As you may have seen it already, LEGO released a new wave of LEGO Nexo Knights sets at the beginning of the month. There are lots of great sets in the collection, and we will take a look at each of them. One notable feature that I would like to point out right away, is that many of the sets can be combined, expanding the play experience. So let’s take a closer look! 🙂

➡ #70347 LEGO NEXO KNIGHTS KING’S GUARD ARTILLERY: This is the smallest set in the 2017 line-up, but it does include some interesting parts and accessories, like the new 1×1 pyramid slopes, the lightning bolt piece, the swords, and of course the stud-shooter that works really well. Here is the official description: Protect the kingdom of Knighton with the King’s Guard Artillery battle vehicle, featuring a LEGO Nexo Knights minifigure cockpit, six-stud shooter and rear-wheel-activated extending swords at the front. Includes two minifigures: a King’s Guard and a Stone stomper. 98 pieces. Price: $9.99 – BUY HERE

➡ #70348 LEGO NEXO KNIGHTS LANCE’S TWIN JOUSTER: We get an interesting small vehicle here with a lot of transformational features. You can check out the video-review below how they work. I also really like the badguy’s unique body; a beautifully twirly piece of translucent blue energy and purple rock. Here is the official description: Protect Knighton from the Stone monster with the 4-in-1 Twin Jouster, featuring flip-out wings with four flick missiles, two minifigure cockpits, dual lances, detachable Wing Jet Pack and the Jouster Bike. Combine Lance Bot’s WingJet Pack with the #70366 LEGO Nexo Knights Battle Suit Lance for extra flying power, or any other suits in the LEGO Nexo Knights Battle Suit series. Includes three minifigures: Lance, Lance Bot and a Rogul. 216 pieces. Price: $19.99 – BUY HERE

➡ #70349 LEGO NEXO KNIGHTS RUINA’S LOCK & ROLLER: This is a very interesting take on the traditional LEGO Castle prisoner transport, however it doesn’t have a whole lot of play-features. I would say that if you are looking for a $20 set, the previous one is a better option. Here is the official description: Help Aaron rescue the queen from the wicked Ruina and her Lock & Roller, featuring translucent-blue claws and a minifigure cockpit, plus a detachable rear prison carriage and Forbidden Power pole to activate the opening door function. Includes two scannable shields and three minifigures: Aaron, Queen Halbert and Ruina. 208 pieces. Price: $19.99 – BUY HERE

➡ #70350 LEGO NEXO KNIGHTS THE THREE BROTHERS: This is one of my favorite sets of the 2017 LEGO Nexo Knights line; the chomping jaw, as the vehicle moves along, is a super satisfying experience. The vehicle is full of personality and play-features, and as you probably figured it out, it is, in fact, the third brother. Check the video-review below to see how it works. Here is the official description: Play out endless LEGO Nexo Knights battle scenes as Axl takes on the three ancient Stone monsters to stop them terrorizing Knighton, featuring a rolling monster vehicle with a giant face and chomping jaws, and a rear firing catapult. Includes two scannable shields and three minifigures: Axl, Roog and Reex. 266 pieces. Price: $29.99 – BUY HERE

➡ #70351 LEGO NEXO KNIGHTS CLAY’S FALCON FIGHTER: This is another set that I think is really excellent. The Falcon reminds me quite a bit of some of the LEGO Galaxy Squad sets from 2013. It looks sleek, elegant, and comes with some nice transformational features, and a crazy amount of new and unique parts. I also quite like the winged stone monster. Here is the official description: Defeat the Grimroc Stone monster with Clay’s Falcon Fighter Blaster, featuring extendable wings with dual six-stud shooters and Clay Bot’s detachable Recon Jet with posable wings and its own six-stud shooter. The buildable and highly posable Grimroc Stone monster features translucent wings, translucent-blue lightning elements and a supersized translucent-blue mace. Combine the Recon Jet with #70362 LEGO Nexo Knights Battle Suit Clay for extra firepower, or any other suits in the LEGO Nexo Knights Battle Suit series. Includes three scannable shields and two minifigures: Clay and Clay Bot, plus buildable Grimroc Stone monster and Brickster figures. Clay’s Falcon Fighter Blaster in cruise mode measures over 3” (8cm) high, 11” (29cm) long and 12” (32cm) wide, and over 18” (47cm) wide in attack mode. 523 pieces. Price: $49.99 – BUY HERE

