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(Written by William)

As I have mentioned in some of my previous articles (see links at the end of this post), I sell LEGO fairly regularly on BrickLink.com to support my hobby. While originally I only sold sets, recently I started adding individual pieces to my store as well. Selling LEGO sets is fairly easy, as all the information about the set is right on the box, so it is hard to make mistakes. Sure, a set could get damaged in shipping, but if you take some precautions and pack properly, that shouldn’t be an issue. Parts, on the other hand, are a much different story…

BrickLink - Online LEGO MarketPlace

Selling LEGO by the piece requires that you are very knowledgeable about each element. Pieces can have small moulding and color differences, which means that they could look nearly identical to the untrained eye, but the price difference between these variations can be huge. LEGO pieces also require an efficient sorting and storage system to make the order fulfillment process easier, and to protect them from damage.

Not yet being familiar with all the nuances of LEGO elements, I recently made a fairly large blunder while fulfilling an order, mistaking a newer part for an older one. The color was right, as well as the functionality of the element, but the small details clearly showed that I had a newer version. This made a big difference in price. Thankfully, the buyer was very understanding and a seller in his own right. After issuing a full refund, I got a chance to talk with the buyer about selling. During our discussions he gave me some tips for new sellers to consider when they start up their own store. The list below is based on his advice. So special thanks goes out to Florida Brick Shop for inspiring this article. 🙂


Opening a store – even a hobby business – requires a clear goal to thrive. Whether you are looking for a bit of additional income, saving up money for a big ticket item, or considering to start a full-time business, goals will help you form a plan.

As an example, establishing a business that can eventually provide significant income requires finding ways expand. So a good amount of the initial profits will get reinvested into the business to make it grow. Additionally, a new business owner will want to research methods of obtaining and processing products at a much higher volume. Even taxes will be handled differently.

In contrast, a person running a BrickLink shop just to support their LEGO hobby is more concerned with keeping their shop easy to operate. Hobbies are meant to be fun. So meeting and helping out other LEGO fans, while making a little bit of money on the side, is just fine for hobby sellers. No need to worry about expansion, managing a huge inventory, or making big money.

So goals are your road map. They don’t need to be written in stone, but they can give you a sense of what success means to you. Goals also can suggest ways to deal with problems and provide direction when you feel lost. And best of all, if things change for you, your goals can also change.


As you begin selling LEGO, you will quickly discover that your store is as good as your storage system. Having product scattered throughout your house is a recipe for losing or misplacing items when you need them. This is why figuring out a good centralized storage area is best.

A storage system will also help gauge the amount and types of products you can sell. If you have an entire room dedicated to selling, you can probably handle extremely large LEGO sets or massive bulk amounts of bricks. A small area may guide you towards small intricate parts with a high resale value – like for example minifigures.

Whatever your storage system turns out to be, it is good to have an arrangement that can quickly locate the items you have available. This can be very simple like storage units with items sorted by type and color. Or you can also have a more involved system with your own numeric filing and detailed labeling. If you combine your method with the note section on Bricklink listings, you can have a built-in sophisticated reference system. Ultimately, you want an organization method that you can rely on to keep things from falling between the cracks.


You may have the sets and pieces to sell, but do you have the equipment? Let’s start with a strong light and a good magnifier. These are tools that can let you read the part numbers on the pieces themselves to avoid mistakes. Sorting-trays and a clean and clear surface can also be big aids in counting and sorting out an order.

When it comes to packing things up, a postal-scale is your best friend. However packing materials is the real expense. If you are only selling occasionally you can get supplies locally, or even recycle packaging from your own orders. If you are running a larger store you can get shipping supplies online from various vendors. PackagingSuppliesbyMail.com is one great resource. They have baggies, mailers, bubble-wraps, shipping-tape, and anything else you may need. Remember, bulk is your friend when you plan to sell a lot.

On the technological side you may want to look into BrickStock. Those who handle medium to large inventories find the versatility and features of this program invaluable. You can try it out for personal use for free. It won’t have all the features you probably want, but it will get you acclimated to the program.

