Below is episode thirteen of LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes. This episode is called “THE DAY OF THE GREAT DEVOURER”. You can watch previous episodes by following the links below this episode. You can also read the summary of each episode here: NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes – the Story…
Here we are at the last episode of the second season of LEGO NINJAGO! Despite all efforts made by Jay, Kai, Cole, Zane, Nya, Sensei Wu, and even Lord Garmadon and his son, Lloyd, the Great Devourer has been awakened and is destroying everything in its path! Will the heroes be able to stop this huge beast before it takes over the whole of Ninjago, including Ninjago City? Or will all be lost? Grab your popcorn and watch the show to find out what happens!
LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes – Episode Thirteen
➡ Watch Episode 1 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 1
➡ Watch Episode 2 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 2
➡ Watch Episode 3 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 3
➡ Watch Episode 4 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 4
➡ Watch Episode 5 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 5
➡ Watch Episode 6 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 6
➡ Watch Episode 7 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 7
➡ Watch Episode 8 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 8
➡ Watch Episode 9 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 9
➡ Watch Episode 10 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 10
➡ Watch Episode 11 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 11
➡ Watch Episode 12 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 12
If you would like to see the whole selection of 2012 LEGO NINJAGO sets and where they are available check here:
Who here like the minifigs? I love them! I have the:
Statue of liberty,(Season 6)
Alien,(Season 3)
Race car driver,(Season 3)
Cheerleader,(Season 1)
Indian chief,(Season 3)
Fitness instructor,(Season 5)
Kimono girl,(Season 4)
Zookeeper,(Season 5)
Detective,(Season 5)
Musketeer,(Season 4)
and the Mummy.(Season 4)
I have the soccer player, the robot, and the clown.
I am excited for series 7 and the exclusive London Olympics minifigures.
they are
I saw some of those at the Barnes & Noble Book store! 😀
I ment the Lego Olympics people. 😀
you did cool
I know right. ❗
Do u guys know where Lexi went?
so is it just us 3 on?
I have to go, BYE!
See you later! 😀
oh hey lexi…
see ya later
does anyone like star wars???? I LOVE STAR WARS!! especially the legos there AWESOME!
I don’t. 😐
Oh your here
the comments are being weird
It is very rare that they aren’t!
whats rare?
It’s very rare the comments aren’t weird! 😀
😀 I agree
so now the comments are at the top
ummmmmmmm green ninja you still on?
hey lexi
oh there you are
so did you finnish that report thinge? (green ninja)
ummmmmm hello
She said she did already! 😀
and she got 100%
1000% on what?
first of all, it 100%, not 1,000% and she/he got 100% on her report. she/he said so!
ooooooooh……..yeah i ment 100% not 1000%
Yes I did get a 100% (even though it turned out to only be worth 5 POINTS 😡 ) and by the way, it is he.
I’m still here hat admin, I thought about this for a long time but u know how u said this was only for commenting? What if u made a page where u can chat? If u can’t do it it’s ok just an idea
Timber, yes, I have considered adding chat, however there are two issues; chat plugins make the website load slower. It would need MAJOR moderation. I just don’t have the time for that. If I can get around those issues I would consider adding it somewhere. Thanks for the thought though! Ideas and suggestions are always appreciated. 😉
thanks admin!
hi. I am Back 🙄
I guess no one is on still.
I hope I did not scare you off.
no you didnt
Okay. I have heard many people say “I like pie”.
Well, I don’t!!!!!
(except chest pie, which is basiccaly sugar, butter, eggs, and other unheathy stuff like that. no wonder i like it. :D)
I know right.
darn it I missed him.
I hope you did not leave
OK now I really have to go but I will be on later tonight.
Did anybody see a stop of the Ninjago tour?
New category on my website!!!
Ahem, New category on my website!!! Why is my comment up there?
well i m back!!! 😉
ok i am back i just got home from swimming. so what r we talking about?
sup guys…………….uuuuuum i dont know what were talking abought
Oh, hey Jay! 😀
I am bored my mom is watching little house on the prarie. I was watching it with her but i got bored of it. 😐
Don’t know myself. 😐
well…… guys……………….. something bad is happening………….. i m starting to lose intrest here unless there is a really cool post i m getting not intrested now!!!!!!! 😥 😥
but it wouldnt be the same with out you neo 😥 i wouldnt be getting killed 20 times each day 🙁
Neo, if you want the posts to be more interesting, then you can always post something interesting yourself. Its not like me or any of the contributors and members here are getting paid to be here. As Gandhi said; “Be the change you want to see in the world.” 😉
yeah what admin said what gandhi said 😆
I am sorry but i watched a 3 hour documentery on Gandhi on my school;s last half-day, so I have had enough of Gandhi for the rest of the year. 😀
Oh, and how did you italicize the quote?