➡ #70352 LEGO NEXO KNIGHTS JESTRO’S HEADQUARTERS: This is the largest set in the 2017 of LEGO Nexo Knight sets, featuring the headquarters of the badguys. The main vehicle can split into five parts, offering a lot of playability. But my favorite feature is that angry storm cloud. Here is the official description: Stage a daring rescue mission and release Ava from Jestro’s Headquarters, featuring a giant face with hidden weapons, detachable Hatattacka with flick missiles, Mobile Stone Keep trailer with adjustable crane and cage with movable bars, and an ejecting Stone boat function. This feature-packed LEGO Nexo Knights set also comes with Macy’s Underminer vehicle featuring a spinning drill, plus a Stone Wheeler vehicle with cannons to ramp up the rescue mission action. Jestro’s Headquarters measures over 7” (20cm) high, 12” (33cm) long and 8” (21cm) wide. Includes five scannable shields and six minifigures: Jestro, Ava, Macy, Lance, a gargoyle and a Stone stomper. 840 pieces. Price: $89.99 – BUY HERE

➡ #70358 LEGO NEXO KNIGTHS AARON’S STONE DESTROYER: Now we are back to the cheaper sets, that can used alone, or added to the larger ones for additional playability. The vehicle has an interesting color-scheme and rotating blades as it moves. The monster figure is a bit awkward with tiny wings and huge arms, but it can stand up on its own pretty well. Here is the official description: Rescue Robot Hoodlum from the buildable Bedrock Monster, featuring Aaron’s Stone Destroyer motorcycle with dual flick missiles and spinning stone slicers, and a forest hideout scene with buildable tree, branch elements and a catapult. Combine with #70364 LEGO Nexo Knights Battle Suit Aaron for extra firepower, or any other suits in the LEGO Nexo Knights Battle Suit series. Incudes two scannable shields, Aaron and Robot Hoodlum minifigures, plus a buildable Bedrock Monster figure. 251 pieces. Price: $24.99 – BUY HERE

➡ #70359 LEGO NEXO KNIGHTS LANCE VS. LIGHTNING: This set gives us two excellent examples of brick-built creatures; a robot horse, and a gargoyle. I think mech-builders will like it. Here is the official description: Ride Lance into the village of Ghoulia and battle Grimroc the giant gargoyle! Prepare the buildable robot horse for some jousting action, and charge against the buildable Grimroc figure with its lightning tridents. The gothic village scene has lightning strike elements, a cobweb and a catapult that can fire lightning ball elements at Lance. Includes two minifigures: Lance and a gargoyle, plus a large buildable gargoyle figure, Grimroc. 257 pieces. Price: $24.99 – BUY HERE

➡ LEGO NEXO KNIGHTS BATTLE SUITS: Besides the regular sets there are also five LEGO Nexo Knights Battle Suits in this wave, including a battle suit for each of the five knights. The core of the mechs consists of a couple of new special pieces that will make mech-building so much easier. They also sort of remind me of the LEGO Mixels characters with the small ball-joints and big feet. It is also worth mentioning that there are no stickers in the battle suit sets. The decorations you see are al printed. These small sets are definitely a gold-mine for mech-builders, and could be easily converted into pretty much any other theme (see the cool little hardsuit below made by LEGO fan 2gTheAznExp, using Axl’s Battle Suit. Highly recommended sets, and they are only $9.99 each – BUY HERE

Below I have included video-reviews of most of the new LEGO Nexo Knights sets by JANGBRiCKS, so if you are interested in any of them, it is worth checking them out in more detail.
From all the sets I would say that my favorites are the Battle Suits, the Falcon Fighter, and the Three Brothers. There is such a good variety here that I think everyone will find something interesting either for the vehicles, the parts, or the minifigures. LEGO Nexo Knights has been pretty solid. Maybe not as much as LEGO Ninjago, but perhaps better than LEGO Legends of Chima. They are creative, interesting, and come with an enjoyable storyline and digital game for younger kids. They are available under the LEGO Nexo Knights section of the Online LEGO Shop.

