The month of October is starting with a big disappointment for LEGO Star Wars fans; the #75192 LEGO Star Wars Ultimate Collector Series Millennium Falcon is not going to be available for quite a while. The set sold out within minutes after LEGO VIP members had early access to it two weeks ago, and LEGO simply could not keep up with production. Below, we will talk about the future availability of the set in more detail, as well as all the other new sets and promotions this month. 🙂

➡ FREE EXCLUSIVE LLOYD MINIFIGURE: The promotion to receive a free #30609 LEGO Ninjago Movie Lloyd Minifigure with purchases of $50 or more (see first picture above) is continuing from last month until October 8th, and is valid on all purchases not just on sets related to The LEGO Ninjago Movie. However I highly recommend the The LEGO Ninjago Movie sets, because they are awesome and cheap! You can find them under The LEGO Ninjago Movie section of the Online LEGO Shop.

➡ FREE LEGO FRIENDS KEEPSAKE BOX: During the entire month of October, you will get a free #40266 LEGO Friends Keepsake Box with all LEGO Friends purchases of $25 or more. There are several really nice new LEGO Friends sets, including the LEGO Friends Snow Resort collection with five sets, and the #41325 LEGO Friends Heartlake City Playground, which is based on the model of an 8-year-old girl named Sienna who won a LEGO Friends building competition (details here: LEGO Friends Heartlake City Playground). You can find all the new sets under the LEGO Friends section of the Online LEGO Shop.

➡ LEGO VIP EXCLUSIVE SET: October 10-25 LEGO VIP members will receive the #40178 LEGO Exclusive VIP Set with purchases of $125 or more. This is one of the most unique gifts for LEGO VIP members ever released. It includes a brick-built LEGO VIP card, a small LEGO store with a Pick-A-Brick Wall, and the famous Brickley sea monster prominent in front of many LEGO stores and LEGOLAND parks. If you are saving up for a larger purchase, I recommend you wait until this set is available at official LEGO stores and the Online LEGO Shop.

➡ DOUBLE VIP POINTS ON ALL PURCHASES: The same time as the availability of the LEGO Exclusive VIP Set (October 10-25), LEGO VIP members will also enjoy Double VIP Points on all of their purchases. Double VIP Points only come up a few times a year, so don’t miss out on this opportunity at official LEGO stores and the Online LEGO Shop.
➡ LEGO WINTER VILLAGE STATION: The #10259 LEGO Winter Village Station is now available to the general public, not just LEGO VIP members. You can find the press-release and designer-video here). This is the latest in the LEGO Winter Village series, and a perfect addition to the #10254 LEGO Winter Village Holiday Train from last year. You can find both sets under the LEGO Creator section of the Online LEGO Shop.

➡ LEGO STAR WARS UCS MILLENNIUM FALCON: As I mentioned at the beginning the immense popularity of the #75192 LEGO Star Wars Ultimate Collector Series Millennium Falcon caught LEGO completely by surprise. The set sold out within minutes after it became available to LEGO VIP members in mid-September, and LEGO simply can’t keep up with the demand. They are slowly releasing new batches as they are able to make them, and fulfilling orders on a first-come-first-serve basis. Initially, the plan was to make the set available to LEGO VIP members starting in mid-September, followed by a general release on October 1st. However due to the shortage of stock, LEGO is extending the VIP members-only period through October, which means the general public won’t be able to get the set for quite a while. But LEGO is working on it, and they sent out the following email to those who were trying to purchase the set (read below picture).