LOL! Yeah, I remember that movie! It is VERY LONG! As far as italizing, you need to use HTML code. You put < em > at the beginning and < /em > at the end of what you want to italize. (Without spaces between the little thingies at the beginning and the end, and the text.) You can use other HTML code as well to bold, quote, bullet-point, insert an image, etc. You just need to know HTML. 😉
Eh, that didn’t work. I was trying to put in the HTML code for you to see, but it turns it into italics even with the space between the code. Anyhow, you can just look up how to write HTML code and you should be able to find it. 😉
okay guys new post and poll!!!!!
i voted neo………………..
I voted too
sorry i had to delete 900 notes that i got a comment from brick blogger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙄
huh???? 😕 🙄
LOL! I know what you mean! I actually get about 3 times more myself as I get notified on all comments on all posts! 🙄
I would suggest you don’t subscribe to comment updates on posts you don’t want to receive updates on. If you have already subscribed and want to unsubscribe you can just click on the link at the bottom of any of the emails you received to manage your subscriptions. 😉
hey neo.
ha ha. 😀 as a follower once said XD
thanks admin i no longer have any comments!!!!!!!!!!! 😉
yay 🙂 😀
well hi
so, got any new lego sets neo ❓
neither do I. I still read your blog.
your welcome 😉
By the way, I invented minifigure sized shoes. they really work. take that dirty ground. 😈
do you miss allia’s stories neo?
are you still on neo?
If I scared you off that will be the 8th time
😥 😥 😥 😥 😥
bye 😥
I will try to be on later tonight.
how do you scare us off? 🙄
you would be surprised
Just got back from my performance. It was sooo fun! And I went to Culvers’s and got some ice cream.
im probably going to sleep soon
hey guys i was playing cool math!!!!!!!!!! what’s up
hi guys. anyone on. if so, please comment
I will be on for a couple more minutes and then it is off to bed for me
right now I am very sleepy but am determined to stay up past eleven even if it is spent in bed. 😀
sorry buddy but im going to sleap………..see ya tomorrow
oops spelled sleep wrong 😳
it is ok. 🙂
see you tomorrow
night guys 🙂 😀
Guessing i am too late!
I have to get up at 7:00 a.m. tommorow to go to a band concert thingy. 😀
Ok guys but I know this late but I mean come on! It is the weekend and u get to stay up all night! Well, at least I do 🙂 I will be on all night. Well, maybe I might go to bed around 2:00. 1 time we were stranded at The Magic Kingdom until some1 picked us up. When we got to our hotel, it was 3:00 am! All the restaurants were closed so we got something out of the vending machine. When I woke my dad was watching Harry Potter. I checked the clock it was 10:00 am! I thought, wow! I got my sleep! 🙂
Wow. 7:00 a.m. is the earliest i ever got up on a sauterday! 😀
well, and stayed up. 😀
Sorry guys. I will not be on today till around 2:15 this afetrnoon (when i get home from band).
aw man I missed her. the reason that I am on so early is because I will be busy all day with boy scouts and a steel drum festival. I will be on at around 4pm today.
guess I am the only one on so I will keep watching for comments for a few more minutes.
mornin green ninja
hey jay
I got lucky because my sister had a slumber party last night.
plus my sister is not coming home until 2:30
anything new with you
anything new with you ❓
hey when the new avengers movie comes out are you ganna watch it?………..I am so watching it
just made the ultimate spinjitzu weapon set with all three booster packs
whats the ultimate spinjitzu weapon?
kay………………… 😀
aaaaah come on did you leave???
sorry about that I was writing a comment whil you sent those messages.
I will not leave for awhile
cool…….yeah but i will leave soon and comeback fast
i will be on and off all day
any ways, the ultimate spinjitzu weapon has 2 vines and a knife on one side, 2 blades on the other side, and a vine on the end
oh alright…
ok i have to go………be back soon 😉
ok see yah
I will be right back
I am back, while eating a toaster waffle
so, what are you doing ❓
yay the comments are fixed
I have to go but will (hopefully) be back soon
im back green ninja…. 😆
im on my dads laptop in the car so i will be commenting slowly
anyone on………………..(still in car)
in september im going on a month long trip to canada luckly i wont miss any episodes of season 3 😀
im at a reciycling place right now so my brother can reciycal some cans uuuuuggg i hate it here it smells really bad 😡 😡
man i guess im to late for you green ninja
weeeell i guess nowones on???
oops spelled that wrong 😳
um green ninja you on
Does anybody have the words to the Ninjago theme song?
no…….but you can by it off itunes
hey taryn…..where have ya been lately??? 😎
did you leave??
guess ya left……darn
i will be on fora little bit longer like 20 minutes
hey neo if you stop coming on here will you still have youre website?
