It has become a tradition that for Halloween each year, Jason Allemann ( releases some type of candy-throwing machine with instructions to the delight of LEGO fans and kids that come to their doors. For this year, Jason gives us the LEGO Creamy Caramel Catapult! Check it out below!

The Creamy Caramel Catapult is built from the #51515 LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor set, so if you have this set already, you will have all the pieces needed. If you don’t have the set, a parts list is provided, so you can check which elements you already have, and which you will need to purchase either directly from LEGO or from

The build is pretty straightforward, though connecting the second motor is a bit tricky, and requires pulling the model apart slightly in order to get it connected. All in all, this is a fairly simple design, with a gravity feed system, and a rubberband-powered launching mechanism. You can watch the video to get a breakdown of the design and see it in action.
The program to operate the launcher is simple. It waits until something comes within range of the distance sensor (10 cm), then launches two candies by rotating the launch arms one full rotation (9 rotations of the motors). You can download the program at 2415CaramelLauncher.lms, or simply recreate it to match the image below. If you use this program, you will need to connect the motors to ports A and B, and the distance sensor to port F. For more information, visit this page on Jason’s website: LEGO Creamy Caramel Catapult.

And if you haven’t built any of Jason’s fun and functional Halloween models yet, you might want to take a look at his previous projects as well. All of them come with parts lists and building instructions, so you can build your own! Here are the links:
- LEGO Halloween Chocolate Thrower
- LEGO Mini Chocolate Machine
- LEGO Mini Chocolate Vending Machine
- LEGO Halloween Rocket Launcher
- LEGO Halloween Potato Chip Robot Arm
- LEGO Ghost in the Pumpkin
- LEGO Halloween Lollipop Launcher

What do you think? Are you planning to build a LEGO candy thrower for Halloween? Which one? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below!
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I prefer the ones not depending on mindstorm. Minestorm is an expensive set to begin with.
Haha. Thus is great! We already have the set, so we will definitely give this a try. Thanks for posting.
Brilliant! I will try to get this going before Halloween. We built the a
creepy arm one and kids loved it!
I agree that I prefer the ones that don’t depend on Mindstorms. But I’m always impressed by Jason’s mocs and built several of them.
How far I got us making a candy throwing catapult. Haha. These are amazing!