As you may know, the new #75192 LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon, our largest LEGO set ever, went on sale exclusively to VIP members on September 14. We are very excited that we received such a positive response from fans like yourself, it exceeded all of our expectations! Unfortunately, that also means the first batch has already sold out.
The good news is we are making more as quickly as possible and expect to have very limited quantities available for the remainder of 2017. We have extended the VIP-only access period, which means the new inventory will remain exclusive to VIPs at least through November.
To make your wait a little easier, you can now sign up to receive back-in-stock notifications. Simply confirm your interest below and we’ll email you when a new batch of the #75192 LEGO Star Wars Millennium Falcon is available at the Online LEGO Shop.
If you’d rather make your purchase at your favorite LEGO Brand Retail store, please call or visit your local store starting Friday 9/29 and ask a Brick Specialist to add you to the wait list. (Please note, stock will be in very limited supply and each batch will likely sell out quickly. Signing up for notifications does not guarantee availability of the product.)
➡ LEGO NINJAGO MOVIE BRICKHEADZ: While these sets became available towards the end of September, I thought to mention them here, as their release was kind of quiet, and you may not be aware of them. Two new sets were added to the LEGO BrickHeadz collection, both related to The LEGO Ninjago Movie. The #41487 LEGO BrickHeadz Lloyd and the #41488 LEGO BrickHeadz Master Wu. At least in my opinion, Lloyd is one of the best BrickHeadz released so far, but I’m partial to Ninjago. You can find both new characters at the LEGO BrickHeadz section of the Online LEGO Shop.

➡ LEGO BRICK STORAGE DRAWERS: You might remember that back in July we talked about a new type of LEGO brick-shaped storage solution by Room Copenhagen, the makers of many of the official LEGO storage and display products (see: LEGO Brick Storage Drawers & More!). The original LEGO storage bricks have been very popular for many years, but they come with a lift-off lid, which is not practical if you want to stack them. Recently, Room Copenhagen released a new version of the storage bricks with drawers. This makes them an excellent, very practical and very versatile storage-solution with a fully modular and stackable design. The new storage brick drawers are available in 2×2 and 2×4 stud configuration, and in four colors; yellow, red, blue and green. Other colors we talked about in the article linked above will be available later (I think the other colors are already stocked in Europe and the UK). In the US, three stores carry the storage brick drawers both online and in stores; Staples (yellow, red, blue), The Container Store (red, blue, green), and LEGO directly (yellow, red, blue). The price at The Container Store is the highest, but they are the only ones who currently carry the green drawers. The drawers are not cheap (around $25 for the 2×2, and $35 for the 2×4), but they can hold quite a bit of loose elements. I will review them shortly, as I already have several. If you want to shop directly from LEGO, they are available under the storage section of the Online LEGO Shop.

With all the drama surrounding the #21309 LEGO Ideas NASA Apollo Saturn V (which is still out of stock) and the #75192 LEGO Star Wars Ultimate Collector Series Millennium Falcon, it is sometimes hard to remember all the other great sets that were released recently. This includes the new LEGO Star Wars: The Last Jedi sets, the #21310 LEGO Ideas Old Fishing Store, LEGO Juniors sets, LEGO Disney sets, LEGO Friends Snow Resort sets (and more), LEGO Minecraft sets, LEGO Nexo Knights sets, LEGO Super Heroes sets (both for DC and Marvel fans), LEGO Super Hero Girls sets, The LEGO Ninjago Movie collection, all the new LEGO Technic sets, the LEGO BOOST Creative Toolbox, the LEGO Creator London Bus, and more. And before you check out, I also recommend taking a look at the sales and deals section of the Online LEGO Shop to see what’s on clearance.

