After writing about the 10 leaked images of the upcoming LEGO Series 6 Minifigures (see post here), I was wondering what other minifigures might fill in the space of the 6 still unknown minifigs from series 6 and other future series.
If you look through the previous 5 series of collectible minifigures, you might notice a pattern. (Below are some quick reference pictures of the previous 5 series of collectible minifigures to aid in discussing the topic):
LEGO Minifigures Series 1:
LEGO Minifigures Series 3:
LEGO Minifigures Series 4:
LEGO minifigures Series 5:
As you can see, there are more than one minifigs in the same theme, spread out amongst the already released 5 series. Giving the minifigures at least one partner (or opponent) within the theme. Here are some of the obvious pairs/groups I have found:
THE EGYPTIAN MINIFIGS (fit nicely with the Pharaoh’s Quest theme):

THE ASIAN MINIFIGS (fit well with the Ninjago sets):

THE NATIVE-AMERICAN MINIFIGS (perhaps a future Indian Village?):

THE FANTASY-ERA MINIFIGS (after-thought from Fantasy-Era?):

THE GRECO-ROMAN MINIFIGS (indication of awesome sets to come?):


THE SNOW-SPORTS MINIFIGS (would fit well in a City winter theme):

THE WATER-SPORTS MINIFIGS (fit well in current LEGO City sets):

THE SKATER MINIFIGS (there will be also a female skater in Series 6):

THE CIRCUS MINIFIGS (is this a sign there is going to be a Circus set?):

THE MUSICIANS (rapper + disco-dude + pop-star + punk-rocker = ???):

THE SPACE MINIFIGS (another alien and a female fig coming in Series 6):

THE SCRARY MINIFIGS (oh, dear, what a bunch!):

THE COSTUMED MINIFIGS (more of these guys would be great!):

The above themes seem to be well represented, and the minifigs have someone to hang out with within their own genre. And some of the minifigs (like the graduate, the nurse, and the artist) are just fine by themselves, and/or fit well into current themes. However there are also minifigs in the first 5 series that are obviously missing their partner(s) or opponent(s).

For example, the soccer-player would be great to build a whole team with, but there is no other team to play against! Same with the cheer-leader, the baseball-player, the hockey-player, the tennis player and the boxer; there is no opposing team to compete against (or cheer for). And how about the figure-skating girl, who right now has to perform her routine all by herself?!

Also, those musicians really need to be broken up and given their own proper band! 😯
So, my theory is that in some future series (be that series 6 or above), there are going to be playmates for these currently lonely figs. At least it would make sense in my way of thinking! Do you have any thoughts of this? 😉
Also, since there are lots of new molds being made for the collectible minifigs, and it is well known that molds are very expensive to make, my bet is on LEGO coming out with whole new themes those molds will be used for. (There is already precedent of this with the musketeers’ hat used in the Pirates of the Caribbean sets.)

