NINJAGO fans rejoice! The 2012 LEGO NINJAGO sets are now available at LEGO’s online shop! Toys’R’Us and a few other retailers started to put them on the shelves around Black Friday, but this is the first time the online LEGO shop is listing them. (Click on the banner to go to the LEGO store.)
Although no spinners yet, five of the 2012 NINJAGO sets are now listed. If you haven’t done your holiday shopping yet, or ready for some more, this is the perfect time to pick them up! Also, remember that right now LEGO is offering free shipping on orders over $99.
Here are the 2012 LEGO NINJAGO sets currently listed at LEGO’s website:
#9440 LEGO NINJAGO Venomari Shrine – $6.99 – BUY HERE
Really nice set with the new faceted bricks and those awesome snakes!

#9441 LEGO NINJAGO Kai’s Blade Cycle – $14.99 – BUY HERE
Kai’s blade cycle is really sleek looking, but looks like it is stickered. 🙁

#9442 LEGO NINJAGO Jay’s Storm Fighter – $24.99 – BUY HERE
The Storm Fighter has some cool features worth checking out!
#9443 LEGO NINJAGO Rattlecopter – $29.99 – BUY HERE
Here you got little Lloyd Garmadon, the son of Lord Garmadon!

#9444 LEGO NINJAGO Cole’s Tread Assault – $39.99 – BUY HERE
That’s a mean-looking beast! And the dark-blue snakes are my favorites!

#9445 LEGO NINJAGO Fangpyre Truck – $49.99 – BUY HERE
Those snake/snail looking guys are really strange! But love the vehicle!

#9446 LEGO NINJAGO Destiny’s Bounty – $79.99 – BUY HERE
The set many Ninjago fans have been waiting for the most! Beautiful ship!

If you would like to learn more about the 2012 LEGO NINJAGO sets check out these previous posts and discussions:
For other 2012 LEGO sets available now (like LEGO Dino, LEGO City, LEGO Creator and LEGO Racers) check here:
See the LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes video trailer here (really cool!): LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Trailer. And don’t miss the back-to-back episodes on Cartoon Network this Friday (the 2nd of December). Then come back here to discuss the mysteries of the green ninja and the snakes! 8)
Auron my favorite snake person is rattla
pythor is mine
Siptta is mine!
acidicus is mine
the great devourer is mine
how did the last two trides get out?
pythor released them
That would be cool
does anyone have kendo kai,i do!!!
has any body got samurai X
I got her
I got her she cool I got her in a spinner
i got her
what are you talking about
sorry put this in the wrong place
tyler,what are you talking about. I never said anythiny about lloysds spinner
i am haveing alot of trouble here
UPDATE: In case you haven’t seen them yet, pictures and video of the 2012 NINJAGO summer sets! LEGO NINJAGO 2012 Summer Sets 😀
Good seeing you again admin,I just got the ultra sonic raider May 27.It is awsome! check it out It is $90 and also part of it can fly. 622 pieces. Minifigures: pythor,spitta,cole zx,zane zx,jay zx,and for my favorite ninja kai zx.Sadly it does not have 4 cocpits.And It also should have the green ninja with it(WHITCH I BLEW MY TOP OFF WHEN I FIGURED OUT IT DOESN’T COME WITH IT!)But I feel better:) A pretty awsome set as well 5 star rated:)
Nice to hear from ya too! Yeah, the Ultrasonic Raider turned out to be a great set! Too bad it doesn’t have the Green Ninja, but he should be coming soon enough so you can add him too. 😉
hey guys sorry about the hanging on you but it’s busy and i wonder what cards come with the ”Green Ninja” spinner i love the cards but i don’t know how u use them when you battle with a spinner.i got a clue for the green ninja well i think you guys are thinking right with me you know how you were guys were talking about the green ninja well llyold can’t use ………ugh i want go to my bed ”ugh”well the funny thing is that i am in my bed haha ”ugh” sorry about that and i compter been down but now well you know what mean ”ugh” i got to go to sleep well i slould not tye ugh but i like it good night if you are in georgia well still good bye.
Ethan, I think you should go to sleep. 😉
Admin, do you have Lloyd ZX’s spinner? And by the way, i live in Coppell, Texas and im on vacation in Orange Beach, Alabama.
