Below is episode thirteen of LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes. This episode is called “THE DAY OF THE GREAT DEVOURER”. You can watch previous episodes by following the links below this episode. You can also read the summary of each episode here: NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes – the Story…
Here we are at the last episode of the second season of LEGO NINJAGO! Despite all efforts made by Jay, Kai, Cole, Zane, Nya, Sensei Wu, and even Lord Garmadon and his son, Lloyd, the Great Devourer has been awakened and is destroying everything in its path! Will the heroes be able to stop this huge beast before it takes over the whole of Ninjago, including Ninjago City? Or will all be lost? Grab your popcorn and watch the show to find out what happens!
LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes – Episode Thirteen
➡ Watch Episode 1 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 1
➡ Watch Episode 2 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 2
➡ Watch Episode 3 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 3
➡ Watch Episode 4 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 4
➡ Watch Episode 5 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 5
➡ Watch Episode 6 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 6
➡ Watch Episode 7 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 7
➡ Watch Episode 8 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 8
➡ Watch Episode 9 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 9
➡ Watch Episode 10 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 10
➡ Watch Episode 11 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 11
➡ Watch Episode 12 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 12
If you would like to see the whole selection of 2012 LEGO NINJAGO sets and where they are available check here:
I’m lost. What’s so exciting? What did I miss???? ❓ New poll btw too on my blog.
Hi guys
Well, I have very bad news, 🙁 my friend Lexi was diagnosed with HSP (don’t ask what it is. I have no clue.) and was stuck in the hospital December 2011. She has been there for at least 2-3 months. She sees a doctor 2 times every month in Augusta now. I went to see her last weekend and she was at home. But she cannot go anywhere. When I left I was sitting in the front seat and I looked in the rear view mirror and saw her crying. We Skype often but she says its not the same. My mom mention to me the first time we saw her in the hospital “we don’t have it bad” it is very hard for her mom and there is a lot of medical bills. Sometime this month they r doing a fundraiser to raise up money. 1.00$ will be donated to her for every drink sold. This is a very hard time for her and me because we have known each other for at least 2-3 years. I care a lot about her and hope this wears off soon. 🙁 ;( 🙁 ;(
Still nobody on! Well I am very tired. I am going to bed now. See y’all in the mornin. 😉 😛 😀
Aww… i was on but playing a game on called coffee shop!
oh, and i feel soooooo sorry! (for your friend)
i hope lots of people buy drinks and raise money so she can get better! She has the same name as me! (well, her name is my nickname.)
Oh, and i looked it up and HSP stands for Henoch-Schoenlein Purpura, which is an inflammation of small blood vessels. 🙁
oh, i forgot to say Good-Night! (i was planning to but got sidetracked ;))
im truly sorry, i hope she gets better.
Timber, I’m really sorry to hear that your friend is ill. I did a little research on HSP and it is called Henoch-Schönlein Purpura. It seem to effect quite a lot of children, and it is not fun, but the good news is that in 94% of the cases children recover with no issues. I hope this is the case with your friend and there are no further complications involved. It can be very scary to be sick so if it is possible stay in touch with her as much as possible. Hope she will be well soon!
i am done with my test and now i got do do my homework so arfter that than i see you later ok
PS, Saria the goden ninja, please tell me the store that you has not so all of us for 1 month so please tell me ok 😉
and thank you.
Part 12 The Earthquake
Sensei Wu: Stop you don`t know what you are doing
Pythor: Yes I do destroying the world
Zane: There`s nothing we can do
Cole: There must be
(In the Hypnorbrai tomb)
Skales: We jussst need one more sssnake
Acidicus: We need Pythor
Skalidor: WAIT! what`sss that
Fangtom:It`sss an earthquake
Mezmo: But that meansss…
(In ninjago city)
Lloyd: Only if dad was here
Kai: Yeah, and bring back destiny`s bounty
Jay: Wait what`s that!
(Out of nowhere purple lightning struck and lord garmadon came out)
Lord Garmadon: If anyone dares to threaten ninjago it had better be me!
(More purple lighting struck and the earthquake stopped)
Kai: You rock!
Lloyd: (hugs lord garmadon)
Lord Garmadon: Pythor is getting away
Sensei Wu: Just let him go
(In the Hypnorbrai tomb)
Pythor: I`ve returned
Skales: Welcome back
Fangtom: We`ve misssed you
Skalidor: The ninja killed The Great Devourer
Acidicus: But it wasssn`t easy
Anyone like my stories
not that bad. 😉
Of course! 😀
YAAAAAA! Go Pythor!
hey guys I am on and saw what you said about your friend. I fell so sorry, and hope that she will get better. I wanted to let you know that I fully support her.
that was for you timber 😉
hey guys……… 😀 taryn i have an idea for you 😉 :which of the four ninja looked the coolest when they unlocked there true potential. hope you like the idea taryn 😀 😛 😉
I would vote for jay!!!!!
id vote for zane (he was AWESOME 😀 )
That is a really good question, accually! haha i can’t decide! Decisions, decisions… 😆
can’t even knock off a single one! I like them all! 😀 😀 😀
Heeeeeyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
I am about to leave Band. we were on our laptops all of band class. only reason i would be able to get on! 😀
Leaving now… going to Language Arts… might be back on in a few min.
Or 30 min.
Or when i get home! 😀
haha, 43 min., i was close! 😀
reading shakespeare AGAIN… 🙄
I also like the others too, but Zane’s is coolest.
I love the music that comes with it!
