Below is episode thirteen of LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes. This episode is called “THE DAY OF THE GREAT DEVOURER”. You can watch previous episodes by following the links below this episode. You can also read the summary of each episode here: NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes – the Story…
Here we are at the last episode of the second season of LEGO NINJAGO! Despite all efforts made by Jay, Kai, Cole, Zane, Nya, Sensei Wu, and even Lord Garmadon and his son, Lloyd, the Great Devourer has been awakened and is destroying everything in its path! Will the heroes be able to stop this huge beast before it takes over the whole of Ninjago, including Ninjago City? Or will all be lost? Grab your popcorn and watch the show to find out what happens!
LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes – Episode Thirteen
➡ Watch Episode 1 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 1
➡ Watch Episode 2 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 2
➡ Watch Episode 3 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 3
➡ Watch Episode 4 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 4
➡ Watch Episode 5 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 5
➡ Watch Episode 6 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 6
➡ Watch Episode 7 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 7
➡ Watch Episode 8 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 8
➡ Watch Episode 9 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 9
➡ Watch Episode 10 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 10
➡ Watch Episode 11 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 11
➡ Watch Episode 12 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 12
If you would like to see the whole selection of 2012 LEGO NINJAGO sets and where they are available check here:
oh ok i have to do school every day except for thursday. my mom has to work. and i am also homeschooled. r u? 😕
yes im homeschooled 😀 (just got dun doing math)
I am and it gets boring cause I live out in the country and there aren’t many kids out here, let alone homeschooled kids. 🙁
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo is any1 else on? and admin, how do u link something to your name?
Timber, just fill out the website info when you leave a comment to have your name link there. 😉
im on timber 😆 😀 😉 😛
Hey! I am on and am in science class but unfortanuly we have to do math in science class again. 🙁
Since i am fast at math i can go on here, though! 😀
hey lexi………….man im so tired from staying up last night 😆
Hello! I finished my math and i am bored. My teacher asked how many people were still working and only one person raised their hand. 😀
He said a few more min. becuase of that. 😀
Haha i am not really that tired even though i was up till 12 and got up at 7:15. haha i gues i am used to it since i was doing this since last October. 😀
You still here? 😕
When i said haha i was not laughing at the fact you were tired. I was laughing at the fact i wasn’t tired despite the fact i got not too much sleep. 😉
i know you wernt laughin at me
I have to go. See u all later! 😉
ok see u later 🙂
We are reading shakesheare in LA (language arts).
I don’t like it. 😐
the language is a bit weird. How can people talk like that in Shakespear time? 🙁
We are going to look at new houses to move into and i might not be back till at or before 7:00. I am going to be STARVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁
wait where are ya moving to? is it far from youre house? (my lego magazine came today) 😛
you get lego magazine? cool
i have lego magazine too but it did not came 2 mouth and maybe i am going to tell mom to call the LEGO CO. (maybe)
It is supposed to come every 2 months
I am just moving around. We were renting a house for a year but now we are buying. Accually, the house we think we are going to buy is about a 2 min. walk from my current house and i have quite a few friends that live there. So i am getting a bigger house and that is all that is really changing so i am happy about moving accually. 😀
ok guys i m here i climbed a mountain on saturday and sunday and got sick………………..
oh hey neo…………………………….. 😀
New poll on my blog. Whose your favorite side character.
i voted for hawk
i like his theme song
Wait, who was Dr. Julien? and Lou? 😕 😕
I was confused about hawk at first. Oh, and it is a falcon btw. 😉
Okay! I looked it up and Lou is the name of cole’s father and Dr. Julien was Zane’s creator. I just never remember them mentioning their names, so i didn’t know. 😀
I don’t think they did mention their names in the movie. 😕
Sorry, Guys. Lou is cole’s dad, Dr.Julien is zane’s dad. I did make it up either
okay have a new poll and post
just voted 😉
Looking for a house took us an hour longer than expected and i am STARVING!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁
hey taryn its a falcon
hey guys….
ok i am so sorry i left u unexpectedly when i got up to go get something to eat, momma had me in the car to go swimming! ya, it was fun and all but i hate to leave some1 as soon as i get on . its like, weird.
hey timber 😎
this is my 12th comment all say my least comments in a day EVER! 😆
soooooooooooooooooooooo what r we talking about?