Spitta, I’m waiting to get Lloyd when he gets released. You can certainly get him now at eBay or BrickLink, but the price is at least twice as much as the normal price is going to be. So I just wait. No need to rush. 😉
guys I found a clue,Sensei is Loydd uncle
when do you put up 6th episode?
Jonas, as soon as it shows up on YouTube or some other source. 😉
i realy want to see the 6th episode
Jonas, it is coming out next week on CN, just hang in there! 😉
on what day?
Jonas, a new episode is released eveyr Wednesday. And I believe they also get replayed on Friday. You can check the CN schedule. Hope this helps some! 😉
I checked the guide, and it’s not on there. I live in UK. Does that make any difference?
E, I think it is not released in the UK, but I’m not sure. You can watch the episodes here with just a few days of delay. Hope that helps some. 😉
your right admin but the bigget loser is cool 😉
Garmadon saves them
Guys I was on YouTube and this guys that name toy review well he show the green ninjago but couldn’t see his eyes and remember that motor cycl e when llyold was on it well show and the four dragon is all them and I saw a big snake and you could open his mouth and I saw jay zx in there and i saw ad to day and next Wednesday it’s going to be on.
I know who the green ninja I saw him and the green ninja is
who is the green ninga?
The Green Ninja is Lloyd. 😉
ya but in the summer cooler sets are going to come i know 3 sets that are going to come out
UPDATE: First close-up pictures of the NRG ninjas! Check them out here: LEGO NINJAGO Summer Sets: NRG Ninja Pictures! They are really strange! 🙄
i have a few things to say
1st we have established that the green ninja is lloyd ZX and that nya is Samurai X
2nd how do you think the dagons combine to make the epic dragon battle?
and 3rd admin, do you think garmadon has 4 arms because he dosen’t in Zane’s dream
Cole, nice summary! As far as Garmadon, remember that was just a dream Cole had. Dreams don’t necessarily match reality. 😉
Maybe they turn in to it.
i remember sensei wu said something about the dragons turning into adults when they left so maybe thats there transformation
crank out episode six already! I’ve watched all of the others, i’m dying!
I’m glad someone agrees with me! I’ve already seen it but its sooo interesting! my friends think i’m weird because I somehow got addicted to lego ninjago, at 13, that’s practically a felon in girl world. But I don’t care! LEGO NINJAGO ROCKS!!!! 🙂
Pixie, NINJAGO is great, so go girl! 🙂
Yep, NINJAGO DOS ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The newer sets will be out on Augast.
Cool. I don’t know if you will agree, but I think they need to speed the romance up a bit between Jay and Nya. Poor guy, he doesn’t seem to be making much progress with her. They won’t get anywhere by the end of the season if Nya doesn’t start to like him back more. 😉 I feel kinda sorry for Jay.
Pixie, yeah, the ninja are always busy and all. No time for romantic walks in the park. I think Nya likes Jay, she is just keeping it a secret – like her identity as Samurai X. 😉
Dont worry, in episode 8, they go on a date!!
Do you guys think they’ll make another season after this one is over? I don’t want to think about it being over for good. It’s too depressing. 😉
Pixie, yes,there is going to be at least a third season. 🙂
i heard the enemys are going to be pirates
I’m getting a the samurai mech and the green ninja dragon.
yeah I know she likes him, but I just want SOMETHING to happen! And yeah, she totally kicked butt as Samurai X! She rocks! And I also like the others…. but the show wouldn’t be as interesting without her 🙂 And Green Ninja- that’s totally cool, even I would play with that, but don’t you dare tell anyone! 😉
Pixie, we won’t tell on ya! 😉
UPDATE: Episode 6 of NINJAGO Rise if the Snakes is now posted! See here: NINJAGO RISE OF THE SNAKES – THE SNAKE KING Enjoy! 😉
Hey guys I saw the snake motor in a video on utude.
yay new video! thx and I appreciate that you won’t tell on me! 😉
I can’t wait for this weeks episode! I’m dying to know if the others find out she’s the Samurai, I mean besides Sensei Wu and Kai 🙂
Pixie, I’m sure they will! I just watched episode 8 (unfortunately it was in Korean) and Jay takes out Nya to a restaurant. I guess that would be their first date! 🙂
It doesn’t turn out too good though, as Jay has been infected and he is in the process of turning into a snake! He eventually runs out and hides in the bathroom… really sad… 😥
cant wait
AHHHHHHH DON’T TELL ME! SPOILER ALERT! You’re lucky I didn’t read the whole thing! 🙂 Once I see it, then I will talk about it. How do you even find the episodes? I’m pretty sure they haven’t come on TV yet, I’ve seen every episode…. so it’s gotta be on the internet right?