Sorry about not being on at 9:00 p.m. lately. we have just been up to a lot of different activities, such as sewing mothers day presents! (yes, i know how to sew. i got a sewing machine for christmas! :D)
guess it doesn’t really matter i wasn’t on at 9:00 p.m. today cause nobody was! Accually, the last comment was 3 hours ago! 😕
between 7:30-9:30 is usually peak times around here! It seems not many people went on today. There were only about 20 comments today! 🙁
( Don’t leave me!!!!!!!!!!! 😥 :cry:)
Lexi, Ninjago fans have been around actually, but at other posts. Unfortunately I’m the only one who can see all comments of all posts together at one place. I would suggest to check some of the other recent Ninjago posts (the one on the spinners and the one on Season 3 have been pretty active). Just check the top five and I think you will find someone around at pretty much any time. 🙄
Since there has been no new episodes i am CRAVING Ninjago right now! I… WANT… NNIINNJJAAGGOOOOOOOO!!! 😈 😈
😆 😀
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUG my 4 year old sister just woke up crying 😡 😥 (she’s sick)
Awwww… I hope she gets better soon! 😀
I have EOG’s (like FCAT’s) next week on tuesday – thursday. Wiah me luck! 😀
ment Wish not Wiah. hard to see in the dark. 😀
Wishing you good luck! 🙂
good luck 😀 😉
UGGGGG i just found out today that PART (yes, PART) of the math EOG is going to be 5 hours!!! 🙁 🙁
I was never that bad in Florida!! I miss the FCAT’s!! 🙁
Uggggg i am HHUUNNGGRRYY!!!!!!!!!! ( u would be too if u had 3 cookies for breakfast, a hotdog for lunch, and a bowl of rice and peas for dinner. and two chocolate chip cookies for desert.)
My Stomach is Litterally growling!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁 👿
I am tired. I am going to go to bed. sorry if i miss anybody! (mostly meaning NRG Pythor.)
On the up side, if i go to bed early (or at least what i consider early) i will be less tired tommorow night and stay up later! Good-night!
I just watched Thor. Just thought I’d throw that out there.
😕 I do not know who thor is. (well, i know he is a superhero, but i don’t know which one :???:)
I know i said i was going to bed. i was but for some reason i started staring at the wall and was about to close my laptop when i thought i might as well see if anyone commented while i was staring at the wall. (haha that is sort of funny! :lol:)
I accually am going to bed now. closing my laptop right after i push the submit button (stomach growls) UUGGGG!!! ( i am REALLY hungry!!!!!) 🙁
Thor is the god of thunder. (Yes, I know there is only one God, but Thor’s not REALLY a god. Obviously.)
You mean that guy with that giant hammer? I’m pretty sure that was thor. 😉
Yup, that’s Thor! He is so funny in the Avengers! Did you see it Sensei Lexi?
No. 😐
that movie was great
Did anyone see what i said about the summer sets? Oh well
Good Morning, everybody! as the song goes, it’s Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday!!!!!!! 😀
No school tommorow! I have 4 more weeks of school left!!!!!! 😀 😀
The last week shouldn’t count (i did count it) because there is no tests or anything. we are having a fun week! Going to a white water rafting place all day on the last week of school and then watching a movie the day after. Since the grading period ends before the last week. So no learning!!!! just lots and lots of FUN 😀 😀 😀
School will be fun for once!!!!!!
The only downside to the white water rafting field trip is i wont get to come on TBB!! 😥 🙁
but i still cant wait for the field trip!!
(oh wait, another downside is i have to get up early 🙁 Oh, well! 😀 :D)
hey guys. I am probably on to early so am just saying that tonight I am going to write an awesome ninjago story.
Looking forward to your story, Green Ninja! 😀
thanks 😉
I am probably going to make mine tommorow night becuase i have to practice the piano for this talent show thing we are having at church. I am going to sing the song “Ironic” (it has a bad word in it but i am NOT singing the bad word), and i am playing A Winter’s Tale” on the piano (not at the same time as the song). 😀
got to go by guys. 😀
i just woke up at 10:10!
Hey. I got to science class at about 10:10! I am leaving to Social Studies class in about 2 min. 🙁
Today is a spit day (not half a school day, just spit our A-day classes and B-day classes) (it is really complicated) (there is 4 blocks (periods) in a school day, then there is A-day, where in the 1st block i go to math, 2: Science, 3: P.E., 4: Language Arts. On B-day i go to 1:Math (again) 2: Social studies, 3: Band, and 4: Language Arts (again). On a split day we go to both our A-day and B-day classes for half the block (or period). 😉
Belive me, when i moved here in the beginning of the school year, i was REALLY confused. And since i was in 7th grade, they expected me to know the routine! 🙁
Gosh, that sounds worst then going to work! 😡
I am in science and just found out we are making bottle rockets out of accual 2 Liter bottles! (like the really big soda bottles you would get at the store) One more cool thing we are going to do on the last week of school! (we will lauch them some time during the last day of school :D)
hey lexi…………………………. 😛
AWESOME, but here we have 3 litter bottles 😈
a bigger computer screen just came in the mail 😛
😕 a bigger computer screen? ❓ 😕
believe me, they have a much bigger result. 😈
Hey, we made those like a month ago! Ours had to carry 50 paper clips. (We used small ones, do you think that that’s cheating?)
my brother wanted to tell you all that he made a website (again). It is a website that has tips (that he made up) to improve your website. this is the link: 😀
Lexi, tell your brother it’s nice. I like the colors! 😀
kay il ceck it out…………………
its ok (the website) 😉 ……………..and yes the computer screen is BIGGER 😛
soooooooo i guys 😀
i ment hi guys 😆 😀 😉
OK people. since it will be one hour till my story will be written, I have decided to give you one hint to what it is. My story is called “The Yellow Ninja Saga”.
cool 😀 cant wait 😉 😀 did you see my story on lexi’s website? 😀 its called arcade attack. 😀
oh I saw it. In fact I read it several times.
cool 😀 😛 😀
Ok People who are reading this and have heard of this story, just to make sure that you understand this, I am telling you that this story will be like none other on the brick blogger. It is written as a book would be written, so that you can see more of the story than you normally would. Also, this story takes place in almost all of the seasons that we are absolutely one hundred percent sure have been or will be released. This includes seasons 1 trough 3, so I hope you enjoy this long an epic saga.
