LEGO has been teasing fans via their social media channels about a new set that is bigger, heavier, and with more pieces than any other LEGO set ever released. After much excitement and speculation by LEGO fans, this morning LEGO finally revealed that the new set is the #75192 LEGO Star Wars Ultimate Collector’s Series Millennium Falcon, an updated version of the #10179 LEGO Star Wars Ultimate Collector’s Series Millennium Falcon from 2007. Below are the details, designer-video, pictures, and more! 🙂

Travel the LEGO galaxy in the ultimate Millennium Falcon! Welcome to the largest, most detailed LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon model we’ve ever created—in fact, with over 7,500 pieces it is the biggest LEGO model ever sold! This amazing LEGO interpretation of Han Solo’s unforgettable Corellian freighter has all the details that Star Wars fans of any age could wish for, including intricate exterior detailing, upper and lower quad laser cannons, landing legs, lowering boarding ramp and a 4-minifigure cockpit with detachable canopy. Remove individual hull plates to reveal the highly detailed main hold, rear compartment and gunnery station. This amazing model also features interchangeable sensor dishes and crew, so you decide whether to play out classic LEGO Star Wars adventures with Han, Leia, Chewbacca and C-3PO, or enter the world of Episode VII and VIII with older Han, Rey, Finn and BB-8! 7,541 pieces.

Includes 4 classic crew minifigures: Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia and C-3PO. Also includes 3 Episode VII/VIII crew minifigures: Older Han Solo, Rey and Finn. Figures include a BB-8 droid, 2 buildable Porgs and a buildable Mynock.

Exterior features include intricately detailed and removable hull panels, a lowering boarding ramp, concealed blaster cannon, 4-minifigure cockpit with detachable canopy, interchangeable round/rectangular sensor dishes, upper and lower quad laser cannons, and 7 landing legs.

Main hold features a seating area, Dejarik holographic game, combat remote training helmet, engineering station with turning minifigure seat and a doorway build with passageway decoration.

Rear compartment features the engine room with hyperdrive and console, 2 doorways, hidden floor compartment, 2 escape pod hatches, engineering console and an access ladder to the gunnery station.
Gunnery station features a minifigure gunner’s seat and detachable hull panel with fully rotating quad laser cannon. An additional quad laser cannon is also mounted on the underside.
Classic crew weapons include Han’s blaster pistol and Chewbacca’s stud-firing bowcaster. Episode VII/VIII crew weapons include Han’s blaster, Rey’s small silver blaster and Finn’s medium blaster rifle.

- Change out the features and crew characters to switch between classic and Episode VII/VIII versions of the Millennium Falcon!
- Open individual hull panels to access the detailed interior while retaining the overall exterior appearance.
- Slide the panel to reveal the concealed blaster cannon.
- Turn classic Leia’s and Han’s head to reveal their breathing mask decoration.
- Also includes an informational fact plaque.
- Features a new cockpit canopy element.
- Makes the perfect intergalactic toy or flagship display model.
- Measures over 8” (21cm) high, 33” (84cm) long and 22” (56cm) wide.
- Recommended for ages 16+.

In the designer-video below, LEGO Star Wars model designer Hans Burkhard Schlömer, and LEGO Star Wars graphic designer Madison (Maddy) O’Neil, will show you all the details of the Falcon, including the exterior and interior details, play-features, minifigures, printed elements, stickered decorations and more.
The #75192 LEGO Star Wars UCS Millennium Falcon will be on display (not for sale) in official LEGO stores beginning on September 1st, as part of the Star Wars Force Friday II promotion. And it will be available directly from LEGO beginning October 1st, 2017, with early access to LEGO VIP members starting on September 14th. Price are as follows: US $799.99 – CA $899.99 – DE 799.99€ – UK £649.99 – DK 6999.00 DKK (Euro pricing varies by country). The set will be listed under the LEGO Star Wars section of the Online LEGO Shop.
Just to give you a bit of comparison, the #10179 LEGO Star Wars UCS Millennium Falcon from 2007 was 5,197 pieces and included 5 minifigures: Han Solo, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia Organa. The size was 33″ long, 22″ wide and 8″ tall (84cm long x 56cm wide x 21cm tall). And the price was $499.99 (it has been selling on the secondary market for around $3,000 since it was retired). The #75192 LEGO Star Wars UCS Millennium Falcon is 7,541 pieces (2,344 pieces more), which goes for more detailing on the outside and the new interior decor, and includes 4 classic crew minifigures and 3 Episode VII/VIII minifigures: Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, C-3PO, older Han Solo, Rey and Finn. Plus BB-8, 2 buildable Porgs and a buildable Mynock. The size is the same as the original Falcon, and the price is $799.99. The price/piece ratio for both sets is right around 10 cents (old set 9.6 cents and new set 10.6 cents).

