The LEGO House in Billund, Denmark is still closed, so LEGO started offering various virtual events to keep LEGO fans stuck at home engaged and entertained. Recently, the LEGO House team announced that they are going to host interactive live tours of the LEGO House. The tours are free, but you will need to pre-register for the events. The duration of each tour is 60 minutes, covering different topics from LEGO’s history. It’s free to participate but registration prior to the event is required. Below is the press-release with more information about the tours and how to register.

Many LEGO fans from all over the world are not able to visit LEGO House due to the restrictions of the COVID-19 outbreak. For all of you we are now opening up the History Collection in the basement of LEGO House to invite you to join the free LEGO House Live Tours where we introduce you to the history of the LEGO Group.
The LEGO Group started back in 1932 and its history is full of stories and play. To provide an in-depth live tour we offer 5 individual tours based on 5 important chapters of the LEGO Group’s history. The tour will be hosted by a LEGO historian, who is an expert in LEGO history, and you will be able to ask questions during the session via live chat. The tour guide will answer your questions live.
There are different timings of the sessions to cater for the different time zones you live in. Please be aware that we operate in Billund time (CET). We kindly ask you to convert the timing to your time zone. Duration of each tour is 60 minutes. It’s free to participate but registration prior to the event is required. Below is the overview of LEGO House Live Tours in the History Collection:
- Tour 1: The beginning of the LEGO Group, 1932 – 1946 – June 11, 2020 (past event)
- Tour 2: The LEGO Group – Consolidating plastic, 1947 – 1961 – June 25, 2020
- Tour 3: The LEGO Group – Expanding the LEGO System in Play, 1962 – 1978 – July 9, 2020
- Tour 4: The LEGO Group – Introducing new ideas, 1979 – 2001 – August 13, 2020
- Tour 5: The LEGO Group – Crisis and turnaround, 2002 – 2019 – September 1, 2020

If you have never been to the LEGO House, this is a great way to check it out, look around, and also interact with the staff. Of course, it’s not the same as visiting in person, but it’s still fun, and the best LEGO can offer under the circumstances. You can learn more about the LEGO House Live Tour events and register for the different tours at various time-slots by clicking on the banner below, or go directly to

What do you think? How do you like the idea of visiting the LEGO House virtually? Are you planning to participate at the events? Did you have a chance to catch the first tour that took place at the beginning of the month? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below!
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That’s cool. I doubt I will ever make it to the Lego house, virus or not, so accessing it virtually is going to be my only option. Are they going to do virtual tours for the other areas too?
I would love to visit and play with all the bricks! But it’s so far, and so out of the way even if I would make it to Europe.
I would like a tour of the vault. That would be neat.
I will be going to Bilund next weekend, if anyone wants it 🙂