HI where is lexi? she is usually on by now
Yeeeeeaaaaahhhh… about that,
I, uhhh, sort of got really mad and sad with my dad (haha all 3 rhyme) and i went outside into the forest of my house from about 9:15 till 11:30 and my dad is REALLY mad at me for that now. 😐
ok hear is the last part of my story, hope u like it! 😀
Jay: Zane, get up, Zane? ZANE!!!!!!
Slowly opens his eyes
Zane: i had a……. a……. weird…… dream.
Kai: was it part 2 of the green ninja dream? or was it part 2 of the sequeal? tell us-
Cole: after we train Lloyd. If Garmadon comes back, theres no telling how we-i mean, u defeat him.
Lloyd sarcasticaly: ha ha ha very funny. so when do we start? i am so excited about learning spinjitzu!
Kai: patience. that is your first lesson.
Lloyd: what? is that it? no test or anything?
Kai: maybe? u will have to wait and see….
Cole: so Zane, what did u dream about? i saw u start to kick and punch in your sleep, and-
Nya: what u talking about?
Jay: hi Nya, u look pretty today.
Nya: don’t judge a book by its cover.
Cole: looks ARE decieving!
every1 laughs
Zane: it started like this: me and Jay were….
1 hour later
Zane: lets take revenge on all the snakes!
Jay: awesome so far! whats next?
Zane: thats it. u woke me up.
Sensie wu walks in
Sensei wu: did u give Lloyd your lesson?
Kai: yep!
Sensie wu: another dream?
Zane: yes
Sensei wu: what was it about?
Zane: a talking snake truck.
Sensei wu: ummmm… i am going now.
every1 laughs
I love the title! and the story! It is all funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😆
ha ha ha 😀 😀 😀 😆
is any1 on? i have to go to bed so i will see u in the mornin. bye 🙂
I SERIOUSLY doupt anyone is on, especially at this time. Just wanted to say hello and sorry for not being here like i usually am! 😳
im here!
but i dont know why.
Hey! you new?
Wow 3232 comments!
but that is in 3 weeks. try over 2,000 in 1 week! 😀
haha you all remember that? 😀
no i dont
Sort of, on for a week
Ok. Oh, and i was talkimg to the others who were here then when i mentioned the 2,000 comment thing. Is it 12:28 a.m. where you live?
my wifi may be turned off so if i leave in middel of a convetsation you know why.
sounds like my computer that would lose it’s wifi connection for ABSOLUTLY NO REASON.
Oh, and if i ever drop out of a conversation that probally means i fell asleep. It is 12:38 for me u know! 😉
oh, i live in WA
So for you it is only 9:35. It is 12:35 a.m. here. and i am not homeschooled so i have to go to school tommorow. I get up at 7:00.
😀 here in WA its 9:39
said that already. 😕
To see my comments you have to refreah the page. They don’t automatically show up. 😉
ohhhhh. Also my laptop is slow
i wake up for school at 5:55
my brother wakes up at 5:53 a.m. (no seriously. that exact time. don’t know why he does that :???:)
Scary. You should sleep its late, i am
Haha when you said that i already fell asleep. 😆
notice i didn’t respond. 😆
im just going to leave my comments are allways messed up! Just look at my other posts! P.S i usually come on a 4:00 here.
I usually come on on that time too. We just had to go look at houses (to buy) yesterday, so i couldn’t get on. 🙁
i am going to show you somethin that will make you thinking of a Silly Sheep 😆
The Silly Sheep
The silly sheep sat in his house
and tried to make a cake.