The Yellow Ninja Saga
*part 1*
Long ago, not long after ninjago had been created, a prophecy was made. The prophecy predicted the end of the underworld wold come by the hand of the destined yellow ninja. This ninja supposedly would hold the element of water in there hands, and would use it to save Ninjago. But after many years of waiting, people began to think that the prophecy was wrong, and soon the people of ninjago forgot it. But years later something happened that gave people hope in the prophecy. That was the attack of the skeleton army. In a village, there lived a young man named Jake who was the son of a farmer who was once a skilled blacksmith. But one day changed his life forever. That day was the day the skeletons first arrived in ninjago.
“Dad, can I go hang out with my friends now?” said Jake.
“Not until you get those supplies you were supposed to get a few days ago from the village,” said his father.
“All right,” said Jake, unhappily.
It took about an hour to get to the village. He brought his usual rake with him. He always brought with him while he ran errands. That is when he heard the screams from the other end of the village. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, towards the place where he heard the scream come from. There in the streets, he saw hundreds of skeletons and his father being carried away in the ocean of white skulls. He did the first thing anyone would do if they saw a loved one being taken by evildoers, he fought back. He took the rake and swung it across the front row of skeletons, and watched as they shattered into pieces. Then he grabbed the nearest skeleton bone and started throwing bone after bone at the mass of white. Soon, skeletons began to surround him. So he hoisted himself up on the top of the rake and started kicking at the bony criminals, knocking their heads off and slowing them down. But what he did not notice was the monstrous skeleton monster truck. The enormous vehicle swerved through the skeletons and eventually caught Jake in it’s jaws. The gigantic truck brought him to what seemed to be a small skeleton base filled with humans locked in bone cages like animals. The skeletons took Jake and locked him in a small bone cage that dangled over a cliff. But the one thing that Jake did not know that he would soon find out, was that he had just had his last taste of freedom for a long time.
So thank you for reading part one of my incredibly long and exciting saga. I think that part two will arrive at 11:00 pm eastern time on mother’s day. Please stay tuned for more updates on this epic saga.
P.S. I got to excited so I am posting this a few minutes early.
please tell me how you liked my story
It is really EPICLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was accually thinking about how none of the stories the rest of us write are in a book format! It is like we are writing a script! 😆
yep that is how I gt the idea to do something different.
plus with script writing, you can not tell the setting without placing it within the dialog
thanks Jay. 😀
Excellent story! Can’t wait to see what happens next! Yeah, Jake, get those bony criminals! 😀
thanks Admin 😀
got to go but will be back tomorrow 😉
Ok readers of this blog. I am going to post part 2 of my story on mother’s day at 11:00 pm. But if It do not post it at 11:00 pm, then I will post a sneak preview f part 2 and will post part 2 on Tuesday at 11:00 pm.
cool 😀 oh and good mornin guys 😀
so uuuuuuuuuum i assume jake is the yellow ninja right? 😆 😀 😆
you will find out in later parts.
kay 😀
well i guess someone else might be the yellow ninja 😀
yep, just like the mysterious green ninja
Hi guys.
I FINNALLY got my piano song i am playing today at 2:00 p.m.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is called Winter (something). Forgot what it was called. 😕
I am also singing Ironic! 😀 😀 😀
hey lexi and timber 😛
im abought to eat lunch 😀
does anyone like stop motion lego movies? 😀 i LOVE making stop motion lego movies 😀 ive made a couple ninjago movies 😀
I like watching them, but I never have the time to make them.
cool lexi 😀
so um lezi or timber are you still on?
oops sorry lexi i spelled youre name wrong 😳 😆
Lol (no offense)
Lexi, you are playing a winter song in the summer? 😕
Tecnically it is Spring, and yes, yes i am. 😆
It is called A Winter Tale. 😀
I was sooooo nervous when i sang the Ironic Song that my voice shook! 😯
Everyone kept complimeting me though about how i have a really good voice and that i could go up there and sing the whole song word for word without any other backround music or anything (for like, timing im guessing?) I dont really see the big deal about the word- for word thing. I have been able to do that kind of thing with all sorts of different songs for years. 😕
Well, then again, most people cant get 100% on a vocab test studying for 0nly 20 minutes a few hours before they take the test. I still dont get it though. I stink at remembering names, though. 😕 😳
Is any1 on? I am about to leave for a family reunion.
Ok u guys r. Just checking 😀
sorry i had just left 😀 🙁
I have never been to a family reunion before! How was it?
haha then again, gathering every person with my last name would take up all of new york! There is 7 families in my school alone that have the same last name as me! 😆
You’ve never been to a family reunion? Wow. I go to one every 2 years! I have to go practically across the whole country to get there. My last name isn’t that common, but my mom’s maiden name is.
Ow ow OW! I just bit bum and tore skin! It hurts! I will be back in a couple of hrs. See u then! 😀
ok see ya later timber 😀
Aw man. I always miss people while I am doing chores. 🙁
But I am sure to see people soon on here. Well I actually have to go so by.
well im on
TARYN! i have an idea for youre next poll 😀 PLEASE read this: which of the four ninja looked the coolest when they unlocked there true potential? 😀 hope ya like the idea 😉 😀
Grrrrrr!!!!!! Why do I always miss people while I am busy. 😡
a man im on 😀
hey, sorry I have not commented but I was looking for an older comment to try and see if it is still up.
but now I can not remember what it said. 😕
Sorry it might take me a loooooooong time to type thing because as i have said before i dont text so i am really slow typing with this teeny tiny keyboard! 😀
ha ha 😆 I am not the best texter either
Are you looking for your own comment or someone else’s? I can look it up for our if you give me some clues. 😉
Hi! I finished my preformance! Me and my mom are going to run errands. It is really cool that moms phone has internet everywhere!!!!!! 😀
AWESOME. so how did it go ?
