To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Star Wars saga, there was an interesting special-edition LEGO Star Wars set available at the recent Star Wars Celebration Orlando 2017 event. The LEGO Star Wars Detention Block Rescue depicts the famous scene from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, where Han Solo and Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper uniforms are about to rescue Princess Leia (oddly, no Princess Leia is included).

The LEGO Star Wars Detention Block Rescue is 220 pieces, and doesn’t include any special elements, however, due to its very limited availability, and the difficulty that was involved with getting the set, it is highly sought after by collectors. People didn’t just have to participate at the Orlando event, but also had to get a raffle ticket ahead of time for a chance to purchase the set. There were also a few sets given away during the event via LEGO’s Twitter page to randomly selected people who re-tweeted the announcement.

In the video-review below, Stephen from the Brick Show will show you the set in more detail. As you will see, the most unique part of the set is the really nice and sturdy slip-case box. The rest of the set is pretty standard.
At the Star Wars Celebration event in Orlando, the set was available for $40 to those who were chosen through the raffle. If you weren’t at the event, or you were there, but weren’t chosen through the raffle, you can still get the set on eBay, however expect to pay significantly more. The going price the last time I checked was somewhere between $200-$250. You can see the eBay listings here: LEGO STAR WARS DETENTION BLOCK ON EBAY
If you don’t care for the exclusivity of the set, or the special packaging, you can also build it yourself with the parts you already have. LEGO Digital Designer instructions are available via Eurobricks: LEGO STAR WARS DETENTION BLOCK INSTRUCTIONS

What do you think? How do you like the LEGO Star Wars Detention Block Rescue set? Would you like to add it to your collection, or at least build it with the available instructions? What other sets would you like to see to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Star Wars? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below! 😉
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Thanks for the instructions. I might build this just for fun. But as you said, the most valuable part of this set is the box.
The set itself is fun, but yeah, no special parts, so it’s easy to recreate, and even expand on.
I think at some point , it going to wimd up as a $25.00 set. It’s too iconic not to be.
I think it looks a bit bland. For 220 pieces, there just isn’t much play value. Although if you like gray, it’s a decent parts pack.
It’s really the exclusivity that will keep the value of this set high. The box is super nice, and the set itself is not bad. Collectors love sets like this.
Of course, but would it sell that well as a regular set?
Not likely, it’s too niche and there’s little play value, it would need redesigning, and perhaps some additions of Leia and other minifigs. (If the set included Leia, and a regular Luke and Han, in addition to the stormtroopers, you could play out the rescue operation more successful. I guess it could be printed on the box for those who don’t know the movie by heart.)
Also, the design doesn’t seem too slick. There are a lot of small bricks in the wall that mainly seem as an excuse to increase the part count, where a basic panel would suffice.
As a regular set, this wouldn’t make it. Especially since a similar scene already exists in regular sets. Some people prefer exclusives like this because people who can’t get it don’t feel like they are totally missing out. The rarest exclusives are the ones where the design, the minifigs, and the packaging are all exclusive, but those type of sets often anger people. So I think this is a good compromise.
These sets never lose much value and will hover around $200 for a long time. I got mine in the first lottery slot Thurs 10am. Only a few of us in line. It was nuts Saturday at 3pm when they put them up for general sale. It was hours of waiting. Very few got them that day. 64,000 fans that day.
I will keep mine sealed, which is a paper band. The box is beautiful. My favorite exclusive from the con. Much nicer than Anaheim’s.
I might build a proxy version and expand it.
That is the best solution with exclusives like this. Keep the original sealed, and if you are really interested in the building itself, you can just recreate it with your own bricks. Yes, the box is very nice. Smart that you were there early. 😀
It looks simple enough that you can build it yourself. I guess that’s what’s throwing me, it’s difficult to get it and it’s not a hard build. If it had a detention cell that to me would be worth it. But , other than that there are better sets out there that doesn’t require long waits and lines. Hey, I am a crazy Star Wars / LEGO fan like the next person ( just not that crazy).
Anyway, I prefer exclusive sets like this, where it’s the box and instructions that are exclusive, rather than the set itself, where the main build woul be easy to recreate with common pieces.
Yes, a lot of people prefer these type of exclusives.
Some collectors have different outlooks on what they want to collect ( like a box and / or a instruction booklet). I just don’t see it and their are a lot of common pieces in this set ( just like the play sets ). However,that set does give me some ideas on how to build a certain theme and how I can display it.
That’s a good point. You can always use official sets as inspiration for your own models. Even just a little part of a set can give you some ideas.