UPDATE: New post with some tips & tricks with Spinjitsu spinner cards from our latest TFOL contributor, gid617. Comments, questions and feedback are welcome! Check it out here: Fun with the LEGO Ninjago Spinjitsu Cards 🙂
cool admin 😀 i have 11 spinners so i have alought of spinjitzu cards there REALLY cool 🙂 😀 😆 😎
Fixed it for ya! 😉
well im ganna go now since im almost home but i will be back soon in abought 10 to 15 to 20 minutes
admin how many ninjago spinners do you have??
I have…….. Maybe 12? I don’t know? Have to count them and see
WHAT!!!!!!!!!! you have 12! im ganna have 13 soon
well, i haven’t counted them in a really long time. thats what i’m thinking, i know i have at least 3 skeletons 2 snakes. maybe. don’t know how many ninja……. I HAVE A LOT OF NINJA!!!!!!!
Well, has anyone seen my new section for my website? Its a really fun game!
kay i will check it out
uuuuum it was ok i guess (the game) i was the orange ship
uuum where is everybody today??? oh and im back (I was swimming)
Hi guys. Sorry, I haven’t been on in a while!
hey cecilia 😀 …
how ya been doing???
please still be on………………………..
il be back on in 7 to 10 minutes mabye sooner
ok im back……………………
um cecilia are you on???
Guess not. Just going to keep watching AFV for now until some1 comes on.
yum sounds good
yeah timber i havnt seen sarah lately but if ya wanna read her storys go on lexi website……..oh and feel free to read my story: ARCADE ATTACK……..tell me if ya liked it 😉
uuuum timber u on???……..oh and whose youre fav cahracter in ninjago???
im ganna be eating soon so i will only be on for a little bit longer probably
Sorry i really do not know what to type. 😕
hey lexi……
Look at my comments above. some of them (2 out of 3) are funny!
Whoops ment (3 out of 4) not (2 out of 3).
unless you find the first one funny. 😀
uuuum i didnt (find the first one funny)
Wasn’t suppost to be. 😕
ok I KNOW 😆 😕
well im ganna go now be back later hopefully 😉
well i guess i didnt come back later 😆
The last time she commented was about 50 min. before you came on. -_-
Hello i am back. I am using my moms phone and will probably comment extreamly slow. Band was fun and for once since i got my extenders i am full. The whole band went to cici’s pizza!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay this is weird. some1 is bound to be on!!!!!! BTW has any1 kept in contact with Sarah lately? i miss her stories!!!! speaking of stories, better add part 2 of my story!
Strangly enough you commented at the same time i did. Weird…
Oh, and which one was your story? I don’t remeber seeing it. 😕
If u go back to the comments before these 1’s you’ll find it. 🙂
hahahahaha ha ha ha…… okay it is weird…
Almost home! 😀
part 2 ”u talk!”
Zane: Jay, i have an idea, take my shredder and launch me into the truck.
Jay: why?!?
Zane just do it!
Jay: okay, okay, don’t get your wires twisted!
Jay speeds ahead and stops and Zane goes flying into the truckand kicks Fangdam out of the truck.
Fangdam: ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
Zane: uh, how do u control this thing?!?!?
Snake truck: left lever is tail , right 1 is door. wheel for steering, and then gas and brake.
Zane: U TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
good story timber 😀
Thank u! 🙂 I’ve been writing stories for 5 yrs.
Wow. 😯
Okay why are all my relpies ending up on the bottom! 😕
You know what? Oh well. Moving on…!
😀 😀
OH…………Okay. I get it. All the replies to other things are at the bottom. Wonder why? Some weird thing has happened to the comments before, but this is unusual,… well, beyond the normal unusual. 😀
Before it was just a collection of replies from comments admin deleted. Accually, that is ALWAYS what it is. 😀
Oh, and when you try to comment on someone’s comment that was the last comment and is still after you press submit (besides yours), then it ends up as it’s own comment instead of a reply. But that doesn’t happen much anymore because by the time someone types what they want to say and presses submit, the comment you where repling to is no longer the last comment (besides yours).
Oh, and if Jay or anybody else asked while i was typing this (which Jay probally did), I am still here. 😉 😆
haha i made quite a few little jokes in there! 😆
Or…not (about jay asking if i was here) 😀
I guess he left. I just though he said he would be on for a little bit longer. Guess not. 🙁
Oh, well!