After years of rumors and speculations about the updated LEGO Star Wars UCS Millennium Falcon, it’s great to finally have it confirmed and coming soon! I’m a little surprised that Luke and Lando are not included in the crew, but it is great so see minifigs from both the original and the new films. What I’m most impressed about is the updated greebling of the hull, and the interior details (the 2007 Falcon did not have an interior). All those new curved pieces and tiles really go to good use here! And it’s wonderful to see that you can swap out the radar dish and a couple of small details to signify the difference between the two versions of the falcon.

All in all, the new LEGO Star Wars UCS Millennium Falcon appears to be a worthy update of the original. The set is definitely a major investment, but the price is actually excellent considering that inflation barely raised the price/piece ratio. And it is considerably cheaper than getting the 2007 Falcon on the secondary market. For hardcore LEGO Star Wars fans, this set is going to be a dream come true. If you live near a LEGO store, definitely check it out on display!

What do you think? How do you like the new LEGO Star Wars UCS Millennium Falcon? And how do you think it compares to the original? Do you have the previous version? And are you planning to get the new set? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below! 😉
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Wow! Is this for real???!!! Or am I dreaming? Interior? Two radar dishes? So much greebling! Just wow! I’m going to have to rewatch the designer video like a thousand times!
If you’d get a dollar for every time you watch the designer video, you’d have enough money to buy the set…
Man, this is huge! Would love to see it in person!
Oh, my! The greebling looks amazing! It appears to be very sturdy too, seeing how the designer picks it up. The underside looks great also. I just wish it had a Lando and either young or old Luke, or both. The price is not bad, but coughing up 800 bucks at once is not easy. But I’m sure crazed afols will be lined up at the door on release day! Who needs to eat or pay the rent after all!
You can skip food, but you do need to pay rent so you can park your Falcon. 🙄
I like the transition from the round body to the prongs at the front. That was always the weakest design point of the smaller Falcons. While all the detailing on the outside is awesome, the movie version of the Falcon is much smoother. But in Lego all the greebling looks great.
That’s a good point about the greebling. Greebled LEGO spaceships just look good, even if they are not really accurate. 😀
I’m speechleSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀
Doesn’t anyone find it incredible that we are getting an $800 set and nobody even blinks an eye? That’s like a mortgage payment! Where are you guys planning to put this thing?
Well, all those kids who made millions on bitcoin have to spend it somewhere. On a more serious note, yeah, an $800 toy is definitely expensive. People justify it by saying that it is still much cheaper than spending 3K on the previous one on eBay. As far as where to put it, one of the best solutions I have seen is getting it encased in a glass-top coffee table. I’m thinking of writing a post about some display ideas. 🙂
LEGOJeff, I’m with you! That’s actually more than my mortgage payment. It’s a very beautifully designed set, and I am sure the designers had a great time building it, but I can’t imagine spending that much on legos at one go.
Another millenium falcon? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… 17, 18, 19, yes, that makes 20! So boring, like as if star wars doesn’t even have any other cool ships! I would reccomend the royal naboo cruiser from part I or II (it became more like a crappy airplane in part III). And it costs 800 euro? Totally not worth it! You could build a real life lego house with that money (if you buy the pieces from bricklink)! I feel anoyed 🙁
It’s so crazy it makes me nauseous. The thought of $700. for a LEGO set and so what of is STAR WARS . LEGO could make smaller more needed sets for the STAR WARS universe that they almost have a one track mind on the same models (nothing new).
Ah, it’s beautiful! I want it so much… but I do not have $800, nor will I for several years, I presume. 🙁
I, personally, am very excited about this set (having followed the rumors since March), and it is far superior in detail to the old one. The rectenna has been rectified, the maintenance ports on the mandibles are fixed, the cockpit looks much better (although the molded piece looks a bit simple against the rest of the model), and the whole ship overall looks better due to less exposed studs, especially on the mandibles. 🙂
All that said, there are several issues I have with the model. Primarily, while 75192 is smoother than 10179, as TomTom said the movie Falcon is far smoother, particularly in the front. While the studs cannot be helped, all the randomly added tiles and shapes make the ship look messy, not rundown. It looks amazing in LEGO, but compared to the movie the greebling is too much. In addition, the docking rings look a little off, since they’re not sloped. The interior is a great bonus, but it is quite inaccurate in placement, even though it contains many important features. The rear area is worse, as the crew’s quarters should be there instead of passages that lead to nowhere, and the secret compartment is by the boarding ramp. Also, the hyperdrive is too small, even compared to the one Batman stole. The front compartment is too small, though for reasons of structural integrity that is excusable. There are other minor issues, but I think they’re unimportant as only a direct and exacting comparison would reveal them. In terms of minifigs, they’re not that special in my opinion. I don’t know anything about Porgs, but they look interesting. Overall, it’s a great (but expensive) set, and I’m sure anyone who is able to buy it will enjoy it. 🙂
