the later sets. It was the one that had the huge skull on the island. I was admittedly a little disappointed seeing the leaked image of the grocery and toy shop for creator. I’m hoping it will be better than the leaked image.
Kim, I did mention the set with the skull in the article. I didn’t have an image without the watermark so I couldn’t post it, but it is coming. I also wasn’t sure about that grocery/toy-shop and would like to see more images. Anyhow, exciting times! My wallet won’t be too happy though…
oops sorry. I probably look like a goof for not reading the article so many times. I kind of scan articles and look at pictures. Ha ha sorry.
Kim, no need to apologize. I’m well aware that about half of our readers scan articles. It is perfectly fine with me and I do the same many times. Than there is the other half of our readership who reads everything and catches every single grammar and spelling error I make. So it all balances out at the end. 🙄
Awesome sets, I’m glad they kept it simple looking like the old pirate theme. the octopus is cool, haven’t seen one of those in a long time. cool minifigs, the treasure island sounds the coolest to me. Kind of off subject, but has the official release photo of Jay’s mech for ninjago been leaked yet?
I do have a picture but it has the confidentiality stamp so I can’t share it here. It’s smallish, kind of the size of Kai’s mech. It is of course blue, with some gold details. The mech looks very flexible with those Hero Factory ball-joints. Pretty sweet all in all. 🙂
They are more simplistic than the 90s version of Pirates, but I still like them and I’m definitely getting that pirate ship at the very least.
I also like that some of the soldiers have hair instead of just the hats. I’m not sure why but I liked that in castle as well, pairing the usual castle outfit with hair.
This ^ … you read my mind
Has anyone been on the Bionicle website recently?
I have been checking frequently. Lots of new info. I will be publishing a round-up on all the exciting BIONICLE news early next week, so we can discuss them all in one place. 😛
Oh, also just put through my very first Brick Warrior’s order. I didn’t get ton of stuff as they mostly have weapons and armor but I picked up some hats and accessories. I also got the white valkyrie wings and harness so I can make some kind of angel creature or something. They finally have the wings in white.
Nice! I really like their products. I think you will like them too. 😛
These look sooo sweet!!! 🙂 The imperial soldiers look great, and I absolutely love the colors of their forts and bases. I always liked pirate ships and treasure and all that, so I will probably give the pirate minifigs alternate identities, anti-evil ones that is :P. Personally, I was surprised at how similiar these sets are to the early ones, which is a big plus in my mind. Every one of these sets look like a lot of fun, so I’ll probably end up getting at least a few.
Nice! Though from the small size of the sets, I’d say this is a dying line. Maybe if LEGO puts out some greater-pieced sets next year? 😕 But the Brick Bounty looks awesome! 🙂 For me, I think I’ll be getting Soldier’s Fort, as I don’t have any Pirates sets, and am interested in widening the range of themes in my collection.
If you’d have the time and money, it looks like this wave could be rather flawlessly integrated with most others, particularly the first 1989-1991.
It looks like you could connect the Soldier’s Outpost dock with the Soldier’s fort dock. I wonder if that is the intention?
Hm… that could very well be the case!
What lovely parts packs 🙂 Finally a chance to get some cannons at a more reasonable price than they are at the moment!
Some nice minifigs as well.
Looks like the cannons are black this time round…
The navy soldiers are French, so that’s good, but I think it would be better if they were Spanish soldiers instead, because pirates usually robbed the Spanish because they always had gold from their Aztec conquests. The French only has fish and furs in their holds, not that profitable to plunder.
The pirates costumes appear to be new designs so that’s also a good thing.
However, I won’t buy this ship. I think it’s too primitive design. I found on the internet, there’s this re-release version of 6285-1 Black Sea Barracuda that’s sold in China. It’s priced at $74 at ebay or amazon. I think that’s a far better deal than the #70413 Brick Bounty
Not bad. I’d rather have another mermaid (maybe a wood colored one) as a masthead instead of a skeleton.
They need a pirates cove like tortuga in pirates of the caribbean. I hope they release some bigger and more complex sets in the future.
Luckily the soldiers fortress and outpost can be combined but even then it is nothing substantial against the Brick Bounty, these sets are way to juniorized for my taste. The only good thing about these sets is the return of the bluecoats.
Now there’s a picture I got without confidentiality watermark, if you still are replying to comments here.
Yes, I’m aware of it. Thanks for mentioning. I don’t think I will write a separate post just to highlight that one set, but we will talk about all the sets again when they will become available next year. 🙂