Really well! I will go into detail when i get home because it would take me 30 minutes to type the whole thing. Its not that long it will just take me loooooooong time. 😀
hey guys 😀 (even though you guys left) 🙁
on my website i got the blog on the home page working
you must be Lexi’s brother.
is youre name Cameron wilson? i was talking to jay
cause it says that on the twitter thing on youre website
yeah, thats my brothers name! 😀
uggggg my brother really needs to be more careful about revealing his name online. You should never EVER put your real name online, even if you think you are talking to friends. You never know who might be out there! I trust you all, of course, but there could be other people who dont post that does read posts. Always be safe! 😀
haha i sound like one of those people who speaks of internet protection! 😆
Oh, no! I am turning into…a…a…a… (i got nothing)
Lexi, this is a very important reminder. And I can assure you that there are all kinds of stalkers, trolls, and other shady characters who I have to weed out on a daily basis – so yeah, the danger is very real. There is no need to be paranoid, but be smart online; do not use your real name (at least not your full name) and never share your email address and address. Follow those basic rules and you can have lots of safe fun and make great friends. 😀
COME ON!!!!!! 😡 😡 😡 😡 I missed everyone for the 9000th time!!!!
ug im on green ninja oh and hey other jay 😀 ya i remember when i told you that AWESOME was spelled wrong 😉 😀 😆
spelled keep wrong 😳
didn’t even notice. 😉
no, seriously, i didn’t notice. It is kind of funny, accually, that you 2 keep missing each other. 😆 (no offense)
it is kind of funny. 😆
Important message on my blog. Please read it.
Lexi, you must be the person that comes on TBB the most at this post! 😀 .
ehem i come on TBB THE MOST!!!!!!! 😡 😆
TARYN HERE IS AN IDEA!!!!.: which of the four ninja looked the coolest when they unlocked there true potential?. thats the 3rd time i have told you!
that was an idea for youre next poll. 😀 oh and i read the blog thing 😉 I get on youre website alought taryn 😉 😀
I have to agree with Jay on that one (coming on the most).
He posts the most! I probably come in second. 😀
never said that was a good thing! 😆 😀
Ok I have a feeling I missed everyone again, but I will stay on so that if you come on Jay, I will know. Oh and by the way, I really do not like hay. I was covered in it from head to toe because my dad wanted me to help him shovel it into his trailer. It may not make sense at first, but the reason I had to do this is because my dad and my grandfather share like 8 pesky cows that will not stop eating their hay.
LOL! Yeah, cows can be very pesky! 😀
no kidding 😀
hey Jay, you know how you said you liked lego stop motion videos. well here is an awesome one, .
ya i already wayched that green ninja thanks anyway. 😀 😉
sarah, please tell me the store of Ninjago The Golden Legend and you had bin not on the brickblogger in 1 mouth so what is going on sarah 😕
u know, i don’t think she has been on lately. i really liked her story. last time i saw her post, (before i started commenting) it was March or April. i cannot remember. hay Lexi? can u find out when the last time u posted 1 of her stories on your website? maybe that will tell us.
uh, Lexi?
guess it’s just me again. 🙁
well i am going to watch dad kill zombies on his PS3. yes, it is weird, but this is my quality family time. be back later. ttyl. 😀
I dont know exactly when the last time was, but it wasn’t a month ago. may seem like a month, but if you think about it this episode has been up for a month (and 1 day :lol:) and she did post quite a few since then. 😉
uh? is any1 on? update on lexi: she is doing a lot better. she went back to school last Thursday and is having a blast! i am so happy! i could scream!
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
wow u know what? that is the 1st kid i have ever met to actually WANT TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL. weird. well she has been in the hospital for 3 months now. don’t blame her.
Timber, yes, people appreaciate “normal life” much more after being in the hospital. 😉
i am sorry i did not see you i was doing my homework
it’s ok. u know now that i think about, i get that a lot. 😀 (LOL) 😀
shouldn’t lexi be on? i mean, she usually on at night.
well tomorrow is Mothers Day. (can’t wait to see what they r doing for AFV!!!!) well most people i know here go to church.(at least that what they said) our church does a Muffins with Mom (mothers day) and a Donuts with Dad.(fathers day) but i guess they r not this year. i would of got an email. anyway, i am going to bed and will be on tomorrow night. see ya ll then! 😀 good nite! 😀
Accually, that is why i wan’t on! (Mother’s day)
I was writing a really sweet story. PLEASE do not ask me to share it.I would love to but it is sooooo looooong and i hand wrote it so it would take me fooorrrrreeeevvvveeerrrrr to type! I am not exacly the fastest typer (but coming on and typing such long things helped me become a faster and better typer! haha who says this isn’t educational! Writing AND Typing! :lol:) 😀
Timber, very glad to hear that! 😀
This actually happened like 5 hours ago, but I just realized that I have all of the ZX ninja! I also have all of the ninja’s vehicles except for Jay’s. But I have enough money to get it when I next go to Target!
wow! did i miss alought (i was watching iron man 2) 😀
here is a quote in honor of mother’s day (i LOVE quotes!!!!!!)
