To assure that you receive the very best information covering a specific LEGO niche, theme, or historical period, we actively seek the contribution of knowledgeable LEGO fans in all aspects of the LEGO hobby.
If you would like to know more about our regular contributors, find a list of their articles, or would like to contact them, just click on their names under the CONTRIBUTORS list below.
And if you would like to contribute let us know. Don’t be shy! We would love to hear from you! All you need is a passion for LEGO and a desire to share it. We will help you with the rest!
hi brickblogger,
i had been following your blog for quite sometime, from early beginning till now, the no. of visitors to your site has increased a lot. Congrats!
maybe we can share tips on how different aspects of blogging 🙂
khan peng
Oh, hey Khan, nice to meet ya! Yes, I know about your blog! Sure, I’m happy to talk about LEGO and blogging and LEGO blogging! 😉
i see you have a couple of ads on the blog, like adsenses. hope they are doing well & generating good revenue. you can drop me an email, and we can share some knowledge 🙂
Of course it won’t work besauce they are flat on the bottom. I think they are actually Legos they put on the short bus so kids don’t die when they eat them.
Kids in my church Sunday School are making a Lego village from Biblical (Jesus’) time. What minifigures are out there to buy? I want to support the kids by getting some extra stuff for them (also…sheep, goats, fish…..). I am a foreigner wandering in awe in the Lego world.
Grant, nice to have you! If you just want to get individual minifigures, I would suggest that you shop at BrickLink. Below are some direct links you might like. If you want to buy a whole set that the kids could easily modify into a Biblical scene form the parts included would be this: This set is currently available form LEGO and various retails stores It would be your cheapest option. Here are some other individual elements you might like:
LEGO goat:
LEGO pig:
LEGO fish:
LEGO chicken:
LEGO villager:
LEGO peasant child:
There are many-many minifigures you could use for Bible scenes. If you need more ideas just let me know. 😉
I was just looking for this information myself! I work with children at church and they love legos. The toys out there made by religious companies are really poor quality. I would love to adapt a lego set for kids to use to retell bible stories. I know very little about legos, but would love a good Jesus character, a set of children, and a set of male and female disciples/followers. The sites you link to are a good start I think, if you can think of any other good figure options, would you please share. I think if someone found a way to package and create sets, churches would purchase them.
Carolyn, there are definitely some LEGO sets and figures you could adobt for a Christian diorama. I have made a Jesus on the cross diorama myself. You can see it here:
The now retired Prince of Persia LEGO sets are particularly nice to start a Biblical LEGO figure collection. Here is a list of all the Prince of Persia LEGO characters:
Prince of Persia sets in general would be very nice to create some small Bible dioramas. The colors are lovely and kind of Middle-Eastern, so you could easily convert them. I would recommend this set:, or here is a smaller one that’s really nice:
And of course you can always add others as well. Once you have a basic collection of LEGO figures you can mix and match the parts to get the look you want for each character.
It wouldn’t be difficult to put together packaged sets for some Bible-scenes with a few characters and sell them to church groups. People sell custom made LEGO sets all the time, and I have done it myself. It’s quite fun, actually. 😉
Very nice idea of making Bible scenes! You should try making an Ark!
Hmm… I’ve wanted to do that before!
Admin, looks like all you have to do is buy village raid from LEGO kingdoms
can i have my profile Admin
Hm… so sorry, but I’m not sure what you mean. Profile? 😕
Hi there! My friends and I have been big fans of you guys for a long time now, and we often check out the blog. It is one of the best Lego blogs around in our opinion 🙂
Anyways, we recently have started a YouTube channel called UnReelMotion, and we make short frame by frame films using Lego. We are hard at work at completing our first film, and when it is finished, we were wondering if it could be posted on here on its release date? This would help us tremendously since there is so much traffic that passes through your website.
It would mean a lot to us, and thank you for your time!
Curtis, sure we can do that! I would suggest that you also write a post that would go with the video. Maybe a short tutorial about making brickfilms, or somehting about you guys and how you got into brickfilming, or something about the challenges you run into. This way the post would be a lot more valuable fo rour readers. Just let me know what you think. 😉
admin, I’ve been wondering, which kinds of LEGO videos are “safe” to be posted on youtube and which are not?