So, I’m thinking we will perhaps see a circus? How about an ancient Greek mythology sets? (The Minotaur in Series 6 seems to be a further indication of this.) Maybe a pre-historic theme with dinosaurs and cave-men? Wouldn’t that be aweome? What do you think? 8)
My thoughts would be LEGO uses these figs to test the water.
Looking at sites like Flickr to see what builders come up with.
Which figures have the best chance of getting their own (future) line.
I know LEGO knows about BrickLink, maybe they are checking to see which figs sell best?
The apocalypse figs might be a direct result of people making those kinds of sets on Flickr and Brickshelf.
Also, LEGO is sure to have some kind of future plan with these figs.
As you said, some of them fit into existing themes, but not all of them.
The missing partners is also one of those questions needing to be answered(c:
Good points, Maxx. This is probably a great way for them to test the market! Especially since the figs are made in China. 😉
Btw, you lump a few figs together, like the haloween figs and other figs.
But these haloween are witch and vampire, the other are Frankensteins monster, zombie and werewolve.
These might all fit together in one catagory of fantasy/haloween/scary.
Or maybe even carnaval….
Maxx, yes, that makes sense! I don’t know why they were distinctively different in my mind! 😕
Changes made! 😉
Dear Maxx, I THINK THEY SHOULD DO A BETTER JOB ON THAT LUNATIC WEREWOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Your way of thinking makes sense to me. Especially with the sports figures it is pretty obvious they would need someone to compete against.
Or maybe this is just a market research as Maxx said and they may come up with sets with those minifigs in them.
But still it would make sense to have pairs in the series even if they don’t put the figs in sets. They know a lot of people are collecting the series.
You forgot the Sumo Wrestler for the Asian figs.
Yes, I could have included the Sumo wrestler. Thanks for pointing that out.
I consciously did not include the Sumo wrestler or even the karate guy in the Asian group. My reasoning was that these guys don’t really need a pair. If one just buys an extra fig, they can figth with each other. 😉
You should have made like a fighting/boxing group. 😀
admin you misspelled ”fighting”
Oh, yeah, I see that! LOL! Good thing that are brain works in such a way that no perfect spelling is necessary. 🙄
wow! thanks for pointing that out! (i would put the hockey player, ice skating women and soccer player together because they’re all sports)
Well, that was my whole point; that they are in fact not meant to be together. Okay, they are all sports, but would you put a soccer player and hockey player on the same field? They are missing their partners/opponents. 🙁
Well wouldn’t you put all the minifigures that belong to a team together? That could indicate that LEGO might be coming up with sports stadiums or something. What do you think?
Soccie, LEGO used to make sports teams before, and since they haven’t done any for quite a while, it would be nice if they would re-introduce them. Even if not giving us any big sets, at least they could give us opposing parties for various sports in the Collectibe Minifigure series. This way we could build your own teams, and all we would have to do is change some heads and hair-pieces to ad some variety. That would be awesome, don’t you think? 😉
Go to this website:
Click on the second video and watch it. At the end it shows series 7.
Soccie, thanks for sharing! We also have a post on Series 7, you can see it here: LEGO Collectible Minifigs Series 6 & 7. It is another awesome series! 😀
For series 5 I got 14 out of 16 minifigures! 😀
Soccie, that is awesome! 🙂
Now I have 15 out of 16!
When I went to Walmart to get one I found atleast 5-10 Graduates.
Congratulations! Yeah, those graduates can be annoying! 😮
Are the series 6 supposed to come out on 1-9-12 in America?
Soccie, at LEGO stores, yes. At other stores like Toys’R’Us they have been available for about a week now. See here: LEGO Collectible Minifigs Series 6 Available Now!
I went to toys r us yesterday and they didnt have any
hello admin where can buy any lego samurai warriors in england
Dillan, are you talking about official LEGO products, or LEGO customs? If you are looking for official LEGO products (like the old ninja line which had several samurai warriors), go to If you wan’t custom stuff, go to They are located in England and carry pretty much every LEGO customizer’s products. As far as customizers, Sidan Toys especially have an excellent selection of samurai armor and weapons for LEGO minifigures, and their prices are excellent. I have written several posts about their selection: Sidan Toys – OVerview
Hey i really want to see something different when it comes to S8 i want to see more everyday jobs and caress like a model or make-up artist or hair stylist , i really like s6 and s7 the colours are great and i love Lady Liberty and the Genie but i would like to see next.
.air hostess
.book worm
.award winning actor/actress
.news reporter
.hair stylist
.make-up artist
there are lots more but i haven’t really thought about it . these are more female roles then male so let me know your ideas ???
Great ideas! A few things to keep in mind as you think about future minifigures in the series: With the Collectible Minifigures LEGO is adding minifigs that aren’t in any sets, but could be complimentary to existing sets. We already have photographers, news-reporters and shoppers in regular sets, but other minifigures that fit into a City scene are great! Also, please note that the minifigures are primarily targeting children; kids like minifigures they can relate to and identify with from either their own life or from movies/video games they love. They also prefer a nice selection of accessories they consider cool. Also, sometimes LEGO uses the Collectible Minifigures to test the market for new ideas for themes, or try a new mold they haven’t used before and planning to add in later sets. So, as you think of ideas for future minifigures it is good to keep that in mind. On a personal note, I would like an angel too! 😀
i tryed so hard to collect all of them but it cost a fortune
Here are some of my ideas
1. Thief
2. Army Man
3. Devil
4. Penguin Suit Man
5. Boy Scout
6. Postman
7. Birthday Boy
8. Referee
9. Pilgrim
10. King
11. Hobo
12. Chimney Sweep
13. Snake Charmer
14. Comedian
15. Firefighter
16. Vet
Ik vind het leuk.