Below is episode nine of LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes. This episode is called “THE ROYAL BLACKSMITHS”. You can watch previous episodes by following the links below this episode. You can also read the summary of each episode here: NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes – the Story…
The second season of LEGO NINJAGO brings a new group of enemies for Jay, Kai, Cole, Zane, and Nya. Apart from Sensei Wu’s brother Lord Garmadon, they have to deal with annoying little Lloyd Garmadon and the Serpentine (snake people). Find out how the ninjas morph into their ZX states and who is the mysterious green ninja and the red samurai! Enjoy!
LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes – Episode Nine
➡ Watch Episode 1 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 1
➡ Watch Episode 2 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 2
➡ Watch Episode 3 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 3
➡ Watch Episode 4 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 4
➡ Watch Episode 5 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 5
➡ Watch Episode 6 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 6
➡ Watch Episode 7 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 7
➡ Watch Episode 8 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 8
➡ Watch Episode 10 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 10
➡ Watch Episode 11 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 11
➡ Watch Episode 12 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 12
➡ Watch Episode 13 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 13
If you would like to see the whole selection of 2012 LEGO NINJAGO sets and where they are available check here:
For you guys in the eastern standard time you only have 1 more hour till episode 10 im so jealous i have to wait 4 more hours still D:
For me at the moment it is only 5 more minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😉
for me it is for 10 more minutes is that cool or awesome or what? 🙂
😉 😀 :|o|: :rool: that is so so cool ❗ 💡
Haha ull like it Nya 🙂
hey kai how do you get a picture for your post? i want one of garmadon zx virsion!
oops that face 😐 is for a sanboe of :l0l: :|0|: :|o|: and :rool: is for 🙄 so oops 😳
thank you kai 😀
Haha np i just saw it myself like a few minutes ago and loved every minute of it ^_^
for me it is coming in 18 min!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is that awesome or what?
Where do u find this… countdown?
I just figure it out myself! Didn’t find it anywhere!!! It was my idea 💡 I always wan’t to try that face and accually have a reason to post it!!!
Haha lucky!!!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH!
can someone plz put episode 10 on youtube so I will FINALLY be able to watch it?
I ill like it and put a comment on it saying thanks for putting this on :). Unfortunatly I have NO idea if I can subscribe because I dont know what it does
I just watching this movie called… Hugo um… I would rather have Ninjago
Your name just keeps getting longer and longer! It went from:
Ninjago countdown: 15 minutes 😉 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Haha your so right lexi XD and gah lexi im jealy :p no spoilers of course on here though :]
i know i will add more soon! 😉
Hey, Episode 10, THE GREEN NINJA, on in about 10 minutes!!!
I agree with darkon. they soulhd wait on Jabba’s palace and desert skiff. Instead, they soulhd make a cloud city to go with Cloud Car, and a Tusken rader ambush set, [EP. 4], with Ben kenobi’s hut. I think that these would be good idea’s because if they don’t make Jabba’s Palace they need something to go with Cloud Car, and they haven’t made tusken raider’s in a long time.
I watchesd episode 10 in korean but it was way too confusing
By the way, I created the Gold Ninja, thank u very much…
yeah but someone else is the green ninja
i mean golden
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Ninjago countdown: 9 minutes 😉
Well, I like doing this kind of stuff u know creating stuff in my head. So I just thought up of the Golden Ninja. It’s a girl named Sarah in my imagonation and she has lost her voice by Lord Garmadon and mstly she just spys on ppl
Just press F5 on your computer. 😉
I cant go on CN because we dont have cable so we cant watch episode 10
why does it keep making me post over Kias last post about that picture
whats the countdown now?
1 minute!!!!!!!!!!!! 😉
i might just watch episode 3. its my FAVORITE! BECAUSE HES A SHADOW!!!!!!!!
See u all in about 30 minutes!!!!!!!
o minutes reamining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess I’ll just go watch episode….. 3 D: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
This is an awesome episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks for rubbing it in! 🙁
Lloyd is the GREEN NINJA
idon’t have cable! 😥 🙁
it’s not fair! 😥 WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
forgot to change my name
my name will be longer soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello ninjago.
die! *kills lord garmadon!
hey guys i don’t want my name to be toooooooooo long so i m changing 9 xtremes into ultamate!!!!!!!!!!!
can some 1 post a link to episode 10
sice i m ngry i will start killing people like i aalways do i will pick out of a bow
and the unlucky winner is…………………………………. stupid!
*kills stupid
ugggggggggggg admin get episode ten soon!
see ya! this time for real
DZUX stands for dragon zen ultimate xtreme
did anyone post a video of episode 10?
I was going to but it is to stressfull I will tr my best to upload it in the meantime whatch youtube videos by baseboy311
when can we watch episode 10???