What do you think? How do you like the new LEGO Nexo Knights sets? Did you get any of them already? Do you have any favorites? Feel free to share your own review and discuss in the comment section below! 😉
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Nexo Knights is still a bit of a toss up for me. On one hand, I like the ideas and colors, but on the other it feels like Chima, with a bunch of converting vehicles coated in new parts. From this wave, I’m most interested in Clay’s Falcon Fighter Blaster, but I can’t decide if I like it more than last year’s sets. The other sets look okay, and the Battle Suits are indeed very cool. That “angry storm cloud” in Jestro’s Headquarters is Monstrox, the main baddie of this season. It looks like he mind controlled Jestro.
I note that you missed #70359 Lance vs. Lightning; that came out on the 1st as well. It’s just a limited retail set like 70358.
Also: The forced perspective is a neat idea, and at this scale it’s pretty good, but I think the model needs a little more depth for it to work best. The use of Cole’s face on the minifig is interesting too….
Hm… that’s weird that I missed #70359 as I like it quite a bit. I will add it in there. I must have been half asleep or something. Or, I started to get too excited about the battle suits. 🙄
That suppose to be forced perspective? I have seen the set before, but I never realized that’s what it supposed to be. As you said; it’s really missing debt to give the right effect. An interesting idea though.
I *need* that 1×1 tile with forestmen logo on in the stone destroyer set….
Actually I need about 30 of them…
That’s indeed a very nice piece. You might want to wait until it appears on BrickLink in larger quantities. 😀
Yeah, nice shoutout! I lack the Forestwoman, otherwise, I think I have the most of the Forestmen… At least I have all the torsos…
Ditto although I have the forrest woman as well. I’m missng the CMF only, but I’ve probably 30-40 total assembled. No idea how many spares I have but I can see the 1×1 tiles for interior layouts etc or as part of a bigger medieval hall type display. If I had enough possibly floor mosaics or something but I’d need about 200 ish to do that….
You can alternate them with just plain tiles in your floor mosaic. I think that would look even nicer, as the design won’t be as busy and the tiles with the Forestmen logo would stand out more. Then you won’t need as many. Just saying’ 🙄
You only need the torsos anyway, as the legs can be plain. While I appreciate printed legs from time to time, I think LEGO is starting to overdo it. Plain legs work just fine for most minifigures, plus they are more useful as they are more interchangeable.
Why wait it has been out since the Aaron’s crossbow jet thingy last year…
Here it is on Bricklink the most some has however is 11{%22color%22:6,%22st%22:%224%22}
That’s exactly what I was talking about. It takes BrickLink sellers a while to have a reasonable quantity available for bulk buyers.
Woah didn’t realise this wasn’t a new part… I’m happy as now 🙂
It takes a while until BL sellers have enough quantity, and prices come down. In my experience it may take a year for quantity, price and availability to be reasonable on a new item/color.
The battle suits are really neat, I definitely am hoping to get at least one… probably Axl’s though they all have some neat pieces. Otherwise I’ll probably pass on Nexo Knights this year, mainly because the Ninjago wave looks so good and my wallet is already starting to groan… 😛
I also going for the Battle Suits mostly. They are just so useful. I only wish that they came with the smaller hands, like in the mech for Mr. Freeze in The LEGO Batman Movie set. End yes, Ninjago is awesome this year! 😀
I think it might be fun to combine both Chime and Nexo knights to almost have that World of Warcraft affect. To me last years Nexo knights sets were a lot more interesting ( the rocks and lighting doesn’t look that exciting because it’s almost like a page from NINJAGO ).
Oh! Nice idea! I agree that same waves of Ninjago and Nexo Knights are too close. Of course this can also be good, as the sets, and scenes can be combined. But yeah, Chima was more unique because of the animal characters. I bet there are already kids out there who are combining the three themes! 😀
Because you get duplicates in the Nexo knights set . I was thinking maybe I can make them into clans . You get a lot of Aaron’s. Just change the head pieces and there you have it Aaron’s clan . ( same can go with the others.)
Or Batman’s clan… Or Indy’s clan…
A Nexo Knights army. Sounds like a plan! I did get multiplies of the Monster Army Building set, because I like the Ash Attackers. 😈