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December 2017 – new LEGO sets & promotions

If you haven’t done all your LEGO holiday shopping yet, LEGO is offering a second chance in December, along with some new promotions, and new sets. Below, we will discuss what’s new this month, and all the specials you can take advantage of. Happy holidays! 🙂

FREE LEGO NINJAGO MOVIE KEYCHAIN: December 1-7, you will get the #5004915 LEGO Ninjago Movie Master Wu Keychain with purchases of $35 or more. This is a nice little stocking-stuffer for fans of The LEGO Ninjago Movie, and LEGO Ninjago in general. Please note that this offer is valid on all purchases, not just sets from The LEGO Ninjago Movie, both at official LEGO stores and at the Online LEGO Shop.

FREE LEGO CREATOR MINI LONDON BUS: December 8-17 you will get the #40220 LEGO Creator Mini London Bus with purchases of $75 or more. This great little set goes well with the #10258 LEGO Creator London Bus. It’s nice to see that LEGO is making it into a tradition to offer tiny versions of LEGO Creator vehicles. This offer is also valid on all purchases at official LEGO stores and the Online LEGO Shop.

FREE LEGO STAR WARS DARTH VADER POD: Between December 15 and January 14, you will get a free LEGO Star Wars Darth Vader Pod with purchases of $60 or more. We talked about these little pods previously (see: LEGO Promotional Pods Polybag Collection), and it’s great to see that more are added to the collection. This offer is valid on LEGO Star Wars purchases only. See the Online LEGO Shop.

LEGO DOUBLE VIP POINTS: Yes! LEGO is again offering Double VIP Points for LEGO VIP members (December 8-10)! This means that during the non-Double VIP Points period you can spend your points, and during the Double VIP Points period you will earn twice as much as normal. So, December will be good for both earning and spending VIP Points. Also, remember that VIP Points expire at the end of December, two years after they were originally earned. Make sure you use up any points that you may have left that would otherwise expire (LEGO send out several email alerts if you have any points expiring soon). Double VIP Points is the best time to get large sets, or a number of smaller sets, so you can maximize your earnings on a larger purchase. If you have been eyeing some of the new sets, like the #70922 LEGO Batman Movie The Joker’s Manor and #10256 LEGO Creator Taj Mahal, or the 2018 sets that are starting to show up, this is an excellent time to get them. To see what’s new, visit the Online LEGO Shop.

LEGO BATMAN MOVIE THE JOKER MANOR AVAILABLE: The #70922 LEGO Batman Movie The Joker Manor was released on Black Friday, and it is already getting lots of enthusiastic reviews. The set is massive, with 3444 pieces, and it includes a whole new rollercoaster system, all wrapped around Batman’s manor! You can find the set at the LEGO Batman Movie section of the Online LEGO Shop.

LEGO CREATOR TAJ MAHAL AVAILABLE: Released on Cyber Monday, the #10256 LEGO Creator Taj Mahal is a repackaged version of the #10189 LEGO Taj Mahal from 2008. It is 5923 pieces, and the price is $369.99. If you missed out on the original set, these is your chance to own it for regular retail price. You can find it at the LEGO Creator section of the Online LEGO Shop.

2018 LEGO CITY SETS AVAILABLE: Several of the 2018 LEGO City sets are now available, including the very fun #60173 LEGO City Mountain Arrest with a bear, a guy in boxers, and a beehive! There are also a number of other great sets, like the #60182 LEGO City Pickup & Caravan. You can find them all under the LEGO City section of the Online LEGO Shop.

2018 LEGO CREATOR SETS AVAILABLE: The first wave of the 2018 LEGO Creator sets are also now available, including the #31081 LEGO Creator Modular Skate House, the #31075 LEGO Creator Outback Adventures, the #31076 LEGO Creator Stunt Plane, the #31071 LEGO Creator Drone Explorer, and the #31072 LEGO Creator Extreme Engines. All of them are 3-in-1 sets, so you can rebuild them in at least three different ways. Find them at the LEGO Creator section of the Online LEGO Shop.

2018 LEGO JUNIORS SETS AVAILABLE: Four 2018 LEGO Juniors sets are also listed; #10751 LEGO Juniors Mountain Police Chase, #10750 LEGO Juniors Road Repair Truck, #10749 LEGO Juniors Mia’s Organic Food Market, and #10748 LEGO Juniors Emma’s Pet Party. You can find them at the LEGO Juniors section of the Online LEGO Shop.

