While we were all busy with the holidays, LEGO quietly released the trailer for Season 7 of LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu, titled “Hands of Time”. The description reads: “The time is growing near… an all new threat has arrived that Master Wu has been waiting for. Who… or what… is coming?” Watch the trailer below! 🙂

Just to recap, Season 6 of the LEGO Ninjago TV show was called Skybound with ten episodes, and it was followed by a one-time TV special titled LEGO Ninjago: Day of the Departed (you can watch it here). LEGO Ninjago: Hands of Time will be a regular season with ten episodes, focusing on Kai, Nya, and their parents.
“I made a mistake… there is much to tell you… and not much time. I fear not. I have been waiting decades. This ends now. Control time… control everything…” Exciting, isn’t it? There are also some interesting tidbits at the Ninjago Wiki about the upcoming season, which I copied below:
- The season will reveal a connection between Kai and Nya’s mother, father, Dr. Julien and Sensei Yang.
- This is the first season to officially have two ninja as the focus.
- In the giant picture within the museum, both the younger Master Wu and Garmadon are seen posed for battle against Acronix and Krux with odd claw-like weapons, while the Elemental Masters watch in the foreground.
- At the end of the book, LEGO Ninjago: Dark Island Trilogy – Part 3, Season 7 is alluded to, with Master Wu having a vision of Kai and Nya’s parents forging something alongside the “twins lost to time”.
- According to Tommy Andreasen (concept developer at LEGO, and co-creator of the LEGO Ninjago story), Skales, Morro, Dareth, Cyrus Borg, and Dr. Saunders will appear in some capacity during season, and Master Wu will play a major role. More information on the Serpentine War will also be revealed.

It’s not known at this point when the LEGO Ninjago Season 7 episodes will start airing, but I assume it will be soon, as the new sets are going to be released at the beginning of January. You can keep an eye on the sets at the LEGO Ninjago section of the Online LEGO Shop.