I am going out to a restrant tonight (for the second time today)!
Probally a pizza place (for the second time today).
Not CiCi’s (luckily NOT for the second time today :lol:)
I mean, i like CiCi’s, Just not twice a day. Once is enough. I am still full from… Well, no, i’m not. Just not hungry yet. Somehow i forgot how to spell yet for about a minute. (not kidding) 😕

Brain Fart! (haha)
p.s. the term ‘Brain Fart’ was introduced to me by my
(drum roll)
(more drum roll)
(not kidding)
(don’t think i am joking cause i am not)
Rar 😀
LOL! Lexi, you know more about how comments work than I do! 🙄
Before i go into this mass explaining thing, let me just say these 2 things:
1. Everything has a pattern
2. I (for no reason whatsoever) seem find it fun to try to find out that pattern/ figure things out. 😀
Yes, patterns are fascinating! Maybe you can help with with my Sudoku puzzle I got stuck on last night! 😀
u still on???
hey lexi……………Rar…… 😆
im back on lexi…….i was eating dinner
Okay. Letme just say this…
(not kidding read the comments above IF YOU DARE!! *dun,dun,DUUUUUUNN*)
😀 😀
wait you new i would say what??
Ask if i was still here. Cause you do that alot. I would know cause i read all the comments before i start commenting. 😀
well im just just wondering
i already did ha ha ha …… Rar
i learned brain fart by my mom to
so i wont be on in the mornin cause i will be at church…..but i will be on in the afternoon (tomorrow)
im soooooo full
so lexi do you like drawing?? i love drawing ive been drawing since i was 4 or 5…….reacently i drew a picture of jay its AWESOME!!
I have church too! (i think) 😆
Unfortanutly, i have a swim meet tommorow at 3:30 but i have war-ups at 3:15 and we have to dirve there,so i will not be availiable in the morning or from 3:00 to ummm…. whenever i get back! after 7:00. 😀
I have yough group right after swimming. 😀
yeah……….weeeeeeeeell im ganna go now but i will be back on later
Okay, what is the World record for the largest number of comments on a single blog? Cause if we keep it up like this we might break it. 😆
Ya knoe, my brother would see this and accually look up the world record. Not kidding (wow I say that alot)
im just saying HI everone cause im abought to go swimming so be back later
Lexi, it was just a couple of days ago when I read an article about a website that got over 10,000 comments on one post in a very short period of time. It was a news site though, not a blog, but still, it is pretty amazing! 😀
yeah, but a news article is something far more than 10,000 people read. 😀
Yet at the same time isn’t nearly as interesting, fun, or AWESOME. Plus they don’t have Multiple (understatment :lol:) topics
Yeah, news articles are either weird, depressing, or gossipy. I don’t like any of those. I rather read about LEGO! 😀
Ok guys spending the night. At my nana’s house will be back Sunday
kay see ya tomorrow
Sorry guys. I am not getting the e-mails from this website, saying that somebody posted on here. Weird.
hey ceciliaRH…………………uuuum what does the RH stand for???
Cecilia, you need to subscribe to comments by checkmarking the little box after your comment. Just make sure you really want to do this though. There are almost 3,000 comments on this post, and you will likely get hundreds of email notifications a day. Of course you can always unsubscribe, I’m only warning you of what to expect. 😉
hey admin how many ninjago spinners do you have???
yeah cecilia you probably shouldn’t subscribe…unless you want alought of emails though you would probably not get that much in a day if i wasnt on for a day (cause i comment a lot) but hey my name is jay and we all know what his nickname is (mouth of lightning) lol 😆 🙄
I did subscribe. It’s just not sending them to me!
Perhaps they are going to your spam filter? 😕
Hey guys im on my dads ipad right now might be slow commenting
Huh its actually faster than i thought”…….oh and admin the card thing you put on the website inspired me to make a battle deck with my cards 😀
A battle-deck sounds good! Looks like you have plenty of cards to do it with! 😀
I will be on late
I was watching ‘A Dolphin Tale’ with my mom. We had a girl’s night out and went out to this italian restrant. That was really all we did on the girls night out. (movie and dinner). Now that i think about it seems kind of boring. But it wasn’t. It was fun. 😀
hey lexi 😀 dont worry i wont say are you still on? lol 😆
im getting sleepy but im staying up to watch a boxing match
Cool! Ya know, i just realized i didn’t change my name back to normal on this computer! Fixed now! 😀
Might not be on for long tonight. Just a little tired. I will stay up for about an hour, then i will go to bed. I mean, come on! I get it is a sauterday night, but this morning i woke up earlier than i do on a school day! and since friday night is not a school night (meaning the next day is a school day), i stayed up till around 1 a.m.