2018 LEGO NINJAGO SETS AVAILABLE: The second wave of sets related to The LEGO Ninjago Movie are also now available. This includes the #70629 LEGO Ninjago Movie Piranha Attack, the #70631 LEGO Ninjago Movie Garmadon’s Volcano Lair, the #70632 LEGO Ninjago Movie Quake Mech, and the #70656 LEGO Ninjago Movie Garmadon, Garmadon, GARMADON! sets. All of The LEGO Ninjago Movie sets are very well designed, look great on display, and incredibly fun. You can find them all under The LEGO Ninjago Movie section of the Online LEGO Shop.

2018 LEGO NEXO KNIGHTS SETS AVAILABLE: All five of the first wave of 2018 LEGO Nexo Knights are now available, with some really fun designs and play-features. You can find them all at the LEGO Nexo Knights section of the Online LEGO Shop.

2018 LEGO TECHNIC SETS AVAILABLE: Some of the 2018 LEGO Technic sets are also listed early, including the really pretty #42074 LEGO Technic Racing Yacht, and my favorites; the two new LEGO Technic pull-back racers! (I have been collecting those for several years.) You can find them all at the LEGO Technic section of the Online LEGO Shop.

More 2018 LEGO sets should be trickling in between now and the end of the year, so if you are interested to get some early, make sure you check the what’s new section of the Online LEGO Shop. And, of course, you don’t have to focus on the new sets, there are plenty of amazing offers in the 2017 collections as well. This includes the new LEGO Star Wars: The Last Jedi sets, the beautiful #21310 LEGO Ideas Old Fishing Store, the LEGO Juniors sets for younger builders, the LEGO Disney sets, the lovely LEGO Friends Snow Resort sets, the LEGO Minecraft sets, the last wave of the LEGO Nexo Knights sets, LEGO Super Heroes sets (both for DC and Marvel fans), the LEGO Super Hero Girls sets, The LEGO Ninjago Movie collection, all the new LEGO Technic sets, the LEGO BOOST Creative Toolbox, the LEGO Creator London Bus, and more. And before you check out, I also recommend taking a look at the sales and deals section of the Online LEGO Shop to see what’s on clearance.

In summary, remember the dates of the freebies the Double VIP Points period (especially if you are planning to purchase some large sets), redeem any VIP Points that are going to expire at the end of the year (if you have any), and check on the 2018 LEGO sets and the clearance items at official LEGO stores and the Online LEGO Shop.

What do you think? Are you done with your holiday shopping already? Or, are you still looking to purchase some new sets and gift items? And what’s on your own holiday LEGO wish list? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss  in the comment section below! 😉

And you might also like to check out the following related posts:

{ 25 comments… add one }
  • LEGOJeff December 1, 2017, 11:12 AM

    The new Ninjago Movie sets are also available. I haven’t seen those on the list. BTW, thanks for doing this every month. It really helps with planning.

    • admin December 1, 2017, 11:42 AM

      I added them probably as you wrote your comment. Didn’t see them until this morning. Happy planning! 🙂

  • Sith015 December 1, 2017, 12:10 PM

    Woa!!! Those ninjago sets!!!! I love the shark and Cole’s mech!!!!

    • admin December 1, 2017, 1:37 PM

      They are pretty awesome, aren’t they? 😀

  • Laure December 1, 2017, 12:28 PM

    Are they ditching the Lego point Program Completely… This is both confusing and disappointing… what about the contests that have Lego points tagged to them. Does this mean you will be forced to use them ASAP if you win the pride and a bunch of Lego points.What about the runner up points prizes you might lose them if you do not use them.. not impressed by scrapping the Lego points they where a major reason for buying from Lego that and the Lego gifts with purchased… double points really cane in handy and helped us save… sad to see the point program getting scrapped. Maybe they will limit the points to contests prizes, and no longer give points to those who buy from Lego shop… Sigh… hopefully they do not fully scrap Lego VIP….

  • Laure December 1, 2017, 12:32 PM

    Re Read the points only expire if they are sitting around and not being used. You have 2 years to use points at time when you earned them. If you do not use it by them they get scraped… makes sense… nice to know… relieved they are keeping the point program 😉

    • admin December 1, 2017, 12:34 PM

      VIP Points expiring after two years was always part of the program. No need to worry, there is plenty of time to use them up, and there hasn’t been any indication from LEGO that they are planning to ditch the program. In fact, they are working on making it even better. 🙂

  • brickmaster December 1, 2017, 1:22 PM

    Are you going to talk more about the Joker’s manor? I’m really curious about that set.