If you find yourself looking to expand your market visibility, you might also want to sell on BrickOwl.com, a site similar to BrickLink, but much newer. However, if you do, another program that is a must is BrickSync. This software lets you synchronize your inventory between the two sites. After all, you can’t sell the same pieces more than once!


When you create a store, it can be really easy to forget that there are people just like you on the other end of the transaction. You may have a screen that feels very impersonal when you type in prices and quantities, but the way you learn and grow is by engaging with your buyers.

A good example is from my own mistake. I could have given the buyer the run around, but I know I don’t want to be treated that way. So when I saw his message and realized what the problem was, I issued a full refund before I even started talking with him by email. Now, this might not be the best or most appropriate way to deal with every situation, but I sold him parts he didn’t want and it was my error. I was not going to waste more of his time by arguing the fact.

From that experience, the buyer felt more than willing to open up to me and give me some helpful advice. He even offered to ship back the parts at his own expense. But I found the knowledge and experience I gained more than enough compensation for the loss of a few parts.

This brings us to the last bit of advice. If you have a problem, or want to look for other ways of handling a situation, try talking to other sellers. You are not the only person buying and selling LEGO elements in this world, so there is no reason to feel alone. Markets like BrickLink have forums where you can discuss and discover new ways to be successful in your efforts. Because in the end, we’d all prefer to be that seller we always want to buy from…

I hope this article will help you to avoid some of the common mistakes when running an online LEGO store. If you have other tips that you would like to share, or questions you would like to ask, feel free to add them in the comment section below! 😉

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LEGO German National Football Team Minifigs

A couple of days ago LEGO revealed a new exclusive line of collectible minifigs, the #71014 LEGO DFB German National Football Team Minifigure Series. The collection will be available starting on May 14th, for €2.99 per packet, but only in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

LEGO German Soccer Team Minifigures

There are sixteen minifigures included in the series, depicting real life members of the team. Because these are minifig versions of real people, this is the first collectible minifig series with realistic skin colors, instead of the usual yellow. The uniforms of the players look identical at the front, however their name and number are printed on the back, making each of them unique. The players are as follows:

  • Manuel Neuer – 1
  • Shkodran Mustafi – 2
  • Mesut Özil – 3
  • Benedikt Höwedes – 4
  • Mats Hummels – 5
  • Sami Khedira – 6
  • Bastian Schweinsteiger – 7
  • André Schürrle – 9
  • Thomas Müller – 13
  • Jérôme Boateng – 17
  • Toni Kroos – 18
  • Mario Götze  – 19
  • Christoph Kramer – 20
  • Marco Reus – 21
  • Max Kruse – 23
  • Joachim Löw – coach

If you are a soccer fan, this is going to be a great series to collect. But even if you don’t care for the sport, these minifigs offer a great selection of unique facial features and a variety of hair pieces and colors. Each of the players will include a soccer ball – perfect for making LEGO GBMs (Great Ball Contraptions), or for using them in the LEGO Ideas Maze set. As you can see from the picture, the coach comes with a printed clipboard. Below is the video-announcement of the series from LEGO’s YouTube channel:

Unfortunately these players are going to be pretty much impossible to differentiate in the blind bags as they are so similar, so it is probably a good idea to get a whole box when the series becomes available. This way you will be able to complete your team, and either use the rest for the pieces, or sell them to other collectors.

LEGO German Soccer Team Minifigs

You might remember that this is not the first time LEGO released an exclusive minifigure series outside of the normal line. Back in 2012 the UK got their own LEGO Collectible Minifigure Series Olympic Team. There were only nine minifigs in the collection, and they were just generic characters with yellow skin, but still they offered some unique prints and pieces (for example it was the only way to get a blue boxer to match the red boxer from LEGO Collectible Minifigures Series 5).

Olympic LEGO Minifigures

So what do you think? How do you like the LEGO German National Football Team Minifigure Series? Are you planning to collect them all when they become available? Or only get your favorite players? Or perhaps just pick up some of the unique pieces and accessories? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below! 😉

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