There is quite a bit of exciting news for fans of the LEGO Ninjago TV series! So let’s talk about them. First of all, LEGO uploaded a mini series on their YouTube channel, titled LEGO Ninjago Decoded, which previously was only available on Cartoon Network. The series consist of ten episodes; each about eleven minutes long. It is basically a recap of the events of the LEGO Ninjago TV show up to Season 8. While watching the mini series is enjoyable for all Ninjago fans, it is especially useful for those who are new to the Ninjago story (i.e. they got introduced via The LEGO Ninjago Movie), or those who have been following the saga on and off through the years. ๐

The ten LEGO Ninjago Decoded episodes are titled as follows, and you can watch them in the video-player below: 1.) Legacy 2.) Vehicles and Mechs 3.) Legendary Places 4.) Ninjago’s Most Wanted 5.) The Digiverse and Beyond 6.) The Elemental Masters 7.) Beast and Dragons 8.) Rise of Garmadon 9.) Prophecy of the Green Ninja 10.) Greatest Battles. The episodes will automatically play one after another in the playlist below, or you can use the drop-down menu in the upper left corner of the player to select the episode you would like to watch. Enjoy!
Also, yesterday LEGO uploaded to their YouTube channel three story teasers for LEGO Ninjago Season 8! Each of the are just a couple of minutes long, but very exciting! In the first teaser-trailer titled Power of the Oni Mask you will find out the origin and power of the Oni Masks, including where did these powerful masks come from, why are they feared, and what will happen if the evil Sons of Garmadon get their hands on them? In the second trailer titled Mysterious Biker Gang, you will get a closer look at the mysterious new criminal syndicate called the Sons of Garmadon rampaging through Ninjago City. Who are the Sons of Garmadon, what can they do, and just who is their leader, The Quiet One? And, can the ninja team hope to stop these outlaws before itโs too late? The third trailer is titled A Royal Encounter, where the ninja meets Princess Harumi, the beautiful and dutifulย daughter of the Emperor. When Lloyd and the princess meet, sparks fly, but will their new friendship lead to triumph? That will be the story of the full episodes, but at least we are getting a glimpse! You can watch all three teaser-trailers in the video-player below.
I really appreciate LEGO Ninjago Decoded, as it is a good way to catch up on the story, characters, and places without having to watch or re-watch all the seasons (I highly recommend them though, if you have the time to watch them). The series is also the last time we will hear Jillian Michaels voicing Lloyd. From now on, Sam Vincent is going to voice the character. We have talked about Season 8 of the LEGO Ninjago TV show previously (see links at the end of this post), and I have to say I’m liking it more and more. Also, don’t forget that the LEGO Ninjago sets related to the season are already available. You can read/see reviews of them at 2018 LEGO Ninjago Sets Review & New Trailer!, and purchase the sets at various LEGO retailers and directly at the LEGO Ninjago section of the Online LEGO Shop.

What do you think? How do you like the summary mini series for the previous episodes and the teaser-trailers for the new episode? Did you notice any interesting details or clues about the story? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! ๐
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This is so Awesome! I can’t wait for season 8 to air on Cartoon Network . Now seeing all the new sets, I’m re-thinking my plan . I have enough of the NINJAGO movie sets ( that means no green Dragon mech, but I’m fine with that). I want the season 8 sets ( minus one or two of them. ) I don’t think I’ll get them all . Just the ones with the masks in the sets. I know I can just get the Temple of resurrection set , but, where’s the fun in that?
This is my plan also. I want to get all the masks and some of the sets. My favorite is the temple, but some of the smaller ones are great too. Smaller collection than usual, but the sets are not bad at all. And I don’t care for the spinners.
Yes, this wave are not bad sets, they are just a little on the simpler side. BTW, the new spinners are pretty fun. You can spin them right side up, upside down, and even sideways! ๐
I also like the masks and would like to collect them. Very useful prints! And I also think the princess is super cute! Good match for LLoyd with her very faire hair! ๐
Woa!!! THis is so exciting!!! I’m going to watch all the episodes now!
Have fun! ๐
The trailers are great! Can’t wait! When do the episodes start?
The exact time and date still haven’t been announced, but my guess would be February? Will keep an eye on it. ๐
They start on Jan. 29
Oh, thanks for that! Can’t wait! ๐
So happy about all of this! Decoded will take a while to watch, so I will save those for the weekend. Ninja go!!!