Oh, hey Jay! didn’t know you were on. still on your dad’s ipad?
no……………… back on the computer
theres for things in my house that i can get on here: my moms ipod touch: my dads ipad: my dads laptop: and the computer: and my dad has another laptop but the internet doesnt work though it youst to
yeah i will be up for like 2 more hours but only abought 40 minutes more on here
Why is that? Are you going to do something fun with your family?
um i ganna watc a boxing match……….my dad and brother love boxing i think its ok….oh and my dad has to laptops and a ipad cause hes a lawyer
oops spelled some stuff wrong
😳 😳
Hey! Don’t wory about spelling things wrong, especially around me! 😆
Probally spelled at least one thing wrong there. Not on purpose. 😀
no i dont think you did
Not 100% sure, but i think i spelt wory wrong and especially wrong.
yeah you spell it it worry
Haha comments are in the 3,000’s now!
so whose youre fav snake in season 3??? mines: Chokun
so lexi what kind of a church do you go to? i go to calvary orthodox Presbyterian church
so do you like super hero movies? i cant wait till THE AVENGERS comes out next weak i think
St. Margrets! Oh, and i don’t know any snakes from season 3! Season 3 hasn’t come out yet, so i wouldn’t know. Did you mean season 2? 😕
yes oops 😳
st.margrets is that the church you go to?
for every 1 comment you do i do like 5 😆
ya know the good thing abought being homeschooled is that you can wake up as late as you whant i youssaly sleep in till 8:30 to 9:00
im probably ganna go soon but i might be back later……….. maybe 😉 😆 😀
😎 🙂 :
ok. I might be still on (not kidding might go to sleep might not) 😀
haha that is so bland. 😀
but in all seriousness,
i know right 😀
Bland??? 😕
It means dull. 😀
or not exciting. 😀
ok ….
hey! That’s
ha ha ha ………………………
I have only an hour and a half (1 hour 30 min.) till my dad and brothers come home. WAAAAA!!!!!
I wish they would stay camping for the rest of the week! My mom said we should encourage them to do more stuff together so they will go away. she also said it felt like a mini vacation, even though she spent most of sauterday cleaning the house while i was at band. Break from the boys! 😀
Hmmmm… only comment besides mine that i sawdatedfor today was admin’s. Where is everbody today? I mean, there is usually at least a few people even on a weekend that has commetned by this time. 😕
Oh, well. 😀
I guess people are not in the talking mood. So far there has been almost 5,000 visitors today, so the traffic is normal. Maybe they are just the silent ninja kind, not like Jay. 😆
ha ha ha admin 😆 😆 😆 😀 😀 😎 😎 🙂 🙂

Yeah, I was thinking of you. 😉
i know 😉
My brothers came home an hour early!!!!! 🙁
im back from church…………..
im probably ganna buy the jay zx booster pack soon 😀
I have that, it is awesome
im eating left over pizza
so admin i already asked you this but you didnt answer how many ninjago spinners or booster packs do you have???
Oh, sorry about that! Yeah, I saw your question the other day, but there were so many other ones to respond to I forgot to answer to yours! So, okay, I only get the spinners that I really like. My favorite ones are the transparent spinners, so from the first wave I only got Sensei Wu’s and Garmadon’s. In the second wave there were no transparent spinners, but I really like the spinner-crowns and that you can attach weapons at the bottom of the spinner, so even though they are not transparent I did get a few. I have Samurai X and Kai ZX, and because I love the snake-crowns I did get a couple of those. But what I’m really looking forward to is the new transparent spinners! 😛
yeah the new ones are AWESOME………and i LOVE the transparent ones there AWESOME 😀
I am going to go to a swim meet in about 10 min. I hope i improve my times! We are doing Backstorke, Freestyle, and Breaststroke. NO BUUTERFLY!!! YAY!!! ( I hate butterfly)
kay see ya later 😉 😀 😎
oh and hope ya improve youre times lexi 😉 😆 😀
i changed my name a little i think it goes good with my personality 😆
suuuuuuuuuup pythor
are you new pythor????
ok i am back went to church. we had ”dinner on the grounds” (not literally on the ground) and now i will be on all day. sooooooooooooo is any1 on?
im on…….but youre probably gone 😥
hows going everyone 😆
so admin can you unmoderation me and please tell me ok
from Nya
and you know it is me Nya i cage my email
i think it did not work on the moderation thin will that i will use my old email
Nya, trying to get around moderation will only get you banned. The more you keep begging me the longer I will keep you under moderation, so please play nice and stop asking. 😐
Watching the most hilarious penguins of Madagascar episode ever!!!! Oh I could die! It’s so funny!!!!!! 🙂 hahahahaha! Daddy says whoever writes the script, really hates hoboken!!! ( u would understand me if u watch it) hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! I could burst into tears!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
uuuum i dont care much for madagascar
though its pretty funny 😆
Yes. Yes it is.