All in all, this is a great month to catch up on both old and new sets you have been saving up for, especially during the Double VIP Points period. Also, don’t forget about the seasonal sets like the #40260 LEGO Holiday Haunt, featuring a spooky and fun Halloween scene, and the LEGO City, LEGO Friends, and LEGO Star Wars Advent Calendars.
What do you think? Are you planning to get any new sets this month?
Or did you get some of them already? Feel free to share your thoughts and own reviews in the comment section below! 😉
And you might also like to check out the following related posts:
- LEGO Star Wars UCS Millennium Falcon! (press-release)
- LEGO Ninjago City Available Now & More!
- LEGO Winter Village Train Station Coming!
- LEGO Friends Heartlake City Playground
- LEGO Ideas Old Fishing Store More Details
- LEGO BOOST Creative Toolbox Review
- LEGO Creator London Bus History & Review
- LEGO Minecraft 2017 Summer Sets Review
- LEGO Nexo Knights Summer Sets Review
- LEGO Super Heroes 2017 Summer Sets Review
- LEGO Architecture Arc de Triomphe Review
- Review LEGO City Jungle, Coast Guard & More!
- LEGO Creator 2017 Summer Sets Review
- LEGO Spider-Man: Homecoming Sets Review
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Summer Sets Review
- LEGO Star Wars UCS Snowspeeder Review
- LEGO POTC Silent Mary Available Now!
- LEGO Creator Assembly Square Review
The train station is a must, mostly because of the bus. I’m curious to hear about the storage drawers in more detail. And the VIP set looks great, but I don’t think I have enough on my wanted list right now to meet the minimum purchase.
I will review the storage drawers shortly. I ordered some from LEGO, some from Staples and some from the Container Store, and they should be here this upcoming week, so I can put together a new storage system. 🙂
I heard that the Falcon is delivered in small batches to stores, but you really have to be on top of it to get one. It is really a shame that they have done this with two very desirable sets in a row (the Saturn V and the Falcon).
Yeah, apparently the demand for both sets took them by surprise. Someone at LEGO mentioned that people are always complaining that LEGO is too expensive, so they thought only a few people would be interested in an $800 set, and they didn’t make enough. So I guess we can only blame ourselves. 🙄
Iv’e been saving for 4 weeks for the Double VIP Points event! Two more weeks to go! Finally gonna get Ninjago City and maybe the Palace Cinema before it retires or the Saturn V Rocket.
Those are all excellent choices! 😀
Lego has a couple of problems with producing so many large sets this year.
1. Demand is exceeding their manufacturing capacity. I am guessing that if they hadn’t needed to have their factories produce a second run of Saturn V sets this summer they might have been able to produce more Millennium Falcons. The more different large sets released in a short time frame, the greater the strain on manufacturing to keep them in stock.
2. There are speculators in the market. Currently eBay is showing almost 300 Millennium Falcon 75192 sets sold for prices from $1100 to $1400 U.S.D.
3. They are not able to accurately estimate the demand for these huge sets.
The only thing I can think of to counter these issues is to start using a pre-order system. If VIPs we’re able to pre-order sets 3 months in advance then it would give Lego a better idea of the demand for large sets.
Speculators thrive on scarcity, with a more accurate estimate of demand it is tougher for Speculators to charge high profitts on the sets.
Well, if the speculators would charge too much, they wouldn’t get their goods sold, anyway, so it feels a bit self-regulating… If the supply and demand are in balance.
Supply and demand are not in balance now. Once the supply is available again the speculators will put their sets in storage till LEGO retires the set then they will again start reselling at inflated prices.
Well, Lego will keep the set in production as long as there is sufficient demand. When the production has ceased, the demand should have been reasonably quelled…
There are 300 Falcons on eBay???!!! That’s just wrong! They should have really limited to one per customer from the very beginning. I don’t know why they didn’t do that. They normally implement the policy with new large sets. 🙁
Definitely getting the train station. Are there going to be some other Christmas sets too? They usually have some smaller ones available with purchase around this time. No?
Yes, there are some season sets available, but they won’t be given away as freebies this year. I will write up a separate post about them. 🙂
Regarding the free VIP set on orders of $125 or more, how does it work if you spend a lot more than that? I assume a $500 order still gets you just one. But what about two $250 orders? Do you then get two free gifts?
Kirk, you will get two gifts if you split your order like that. A lot of VIP members do it this way. Place one order, get the free gift. Then place another order, and get a second gift. So yeah, if you are planning to buy several sets during the promotion period and you can split them, it certainly makes sense to do so. 😉
LEGO no sacó un set del Canal de Panama para octubre?
LEGO did not bring out a set of the Panama Canal for October?
Emanuel, the Panama Canal set is an exclusive only available via the Panama STEM website. More info here:
I waited but no turn
I’m curious if they double VIP points extends to a Falcon pre-ordered during this time….
The Falcon can’t even be pre-ordered right now. It’s completely out of stock. 🙁
That answers that.
Yeah… 🙁
We started creating an order on Lego Shop online, ordering over $150 but the #40178 LEGO Exclusive VIP Set wouldn’t show up in the cart.
Maya mentioned the same thing. It might be a glitch. You will likely still receive it as it is an advertised promotion right on their homepage, but if not, I would suggest calling LEGO’s customer service. They are great at fixing stuff like this.