LEGO has been one of the sponsors of an event in California called Dad 2.0 Summit. According to their website “The Dad 2.0 Summit is an annual conference where marketers, social media leaders, and blogging parents connect to discuss the changing voice and perception of modern fatherhood. More men are defying stereotypes by taking active roles in their children’s lives, making day-to-day household purchasing decisions regarding products and services, and chronicling these experiences online. The Dad 2.0 Summit is an open conversation about the commercial power of dads online, as well as an opportunity to learn the tools and tactics used by influential bloggers to create high-quality content, build personal brands, and develop viable business models.” Parallel with the event, LEGO also ran their own campaign called LEGO Dad, with a number of great commercials and a dedicated website. Below I will show you the videos from the campaign, as well as some interesting things I found on the website. 🙂

There have been seven videos in the campaign, and I have included all of them in the video-player below. Some of them are a tad cheesy, but I think the main video “LEGO Dad – Friends for Life” is really well done (it is the first one you can watch in the player). The description reads: “The amazing moments you share with your kid don’t just shape their life. They shape yours, too. LEGO Dads show us their bonding and play moments that build the foundation for a lifelong friendship.”
The LEGO Dad website has three main sections. The first one shares the same videos I just showed you above, the second is called LEGO Family and includes inspirations and activities for little kids to build with LEGO DUPLO, and the third section is called Model Mixer. There are some fun ideas here to mix up official LEGO sets, and you are also encouraged to share the ones you make. (UPDATE: this website is no longer active.)

As LEGO Dad is a pretty unknown section of the LEGO website, I hope this bit of an introduction helps you to become more aware of it. I mostly like the videos and the Model Mixer section, but if you have younger kids you may also find the LEGO Family section useful.

What do you think? How did you like the LEGO Dad videos? And did you find any of the Model Mixer ideas inspiring? Are you a dad who builds with LEGO and share the hobby with your kids? Or are you a kid with a LEGO loving dad? Feel free to share in the comment section below! 😉
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The first video is really great. Catchy music too! The others are a bit corny. I do like the mixed up set suggestions. Thanks for bringing them to our attention. Haven’t seen that part of the site before.
Where were these campaign videos shown? They are nicely done but I never heard of them.
My understanding is that they were TV commercials, but I don’t have a television so I can’t confirm.
I saw this commercial for the first time on TV last night. I was really irritated that it focused on dad’s playing with their kids. I’m the one in our family that does all the lego building! I feel a little better that this was catered for the Dad 2.0 Summit, but I would still like to see more focus on family: both moms and dads.
Yeah, sure both moms and dads can play! As you know, this series of commercials was done for a specific event, but yes, there are many other videos when parents and grandparents play with their kids. LEGO is for everyone! 😀