“A mother will encourage her children to ‘Jump at the sun.’ We may not land on the sun, but at least we would get off the ground” – Zora Neale Hurston 😀
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY TO YOU ALL! Make sure you do something nice for your Mom today! 😀
dont worry admin i will 😀 (do something nice for my mom) 😀
IS THERE ANYWAY TARYN WILL READ MY POLL SUGESTION?!?!?!?!?!?. PLEASE READ THIS TARYN!: which of the four ninja looked the coolest when they unlocked there true potential? PLEASE READ THAT TARYN! (THATS THE FOURTH TIME I HAVE TOLD YOU THAT!)
Maybe build her a LEGO rose? 😉
You are welcome! Let us know how it turns out! 😉
ok that took awhile. well she LOVED it (the rose. i even made a vase 😀 )
oh and its on the dinner table right now
so um admin why do you have the demolition dummy as youre avatar or whatever its called? 😀
Jay, I’m a LEGO customizer and I often use the dummy as the test-subject. If you see some of my older posts you will see what I mean. In fact I want to do more customization tutorials again as that is one of my favorite parts of the LEGO hobby. 😉
That’s sweet! Nice idea about the vase too! 😀
thanks admin
happy mothers day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SRY. I was doing the scantron test so I couldn’t come back to take over the brick blogger.
i didnt go to church today cause almost my whole family is sick 🙁
Oh, Hi! I didn’t see ur comment! Are u sick too? I hope not! 8)
Ok, wrong face WRONG FACE!!!!! 😳 😳
I ment ;). Guess i am a little confused! 😆
;D 😀
no luckly im not
not sick
Hey! Back from church! I got CCAANNDDYY!!!! 😀 😀
hey lexi 😀
Hi. I like candy! (who doesn’t? :lol:)
well i will be on for a little bit longer
im abought to eat lunch 😀 so be back soon 😉 😀
last Halloween i had a ton of smarties and now i dont like smarties that much 🙁 well its lunch time so by see you soon 😉 😀
does anyone have a google or twitter account?
I DO!!!! 😀
hey bro! 😀 😀 😀
i have …
lets see…
4, i think! yeah, 4! 😀
oh, and you spelled AWESOME wrong AGAIN. you MMUUSSTT capitalize it!!!! 😡
Jay, TBB is both on Twitter and Google, if you want to follow us. 😉
yeah, he knows. i saw the brick blogger on facebook too! I made a facebook for my website! (i was bored okay! :lol:)
ok good youre still on lexi 😀
i do not
have any of those
no jay i do not have a google or twitter acount.
wait lexi and jay are you guys using the same computer?
so um lexi…………………you on?
HAHA now i have more letters in my name than neo! 😈 (he has 35 letters i have 38) MUHAHAHA 😈 😆
changing my name back
hello i was watching AFV. love it!
what we talking bout?
u know what, i think i might watch another episode. i love it sooooooo much! hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! 999,999,999,000 times more! (u know i don’t think thats a number…) i don’t care! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i guess i will just wait til some1 comes on
(and watch a another episode of AFV!) lol
no i’ll go see if lexi put my story on her website. be back in a flash.
sup timber 😀 (i LOVE AFV to) 😆
so how you doing?
All things with digits are numbers, and that one is 999 billion, 999 million, 999 thousand. 😎
uuuuuum……..y do you always ask that? 😕
oh hi! i do not know……..
where’s lexi?
why are you 2 always competing with each other?
becuase them two (Neo and Jay) are just that AWESOME. (that is my reponce to everything i dont know the answer to. 🙄 That or ‘becuase I/they felt like it!’ 😀
Yes, both me and Jay (AWESOME) share the same computer. we are brother and sister, ya know. 😀
guess not…….. 🙁
i have 16 comments on my blog 😀
go to to make it 17… or more 😀
Going to check it out now……
Pretty good. No. AWESOME!!!! Neat website
now i have 18:D
now you have 19 😆
hey bro ya know what you are WAY too obsessed with how many comments you get. be careful, you never know what all of the sudden you are getting 1,000 comments a day! 😀 😆
Yeah, I don’t wish that on anyone! It takes MAJOR amount of time to go thru them! 🙄
Yup, I refreshed this morning and then again about 15 minutes ago, and then when I was sorting just now, I posted and many more popped up that were not there 15 minutes ago. Even though it is annoying to sort through all these comments, it is funny how fast people right the! LOL
now i have 20 😀
Hey bro! (haha that will be my new name for u online) (bro). 😆
oh, and don’t forget to captitalize the ‘J’ in Jay. and capitalze …well, EVERYTHING in the word AWESOME because AWESOME is so AWESOME it deserves to be capitalized!
and now u have 21 😆
and now 22
hey guys 8)
hello! I am bored. It has been lightly raining nonstop for the whole day!!! 🙁
same here 😛
I am on. 😕
u probably didn’t see my comment when u typed that. 😕
Well, duh(to me).
I just realized i commented after u. 😆
hi Lexi 😀
so far, I it seams that my story will still be posted tonight, but I might change the time.
Earlier or later? if it ends up much later it would be the next day! 😀
I am going to work on my story tonight. sorry about last night. i just wrote a story for my mom, so i was all tired of writing. 😉
it is ok 😉 but if I move it, it will be earlier.
That is what i thought. 😉 😀
Ok I am bored and tired at the same time and I do not know why. 😐
I should be the one who is tired i got up at 7:00 a.m. on a sunday! AND went to bed at 1:00 a.m.! 😀
plus i have EOG’s the day after tommorow, so tonight i am going to stay up as late as i can so i am tired tommorow. if i am tired tommorow i will be able to go to sleep earlier the next night, the night before EOG’s. I cant wait to get it over with! 🙄
I always wake up at 7 on sundays. do not know why 😕
Im on 😀 its raining at my house to:sad:
same here 😉
ya I will not be on most of tomorrow because we are going to the zoo (my sister’s favorite place) and then going to the lego store (my favorite place)
probably gonna get some new leg ninjago spinners
lucky.i have to wait to get my allowance 😀 😥 (i work to get my allowance)
same here.
so how ya doing? i will be back in a bit im going on jays website
doing good.
