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Other LEGO News & Updates

J.P.Morgan explains the Euro crisis with LEGO

J.P.Morgan explains the Euro crisis with LEGO thumbnail

Confused about the European monetary crisis? Don’t worry, a 9-year-old (Peter Cembalest) can clearly explain to you want is going on and who will end up paying. (Click on the picture for a larger view.)  If you want to read the scarier and boring-er adult explanation check out the whole post here: EYE ON THE MARKET […] Read more


Birthday break!

Just a bit of update… I will be out of town for a few days; today is my baby brother’s 18th birthday and we are going up to Chicago to be with family. And yes, we will be playing with LEGO too! ;) In the meantime please look out for LEGO news and updates for me. […] Read more


LEGOLAND Florida bus sighting…

LEGOLAND Florida bus sighting… thumbnail

So, yesterday we were driving home from the beach, and ran into this convoy of buses on the highway. There were a total of 9 buses, and 7 sheriff’s vehicles escorting them with flashing lights. All going well below the speed-limit. These are obviously not tour-buses to LEGOLAND, as LEGOLAND Florida won’t be opening until the fall. Although […] Read more


LEGO website oops!

LEGO website oops! thumbnail

LEGO’s website rolled out their spanky new and updated look this morning, but unfortunately a good portion of the site does not work, including the LEGO shop. I guess they forgot to test the new version before releasing it to the public! :oops: Do not worry, I’m sure they will fix it soon! I just […] Read more


Timeout – site went bad!

Timeout – site went bad! thumbnail

I apologize to my regular readers and all new visitors; somehow my website stopped working properly today. All the Categories disappeared, as well as all the Tags, so it is impossible to navigate the site. I’m looking into what could be the problem and how to fix it. Hopefully it won’t take long. In the meantime […] Read more