He added pepper and some mud
and put it in to bake.
When it was done, it was so bad
He threw it in the lake!
he he he to me it is funny 😆
Nya, it’s funny, but this is a disussion about Ninjago, not nursery-rymes. 😉
Never heard that before! 😀
oops sorry
o and by the way ther is a bad news to me on my TORRANCE SYMPHONY CONCERTO COMPETITION. it is a name for the my piano competition and do you know what happin to me? i did NOT won the competition 🙁 and the person who won is name Andrew Moses age 12 Clarinet (Junior Category)
Nya, so sorry to hear that! Maybe next time? 😉
See Sensei Lexi (Ninja of Shishkabobs) =D i did the same kind of face on my name =) 🙂
You can just call me lexi for short. 😉
hey guys, what did I miss?
just woke up (im tired) 😆
I woke up at 6:00 a.m.
hello? Oh well 🙂
Lego Ninjago rules.
😀 🙂 O
l l
Ok I am up. Who all liked my story? And Lexi if u r on, (which I doubt it) I live in GA
I loved it Timber. It had a hilarious twist at the end. 😀
Yeah! Sorry it isn’t on my website yet i didn’t have time. i have to go now. 😀
i liked it timber
oh and lexi ……………………………………………………….Rar 🙂
im on guys………………………..Rar
hey jay :0
I am glad that Lego created Lego Cuuscoo, so that people’s Ideas for lego sets can become real.
im so happy im abought to go to toys r us to buy some ninjago spinners and maybe a booster pack 😀

AWESOMENESS you should get the jay zx booster pack
Lucky you!!! 😀
go to to see an Idea for a lego star trek theme.
Oh and by the way, you will love this Timber.
Thanks green ninja that’s awesome! Have to show my dad when he gets home!!!! 😀 love it!
your welcome Timber 😉
Also, that is the website that Lego Minecraft came from, so it could be a real theme if it gets 10,000 aproves.
I just called him he will be home around 5:00ish. But we watch an episode every night so ya. And in April we start the whole season over again (have all of them not kidding) I like the 1with captain Jainway and commander chicotea (I think that is how u spell there names) we finish season 6 around June. So we r almost through!
Ok my break is over I have to get back to school. See ya ll later! (and if I am not on at night I have been watching Star Trek) but I doubt it tonight. I might I might not. Will just have to wait and see! 😀
Haha once i was chating with my friends on my DSI XL and i left and then this guy came on called Stakler. and then another person came on called stalker also. It was accually me and my friend. There was 3 people on and two of the 3 were named stalker, so the person who wasn’t a stalker freaked out. I got the idea when my friend and me where chatting and SHE changed her name and i was asking who the heck she was and she kept saying it’s ME. I showed my friend and she said it was her. And be burst out laughing. Darn it i did it AGAIN (typed a really long post).
It is OK Lexi
lol that’s all I can say. But I do it a lot too!!!
yep, It is just a habit people have.
no kidding. 😆
I love Lego Ninjago 🙂 😀 😛 😆
Me too! And on the season 3 comments, some1 said Kai was going to die. Is that true?
I highly doubt that.
Me too
no he will not die
I know, they can’t kill him off. ( and for anyone who does not know what that means, it is director talk for taking a character off of a show.)
I hate spell check, it is always correcting me. 😆
who here has a Lego ID ?
i have a lego id 😀
same here, are you on lego ninjago spinjitzu spinball
I know a riddle with no answer
it is , ” why is a sparrow like a writing desk?”.
well I have to go so I will see you all later
hey green ninja toys r us didnt ave the jay zx booster pack 🙁 buuuut it did have the kendo cole and llyod garmadon booster pack so i got those 😀 those are the only things that i got
I have those too, and Jay zx.
they are AWESOME 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
I am so going to join Lego Cuuscoo
go to to see a hilarious video and then the same video as a Lego stop motion film. It is hilarious. 😀 😆
I watched it 5 times today.