So what do you think? How do you like the LEGO Ninjago Season 7 trailer? Are you looking forward to the episodes? Are there any other interesting details you found in the trailer? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! 😉
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Exciting! I really like the sets for this season, so I hope the episodes will be just as great. And happy holidays to all! I haven’t been around due to the holidays. Will catch up with the news I missed.
Happy holidays to you as well. Nice to have you back! 😀
MERRY LATE CHRISTMAS!! Love the trailer!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well! 🙂
Can’t wait . This season looks awsome and the sets too. I don’t know if I should get the most expensive set or the smaller less expensive sets. Keep in mind I just got a lot of sets to for Christmas and I don’t want to be to greedy or broke for that matter. What to do ?
It’s a tough call as most of the new sets look great. I’m planning to get the smallest set first, as it has two of the new warriors, and it only costs $10. Then, depending on how I like it, I will some of the other ones. So you might try something like that; get a small one to see how you like it (like the #70621 Vermillion Attack or the #70624 Vermillion Invader), then spread out the other ones through the year. They should be around for a while. 🙂
Intriguing… Can’t wait! Too bad I don’t have Cartoon Network, so I’ll have to wait for it to appear on YouTube.
I don’t have CN either, so rely on YouTube or DailyMotion. If I do find the episodes I will try to post them here. 🙂
Very interesting trailer, and thanks for the facts from Wiki. It’s good to see Borg and Dr. Saunders making appearances. I wonder how Morro will fit in to the story, or Yang, for that matter. Maybe they’re in flashbacks to show Wu’s inevitable explanation to the Ninja? I also just read through Wu’s Journal on LEGO.com/Ninjago; it reveals a lot about the storyline (although I can’t trust its accuracy, as Cole is still a ghost in it), but I don’t know how much of it will be in the episodes, if any. 😕
Also, I’m sure most people heard about this: http://brickset.com/article/25675/carrie-fisher-(1956-2016) It’s very sad, she was a great person (beyond SW, I mean). 🙁 Now I wonder what J.J. Abrams will do for Episode 9…. 😕
Yeah, it is indeed very sad. I have been thinking about Carrie ever since I heard about the incident she had on the plane a few days ago. Later I read that her condition stabilized, so I was less worried, but looks like it was her time to go. She was my first female hero as I grew up on Star Wars, so it is very sad to loose her. I have read that the her parts for Episode 8 have been filmed already, but of Episode 9 they obviously will have to somehow explain her absence. Unless they want to do some CGI magic like they did with her and Peter Cushing (Grand Moff Tarkin) in Rogue One.
Its sad that Carrie had to go. Like we say, may the force be with her, as we shall miss her as Princess Leia and many more.
To late, I just got back from the LEGO store and got the 70627 dragon’s forge. It was to cool to pass up .
LOL! That’s even better! Keep us posted on how you like it! Would love to hear your thoughts on it! 😀
I will. It might be awhile because I have a lot of sets and right now I am working on city/creator sets. Oh, I did get my catalog and no sign of any new Star Wars sets. It use to be January had new wave of Star Wars sets. So, any ideas on what’s. Going on? ( I know their new sets out there . I seen reviews and sets .)
Yeah, I saw that too! No Star Wars! I guess we will get them later in the US. They are available in other countries, so my guess is that reviewers are getting them there.
At this point , I looking more on sets like the Batman movie sets and Ninjago sets than anything right now. Star Wars sets are getting to expensive and there repeating sets way to much . It’s almost not worth it. I have enough Star Wars sets to keep happy. Of course I may change my mind in the future , but, that depends on the set and the price. ( or how bad my Star Wars addiction controls me.)
I’m curious of what the spring/summer Star Wars sets will be this year. That’s the time they usually release the big stuff.
Is it true, that the lego batman movie doesn’t come in cinema’s in the Netherlands, it’s (besides rogue one and fantastic beasts and where to find them) a movie which is on my list, and I would feel quite sad if I wouldn’t be able to watch it.
Hm… I wouldn’t know that… why would they not release it? Did you guys get The LEGO Movie?
Sorry for the late reaction, and yes we got to see the LEGO Movie, though it was really something like mid-January at that time we got to see it.
Hm… so my guess is that eventually you guys will get The Batman Movie too. I see no reason whey they wouldn’t release it in your country. It is expected to be huge. 🙂
Thanks, for the fast answer!
Does anyone know when season 6 will come out on DVD? I have all the other seasons, but I haven’t been able to find season 6 anywhere!
It takes a while before the DVD gets released after the season is over. Season 6 is not out yet, but you can be rest assured it will come. 🙂
*sigh* I just saw this trailer a few minutes ago,and I came here to tell you about it,but it looks like you got to it before I did.
That aside,this season looks like it’s going to be amazing. There’s just something really interesting with playing around with the concept of time travel and the past in my opinion,and by including ideas like Kai and Nya’s parents,I hope some plot holes will be fixed and questions will be answered!
Do you think this is going to be the last season? I mean,I think with this season coming out sometime early next year and the movie coming out in September (a little bit after my seventeenth birthday,if memory serves) that it’ll finally get wrapped up. I’m still a little sad at the thought,but all good things must come to an end.
Also,looks like I was right about the seasons getting progressively darker…
Although this is not confirmed, I agree with you that Ninjago will likely get wrapped up with the movie. It makes sense, as kids who grew up with Ninjago are just about in their mid-teens right now, just like yourself. I wouldn’t be surprised though if LEGO brings back Ninjago when you are in your mid-thirties to early forties, because that’s when your generation will have the money spend and maybe a kid or two, which will bring you back to LEGO. 😀
The whole idea of controlling time and time travel is very interesting. It is definitely a darker and more mature theme, and I’m looking forward to see how it plays out. Once all the seasons finish, I want to watch them all at once to get the whole flow of the story. I think everything will be more clear by the end. Ninja… come out and play! 🙄
Nice to see Ninjago is still alive and thriving!
Yeah, and nice to see you still around! Looks like you shortened your name? 🙂
I didn’t feel like typing it all in when it didn’t show up. Also I don’t remember it all 😛 Anyway, I still come here daily to see the new blog posts! 🙂
Ah, but I missed it! You have the best name ever! Here is the latest one I remembered seeing: DX ZX KENDO NRG KIMONO TECHNO JUNGLE JAY-MOUTH OF LIGHTNING (seriously I have a mouth of lightning). BTW, did you know you are almost up to 3,000 comments? 😀
BTW, did you know you are at 2,899 comments? That’s almost three grand! Always nice to hear from you, as you remind me of the exciting beginning of the Ninjago saga. Your first comment was on March 19th 2012. 🙂
haha are there any new suits I need to add in?
I’m not surprised I’m almost at 3k! I used to spam the comments! 😀 lol
Oh, full name and title! Now I feel better. Well, what about Jay’s suit from the Ninjago Skybound pirate sets? And also the new one that was just released. 😉
Ok I just added the suits that appear to be relevant so excluding some suits called tournament robes… yay!
Cool! 😀
On the brickipedia page I was looking at all the suits and it’s crazy how many there are!!
Yeah, there are a lot of them! And there will be more to come! 🙂
Does anyone know where I can watch the episodes?
They are not out yet.
That’s unfortunate. But you will be posting them here when they do come out, correct?
When they come out I will certainly post about it, and if they are available I will repost them here as well. Please note that reposting is technically illegal, so the videos usually don’t stay online for very long. But then the DVD will become available at some point.
Wonderful, I can’t wait to watch them!
yes they are illegal so if i see any i will report them to you Admin
Thanks, George. 🙂
Cartoon Network have announsed the air date. It is Monday 3rd April 2017 at 4pm woooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, awesome! Thanks for sharing! Can’t wait! 😀
Where did you find this announcement? I don’t see a page for Ninjago on the Cartoon Network site at all, not even for previously aired episodes.
He mentioned it was for the UK.
thats for uk if you was woundering
Ninjago starts airing on May 15, 2017 to May 26, 2017. (Monday thru Friday.) All in order except for weekends (Saturday and Sunday.)
Yep! Isn’t that exciting??? We will be talking about it more tomorrow. 😀