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Spring 2015 LEGO sets now on Amazon!

If you can hardly wait for the new wave of LEGO sets in March, there is good news for you! Many of them are already available on Amazon! This includes the new LEGO Ninjago and LEGO Ultra Agents sets, the brand new LEGO Pirates and LEGO Elves line, and also new LEGO City Demolition and LEGO Juniors sets. Details below! 🙂

2015 LEGO Sets on Amazon

2015 LEGO NINJAGO SETS ON AMAZON: Nine of the eleven new LEGO Ninjago sets are listed already, including the super awesome ninja mobile command center; #70750 LEGO Ninjago Ninja DB X. You can find the sets here: 2015 LEGO NINJAGO SETS ON AMAZON

#70750 LEGO Ninjago

2015 LEGO PIRATES SETS ON AMAZON: All of the new LEGO Pirates sets are now listed on Amazon. Please note though that stock is currently limited and could sell out fast, as this is a very popular line a lot of LEGO fans have been eagerly waiting for. But don’t worry, Amazon is good at restocking their popular products, and LEGO Pirates will also be widely available in just a few weeks. We have talked about the sets before (see link at the end of this post), but as a reminder, there are five sets in the LEGO Pirates line and the beauty of this theme is that you can pick up the entire collection for less than $200! You can find the sets here: 2015 LEGO PIRATES SETS ON AMAZON

#70413 LEGO Pirates

2015 LEGO ULTRA AGENTS SETS ON AMAZON: This is another very popular theme, which the second wave scheduled to be released in March, however they are already available on Amazon. All five of the spring sets are available, including the largest #70170 LEGO Ultra Agents UltraCopter vs. AntiMatter. You can find the sets here: 2015 LEGO ULTRA AGENTS SETS ON AMAZON

#70169 LEGO Ultra Agents Box

2015 LEGO ELVES SETS ON AMAZON: LEGO Elves is a brand new theme, bringing the LEGO mini-dolls first introduced in LEGO Friends into the realm of fantasy. We have talked about this new line of products extensively so I won’t repeat the details here, however you can find links at the end of this post. There are six sets in the first wave of LEGO Elves, and four of them are already available on Amazon. You can find the sets here: 2015 LEGO ELVES SETS ON AMAZON

#41075 LEGO Elves

2015 LEGO CITY SETS ON AMAZON: As you may remember from our previous discussions, one of the new sub-themes for this spring in LEGO City is based on demolition vehicles. The #60072 LEGO City Demolition Starter Set, the #60073 LEGO City Demolition Service Truck (with a port-a-potty!), and the #60076 LEGO City Demolition Site (which is the largest set in the series) are already available on Amazon. You can find the sets here: 2015 LEGO CITY SETS ON AMAZON

#60073 LEGO City Demolition

2015 LEGO JUNIORS SETS ON AMAZON: There are five new LEGO Juniors sets coming in March, and all of them are already listed on Amazon. Although LEGO Juniors is targeting kids who are just transitioning from DUPLO over to regular LEGO, some of these sets are also relevant to teen and adult LEGO fans. First of all, as we mentioned previously, in the LEGO Juniors line all decorated elements are fully printed – there are no stickers in these sets! One set that is particularly sweet in this wave is the #10684 LEGO Juniors Supermarket Suitcase with rare accessories, new female minifigs, and unique printed elements. Also, for LEGO Pirate fans there is the #10679 LEGO Juniors Pirate Treasure Hunt with a really nice printed window panel and pirate accessories. You can find the sets here: 2015 LEGO JUNIORS SETS ON AMAZON

#10684 LEGO Juniors Supermarket

As you can see, there is a great selection of the spring 2015 LEGO sets! Again, all of these sets will be widely available in March, which is their official release, however if you have a birthday coming up, or you just can’t wait to get some of the news sets, this is an excellent opportunity to get them early. Remember that Amazon offers all the sets at regular retail price or better, they also offer free shipping over $35, there is no sales-tax to most states, and you can combine your LEGO and non-LEGO purchases into one order. 😀

So what do you think? Are you planning to pick up any of the March 2015 LEGO sets early? Which one of the new releases are you looking forward the most? Pirates? Elves? Ultra Agents? Ninjago? Feel free to share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below! 😉

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Community survey: are you a LEGO addict?

LEGO is such an awesome hobby, and LEGO fans are such a curious bunch, that “outsiders” often want to learn more. Although this blog has been around for only about four years, we have been interviewed and questioned many times, and I’m sure other LEGO fans who interact with the public have similar experiences. This time we got contacted by a student, who wanted to hear not just from our regular writers and contributors, but the broader community. If you would like to help out with an interesting school project, please read on to find out the details. 🙂

LEGO Survey

Here is a message from Aakanksha, the student who is working on this project: “My name Aakanksha Shah, a 4th year student in graphic design from Ecolé Intuit Lab in Mumbai, India. We are currently working on an editorial project featuring LEGO, and while I was on my earlier stage of research I happened to stumble on your community and an article by William Reed titled “A Lesson in LEGO Obsession…”. The article gave me the idea that it would be very beneficial to interview members of the LEGO fan community for our project, instead of just doing generic surveys with people who use LEGO casually. So I thought to ask you, the ‘LEGO addicts’, if you could spare a few minutes of your time to answer some questions to help with our research. Thank you!”

Below you will find the questions Aakanksha have prepared for us. If you would like to help her with this project you can answer the questions in the comment section below, or if you would prefer to answer the questions privately, you can also email your responses to me here and I will forward them to Aakanksha. You do not need to answer all the questions, just the ones you feel inspired to, however if you can answer all of them that’s great.

  1. Are you an AFOL (Adult-Fan-of-LEGO), TFOL (Teen-Fan-of-LEGO) or KFOL (Kid-Fan-of-LEGO)?
  2. When did LEGO enter your life? Do you remember the first time you got your hands on LEGO bricks? Did you like LEGO instantly, or did it take some time?
  3. When you are creating something out of LEGO elements what are the emotions that you experience?
  4. Do you have a specific plan and starting point when you begin building? Or do you just pick up random bricks, start doodling, and something comes out of it?
  5. Do you only build official LEGO sets according to the instructions or do you build your own designs? How many official LEGO sets have you built so far? And how many of your own designs? Do you keep them together once you build them? Or recycle them for something new?
  6. How many shelves/rooms have you had to empty to store your LEGO elements and showcase your LEGO sets and own creations? Do you have trouble with running out of space?
  7. How often do you purchase LEGO? What’s the least you’ve spent on LEGO per month and what’s the maximum? And what’s the longest period you have not purchased LEGO?
  8. Are you a part of any local LEGO Users Group (LUG) or club where you get together and share the hobby with other LEGO fans? Do you showcase your LEGO creations at LUG events or any other public venues (like schools, libraries, conventions)?
  9. According to your own experience, what are the pros and cons of the LEGO hobby? Would you recommend it to others?
  10. Do you believe you are a LEGO fan with reasonable limits on investment of time and money in the hobby, or are you hopelessly addicted? Explain.

Interesting questions, aren’t they? As I have mentioned, if you would like to participate in this project, you can answer the questions in the comment section below, or you can also email them if you prefer to keep them private. Aakanksha has a deadline a week from now to make a presentation based on your answers, so if you would like to take part, please do so soon. Thanks for helping out! 😉

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