I have to go but I will try to be on tomorrow
the kendo cole booster pack goes great with my cole zx
ok see ya tommorow
is any1 on?
hello is any1 on?
i think the website i linked to my name is Ninjago. com. thays what i put. let me check…..
yaaaaaaaaaa it is!!!!!!!!!!
IS ANY1 ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahaha everything is in caps lock except that 1. its tiny
i guess not 🙁 i will try later tonight
I am back
P.S. now i am on my DSIXL
my DSI XL will start to load the page but then it will say “Out of Memory” and i will only see half the page. 🙁
My name takes you to! 😀
It’s blocked for me. 🙁
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! some1 i can talk to!!!!
uh, NRG PYTHOR r u still there?
guess not where is every1 today! it is 7:04 and nobody on! (at least that is hat time it is where i live)
i know where green ninja is but i do not know where any1 else is
Same as you i am in the Eastern time zone. 😀
So is Jay and neo.
NRG PYTHOR is in the Pacific time zone. 😉
ok i changed my name! i know it is weird but, hay! we all have different tastes! 😀
ha ha very funny get it hay??????????????
sup guys 😛
i know!
hey guys new post and poll
kay i will cack it out now………..
can u add my story?
if anybody needs any info on my ninja, here it is:
suit color: brown
weapon: scythe
element: wood (pretty obvious)
hair description: long, brown,and lots of curls (always in a ponytail)
vehicle: a big brown clydestale named Bark (it is a type of horse breed)
home: a big hut up in the trees. lives in the forest of tranquillity.
background: supposed to be the earth ninja but things got a little chaotic. Sensei said “if she likes wood, why not make her a wood ninja” and now i live in the forest of tranquillity. where i met Bark as a colt.
spinjitzu color: brown (also obvious)
family: none. been an orphan since i was 2
hope this helps if any of u wants to put me in a story! 😀
hey timber 😛
hey neo voted for wisp 😛
like my name timber?
Yes I do
It fits your personality like, a puzzle
Im back! Again
sorry for leaving
Where is everybody? 😥
Right here
i have to go sorry 😥
Oh well guess I am alone again bye NRG PYTHOR
if any body is not on in at least 4 min, i will have to go cause i only have 10 min. to talk
Hello! I was swimming[just to let you know]. Also if i leave that means i whent to eat din.
sup guys (and timber yes it fits my personality) (my name) 😆 😆
Hello! Sorry i wasn’t here earlier i was at Marching band. It was HARD. and it was just a warm up! 🙄
well guys im going to bed 🙁 😀 i will be back tomorrow see ya 😛
are you SURE??? 😆
about going to bed. 😉
I am back… once again.
Hi. I was off for, well, untill right when you just so happened to post. I am making a website for my percussion marching band! 😀
Marching band?
P.S you can call me pythor instead of NRG PYTHOR
Yeah i am in Marching band. Ot is only avalible to rising 8th graders (current 7th graders) and above. I love band! 😀
I do to, I used to play percussion until I became homeschooled, but now I take drum lessons
Guess what!
Wait, what grade are you in?
7th. I am still 12 though. oh, and what? (for when you said guess what?)
Um.. nothing. Well i am in 6th grade and 12 yrs old! 😀
Yeah. My birthday is July 18th so i have a little while left. By brother on the other hand has about a month left till he turns 11. 😀
i will be back on in 20 min
Okay. I will read my book “Earthquake Terror” by Peg Kerhet (my FAVORITE author). Hopefully i won’t fall asleep (which i probally will since it is almost 12 a.m. 😀
I have to go to the orthodontist tommorow morning so i have to get up earlier (not really. only by like 10 min.)
I read that book in 4th grade! Does your bro like ninjago?
Yes. I have 2 brothers and they both like ninjago. I started liking it first, though, and got them into it. 😀
lol! Do you have any sets?