it is…
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (x 999,999,999,999,999,999)
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……………… where did everybody go?
Hey Timber. 😀
Okay i did HORRIBLE at the swim meet (except for freestyle).
But i had a reason.
1. on backstroke, my dad decided to try and take a picture of me while i was in the middle of swimming. So he stood ot the edge of the lane. Well, since he didn’t tell me and (since i was doing backstroke) I didn’t see him, i went to do a flip turn and fliped over to do it and he was RIGHT THERE. Well, he suprised me alright, enough to compleatly mess up my flip turn so when i was done i didn’t know which direction to go, so i was looking around for a few seconds trying to figure it out and I swam strangly and slower on the way back.
2. (don’t worry not as long explination) when i was doing breaststroke and dove in water flooded the right side of my googles and a little water also got in on my left i couldn’t focus on doing the stroke right and didn’t use any tecnique. sooooooo… Yeah. 🙁
:(/ 😀
(both happy and sad)
u know what? i take that as a bad swim day, and i know exactly how u feel! 1 time i was riding a horse, and lost control of him and almost fell off! thankfully, i didn’t, and learned from my mistake, and did i!!! i know now to NEVER GALLOP A HORSE WHILE WESTERN RIDING IF U DO NOT KNOW HOW!!!!!!!!!
Hey, try riding on a horse up a mountain in North Carolina on your birthday and then the horse your father was riding on decided to bite your horse and youh horse then jumps up on two legs and you almost fall of the horse and DOWN A CLIFF (a big cliff).
Cause that happened to me. Seriously. For some reason bad things seem to always happen on or around my birthday. Example:
Last year, my little brother broke his arm.
the year before that, my dad was going to take my brothers to the beach while me and my best friend went to the water park, but some guy without car insurance crashed into my dad’s car and TOTALED his car. Not only that, but because they couldn’t go to the beach in a totaled car, my brothers had to come with me and my friend to the water park!
Wonder what will happen this year????? 😐
okay, if u want to hear the rest of my story, i at least need 5 or more comments on part 3 and hear it is:
Zane: but your a truck!!!!!! your not supposed to talk!
Snake truck: well, snakes do not talk, but these snakes do. trucks do not talk, but i do, HELLO!!! part snake!!!!
Zane: ok now i see your point.but why would u help me? I AM YOUR ENEMY!!!!!!!
Snake truck: put it this way, if u were me, would u let a DUMB SNAKE drive u?!?
Zane: um, another good point. ok we r getting out of here!!!
takes wheel and runs over Fangtom and almost tips the truck over.
Fangdam: MY BABY!!!!!!
Jay: thanks buddy! and be careful would ya?
Zane ignoring him: we make a pretty good team!
Snake truck: yes we do!!! now lets take revenge on all the snakes!!!!!
Keep writing the stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are AWESOME!!!!

Oh, and for the 5 comment thing, does it count if they are all from me? 😀
yes it does!!! 🙂 can u post it on your website? i will tell u the title when i get through. DO NOT WANT TO SPOIL THE SURPRISE!!!
Ok! (about putting it on my website)
i will come up with a name for it and put beside it “(temporary name)”
I have done that before. 😀
how does the temporary name “Zane and the Snake Truck” sound to you?
ok there u r!!! ya that sounds good!
um, is any1 else on (not to offend u lexi) but, as the saying goes: the more the merrier!!!!! 😀
Yeah… i sort of take a long time writing Looooooooong reponces to things. i really need to stop doing that. 😀
UHHHHHHHHH……… Lexi? where did u go?
