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LEGO Ninjago: Wu’s Teas mini-episodes

The LEGO Ninjago Movie is definitely creating a lot of excitement. The upcoming sets are already listed at the Online LEGO Shop (and are even available at some retailers ahead of the official August 1st release date), and both the first and the second movie trailer indicate that the film is going to be excellent. However that’s not all the Ninjago fun to be had. Recently LEGO also released a series of short episodes related to the LEGO Ninjago TV show, titled LEGO Ninjago: Wu’s Teas. 🙂

LEGO Ninjago: Wu’s Teas is a collection of twenty short episodes (approximately 1 minute 30 seconds each) that take place after the one-hour special from 2016 titled LEGO Ninjago: Day of the Departed, and before LEGO Ninjago Season 7: Hands of Time. The stories focus on Wu’s teashop called Steeper Wisdom, which is doing really well, until a new rival coffee shop opens across the street, drawing away the teashop’s customers. You can watch the entire series below. Expect lots of witty Ninjago humor!

LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 1 – Secret Teas: The Ninjas are messing around in Master Wu’s new tea shop Steeper Wisdom and when they discover Wu’s secret stash of magical teas, Explosivi-tea, Hilari-tea and Anti-gravi-tea, they decide to test them out.

LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 2 – Spinny Sign: A rival coffee shop has opened across the street, humming with business, and has great advertising, namely an incredibly talented sign-spinning robot. So Kai, with a little sip of VelociTea to give him a boost, decides to take the robot on with some sign-spinning of his own.

LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 3 – Music Night Part 1: Music Night in Steeper Wisdom is turning into a disaster due to Dareth’s “screechy” clarinet performance so after a sip of Musicali-tea, the Ninja pull their band equipment up on the stage and “rock the joint.”

LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 4 – Music Night Part 2: The Ninja are rocking the stage but when Wu realizes the Ninja drank Musicali-tea, he freaks out – because the Musicali-tea is still untested and the Ninja’s jam will soon hit the “Nuclear Note”.

LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 5 – Names: The rival coffee shop is stealing all Steeper Wisdom’s customers and the Ninja get creative in their campaign to win them back. Everybody knows that coffee shops never get their customers’ names right. Well, the Ninja will get them right. And if not…

LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 6 – Funny Guys: When an attractive cool guy flirts with Nya, Jay gets jealous, shuffles through Wu’s secret teas and finds one called Beau-Tea that he guzzles to transform into a handsome, muscular version of himself.

LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 7 – Inspection Day: Master Wu makes sure the Ninja complete their chores in preparation for Ninjago’s number 1 health inspector Mr. Righty Tighty’s arrival at Steeper Wisdom. But the inspection doesn’t go quite as planned.

LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 8 – Panda-Monium: A cute little baby panda is brought into Steeper Wisdom and its cuteness is attracting customers but when the baby panda coincidentally consumes a tea bag of MonstrosiTea, it’s suddenly not so cute anymore.

LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 9 – Remote Control Zane: Jay realizes he can manipulate Zane to complete all of his chores with the remote control. But when Jay drops the remote and the batteries fall out, Zane gets his revenge.

LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 10 – Trojan Tea Kettle: Lloyd delivers a giant tea kettle, with Kai hiding inside, to the robot coffee shop manager, expecting her to take the kettle inside the shop, but she decides she doesn’t want his gift and discards it in a dumpster… with Kai in it.

LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 11 – Mystery Dust: Cole is sweeping the tea shop but runs into trouble with a mysterious dust pile that keeps materializing in ridiculous places.

LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 12 – Cool-Headed Kai: The stove in Steeper Wisdom is broken and Jay needs Kai’s fire power to get it up and running again but Kai, after a cup of SereniTea, is busy meditating and impossible to get in contact with.

LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 13 – Undercover Zane: To lure customers from the rival coffee shop Zane disguises himself as a maintenance bot from corporate headquarters, stopping by to do a routine check on the espresso machine, and uses his powers to ice the mechanism. But the Ninjas’ little stunt backfires.

LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 14 – Lloyd’s Late: Tardy employees get toilet duty so Lloyd doesn’t want to be late for his shift in Steeper Wisdom but encounters all sorts of trouble on his way to work.

LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 15 – Steep Surveillance: Someone took Master Wu’s favorite white tea and the Ninja are sure that the coffee bots from across the street are the culprits so they decide to set up traps and surveillance to catch them in the act. But the results of their surveillance are not what they expected.

LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 16 – The Coin Toss: Cole and Jay make a bet and the loser needs to stay and do the dishes but when they flip the coin, Jay realizes that Cole outsmarted him before they even began.

LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 17 – Nya’s Murals: Nya is channeling her inner Picasso and paints a mural on the outside of Steeper Wisdom to lure customers to the tea shop, only to discover that the weather is not on her side and keeps ruining her masterpiece.

LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 18 – Zaney Chess Game: A chess competition is underway in Steeper Wisdom and the rules are simple; whoever can beat Zane gets free tea. But the competition heats up when the robot manager from across the street arrives.

➡ LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 19 – The Taste Test: Ronin hosts the prestigious Golden Mug Awards with both Steeper Wisdom and the rival coffee shop taking part. And when the winner is found, Ronin’s shrewdness in business matters is also revealed.

LEGO Ninjago Wu’s Teas Episode 20 – A Beautiful Friendship: Master Wu and the robot manager of the rival coffee shop from across the street call an official truce, only to discover a new juice bar opening down the street.

What do you think? How did you like these short Ninjago episodes? Are there any interesting details or Easter eggs that you noticed? Would you like to see more shorts like this in between longer series? Feel free to share and discuss in the comment section below! 😉

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LEGO Pick-A-Brick Cup shelves DIY project

If you live near a LEGO store, or you visit a LEGO store regularly, you probably have quite a few Pick-A-Brick cups from shopping for bulk LEGO pieces at the LEGO Pick-A-Brick Wall. PAB cups are very sturdy, slightly frosted clear plastic cups in two sizes, with a lid that securely snaps on. The lid of the cup has a stud with the LEGO logo, and the bottom of the cup has a hole, so the cups are stackable. Because of the high quality, PAB cups are not just convenient for shopping at the LEGO store, but they can also be reused as storage containers for loose LEGO elements. The only question is how to store the cups themselves? 🙂

I recently ran across a simple, but classy solution by LEGO fan Spencer Hubert, who built shelves for his PAB cups that are both functional and look very nice. The shelves are 5-inch wide with 3 1/4-inch holes, which allows the cups to sit securely, and also makes them easily removable. If you are interested to make your own Pick-A-Brick cup shelves, Spencer will show you all the details about how they were built in the video below.

Spencer’s Pick-A-Brick cup shelving system holds 64 cups (eight shelves, each holding eight cups), but if your wall-space and needs are different, you can easily adjust the design to hold more or less cups. Making these shelves does require some woodworking skills, however if you give yourself some time to do them slowly and carefully, you should be able to copy Spencer’s design by following the steps in the video.

You can also make the shelves simpler, without beveled and rounded edges, which will save some time. And you may use premade shelving support to mount the shelves to the wall instead of making your own. All in all, this is a great DIY project, if you would like to make your own Pick-A-Brick cup shelves for sorting and storing LEGO.

If you do have some PAB cups, but would like to get more, you can get empty cups at either eBay or BrickLink. Here are the listings on BrickLink: large PAB cups, small PAB cups, PAB cup lids. And here are the listings on eBay: EMPTY PAB CUPS ON EBAY

What do you think? Do you use PAB cups for sorting and storing your loose LEGO pieces? How do you like these PAB cup shelves? Are you planning to make your own? Or what other ways did you find useful for storing your PAB cups? Feel free to share in the comment section below! 😉

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