No. Neither do my brothers. I just dicovered ninjago a few months ago and i don’t have any money to buy them wiht so i have to wait till my birthday. do you have any sets? 😀
I have the skull motorbike
No but i have some spinners and im planning to buy the Ultra Sonic Raider! You can ask your parents if you can do work to earn money.
I don’t have much free time (to do work). You see, when i go on this website, i am in my room on my laptop in my bed. My mom nor dad knows i am on and thinks i am sleeping. I have been doing this since the beginning of October, just not on this website. I watched pokemon or kirby or looked at other random websites. 😀
Plus they don’t have much extra money to give me. They are on a super saving spree to save money to buy a house (not rent).
We accually own a house still back in florida. 😀
same here! We own a house in south caralina but were renting a house here in chile and want to biuld one on the propedy we bought here!! 🙂
Thats funny, my parents dont know im on at this time too :D! Also sorry for responding so late. Darn DSIXL!
I know how you fell about the DSI XL. I have one too. SLOWEST internet connection EVER! Oh, and i wont fall asleep anytime soon as long as i have my book. usually it would make me tireder but it is so epic it helps me stay awake. 😀
the website is blocked on my school’s computer, so i can’t go on it. all i know is it is a gaming website because it says “Gaming websites are blocked” 🙁
I have no idea. The game isnt that bad even, its rated E10! You dont have to look at it you know 😀
yah a lot of websites are blocked sadly, including my sister’s blog, which is why I had to change my name link.
and that includes the lego star wars website
hey green ninja IM OBSESSED WITH LEGO’S!!!!!!!!
I KNOW THEY ARE AWESOME!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 8)
NINJAGO IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
(im paying her back) 
those have not come out yet.
well there at my house right now!!!!!!!!
hey green ninja the weapon pack is on type in on amazon ninjago weapon pack and you will probably find it 😉
admin you would love the nrg kai and chokun spinners since there clear 😉
and chokuns crown is clear to!
😉 😛
so where is everyone today???????!!!!!!!???????!!!!!!!!! 😕
I know, I saw those! Definitely a must! 😀
yeah they are AWESOME 😉 im sooooo getting the ones that come out in june 😉
the sets?
yes they have come out 😉 😕 😛
Oh my Gosh this book is EEPPIICC!!!!!
( SPPOLIER ALERT)(i got to the part where the kid Johnathan was swimming across to land and then got hit in the face with a giant tree trunk and fainted in the water and started sinking!)
EPIC BOOK ALERT!!!!!!! 😆 😆
Awwww… I finished the book. I hate it when i finish an exciting, epic book! 😥 🙁
Hopefully i am getting my extendors off (and braces on) tommorow morning! 😀
Let’s hope for the best. 😉
I agree with the first part of what you siad
I am tired and i have to get up early tommorow so i am probally going to sleep now. Probally. 😉
hey lexi i was sure abought going to sleep last night 😆 oh and mornin guys
good morning everyone ! 😀 😀
hello! For me its 5:38 in the morning
wow 😯
if i randomly leave than i went to shool
Ok pythor.
I am obsessed with legos. I know tons about lego’s history.
Good for you :D!
did you know that legos first partnership with Disney was to make inflatable bath tub ring toss.
Are you serious?! 😯
yes I am 😆
Ok I am up. What r we talking about?
lot’s of things.
Oh and good luck with your dentist appointment lexi! 😀
Ok, who here is obsessed with Legos like I am ?
LOL! Probably everyone! Otherwise we wouldn’t be here! 😆
ME TOO!! also i have to go 6:16 time for school 😥
see yah later. 😥
I have to go by.
oh and if any of ya guys want it go to target 😛 it will probably be there 😉 (the nrg kai and chokun) 😉 😛 🙂
ok so whats everyone’s favorite face???? mines this one: 😛 then number 2 would beeee………. oh yay this one:
ok so the comments are up here now 😕
mine is 😆
Mine is odbiously 😀
my third favorite face is 😆
i just took this super annoying test at school! its a sort of visual test name all the colors on the page in order in a minute then read the names of colrors then say the name of the colors but not the words wich are in a different color. its confusing just describing it. there were a bunch of other parts to the test to but i cant rember them why!!!!!!!!!!!!
i like those tests! 😉
There sort of fun!
