Lord of the Rings fans have been wishing for many years for LEGO to pick up the Lord of the Rings license and recreate the magic of Middle Earth. Well, the LEGO Lord of the Rings sets are now here, and The Hobbit sets coming soon, so wish granted! 😛

Although it seems everyone is happy about the LEGO Lord of the Rings minifigures, there has been some disappointment over the sets themselves. Some LEGO Lord of the Rings fans consider the sets too small and lackluster compared to what could be done within the theme; majestic towers, beautiful castles, great forests, expansive landscapes, huge armies…
Unfortunately LEGO designers’ hands are tied by the logistics of putting together something that could still be sold at a reasonable price-point. Could they have done better? Perhaps. That is a whole discussion in itself. However LEGO fans themselves are limited only by their imagination, and the number of LEGO bricks they have. So today, I thought to explore some of the best LEGO Lord of the Rings dioramas made by LEGO fans.
➡ LEGO Lord of the Rings Rivendell – created by two 16-year-olds, Blake Baer & Jack Bittner, this is the largest LEGO Rivendell scene I have come across. The beautiful details really capture the peacefulness and serenity of the land of the elves. Check out the full gallery here: LEGO Lord of the Rings Rivendell
➡ LEGO Lord of the Rings Helms Deep – another massive Lord of the Rings diorama created by Daniel Z for a store in Oslo, Norway. Wish we could have gotten this one, instead of the one released by LEGO! Don’t you think? Being able to afford it would be another matter though. More pictures here: LEGO Lord of the Rings Helms Deep
➡ LEGO Lord of the Rings Minas Tirith – built for Brickworld in 2011 by Chris Phipson, Mark Kelso and the Fellowship of the Brick. In fact Minas Tirith is just one small part of this collaboration. The Fellowship took up the huge task of building the entire Middle Earth! You can see a lot more pictures and follow their journey to this massive project here: LEGO Lord of the Rings Journey of the Fellowship
➡ LEGO Lord of the Rings Last March of the Ents – created by OneLUG members, the base of the model is 305 LEGO studs (8ft.) in diameter and the tower stands 228 LEGO bricks (7ft. 2in.) tall. The epic battle consist of 23 Ents and 100+ Orcs. I highly recommend checking out the full gallery for detailed photos and videos: LEGO Lord of the Rings Last March of the Ents
Awesome creations, aren’t they? Not all of the LEGO Lord of the Rings are sets are so huge though. There are also some lovely smaller ones that capture the magic of Lord of the Rings and its heroes. Here are some examples:
➡ LEGO The Hobbit Queer Lodgings – Blake Baer created a whole set of small scenes from The Hobbit depicting the adventures of Gandalf, Bilbo and the dwarves. Check out the whole gallery here: LEGO The Hobbit Set
➡ LEGO Lord of the Rings Council of Elrond – a smaller vignette by Harry Russell depicting the all-important meeting that led to the formation of the Fellowship. See here: LEGO Lord of the Rings Council of Elrond

➡ LEGO Lord of the Rings Grey Havens – even in micro-scale you can create something beautiful! This gorgeous scene from the end of the saga is faithfully depicted by infomaniac using forced-perspective and micro-building techniques. Picture here: LEGO Lord of the Rings Grey Havens

And there are many-many more LEGO Lord of the Rings scenes and dioramas created by devoted Lord of the Rings fans. This is just a sample to get you inspired and to see what is possible. If you would like to check out the currently available LEGO Lord of the Rings sets you can check them out at the Online LEGO Shop, or click on the banner below:
Do you have a favorite LEGO Lord of the Rings diorama? Did you ever build one on your own? And how do you like the ones pictured above? Share your thoughts in the comment section below! 🙂
For more LEGO Lord of the Rings new, reviews and discussions, check out the LEGO Lord of the Rings section, or select from recent posts below:
I have seen some of these before! and aperently the Hobbit movie will be a trilogy of it’s own.
I think Lego did a pretty good job with these sets. I’ve put together Gandalf’s Arrival and the Mine’s of Moria. Awesome minifigures, and and good models.
However, these sets are WAY too expensive for my tastes. I won’t even consider buying them for less than 20% off retail. If Lego would have made bigger, grander models no one would be buying them. 🙁
Yes, I totally agree with you.
By the way DX ZX KENDO NRG PWR JAY-MOUTH OF LIGHTNING (Seriously i have a mouth of lightning) 🙂
I gave you a gypsim in return for the jewl you gave me. ;?
Or was it a nail?
`yeah i know
LEGENDS OF CHIMA!!!! LEAKED… … Looks like this in fact MIGHT replace NinjaGo… sorry fans!!!
OOPS!!! I got too excited and did not know that the previous post was dedicated to this whole thing… disregard please
OMG! WOW! Thats so cool!
Hey, admin, where is that huge amon-hen model that you have shown before? That was a lot cooler than any of these.
Yeah, that one is gorgeous too! Glad you remembered! 😀
Yeah, those are awesome! Blake Baer’s stuff is incredible. I have all of the official sets, and can’t wait for the Hobbit sets to come out. No, they’re nothing compared to these MOCs, but the minifigures are great, and there are some cool new pieces, too (Sting, new horses, the Ring, etc.). I built a miniland-scale version of Bag End, if anyone is interested in seeing it: http://www.moc-pages.com/moc.php/291059.
Kenton, your MOC is just lovely! The door is beautiful, and the timber-frame is excellent! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
At my local game store they have a model of Helm’s Deep made for The Lord of the Rings miniature wargame. It’s probably a little bigger than the one by Daniel Z, but somehow Daniel’s LEGO creation looks a lot nicer. Superb building!
That is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Icant believe that people can make that…….
whoops, i meant: COOL!!!!!!!
Hmmm will they be on display anywhere
Epic mocs, however I do love the new elements and technniques used in the real sets. “my business is with isengard tonight!”
Lord Arrani, yes, the LOTR sets are full of interesting and advanced building techniques. They are quite a pleasure to build. 🙂
That Blake Baer “Amon Hen” model isn’t depicting Amon Hen. It’s depicted when Bilbo and the 13 dwarfs find Beorn (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beorn), who is a human who can turn into a bear, and his house. That’s why it’s called “Quer Lodgings” – because they stayed at Beorn’s house for a little while before continuing on with their journey in the Hobbit book. You might want to change that part. Otherwise, a nice article. 🙂
Thanks for pointing that out. It was an accident. I remember I was deciding on which picture to include and while I changed the picture I forgot to change the tile of that section. Just got it fixed. Thanks again. 😀