    • admin December 1, 2017, 1:36 PM

      Yes, we will discuss the Manor in more detail on Sunday. 🙂

  • Legostuff71 December 1, 2017, 1:27 PM

    What!? Lego is planning to ditch the V IP program? Why? Planning to make better, I hope so , because that’s the only the reason why I even go to the Lego store. Most of the sets I can easily get elsewhere. So, when do you think this will happen?

    • admin December 1, 2017, 1:34 PM

      I’m not sure why two of you brought that up. I didn’t say anything about LEGO ditching the VIP Program. Are you guys reading the article from an alternate universe? 🙄

  • Legostuff71 December 1, 2017, 2:45 PM

    WOW! O. K, Message received.

    • admin December 1, 2017, 4:55 PM

      Maybe everything is an illusion. You guys certainly made me double check to make sure I’m awake. 😀

  • Legostuff71 December 1, 2017, 5:14 PM

    I made a mistake and miss read the article . It happens and Laure made the same mistake as I did. What threw me for a loop was Laure’s comment. So , again I made a mistake. On a happy note, some of the city sets look great. Definitely want the ambulance helicopter.

    • admin December 1, 2017, 5:47 PM

      And then I read both of your comments and seriously questioned my reality. It’s the Matrix… definitely the Matrix. 😈

      • admin December 1, 2017, 5:48 PM

        And yes, the City sets are very good. 😀

  • Legostuff71 December 1, 2017, 6:16 PM

    Reality what’s that? I feel like a family and we just got it a bit of a tiff. Tomorrow’s another day. ( no I am not singing the song from Annie” tomorrow is only a day away”. Lol!

    • admin December 1, 2017, 8:00 PM

      Ahhh, that’s a great song! Now I have to sing it too! 😀

  • Legostuff71 December 2, 2017, 9:53 PM

    Here’s a question, of all the sets this year which ones you find the most unique . ( different, inspiring and cleverly made).

    • admin December 2, 2017, 10:07 PM

      I would say Ninjago City. It is a very unique set in so many ways. Every room, every corner, every level, every angle is full of surprises. Secondly, all the other Ninjago Movie sets are very-very good. Destiny’s Bounty is my second favorite. It is just such a beautiful ship. And all the mechs are great fun. I would also add the Old Fishing Store and the Saturn V as two other very inspiring and beautiful sets. While the Saturn V looks plain on the outside, the construction of the inside is just crazy! The Fishing Store is a fairly simple built, but it looks so nice on display. I think LEGO had a very good year in terms of design and creativity. Which one do you find most unique? 🙂

  • Legostuff71 December 2, 2017, 11:08 PM

    All of what you said I agree with . Ninjago movie sets are excellent. The Old fishing shop was a simple build with a lot of detail. The Saturn v ,I saw a glimpse of it but didn’t grab me as the others sets did. Yes, Lego did an excellent job. Looking forward for next year. Oh, the city sets too ( the jungle theme in particular). I can’t believe that another year is almost over. I guess time flys when you ‘re building a universe .

    • admin December 3, 2017, 12:33 AM

      Yes, the City sets have been great too, but those sub-themes of City are almost always great. 😀

  • Legostuff71 December 3, 2017, 10:11 AM

    I guess what I’m thinking of are the jungle cats and the giant Venus flytrap. It’s almost like in each city set there is something new . The pizza van comes with pizza slices . Little things like that . However , the bigger sets make more of a presents . We might forget the little things and new additions to a city set because, the NINJAGO movie, ideas and creator sets make such a larger presents. ( literally). Speaking of a large presents , it would be great if Lego made a Godzilla or King Kong to attack our city’s . They are both recognizable and big monsters have almost always been big for kids. Mmm something to think about.

    • admin December 3, 2017, 10:35 AM

      NOOO!!! Are you trying to give minifigs a heart attack? But seriously, yeah some big monster creature would be awesome. Maybe some of the Ninjago dragons would work too, if you want to shake up Bricksville a bit 😈

  • Legostuff71 December 3, 2017, 11:12 AM

    Then I guess Lego better get on it and make a city hospital or there will a lot of injured mini figure The Garma Mecha man would work.just like the movie ( I think, I’ve haven’t seen the movie yet. I’ll get it on dvd when it comes out this month .)

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