Lucky you (from my perspective). We almost never go to LEGO stores because the nearest ones are REALLY far away. 🙁 But, we go so infrequently that when we are there are parents buy us large and expensive sets. 😀
now i have 22
y do you keep telling us? 😕
oh and Jay (AWESOME) you can call me NRG JAY for short kay 😀 😉
ya I saw that. 😉
saw what?
I saw how many comments he had.
so wheres lexi?
I do not know.
Okay, how would she know where i was? I never said where i was going! I had to clean my room and do some other chores. 😉
got to go. see you tonight 😉
kay.oh and the power was out so thats y i wasnt on sry 😉
Oh. It seems to be raining all over the place today! 😀
At my house there is no thunder or lightning or anything, it has just been a slight drizzle. But is has been going on since 11:00 this morning! 😡 🙁
I cant go outside and play with my new friend who has the same name as me!!! 😥
Oh, and bro dont post how many comments you have. It is getting really annoying and i dont think admin apriciates that. 😐
i have a question. who took the survey on my website?
if you did thanks
to get your site more popular you should try to post a link to your website on my website and also share it on other websites (the brick blogger, facebook twitter, and google)
How can you share something on google? It’s a search engine! 😕
Do u mean Facebook or something? 😕 ❓
I think he meant Google+. It is a social-media website like Facebook, but run by Google. 😉
Me and my brother have to go eat dinner. See u later! 😀
ok by guys
so who is everyones favorite serpentine? mines chokun
ummmmmmmmm probably Acidus.
definitely Skales 😈
Hey i am on! I was watching ‘The Univers” with my dad. mom went to bed already 🙂
I love learning about space and the universe. I dont know why but it is interesting to learn about space. 😀
going to play a prank on my brother………………………. as soon as i get a video camera.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm is it just me or do i type 2 fast?
hello i’m back! hmm, make that sound like a bad thing……
not u lexi, me. did u ever post my story on your website? it’s ok if u can’t. i understand.
I dont think i have! I have not really went to my website in a while so dont feel bad or anything. It has been so long since i went on some of Sarah’s stories still hasn’t been updated! 😳
really? u know i haven’t seen Sarah in a while. when was she last on?
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my dad was playing his PS3, and he has a gun that shoots lighting, so he said, ” this is Jay’s favorite video game cause it has his favorite weapon!” get it? lighting? that’s a good 1.
If my dad was playing the PS3 with that game and using that weapon, i would have said “ya know, that reminds me of ninjago” and then my dad would have said “everything reminds u of ninjago”. 😆
I tried to make a few almost combo models out of Cole’s Tread Assault and Kai’s Blade Cycle. They ended up looking horrible. Except for the tiniest (did I spell that right?) one I made. I think it was kind of cute.
cool name
and pic
if i can get a pic of the 1’s my brother built, i would send them 2 u
he has all the vehicles! yes i am his sister and i still can’t believe it!!!!!
I am probably goning to be checking every 5 min. cause i am starting to type my story!!!! 😀
Hm… any pictures? 🙂
You can post pictures?
Jay, you mean posting pictures in the comment section? If you know how to write HTML code you can embed images that you store somewhere online. If you don’t know how to do that, you can email me a picture and I can add it to your comment. 😉
Is the HTML code the same as the URL?
Lexi, HTML is a way to write code to make things look in a certain way on the Internet. You see TBB as all colorful with a bunch of pictures and links and videos, but in reality it is nothing more than a string of codes. (Kind of like in the Matrix.) Most website platforms allow you to create the code just by pressing a button to make it easy. For example instead of having to write out the code to bold some text, you just hit the bold button. But in reality the button simply created the HTML code for you. 😉
The URL of a website is like an address. It directs you to a virtual location on the Internet. HTML code is the underlying language of the Internet. Or more specifically, it is the writing-system for web-pages. Everything; every picture, video, color, table, etc. is written with HTML code; a combination of numbers, letters and symbols, and you can learn it like learning any foreign language.
I know that was kind of long, but I actually really like HTML so I can get carried away talking about it. 😉
Thanks for adding the pictures admin! I used all of the pieces except for about 5. They’re changed back now.
Jay, I like the last one. It is really cute. 😀
OK everyone, this is the next installment of my story.
The Yellow Ninja Saga
part 2
The next few weeks were a blur for Jake. But one day was very important to his story. This is how the day went. It started out as any other day, with food, then beatings, then hunger. But for some reason, all of the skeletons got called to battle, so the base was left unguarded. Soon people started to escape. Many tried to help Jake, but they could not reach him. In the end he was left alone. He was worried about when the skeleton army would return. But they never did, for that was the day the ninja defeated Lord Garmadon. Jake waited for months to be freed, but it never happened. Then one day, Jake discovered that two of the bars on his cage were loose. So he broke them off and jumped to solid ground. His legs felt wobbly and weak after all that time in his moving cage. After a little while of rest, decided to tried to reach the nearest village. After about a half hour of walking, he heard a scream from the woods. He ran towards the scream, only to find the embers of what once was a house. He looked around and saw something move in the bushes. He looked behind the bush and came face to face with a creature he had only thought was a myth. That creature was none other than a fangpyre soldier. He turned around to find two more.
“Well well well,” said fangtom,”If it isn’t a little human. Have you gotten lost little person? Do not worry, this will be your home now, he he he.”
Fangtom reached forward to bite Jake, but Jake was faster then the serpentine. He jumped back just in time . Then he grabbed fangtom’s neck and swung the snake at the other fangpyre. Snappa ducked just on time, but Fang-suei was knocked back several yards. Snappa lunged at Jake and bit him right on the arm. Jake ran as soon as that happened. *Five days later on destinies bounty*
“Hey you guys, you had better come here and see this,” said Nya over the loud speaker.