Pixie, yeah, sorry about that! I have been all bummed out about Jay, so it was on my mind. I hope he will be changed back to normal! As far as finding episodes, I just happened to stumble upon Episode 8 last night on YouTube. I’m not even sure how I got there. 🙄
how did you find it ?????????????/??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
By my ninja senses. 😉
But seriously; it was not in English, so it wasn’t so much fun to watch. There is a terribly long conversation between Garmadon and Sensei Wu, and of course I didn’t understand any of it. 🙁
i will pretend i never read anything u have said about episode 8, but i can’t wait to see it for myself 🙂
i bet it was a little odd to watch, still- visual image is everything. Can’t wait for this weeks episode! 🙂
tomaro is the day !111
guys i’ve read wikipedia and it says lord garmadon saves them,and i’ve
been thinking what if loydd beats his father by making him his friend?
Jonas, I don’t think Lloyd has any issues with his dad. Some people says he hates his dad, but there has been no indication of this so far in the series. He ran away from school, not from his dad. Also, he regularly refers to himself as the son of Lord Garmadon, or the son of the Dark Lord. It appears that he is proud of his dad, not hate him. It is true though that Lloyd will be the catalyst to soften the heart of Lord Garmadon. 😉
Could be, that would be so sweet. Oh! I can’t believe Zane is a you-know-what! (don’t want to spoil it for people who didn’t see) That certainly would explain the no sense of humor and social awkwardness. But still, totally unexpected. 🙂 I wonder what will happen next week? It better be good!
Pixie, yeah, great episode! Zane was always my favorite! 🙂
i cried when i saw it so sad with the memorys
Zane, yeah, that was one of the best parts! 🙂
He’s nice, not bad looking for a you-know-what, a little strange, but that’s what makes Zane so interesting, I think.
i want to see the seventh episoded
It was good Jonas, but not overly good. What I mean is, it wasn’t as good as the others. But it does have a surprising twist. I won’t spoil it for you, but it’s quite a shocker. I’m sure Admin. will post it as soon as he or she can. Which is another thing! I wonder if Admin. is a girl or a boy, not to be rude, but u can’t really tell. He/she doesn’t give much away. 🙂
he is a boy
I hope nothing I said offended you Admin, I’m just curious. And I totally understand if you don’t feel comfortable with sharing that kind of information on the internet. That’s why I didn’t put my real name. I was being cautious. 🙂
Pixie, all our regular contributors (including myself) have their own page under the Contributors tab you see in the tob navigation bar. Hope this satisfies your curiosity. 😉
cool, u ARE a girl! I knew it! I didn’t want to say anything before in case u were a boy 😉
it’s soo cool to have someone around that likes legos that isn’t a boy, i don’t feel nearly as weird now that I know for sure I’m not the only one!
Pixie, there are plenty of FFOLs so you are definitely not alone. It is just that expecially on the Internet people don’t use their real names and you can’t really tell if they are guys or gals unless you ask. And for some reason people just assume that if you are a LEGO fan you are a guy. There is nothing further from the truth. I know plenty of awesome FFOLs, several of them even working for LEGO. So keep your chin high, girl! 😉
pixie wings, i’m a girl to. Girls Rule
thx, ur awesome! 🙂 🙂 🙂
i love smiley faces too
i neeeeeeeeeeeeed to see that episode,admin.
actually, jonas, admin is a girl, and besides the big reveal in episode 7, u didn’t miss much
epiode seven was by far my favorite they get better by the episode
I agree! It is full of surprizes! 😀
the ending wasn’t what i expected awesome twist
yep, next week better be even more awesome!
well, okay. Everyone has different opinions. I was surprised about Zane being a you-know-what 🙂
i know! GIRL POWER! 😉
anywone know what episode jay reaches his full potencial
hah, i wish. that would be interesting 🙂
When will they get there nrg form?