I canged my name 🙂
me too. Ninjago is awsome! If anyone can find the link for the korean episode 12 please post the link! ❗
I just looked and NRG Cole posted it
here is the full episode link:
Enjoy! 😉
i am! Ninjago Rules! I’m sure NRG Cole is on the hunt for the new episode. If cole posts a link somewhere else, i’ll post it here for you guys! The reason admin doen’t post the link is because it is in bad quality but i am guessing you guys don’t really care since most of us already saw it in Korean. Other people may start looking as well, but i am starting to search tomorrow! 😉
thats the nice thing about watching it in korean. N ow all you have to do is hear it 😉
Thanks, Lexi! NINJA, GO!!! 😀
what does nvm mean (i don’t text) ? 😕
nvm = Nevermind
i have an idea for ninjago stories #6 even though im not done with #5!
Cool cant wait 🙂
helloo ppl whats up? any1 think that when Kai faints or whatever after he returns to the ship with Lloyd is pretty dumb of Lego to add?
I dont know it was kinda just to show he was tired or something. And im so glad i unlocked my full potential :D!!! Cant believe llyod really is the green ninja though i always thought it was just a rumor lol :p
I tried to watch The Adventures Of Cluch Powers but I could only watch episode 2 -_-
That was a movie, not a tv show. I saw it on moday before episode 6 came out.up till then i never knew clutch powers existed. It was kind-of cool when cole brings him up in episode 9. 🙂
Haha that was funny Xd
Though I’ve never seen the movie, it brought a smile to my face that they made reference to Clutch Powers. Fun stuff!
i made a gravitar account today but i don’t know my email password for roadrunner… 🙁 either i make a new account with my mom’s email or activate my account on my currently-with-most-of-the-shortcuts-and-program-links-broken computer. im using my 3DS right now.
Whenever Lord Garmadon laughs in episode 9 I just start cracking up 😀
I cant pick… Is Clole the cute one, or Kai ugh
Link for episode 12 in korean on youtube:
Link for episode 13 in korean on youtube(oh, yeah!)
Kai, how did u like the new episode? Wasn’t it AWESOME!!!!!!!!! 😉
IT WAS AMAZING SENSEI LEXI!!! I loved every minute of it and i thought kai(me) was rly funny this episode and im glad i unlocked my inner potential 😀 now if only they would add sensei lexi to a episode :p
wow a ninja of shishkabobs? that would be funny 😛
Exactly haha!!
Lexi !!! Hiiiiii , see this is proof that i saw the website, its really cool! by the way this is jil. -nya
I want to watch episode 10!!!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! post it admin!!!!!! please? pretty please? pretty please with icecream and a cherry on top?
Nya, okay, so where is the ice-cream? 😉
um, maybe at my house?? but wait, I ate all the chocolate icecream left…
if u dont post episode 10 nya and i will eat u grrrr 😮
i cant go to youtube so what do you want me to do??? I don’t cartoon network either plus it’s already posted. 😛
Where do you find episode 10 in korean?
never mind, I’ll just wait untill it gets posted here.
UPDATE: NINJAGO Episode 10 is now posted. See here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 10. Enjoy! 😛
daaaaaang… Cole is so ****ing hot, I could just marry him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hm… you know you are talking about a little inanimate plastic toy, right? 🙄
lol lol. i like cole i think hes cute but I worldn’t marry my Cole ZX minifigure. 😕
i am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i live in USA CA 91109 421 san mocs so come her you bad gasr
bam!x four armed lightning attack! x now while your out green ninja the weapons of spinjitzu are mine! mwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! all shall hail garmmadon!
YES EPISODE 10 IS HERE TYVM TYVM (it means Thank You Very Much)
awesome ep!
Lord garmadon if you want a avatar go to and sign up with your email you use on here then pick your picture on there and your set! 🙂
thanks a million kai!
if you could join any snake tribe which would you join? here are the tribe stats.
-venomaria-green-poison from bite can make people haulucnate and see their worst nightmare
-hypnobrai-blue/white-can hypnotize people
-fangpyre-red/white-bite can turn anything or anyone into a snake
-constrictai-black/orange-are super strong and can cause earthquakes.
hoping to be a reguluar poster! see ya kia and nya!
UPDATE: Episode 11 is now posted! Watch here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 11. Enjoy! 😛
The Green ninja is *spoiler* Lloyd Garmadon!!!!
UPDATE: Episode 12 uploaded. Watch here: Rise of the Great Devourer Enjoy! 😛
UPDATE: Episode 13 is now posted! See here: LEGO NINJAGO Episode 13 – The Day of the Great Devourer. This is the final episode of this epic saga until next season! 🙁
how do you get a pic?
Zane, I’m not sure what you mean? What picture? 😕
e muito chou ninjago so que ver a parte do grande devorador mais não e em portugues que chatize
WHAT THE BRICK?!!?!?!?!?! Cole said Clutch Powers! around 4:05 :O cool!