Sounds like a good plan! ๐
Does anyone know where I can see the hands of time episodes? I started but then I didn’t get to finish. Also where can I watch the new season(besides cartoon network bc I’m don’t have it anymore)
Hm… all I can suggest it to search YouTube for older episodes. They do get removed, but sometimes you luck out and catch them before they disappear. You can also get the DVD version. It’s not that expensive. The new season will be the same; it will be on Cartoon Network, and Ninjago fans will be uploading them to YouTube. But they run the risk of their videos getting removed and even their channel banned, so it’s getting more and more rare to find good quality videos that stay up long enough to watch. Still it’s worth a try to search for them. I was pretty much able to watch all the episodes this way.
This Caught my attention, the two characters that are guarding the temple of resurrection, one, why are they guarding it and if the masks would possibly bring back Garmadon . I’m thinking that of the two guarding it maybe a bad guy. Unless the baby is a key part to it? Two, it transforms in to something evil . Mmm, something to think about . I guess we will have to wait until the serie comes on.
I definitely think that the baby has some significance in the story, instead of just being a random baby. We will see… ๐
Is there a different actor for Llyod? Also, I don’t like the new animation/character design.
Yes, as I mentioned toward the end of the post, the LEGO Ninjago Decoded series is the last time we will hear Jillian Michaels voicing Lloyd. From now on, Sam Vincent is going to voice the character. And many old-timer Ninjago fans find the changes to the characters quite jarring. But I guess the designers are hoping we will get used to them. The story seems good, so maybe that will help in accepting the new direction. We shall see… or, perhaps this is a plot to make Ninjago unpopular, so LEGO can finally kill it. ๐
I won’t watch this new series, but I will buy the good try LEGO
The animation looks bad…it looks like its from a Ninjago video game…
Hm… you have a point there… but it might be because of the darker indoor and night scenes highlighted in the trailers.
I almost Believe that Lego did that for The Legends of Chima series with the sets . As if they didn’t try to make it interesting anymore.
It did feel that way, didn’t it? ๐
I liked watching Decoded – it had a lot of good scenes from the past seasons. I guess all the Ninja now know about the whole Nadakhan season. The mini storyline between the episodes was interesting, though a little weird. I did find it annoying that Nya always pulled the same lever whenever she did something, though they were probably just reusing the same scene to save animation time. ๐
The teaser-trailers were informative, though they didn’t reveal much about how the story will proceed. I still don’t like the Ninjas’ appearances, but I’m beginning to accept their presence. I note that Zane is definitely using bows and arrows, which confirms that the Ninja are now using the weapons from the Movie. I preferred Zane with shurikens. Why they couldn’t keep their old weapons, we may never know.
I haven’t seen the Ninjago Movie yet, so I have a question: do the Ninja have elemental powers in the Movie, and do they use Spinjtzu? I can’t tell if the Ninja still have their powers in the teasers, but for some reason their Spinjitzu has changed entirely. Zane’s Spinjitzu looks like a swirling blob of snow, not a tornado like before. Lloyd’s is still cone shaped, but is formed differently and sounds weird. Are these changes due to the Movie, once again, or are they just a random change? ๐
Hmmm… yes, the ninja use their elemental powers in The Ninjago Movie. Which is weird, because when they first announced the movie they sad the ninja won’t be using elemental powers. Another weird thing is that while in the sets and commercials for the movie the ninja are shown with their weapons, they actually never used their weapons in the film. Only their elemental powers and their mechs. I can’t remember how the Spinjitzu whirly things looked in the movie. I would have to watch it again to catch that. Maybe someone else can answer that part of the question for you. ๐
They do use powers? That is weird. And it’s odd that they don’t use their weapons, although it makes some sense since fighting Garmadon’s giant mech would require more power than a mere handheld weapon.
Based alone on the fact that the Ninja have elemental powers and Spinjitzu in the Movie, it seems reasonable to conclude that the new Spinjitzu styles in the TV show are adapted directly from the Movie; and this is yet another effect of the Movie that I dislike. I really do need to watch the Ninjago Movie in full sometime, just so I know everything in it that is affecting the show. ๐
Also, I was watching the teaser trailers for Season 8 again, and it looks like Kai’s hair isn’t as ridiculous as it is in the Movie, though it’s still different (and taller) than it used to be in the show. So there’s one thing that isn’t an exact copyโฆ.
It would probably be an interesting project to make a list of all the changes that effected the show because of the movie. I can’t do it as I don’t have the DVD, but it could be fun. ๐