Lego Ninjago Rise Of The Snake Episode 7 Part 1 :
Lego Ninjago Rise Of The Snake Episode 7 Part 2 :
Lego Ninjago Rise Of The Snakes Episode 6 :
Zane, we also have all the episodes posted on this site, so kids don’t have to worry about running into inapropriate materials on YouTube. You can see Episode 6 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 6. And I’m posting Episode 7 tomorrow morning. Stay tuned. 😉
Tell me if anyone finds out about Lego Ninjago Rise Of The Snakes Episode 8 if it is in (ENGLISH).Thanks =)
Thanks Admin.
Hey nrg zane how is Lloyd the green ninja? Im confused please help me here!!!
Hey nrg zane how could Lloyd be tge green ninja?
UPDATE: Episode 7 is now posted: NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 7. Enjoy! 🙂
Hey admin u on? If u are HOW IS LLOYD THE GREEN NINJA?? Im confused please help me here!!!!
Lloyd, we will have to wait till episode 10 to find that out. 😉
Thank you but i still dont get how people came up with that! Anyway who is your fav. Character? I like all of them:)
Nya Definitely. Girl Power. 🙂
Really? Huh I never thought about Lloyd being cute. I guess he is in a little kid kind of way.
Do u know where to find episode 8 in english?
Lloyd, epidose 8 is not coming out until next Wednesday. It should be online by next weekend. 🙂
What was the missing posters kai,jay,cole,zane,and nya where putting up about?
They were looking for the fang blades. The Serpentine need it to rise the great Divouwerer, (I have no clue how to spell that), They need to find it before the Serpentine do.
Relax, episode eight comes on in a couple days. And after that Admin will post it on the site. So if you miss it you can watch it as many times as you want. And I have no clue why they would make Lloyd the green ninja. But I guess they have their reasons.
Sorry it took so long for me to reply i was watching episode7 again love it!! And im a girl too! Also Lloyd is kinda cute!
Hey loyd , go on wickepedia and search and it says there all the information about characters and who the green ninja is by the i am not sure either it is probably because he is related to sensei wu.
I’m a girl to 🙂
Girl Power 🙂
I just like 2 say that 😉
yeah me 2. 😉
cool, I think Jay ad Nya are perfect for eachother! If only Nya could see it that way 😉
Pixie, I think Nya likes Jay, she is just keeping her feelings to herself, like most girls do. 😉
Yeah I know she likes him. I knew since the very first episode. Or maybe it was the second. But she is good at keeping her feelings to herself. Maybe I should take lessons. (joking) 🙂
Pixie, there is some saying I heard that if a lady say “no” , she means “maybe”, if she says “maybe” she means “yes”, and if she says “yes”, then she is not a lady. Mysterious girls are alway more interesting. Nya is great! 😆
lol, i know 🙂
yeah, same here 🙂
Guys I am back. I think the NRG ninjas are ninjas that were bit by the great devourer.
What does NRG mean? Sorry if I sound clueless but I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Energy ninja’s? when did they come in the picture?
well. . It sure does look like they might have been!!!
I’m hoping that my mom will let me get them anyways!!!
They are the next version of ninja. (You know, Normal, DX, Kendo, ZX, and now NRG)
admin posted them like a week ago
i found the episodes in some other langwig.(how do you spell that?)
in korean. (language)
wait wait , everyone has gained their full potention so anyone could be the green ninja but i think it would be Lloyd cause the green 5 on his shirt. Get it? green means the green ninja. 5 means the 5th ninja.Who agrees? P.S. i am a boy
sup its 11-o clock where i lve (Midwest)
admin , love ur website!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Jay! 🙂
how does LLOID defeat garmadon
Brady,he never does in this season 🙂
why jay loves nya he may like her becaues she is hot jay: she is hot kai:shutup jay
i pre orderd the great devourer set
They never defeated the snakes!!!!
Will they fight them again?
I am exeted to get the dragon set for my birthday
And I will get the other sets later
Love collecting the ninjas. I have all but jay dx. Trying to collect serpentine too!
Wow, i am the last to comment!
Im pythor and i know it!….
Im saying it again, IM THE LAST TO COMMENT! 😀
this is good lego ninjago i love you lego ninjago
ik ben de aler grootste fan en ik wil het SUPPER GRAAG !!!!!!!!