LEGO customizer BrickWarriors has some really nice new products that I wanted to show you today. As I mentioned previously, I’m a big fan of their minifigure accessories, and many of my armies are equipped with BrickWarriors armor and weapon pieces. In addition, they also released a fun video, titled 12 Millennia of Warrior History. 🙂

BrickWarriors has been systematically going through history, and releasing products for pretty much every age. There are armor and weapon pieces for warriors of prehistoric times, Greeks, Romans, medieval knights, barbarians, fantasy warriors, pirates, samurai, modern military, and warriors of the future. Besides weapons, shields, armor, helmets, they also have lots of civilian accessories like musical instruments, tools, medical items, and more.

Last year, BrickWarriors mostly focused on modern military accessories related to WW1 and WW2. This included army-builder packs for American, German, British, French, Italian, Japanese, and Soviet troops.

Now, it seems like BrickWarriors is going back to the distant past again with re-releases of some of the most popular medieval knight accessories, some new knight helmets, as well as brand new armor and weapon pieces for female gladiators! The four new Secutor accessories from the ancient Roman period include the secutor helmet, gladiatrix armor, dagger, and sica. Gladiators entering the arena stand little chance against this fierce warrior!

Another set of recently released accessories I really like is for Arabian warriors. It includes the Arabian Helmet, Arabian Shield, chakra, a long curved sword, and a short dagger. Most of these accessories are available in black, pear-dark-gray, and pearl-gold. Other colors like brown, dark-red, etc. may also be available depending on the item. One thing I’m sad about is that BrickWarriors no longer carries bronze color accessories. It was one of my favorite colors for equipping ancient warriors.

In the video below, BrickWarriors will walk you through 12 Millennia of Warrior History, by using their minifigure accessories to represent the ages. It’s quite enjoyable, and a good way to see a large selection of BrickWarrios products.
If you would like to check out all the new products and re-releases, I would warmly recommend visiting Their website is easy to navigate by item types, historical periods, sale items, value packs and more. I also recommend signing up for their newsletter for special discounts, which they usually run around every holiday. You can also follow them via various social media channels. The point is that they make it easy to follow them and use their shop to get the accessories your minifigs need.

What do you think? Do you shop from BrickWarriors? Which items do you have already? And are there any new accessories that you really like? Feel free to share your thoughts, and reviews in the comment section below! 😉
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They look awesome and looks like the prices are not bad either. Really like their medieval stuff.
That’s a cool video!!! I like that they go thru all the ages.
Yeah, the jumps tend to span shorter and shorter intervals… 😉 (The shortest is only six years, and the longest nine thousand…)
Oh, LOL! I haven’t noticed that, but yeah, you are right, and it’s funny. 😀
I’m impressed that they try to make the accessories as faithful as possible. And also keep the lego look. How is the fit?
The fit is perfect. Exactly like using LEGO accessories. 🙂
Really like Brickwarriors! Their selection is really good, and the quality is like Lego’s. I just wish they carried more colors. I would like regular silver and bronze like you discussed in the article. They used to have more colors, but not anymore.
Oh, yes, I would like silver to be back too! And of course, bronze. They actually used to have three different silver-ish colors; regular silver, then one a bit darker, then a very dark one. They only kept the middle shade. For regular silver, I just paint the pieces with Testors, but I would love to have it back in the selection again. If you do want to make bronze, you can combine Testors gold with copper. It’s a really nice color. However, it doesn’t work so well on weapons, as the paint will rub off the handle. But for armor and helmets Testors works great. 🙂
Not too much into wargaming, myself, but that gas mask, and the jester’s hat and collar looks pretty nice…
Besides, the main postal operator in Sweden, Postnord, has recently added additional toll costs for about every parcel sent from USA to Sweden, so I’d probably have to skip these. I’d need to buy for tens of dollars to outweigh the toll fees…
BrickWarriors have a number of resellers in Europe. If you are interested, you should be able to get stuff from them. There is even one in Sweden. Here is the list of resellers:
Thanks, I could look it up.
I’m not sure if those additional costs are due to general incompetence from the Swedish company, or some ongoing trade/ import wars.
Could be both. 🙄