With all the small and intricate LEGO pieces, special prints, and unique colors LEGO has been releasing in the past several years, it has become possible to build highly detailed and intricate interior designs. I have been following with interest the work of LEGO fan Marcin Otręba, who is working on a series of vignettes featuring Victorian-style interiors.

Marcin writes, “While working on more complex models, in the breaks I relax by building miniature interiors. I have always found the Victorian style to be mesmerizing with its ornate and sophisticated décor. I had a great time building a few interiors, as well as designing many objects that fit the aesthetics of the 19th century.”

I really like the creative ways Marcin reuses pieces as well as the mix of colors and patterns. If you would like to see close-up images and other angles of these projects, as well as other builds by this talented LEGO fan, visit @MartinLEGODesign on Instagram.
What do you think? How do you like these interior designs? Did you notice any details you really liked? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below!
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Hmm, appears to be roughly minifig-size, although minifigs might still clash with the dollhouse style, and some more realistic dolls might fit better.
I come to think of the Playmobil Victorian 5300 dollhouse, released in the early 1990’s. It’s probably quite expensive by now, although it was very stylish already when released.
Where is that wallpaper coming from in the first picture? It’s so pretty!
76052 Batman Classic TV Series Batcave.
Not ‘super’ expensive on Bricklink, though.
Some great ideas here. I love the shower curtain, the radiator, and are those broomsticks for the curtain?
I like the striped wallpaper. I haven’t seen anyone do that before.
I guess the clock was attached through a sideways bracket plate.
So many great details. Love these.
The first one is perfect. The colors, pieces, accessories, printed parts.
yknow i remeber back on the day when the mixels were a thing
Wow, these are absolutely breathtaking! Thanks for posting these. I follow https://www.flickr.com/photos/155161682@N02/ on Flickr and I am not sure how I missed these. Although Marcin only posted two of these over there.
I am a fan of creating Victorian-era MOC’s myself and posted one to the Bricklink Designer Program: Series 1, if you are interested.