Hm… I would say that older videos are fine. Anything older than 3 years ago should be safe. LEGO’s own videos should be fine, however if the video was in collaboration with someone else (like Cartoon Network) it may be riskier. I would say that old advertisements, short cartoons directly from LEGO’s website, tutorials, that kind of stuff should be fine. However with shows like Ninjago, Chima, Star Wars I would be careful with as there is more than LEGO who has claims for it.
Ah. Advertisements are totally clear, 3 years old are safe, and CN is kinda a big no-no. So that means no going around posting Bionicle: The Legend Reborn or Hero Factory episodes 1-4, which I find a bit weird considering the more recent ones, namely 5-10 is much more widely available…
Yeah, I would stay away from anything that airs on Cartoon Network – unless if it is simple advertisement. It seems they are really big on cracking down YouTube channels. 😐
I’m really sick of the dumb things people do with LEGOs on youtube 😐
I only have one problem: How do you make a youtube channel with a name of your choice?
Hm… as far as I remember you just pick your name when you register. I have done it a while ago but I don’t remember it being particularly complicated.
Yes! I finally managed to set up my own channel, at . As with my tradition of being purist, It will mostly contain official videos. It’s very new and bare at the moment; I can’t find/make a good channel art yet. Please pay a visit there and subscribe! First things first, I’ll be choking it full of Designer videos from the last four years or so, which I’m pretty sure won’t get me into trouble…Right?
I’m working on a few ideas for articles but what do you think of these ideas: Tips on How to Build MOCs, The Greatest LOTR MOCs, and the latest Chima sets?
Hi Guys, love your blog and would love to submit a guest post or two. I write a bit of Lego stuff on my own blog and collect minifigs too. Would love to submit something if you allow guest posts?
Let me know –
Kristy, yeah, guest-posts are fine as long as they are about LEGO. 😉
Hey BrickBlogger! I’ve been reading your blog for awhile now and was wondering if you could possibly feature my custom printed figures. It would help out a lot!
Thanks for looking!
Tony, sure, I can do that. You could either write a post yourself introducing our readers to your products, or you can send me some samples and I will review them for you. 😉
im looking for a chest piece for this design, would you be able to let me know what its called please
thank you for your time and have good day. 🙂
Fredy, it is the chest piece from the Iron Man Constraction Figure. See here:
With the launch of LEGO Ideas and deadlines being added, AFOLs need to band together on order to be able to get more out of the site other than licensed projects. That is why I’d like to ask you to write an article on the project below. With no licensing, it being a reasonable size, no conflicts with LEGO’s values, or any other dillemas, I see no reason these projects will not be able to pass review and become an official product unless the LEGO community doesn’t support it. The biggest problem with the project is it has not received enough support from the community and it makes it difficult for LEGO to create a business case. Please consider doing an article on the project to help it.
Nice project you got there. And you already have a good number of votes. I think if you work more on the back-story and presentation it would have more appeal. Right now the idea is a bit too generic. It is nice, but it doesn’t have that punch-line that would make me say I definitely want this. Think about that, get some feedback from others as well, and put everything you can behind it to take it all the way to the finish-line. 🙂
I have a 6 yrs old kid and he is starting to love Lego bricks. My question for all you experts is… What is better to do: buy sets or buy the small and large select your own pieces tubs at Lego Stores?
I would suggest starting with a few small sets for his age-range (listed on the box). LEGO is really good at researching what kids of different age-ranges like and comfortable with building. If your son is just starting out, it is best to take advantage of LEGO’s knowledge in this regard.
Recently LEGO released a new line of sets called LEGO Juniors. They offer an excellent range of elements and easy building instructions for young children. I would suggest picking up one of those sets first, unless he is really attracted to a specific theme (like for example LEGO Ninjago or LEGO Chima) – in that case get him a set from that theme that provides a good number of pieces and lots of play features. A $20-$30 set should be sufficient.
