Last December we saw the first trailer for the upcoming LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu Season 7, titled “Hands of Time” (see: Ninjago Season 7: Hands of Time Trailer!). Then, last month, LEGO released a second trailer with more details. The description reads as follows: “A new threat has slithered from the swamp. Who are these nasty new baddies, and will they be too much for the ninja?” Watch the new trailer below! 🙂

As a reminder, Season 6 of the LEGO Ninjago TV show was called Skybound with ten episodes, and it was followed by a one-time TV special titled LEGO Ninjago: Day of the Departed (you can watch it here). LEGO Ninjago: Hands of Time will be a regular season with ten episodes, focusing on Kai, Nya, and their parents.
“Deep underneath Ninjago City, a new threat is about to be hatched. An army bread from the swamp, lead by the most dangerous Serpentine the world has ever seen…” In this trailer we have a chance to take a better look at the Vermillion warriors, and their role in the story. Can’t wait to see the new episodes! How about you? 😀

It’s still not known when the LEGO Ninjago Season 7 episodes will start airing, but I assume it will be soon, as the new sets related to the story have been out since January. While we are waiting for the TV show, you can visit the official LEGO Ninjago website to learn more about the new characters, join our discussion on the new sets (see: LEGO Ninjago Hands of Time Sets Review), and find the new sets under the LEGO Ninjago section of the Online LEGO Shop.

So what do you think? How do you like the LEGO Ninjago Season 7 trailer? Are you looking forward to the episodes? Are there any interesting details you found in the trailer? Do you have any of the new sets yet? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! 😉
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I have The DRAGON ‘S FORGE , it is very cool. I ‘ve been back-and-forth between two sets . One is DAWN OF THE IRON DOOM second SAMURAI VXL. The first one will make me broke for A while . The second one I like because it has two female characters ( NYA and Rivett). It also has a new Samurai X ( not Nya but rumer has it’s Pixal). Any advice or thought for that matter. I watched Jangbricks review on both sets and it seems that the tail on the snake mech came off easy but that can mean that it wasn’t snapped on properly. What do you think?
Oh, you have the Dragon Forge?! That’s one of my most favorite sets in the new wave! Such a nice building! Dawn of the Iron Doom has a lot more play-features that the Samurai VLX. There is only a $10 price difference between the two, so if you can get it, I would suggest the Dawn of the Iron Doom set. It is true that The Samurai VLX has some nice minifigs, but you can just get those separately, or wait until the set is on sale. I just don’t think the VLX is worth $50. I haven’t seen any issue with the snake’s tail, and it can always be modified and made stronger.
Also, it might be a good idea to wait until the summer, when the LEGO Ninjago Movie sets come out. I have heard from those who have seen the sets that they are amazing. And by then the January sets should be on sale as well. So patience could pay off. 🙂
True, my problem is that next week starts the 2x VIP points and also I am going through a LEGO meltdown on the many chioces . I keep going back-and-forth on things ( I change my mind frequently.) So, I go and look at what I have and figure out what I need to complete my collection. I think I am getting burnt out on LEGO , because I have so many sets . I think I am going to follow my phrase and “learn to appreciate what I have” .
Don’t let yourself get burned out. That would be sad. Instead of thinking about collecting themes, look at what else you could build with what you have. Getting into MOC-ing is a wonderful way to stretch out what you can do with your current sets, and also remain creative and interested in the hobby.
As you get older, and pay attention what LEGO releases year after year, you will see that it is often the same things over and over, but maybe with a different color-scheme and slightly different building techniques. Instead of buying a new set, if I have most of the parts, I will just download the building instructions, and build it myself. This is a good way to learn interesting new techniques without spending any money. 😉
It also helps to establish a LEGO budget and stick to it. Both as far as how much money you want to spend on the hobby, and also a budget of how much LEGO you allow in your space. You can always sell sets, parts and minifigs you no longer want, and clear up space. And restricting your monetary budget naturally means that you will get less new stuff coming in. As far as VIP Points, we will have other Double VIP Point periods coming up later in the year (there is usually one in May, and of course in the holiday shopping season).
Yeah , I will definitely do that ( well part of it, the selling parts would be kinda hard for me because I work so hard at saving money and getting sets that the it means a lot to me .) I been trying to collect sets and/ or themes that I have . Like today I went the local TARGET store and saw a Ninjago set on sale . It’s the Lighthouse. Siege set for $ 54.00 as suppose to $70.00 . So, I bought it. This completes the sky pirates theme . The new sets will be around for A while . (The downside is that I can’t get the VIP points this time around. Next time.)
Sometimes local sales are even better than Double VIP Points, so yeah, whatever works. 🙂
I also noticed that the ” hard to find ” sets aren’t always at the LEGO stores. So, maybe I ‘ll start looking for those. The Nexo knight set ” Lance vs lighting looks cool ( love the horse). I ‘m mainly waiting for the summer wave in that theme ( more monsters).
Sounds like a plan! 😀
Oh, I plan on making a pirate island with the lighthouse and other pirate themes to make up this island . Let the creativity begin.
That’s a great project! Pirates are always fun! 😀
Interesting trailer, for sure…. I notice they’re adding a whole new category of Serpentine, enlarging a group that initially was only the five tribes. I don’t see these new ones fitting into the story so well, but perhaps the episodes will clear that up. Additionally, I think the commanders in the trailer are not the true leaders of the Vermillion. Who is that guy at the very beginning? Who introduces the commanders, and to whom? Those will be the main villains, I think. I note also that the Time Blades and the main storyline are not mentioned at all.
Will you be posting the episodes here again, admin? I don’t have CN anymore, so I’ll be relying on the Web to see them.
Clever! That’s a really good point about the identity of the main villains. We shall see. If I find the episodes from a reliable source I will post them, but it is getting hard to find videos that stay up for more than a day. It is a constant cat and mouse game with LEGO’s and Cartoon Networks legal department. Anyway, I will try. I’m looking forward to this season. It sounds interesting.