Soon the rest off the ninja were at the bridge.
” There have been multiple serpentine sightings lately, but they have been very abnormal. First a village sees one green serpentine, and the next day, the village is attacked by a group of fangpyre.” said Nya,” And the green serpentine seems to be calling for help. I need you four to go and check it out.”
“Got it sis, but where is the green serpentine now?” said Kai.
“In a village outside of ninjago city,” said Nya.
As the ninja walk into the village, they see the lone serpentine, slithering towards the ninja.
” Help me ninja, pleasssssse help me,” said the snake.
” Why should we help you villain? Would you like to take this one Jay?” said Cole.
” Jay? Jay Walker? it issssss me, Jake, from the village. Don’t you remember?” said the snake.
” Is that really you Jake? What happened to you? I heard that you were killed by the skeleton army.” said Jay.
“Wait. You know each other?” said Zane curiously.
” Yessssss. We usssssed to hang out together all of the time.” said Jake,” But I wasssssss bitten by the fangpyre and now they are after me.”
“Then we have to get the anti-venom from Fangdam.” said Kai.
“Are you looking for me?” said Fangdam,” Or my army?”
And right behind him was an army of snakes.
Ok readers. I am posting this early because I am busy tomorrow and have to get up early. So thank you for reading. The next issue will be released this Wednesday at 11:00 pm.
tell me how you liked it. PS: I am tired 😐
I LOVED it!!! I am going to post my story (or at least part 1) tonight. but if you are tired go to bed. I will be awile. 😀
I am purposly staying up as late as i can so i can go to sleep extra early tommorow to be prepared for EOG’s. Uggggg i can not wait till it is over!!! 🙄 😀
thank you everyone
That was really good! 😎
Another great episode! It flows well and interesting to read. The only part I would change is when Jake was still in the cage after all the skeletons left. The story says he was waiting for someone to rescue him for months. Since all the skeletons left I assume this means that he wasn’t getting any food. No-one would survive that long without food and water. So I think this part would need some clarification either on how he survived that long, or changing the time-frame. This is just a suggestion. 😉
I will keep that in mind Admin. thank you for the suggestion 😉
The Fangpyre warrior (Fangdam) has control of the Fangpyre army? 😕
Yay! My first smiley! 😀
sorry, got those 2 mixed up 😳
I have a question. Where was Jake’s moving cage? Was it one of the ones on the ferris wheel? I’m just wondering.
it was hanging over a cliff, and swinging on a rope.
well i have to go but I will be back on tomorrow night.
kay see ya green ninja. 😀 lexi u still on
im ganna go watch ninjago
Ok I am going to bed see ya’ tomorrow night! 😀
And great story. (had 2 read it) now I am going to bed!!!!
Sorry i fell asleep! 😳
I have ssome of my story written but is a little too short to post as part 1. 😉
Hopefully i will finish part 1 before tonight, like during school or something. Tommorow is EOG’s and Wensday and Thursday is also EOG’s so i wont be on late those 2 days. I dont get why everybody stresses about it and makes a big deal of it it is just a supid test!!!! 😕 😡 😕 😀
i kwow what happens in season 3
plus wich ninja is the best
ok 😕
Ya knew here? Oh, and how did u know? 😕
If you are new i am happy because not many new people are coming anymore and many of the old users are starting to leave. 😥 😥 🙁
Rar. 😆
i know i wish they were still coming on here 🙁 like neo 🙁
Hm… technically I could email Neo and the other guys who haven’t been on lately, but I don’t know how appropriate that would be. They know we hare here, and they could come by at any time. It is also possible that something is happening in their lives that is preventing them from being online so much; school, family, travel, hobbies, etc. (hopefully nothing bad).
I fully expect that a lot of you will be online less once school is over; busy with family, vacation, camping etc. But that is all right. TBB will be here whenever you need to talk with your LEGO friends. 😉
Haha my science class made Catapults out of popcicle sticks and tape! It was REALLY fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
😀 😀 😀
cool lexi. im on but im abought to leave i was playing ninjago and doing school
LOL! That sounds like real fun! So did you all shoot the teacher? 😆
Naw we didn’t have enough time to finish them all. 🙁
That would have been funny, though! 😀
hey im on (my brother and sister were watching sonic the hedgehog
I once made a catapult out of pencils, rubber bands, and a spoon. When I brought it home, I tried to get the marshmallow I was launching into my sister’s mouth. 😀
LOL! 😀
Sorry DX ZX KENDO NRG PWR JAY-MOUTH OF LIGHTNING I havent been commenting much so I missed it. I will use your idea. Can you guys comment on the blog with your idea so I have more chance of seeing it? There are SO many comments on the pages it’s hard to keep track
cool taryn 😀 thanks 😉
THERE YOU ALL ARE! You cant hide from Pythor. Sorry i havent been on, ive been REALLY busy
Hello?…. well this sucks!
hey pythor
sorry i woulve been on but my computer wasnt working 🙁 😉
i wasnt trying to. 😀 😕 😉 😆 🙂
hide from you
i found you!
Hey, NRG PYTHOR! us still here? did u see my post about my new sceduled time to post my stories? I got the idea from the green ninja!! (really liked the idea of a scedule. plus, i thought…well, read it yourself (if u dare :twisted:)
Ok. I have decided to post my story (in honor of Ninjago :mrgreen:) Wensday at 8:00 p.m.!!!! 😀
Int that way it will give me pleanty of time to create the story. It usually takes me 1-3 days to compleate the story once i start, so i will do Wensday at 8:00 p.m.!!!
