Some time back we talked about various musical instruments available for minifigures both directly from LEGO and LEGO customizers (see: LEGO Guitars & Other Musical Instruments). Since then, LEGO customizer BrickWarriors added a couple of new instruments that I really like and wanted to share with you. 🙂

In the little medieval scene pictured above, LEGO fan David Pruitt features the standard LEGO flute printed with holes, and BrickWarrior’s lyre and lute. The lute is a particularly beautiful instrument both in real life and at minifig-scale. Notice that David did a little painting on the lute to bring out the details. The lyre is available in black, steel and brown, and the lute comes in black, brown, and tan. All colors match LEGO’s color-palette perfectly.

The other new musical instrument by BrickWarriors is the herald trumpet, also popular in the Middle Ages. Unfortunately, BrickWarriors currently only makes this instrument in black and steel. I would really like to see a pearl-gold version to properly herald kings and queens. You can find all the BrickWarriors musical instruments at their website.

There are some other new custom minifig accessories by BrickWarriors that we haven’t talked about yet, including a couple of new medieval helmets that I really like. The sallet is a light helmet with an outward curve extending over the back of the neck, worn as part of medieval armor. The archer helm was also intended for medieval warriors, but I found that the shape is generic enough to use for other soldiers well. Both helmets are available in black, steel, and pearl-gold.

BrickWarriors continues to be one of the premium LEGO customers with beautiful designs, perfect fit for LEGO minifigures, and top notch quality. I also like their extensive variety of minifig accessories. So many customizers make modern weapons, but very few take the time to offer something as nice as musical instruments. If you would like to support their efforts, visit their online store at

What do you think? How do you like these LEGO compatible musical instruments and other minifigure accessories? What other musical instruments would you like to see either directly by LEGO or from customizers? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below! 😉
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Lovely instruments. We might get some to make a band. Thanks for letting us know about them.
You’re very welcome! Have fun building a band! 😀
They all look great. Very nice shapes. I just wish they would print some of their items because I’m not so good with painting little things like these.
They are actually very well defined, so all it takes to paint the protruding parts is to run a brush through the whole area. You don’t have to be precise with your painting skills. But I also wish they made some printed ones, just because they would be even more awesome. 🙂
Very nice instruments. I would also like to see a trumpet, a cello, a violin, and a harp.
Those are great ideas! 😀
Also an accordion, ocarina and a theremin!
Okay, I had to look two of those up because I had no idea what’s an ocarina and theremin. That theremin thing is fascinating! 😀
Yeah, I can be a hipster…
Although I guess a decent brick-built theremin isn’t too hard to accomplish, though.
A cello would look cool, though, and a contrabass… A mainstay in small jazz bands!