LOL! So why are kids tortured like this? 👿
hi every body! what r we talking about?
ugh! the comments r messing up!
hey timber……………………………………
hey so is anyone on????????
hey guys NRG KAI’S golden weapon is AWESOME!
😛 😆
new post and poll
i voted neo 😉
Hello! 😀
I am practicing my band songs for my concert tommorow at 7:00! I have some important parts including solos!
I am EXCITED!!! plus we don’t have p.e. tommorow because of combined band class, which we always do before a concert! 😀
I really don’t like the four headed dragon. My friend absoulutly wants it. It’s a FOUR headed dragon! It’s pretty creepy to me. That’s my new poll too. 😉
Did you see the cuusoo idea for Zelda? I’m almost done with my own Zelda game (skyward sword). By the way, how do you make a post?
Yep, they are pretty sweet! If you would like to write a post, you can submit your article (just send it to me by email (my contact info is under the Contact Us tab). Your submission should be in simple word format with pictures and videos attached. The article should be around 500 words or more, and there should be at least one picture/video. You can also link to other people’s pictures and videos as long as you give them credit. If you have any questions just let me know. 😉
On it costs $39.99[ way too much]!Also its not out at my local target.
Are you talking to me or somebody else?
Does anybody know what month the ultra sonic rader is realesed?
Hello im back!
Hi! I am bored. and Excited. How can i e bored and excited at the same time? 😕
😆 😀 😉 🙂 😈 😮 8) 😛 ❗ 
(my comments worked on my computer.)(not the one i was recently using. that was my school’s computer) 😉
any smile with a smile (not frown or roll or oops or evil)
Messed up the 😛 somehow. 😕
Fixed the smiley for ya! 😉
Not possible. Only you can do that! 😆
Hi bored! (Sorry, couldn’t help it.)
Today my bus broe down before it could ick us up from the school and take us home so i was late getting home. That is why i wasn’t on (for the 3rd time in 3 days :()
This is getting annoying it keeps poping up on the second page and there are no comments there and i have to go back and scroll down. UGGGGGG!!!!! 😐
For the past few days not many people have commented. Jay, u noticed too, right? you were talking about how that one day was the least # of comments u have ever done in a day. Don’t know what my least is. Probally around 20-30. 😀
That is what i was afraid of when the season ended for a long time (everyone not coming on as much or at all). 😥
yay. first on the page. Never happened to me before! 😀
ehhhh… not really something to be excited about.
sup lexi……. 😛
im tired 😉
How are you tired? It’s only… oh. It’s 9:33. I though it was earlier! 😮
i dont know how im tired i just am….. 😕
yeah lexi not that mant people have been on TBB. i havent been on that much today cause i was gone (at stores p.s. i got 2 ninjago spinners today 😛 SO HAPPY!)
Lexi, actually the traffic at TBB is the same 9,000-11,000 people a day. It is just less of you, chatterboxes. 😉
I only ment us ‘Chatterboxes!’ 😆
Oh, I see, well you guys can continue to chat as long as you want. I also looked into some chat software to add to TBB. What do you think? I’m wondering if that is a good idea and if I should only add it to the Ninjago section or the sidebar that would show up on all pages. I’m a bit worried that it will slow down the site and you guys are the only ones who talk so much anyway. I wonder what it is about Ninjago that attracts all the chatterboxes? 😉
1 word (that attracks chatterboxes): Jay. 😆
Notice half of the people here’s fave character is Jay! 😀
LOL! You mist be right! 😆
probably the excitement! 😉 😆