Also, typos, admin: in the last 2 paragraphs, you wrote 2017 Falcon instead of 2007 Falcon. And I’ve been quiet for a while, but life has been hectic recently and I haven’t had time to comment. 😕
I was wondering where you have been. Missed your thoughtful comments, and correcting my errors. Don’t get too stressed out, whatever life is throwing at you. Oh, and that’s a funny Batman reference about the hyperdrive! 😀
I actually like all the greebly mess, because I like greebling, but now that two of you pointed out that it’s pretty inaccurate compared to the real Falcon, I had to look up some comparison pictures. And you guys are right. I still like the greebling though.
What I’m most curious about is the weight of the set and how LEGO designers handled that. Buildings sit on a flat surface, so you can make them quite heavy. But with something like a spaceship standing on legs, there has to be quite a bit of engineering involved to handle the weight distribution. And what that means structurally is probably the reason some of the interior spaces are not accurately spaced. There must be a lot of Technic bracing going on inside to make a ship this big without stressing and breaking parts. Also, even though the old and new sets are the same size, the new one has a lot more parts, which means even more weight. I will be curious to see/read a comparison review on them. 🙂
The interior spacing shouldn’t make much sense if you analyze the movie, anyway. I read that while shooting, the team had Millennium Falcon designed a lot differently, but it was changed during post-production since the original design looked too much like Star Trek, but then, most interior scenes had already been shot.
(I can see if I can manage to find the article…)
The original design was a lot more tubular, I recall…
Not sure what the iconic revamped design was based on… A pair of pruners?…
Now I found it. Not Star Trek, but Space: 1999 …
And the Millennium Falcon was based on a munched hamburger…
What??? A hamburger??? Of all things??? 😮
Later in the article, a key person is claiming that was an urban myth, however…
Now you are making me nervous… burger or no burger? And was it a veggie burger? I hope so… 😕
Very interesting!
Well, for the first two weeks of my silence I was on vacation, and there wasn’t any Wi-fi there. Then I came home and had three days to pack and leave for college, where I am now. I’ve lived through one week, so the stress is going down and I finally have time to comment here. 🙂
I like greebling, as I think it enhances and adds complexity to a model. The LEGO Falcon’s greebling looks nice, too, and it helps break up the monotonous grey panels – some of the greebling even represents things on the real Falcon: the warp vortex stabilizers and auxiliary acceleration compensators, for example. The newer detailing is also far better than that on 10179. But the LEGO representations are often too large, which ruins the sleekness of the real ship and clutters its appearance, in my opinion.
It seems that 10179 weighs about 22 pounds. There are 2344 more pieces on 75192 which, comparing to 10251 Brick Bank, weigh about 6 pounds. So 75192 might weigh about 27 pounds, since its extra parts are likely smaller than 10251’s parts. Some internal restructuring might be necessary, which indeed would use a lot of interior space. I note, though that the feet on 75192 are basically the same as on 10179, so the changes can’t have been too great.
Here’s a size comparison: So, despite the updates, 75192 is still inaccurate in some places to the real ship. I’m not that bothered, though; the set just looks too awesome. 🙂
You are in college now? Holy cow! Wishing you the best with college! Yeah, the first few weeks can be stressful! I was looking at that comparison picture yesterday too. It’s very interesting. Thanks for doing the numbers for me as far as the weight! I hate numbers! 😀
Ops, o k so it’s $800. That doesn’t make it any better.
I was just about to correct your number, but didn’t want to make you even more nauseous. 😕 🙄 😉
Don’t get me wrong, it is very cool looking. Just Ridiculously expensive. But, their are those that can afford it and those that can’t . The difference is one of us won’t be broke for at least two months. Mmm, Focus we must . New and very expensive set now , possibly bankruptcy later. Wise this is not. Meditate on this we should.
I feel a disturbance in the Force. 😉
It looks so good! I personally like the greebling a lot, however inaccurate it may be. I especially like the greebling on the roof of the tunnel leading to the cab. Comparing the old to the new, it’s pretty easy to see where the extra 2,200 pieces went. I like the little drop-down laser cannon. Is it the one they used in the Mos Eisley docking bay? The Mynock is pretty interesting. The Porgs look really cute, and kind of remind of penguins.There’s a 99% chance I won’t be getting this, because it’s waaaaaaaaaay to much.
Pretty interesting that the box art shows it on Bespin, but it doesn’t include Lando… -_-
Weird… and good notice!
Apparently the Bespin on the box is from concept art, not the movie (I read that on Brickset somewhere). Maybe there’s a chance we’ll get a Bespin set next year to go with this, and Lando might come in that set. However, Lando just came with the #75175 A-wing Starfighter earlier this year, so perhaps LEGO didn’t want to include him in a set again so soon.
Both of those are possibilities, although Lando is really not that common, so including him again wouldn’t have been unwelcome.
I also thought those little guys looked like penguins! 😀