To celebrate the arrival of spring, LEGO building virtuoso Jason Allemann, and his partner Kristal, had the idea to build a LEGO egg that could hatch. They started out with one egg that is operated by a knob on the side that allows a cute little chick to break out at the top. One thing led to another, and the project ended up as three eggs inside a nest, with added LEGO Power Functions to automate the action. 🙂

As you will see in the video below, first, the eggs wiggle a bit, then the chicks hatch. Cute! After the demonstration, Jason also explains in detail how the eggs are built, and how the LEGO Power Functions elements are added.
Fun, isn’t it? If you would like to replicate the project, Jason shares building instructions for the eggs in PDF file format. You can download it from his website at The easiest would be to build one egg with the manual knob configuration. That in itself is a great project both kids and adult can enjoy, and it doesn’t require any LEGO Power Functions.

If you have LEGO Power Functions motors, a battery box, an IR receiver, and a remote control, you can also replicate the motorized version. Jason uses four LEGO Power Functions M-Motors to drive all the motion; two for the wiggling effect, and two for opening and closing the eggs. Having four motors also allowed him to stagger the starts of the wiggling and hatching of some of the eggs, instead of having them all happening at once. However, if you have fewer motors you can either reduce the number of eggs, or make all the motion synchronized.

While it is possible to make this project completely manual, if you don’t have any LEGO Power Functions elements, I do recommend picking up at least one set of Power Functions at some point. They are very fun to tinker with, and can really bring your LEGO creations to life. You can find them at the LEGO Power Functions section of the Online LEGO Shop.

There are no instructions for the nest, however you can easily build your own with whatever pieces you have. Jason used a LEGO Technic ring to get the semi-circle shape, and a combination of standard LEGO tan and dark-tan plates and tiles to give an intertwined effect. Most of the pieces are actually connected to each other, though there are a few that he just slid into the gaps to fill space.

If you were looking for a fun project for Easter, this might be a good one to try out. What do you think? How do you like the hatching LEGO eggs? Are you planning to build some of your own? Feel free to share in the comment section below! 😉
And you might also like to check out some of Jason’s other projects discussed in the following related posts:
Nice project!
Yeah, pretty fun! 😀
Happy Easter you guys! This is such a fun project! I may not be able to do three eggs, but maybe one?
One egg, would be perfectly fine! 😀
HAPPY EASTER TO EVERYONE! Really cute chicks!
Happy Easter to you as well! 😀