Sorry! I just wrote this really long responce for one of your comments (big suprise there) and for some reason it is awaiting moderation. I looked it over twice and there isn’t any words on it that should casue it to do that. Wonder why it did? It was about how on my birthday a horse i was riding on almost made me fall of a cliff and how it seems my birthday is a jinx. becuase there has been many bad things happen on my birthday. 😥
Lexi, I got it approved. The word “insurance” is on the moderation list. You have no idea how many spam comments TBB gets from insurance companies! It is crazy! 😡
Wow. I never knew that! Must get really annoying. Sort of like how i get tons of emails for, well, lots of different adds. That is why i got a new email adress. 😀
ok where did Lexi go? she was just here. looks like i am all alone. 🙁 well going to watch Star Trek. but i will keep in touch now and then, here and there. 😀
I am right here! Oh, and now my comment isn’t awaiting moderation anymore. 😕
hey timber if you like star trek you have to love star wars I LOVE STAR WARS!!! and lexi i know you dont like star wars 😆
Hahaha! I just found a funny quote (which is what i was looking at)
here it is it is by a comedian named Mitch Hedberg.
“My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them.”
LOL! That’s too funny! 😆
Here is another quote by a comedian named Red Skelton
“Any kid will run any errand for you, if you ask at bedtime.”
hey timber and lexi
hey timber and lexi 😀 ….
hey guys like my name 😆
hey lexi i stayed up till 12:00 last night (a.m) 😀
Wow. Later Than me! (just that specific night. I was tired, Okay!) 😀
I am in the same time zone as you.
That reminds me, I haven’t seen Kai lately! Wonder what happened?
yeah i woder where he is????
Yeah… I just remeber there was somebody else with their name like that. But it was just Jay-Mouth of Lightning. Why don’t you sign up for gravatar?
my parents wont let me (i dont know y) 🙁
yeah i remenber her or i dont know it might have been a boy
WHERES NEO BEEN??……did he actually stop coming on TBB?….he did say he wasnt liking it that much anymore………i mean i havnt been killed for like 5 days now its crazy!!! 😆
admin said to stop and he said Ok. (about the killing thing)
oh yeah…….he killed me 23 YIMES!!!!!!!!!!!! 😡 😡 😡
i know i know i spelled times wrong
Yeah. Now it seems like the main commennters are you, me and Timber. 😀
A few other people will occasionally comment.
Ya know some people say they are new but has been reading the comments. I wonder if there are some people reading this right know but has never commented. I keep making typing mistakes because i am typing in a room where the only light is my computer. Whoops! Typed a long responce AGAIN! Jay, i’m still here! 😀
i know lexi….
Last time I saw NEO was last night at about this time. It’s the weekend, so people do different stuff. He is a terrific kid… besides the mass murder thing. 😆
Ya jnow we should end up on page 11 soon (the web adress says what page we are in)
yeah 😆 😀
guess timber left…… 🙁 at least youre on
so what days youre birthday lexi?……….mines Feb the 10th
uuuuuug my stomach is killing me (i had to much popcorn) (it was AWESOME POPCRN THOUGH) 😀
i know youre still on lexi…….oh and i had been reading the comments for abought a month to two months till i started commenting
im in my room to lexi (on my bed)
i said i was in A ROOM not my room. But i am in my room. well, that is a useless comment. 😀
oh you said a room i thought you said youre room
I am in my room, accually! 😀
I just said a room. 😉
Mine is July 18th. 😀
oh i was wndering if you had the same birthday as my brother (his is the 13th)
oh i thought youre birthday was in june so i guess you to arnt close at all (his is june 13th)
Oh. Nevermind about being close to mine! But he is close to my brother’s (birthday).
Hey, that is pretty close to mine! 😀
my brothers birthday is June 5th and my little brother’s is on St. Patricks day! 😀
ha thats funny youre brother has the same birthday as my grandfather 😆 oh and my moms is the 6th of june just a day after youre ohter brothers 😆 😀 😛
i have a sister who born on the 13th of april (this year) another sister who was born on august 22. a brother who was born on the 22 of march just 4 days after youre brothers and a brother who i already told you was born on the 13th of june
i meant to say the 20th of march oops 😳
your newborn sister was corn 4 days before my really sweet and nice and cute (which he only uses to beg and pout when i say no) dog. he is an English Golden Retriver. the english part just makes his coat a creamish color. 😀
sooooooo…….maybe going to sleep soon……..maybe but i will stay up for like another 2o to 3o minutes
wonder y Nrg Cole never gets on (well he doesnt get on that much)
are you typing a long post????
No. Just a little brain dead from my 4 day weekend (haha it was funny when i wais that to my friends at yough group because it was really a 3 day weekend i just stayed home from school an thursday). So when i was trying to find the difference between 13 and 17 it took me a few minutes (literally). That is sad for a 7th grader in Advanced math. 😆
wait i thought youre 12 youre in 7th grade??? im 12 and i am in 6th grade i havnt been held back a year
Yeah. As i said my birthday is july 18th. My really old school (when i was in preschool) suggested holding me back because i was so much younger than almost everone in my class. Probally why i get along with 6th graders (not just u) much more than 7th graders.