Once you see that your son is really getting into building and gets serious about the hobby, then buying specific parts by the cup makes sense. However some kids never get into building with LEGO that much, so there is no need to get that deep into buying parts that he may never use. At least that would be my suggestion. 🙂
I am looking to commision a life sized scooby doo for my little brother. Do you know anyone who can do this for me?
Sebastian, I sent you a PM.
Lego has taken a resurgence in popularity in recent years, and my children can’t get enough of building
I have got some rare Lego sets from Shell (40190,40194,40195,40191,40193,40192,40196). These where part of a limited offer made by Shell in germany. You never could buy these in a store. Also this offer is over now by over a year. Original price was 7,99€ or 12,99€ (only for 40196 which i got 4 times). I have got 103 sets in total and would like to sell them all together.
I would love to hear from you, greetings from munich!
Moritz Ostendorf
Moritz, you might consider looking for a local buyer, or selling the sets yourself on BrickLink, the Online LEGO Marketplace. 🙂
Ninjago Lego build & review video. It’s a standard lego build video, but it ends with an Epic Battle with the Ninjago characters. It’s very timely with the new Ninjago lego movie coming out in a few days.
Lucio & Emiliano
LOL! That’s cute! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
I wrote an article discussing 11 different LEGO architecture scales. Is it possible for it to be shared on Brick Blogger? If you’re interested I have several more articles that could be featured.
Paul, that’s a good article, thanks for sharing. I’m not sure how you would like us to share it, as you already have a full article on your blog, and reposting an entire article is a bad idea as search engines don’t like it. We could perhaps mention it on our social media channels. Or, you could write a guest-post about a similar or compatible topic, and link back to the article. Just let me know what you have in mind. Wishing you the best with your blog! 🙂
This is Wilson from Vonado, founded by a team of passionate LEGO® enthusiasts. And we are pro on lightings for lego creation. Is there any chance we can cooperate,and we put our products link or ads over here,let me know for that.
Thanks very much.
Wilson, I will be in touch with you via FB.
This is Josh from ARMOblox, a company and product I created that is completely compatible with LEGO®, and makes their bricks even more awesome! as ARMOblox allows you to build in all directions! I would love to team up with you all somehow if you are interested. I am trying to get the word out about ARMOblox. I believe that once people use them, they find that they are pretty awesome and allow some pretty neat new ways to play with your existing bricks. I can send you some free product if you are interested. Thanks!
(Also, this Monday July 8 we will be running an Amazon Lightning Deal between 5:25 AM – 11:25 AM PDT if anyone is interested in picking some up to try out as these will be our cheapest price ever.)
Hey, Josh, thanks for sharing. From looking at your website, it seems that the target audience for your products is parents with young children. Our community consists mostly teen and adult LEGO fans, so I don’t think there would be that much interest. My suggestion would be to check with parenting forums, as well as forums for homeschoolers and educators. Those big-headed figures are adorable. 😀
Thanks for saying our “big-headed figures” are adorable! We call them bigifigures, because they are a little “bigger-boned” than the minifigures, but are also completely compatible with LEGO® all five sides of their heads can be exchanged for another piece. Also, being compatible with LEGO®, we believe that we are targeting the same audience as them. The design of our blocks came from the idea of trying to create a block that allows you to build like you do in Minecraft, but in real life, while also staying compatible with the ever popular LEGO®. So, hopefully our audience are fans of both of these. But, no problem, if you change your mind let me know. Thanks for replying back!
Hm… I like the idea of Minecraft compatibility. Do you offer your products in Minecraft compatible earth-toned colors?
In the works!
Feel free to let me know when they are available. I think that’s an angle teen and adult LEGO fans would be interested in. That adapter plate in darker/more neutral colors could become very popular. 🙂
Will do, thanks
Hi. I am planning on buying soon to retire lego sets not as an income but as a retirement savings for myself. Your website was on the 1st page of google when I inquire about lego investing. Looking forward doing business with you in the future once I have my collection.
Jesse, if you have any questions, feel free to ask! 🙂