Oh, and i wouldn’t think you where held back a year! Most people in 6th grade should be 12 by now. 😀
Unless they are like me or skiped a grade. 😀
Cole is one of the quiet ninjas. His mission of finding fresh episodes now has a break, so he is concentrating on improving his scouting skills for the new missions ahead. 😉
i youst to have a really nice dog but sadly he had to be put down (or whatever its called) 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥
😥 😥
My dog is only 3, but i would be really sad if that happened.
😥 😥
im going to sleap now by 😀
Bye! and sweet dreams! 😀
actually i will be on for a little bit longer
oh and i hope i dream abought ninjago 😆 (or star wars) 😆 ive actually had dreams abought star wars before 😆
you proabaly left since i said i was going to sleap
Speaking about dreams, I once had a dream that LEGO Ninjago skeletons were chasing me! 😀
Okay! Fine with me! I will be here (unless i somehow fall asleep on the floor) (which i have done before) 😆
oh youre still on 😆
Of Corse! I usually don’t leave if no one is here. I will just go do something else (like open another tab and look up quotes or respond to other comments).
kay 😀 😛
ive fallen asleep on the floor before and a piano bench and on the dinner table 😆
i dont know how i fell asleep on the dinner table 😆
so lexi do you have a wii i dont and i dont have a tv
Yeah, i have a wii and an X-box (accually, that is my brothers) and a Nintendo DSI- XL. and 3 TV’s. One really old one in my mom’s room, one for the wii, and one big one downstairs that getd cable (the others don’t).
3 tv’s thats nuts!!!!
We really don’t ever use the first two that don’t get cable. My little brother is always begging me to play video games on the wii with him. When he does that it just so happens i am always watching the TV. So he has taken a disliking to the TV. 😆
The dinner table???
How… 😕
Nevermind. 😆
I DONT KNOW HOW I DID OK!!!! its crazy LOL 😆
oh and that was when i was 10 i think maybe 9
it would 🙁 😥
you can here my dad snoring from a mile away (litterally) 😆
My dad snores loud too. accually he has a sleeping illness called sleepapnya (did NOT spell that right). Not because he snores.
yeah my dad has something like that to
my mom is watching some movie called pride and predijust something like that anyway
ok now im proabaly ganna go to sleep now
yeah good night for real now……oh and sweet ninjago dreams or whatever you like dreaming abought 😆 😀 😉 😆
Ok! Good night! And i really don’t know what i like dreaming about. Probally just want to dream about crazy and funny stuff so i have a cool story to tell my brother. 😀
Heard of that movie before! I didn’t watch it. I don’t know where i heard about it, though. 😕
ok now im going to bed!!!!! GOOD NIGHT!!
Haha! You were still here?
Can’t sleep or something?
I was about to sayit was a school night but your homeschooled. 😆
Still a school night for me. in about 45 minutes it will be a school morning! 😀
what is the promo code please tell me so i will tell my dad and my dad will let me have my dad’s iPhonethan i can have a free access for The Brick Tub LEGO app 🙂
Nya, I only have a few promo codes left and I’m holding them for people who are willing to write a full review. But the game is only 99 cents, so I don’t think it would be an issue for anyone who really wants to get it. 😉
i want to but a ninjago Costume and it is nya for me and jay for my brother so we are finding but i can not find any of it so tell me admin wair can i buy a ninjago Costume that are nya and jay and if you can not find nya that find zane and jay but tell me wair can i buy a ninjago Costume please tell me admin or everyone else ok 🙁 😕
Hm… that’s a great idea for a costume! I haven’t seen any but I will keep my eyes open. 😉
thanks admin 🙂
Admin, I am subscribed to these posts, but am not receiving any e-mails! What should I do?
Hey guys, sorry I was not on Saturday, but I am on now.
sup guys…………..(i just woke up)
hey green ninja 😀 ….
so where was everyone lat night????
sorry I was busy reading all of the comments to catch up on what I missed. I was busy all weekend.
Now I am up. Sorry I did not tell u I was going to bed when I came out of the computer room my mom said I have to go to ciarpractic (did not spell it right) in the morning. So I will not be on and I am also homeschooled too. 🙂
Yay! Made too the other page! I think? 😕 🙂
No I did not 🙁 but it does take me there!
yah, I know how you feel
OK first to post on page 11( I hope)
I have to go but might be back later. 😆
kay see ya…..i will be doing school for the first time in 2 to 3 weaks 😥 🙁 😥 🙁 😥 🙁 😥 🙁 😥 WOW!! thats a lot of cfrying and being sad 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
lol 😆