I was origianlly planning to do only 10 episodes, but know i am thinking of doing one every week untill the new season of Ninjago premires!!! 😀
Belive me, i will get done SO MANY stories while driving down to florida this summer. It is an almost 13 hour drive to my other grandmom’s house! Of course, that means i will have to type it…
Oh, wait! I forgot i dont need internet to type on word!!! Just cant post it while driving. wasn’t going to anyway, but still! It would be kind of nice to come on while i am driving. I will be Sooooooo bored! No legos allowed in the car! 😥
Oh, and Hi! 😆
hey lexi 😀 CANT WAIT FOR YOURE STORYS!!!!!!!
I am working on it RIGHT NOW!!! 😀 😀
It is really AWSOME!!!!
You will like it! 😀
Lexi, looking forward to your stories. If you are planning to go ahead with your idea and write a whole series, we could make a separate section for it so it doesn’t get mixed in with everyone else’s comments. Let me know if you are interested and we can figure out the details. 😉
Ok i counted it up and if i do a story every week till the wensday before novmber 18 it will be a total of 27 stories. add on the 3 i have already and i will have a total of 30 stories in the set altogether. 😀
30 STORYS!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOURE AWESOME LEXI!!!!!!! 😆
I am having a brain fart. What was Jay’s Vehicle called again?
I know cole’s is the tread assult and Kai’s is the Blade Cycle and Zane’s is the Snowmobile but for some reason i cant remember what Jay’s was named! 😕
the storm fighter 😉
hey lexi
Hey! Had to take my bath, but i am back! I really should go to sleep (EOG’s), but i am not tired at all! I’ll probably go to bed around 10:00-10:30 p.m. That way i will get at least 8 hrs. of sleep. 😉
Since i am making 30 stories, they are not all going to end with them compleating a level. That would be too many levels (and levels are suppose to get harder as they go along ;)). My newest story, story #4 (that will be posted Wensday at 8:00 p.m.) is called “Error 101.” The story that will be posted next wensday will be called “Maze Mayhem.” (or at least that is what i have decided at the moment. Most likely i am going to stick with it) 😀
I am going to bed now. See u all tommorow! I will come on breifly at 7:00 a.m. tommorow. Good-Night, Everyone! 😀
Good nite Lexi! And for me 2!!! I guess I got a big day tomorrow? 😕 Well anyway, I guess I will be on tomorrow nite. And I am also looking forward to Sensei Lexi’s stories. 2 much for me 2 handle! Although i am writing 1, can’t decide if I should post it or not. Anyway, I am going to bed now. Nite nite! 😀 😀 😀
I should really get some sleep for the EOGs tomorrow. Oh, anyone see my even newer name and gravatar?
My gravatar didn’t change!
Phew, it changed.
Lexi, sorry but i didnt see your other stories so i dont really get what its about, could you inform me?
Oh, perfect! (this is the main reason i made my website)
Here, you can just go to my website (www. To see the beginning. 😉
Hope that helps! 😀
hey lexi.
the only reason im awake is because my baby sister woke up screaming 30 minutes ago
Hi! Yeah, babys can really get annoying when they wake u up in the middle of the night or early in the morning. 🙁
But other than that they are AWESOME!
ok im back i was on youre website 😀
Ok. I have to go now. I wont be able to come on during school at all today. (EOG Reading test today :() Well, i will see u all when i come home! 😀
alright by. 😀 good luck 😉 (hopefully you wont need it 😉 😀 😆
I dont NEED it at all. But i will donate all of my luck to tommorow’s EOG’s time. Hopefully everyone will finish so i wont be sitting ther for 2 HOURS after i am finished with NOTHING TO DO!! 😡
Hey Guys 😀 yesterday was AWESOME!!! I bought the largest base plate that they sold (48×48 studs) 1 minifigure series 7 minifigure (viking lady) the updated version of the brick separator, and Kai’s blade cycle which came with my very first Kai minifigure. It was AWESOME!!!!!
Nice loot! Have fun with it! 😀
Oh I will 😉 😀 🙂 😆
sadly they did not have any ninjago spinners. 🙁 But they still had some pretty AWESOME stuff 😀
Wow! That’s a lot of stuff! (I now have 3 Kais, a normal, a DX, and a ZX. Guess which one I’ll use the most.)
just decided to move my stories to every sunday
kay 😀 I DONT WANNA WAIT!!!!!!! 😆 😥
im back on now i was playing with legos and eating lunch
hey guys i known a REAL samurai sword or it can be called a ninja sword
i meant to say own oops 😳
im on i was doing some school
so uuuum where is everyone?
Ok, it is official… I HHAATTEE EOG’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 👿 👿 😡 😡
👿 (means my mood is sassy. I am really sassy right now. Even i notice it, and if i notice something, it is pretty odvious.(Don’t anybody DARE tell me odvious is spelled wrong :mad:)
I miss the FCAT’s! At least everybody was done when the time was set! (unlike today where 16 out of 28 people in my class wasn’t done so we went into overtime, which lasted an hour. add on the fact i was done 30 min. before the sceduled time to finish and the 30 min. after everyone was done that we had to wait, i was sitting doing nothing for 2 HOURS!!!!!! Not including the time i was testing!! :mad:)
SO now i am grumpy and sassy 😡
oook right well i just ate dinner and i had hot wings and french fries! 😀
I dont like Wings. 😐
Oh, dear! I would be very grumpy too! 👿
Yeah, tommorow at 8:00! I am already finished it. Wouldn’t want to accidently fall asleep while typing it and have no story to post! 😀
If u have a scedule to do something, always finish at least a day earlier. (this is coming from a person with LOTS of experience with last minute things. I really should take my own advice. I once did a project my teacher gave us 8 weeks to do on the night/morning before it was due! I am a last minute kind of person, so take that advice! ALWAYS finish at least day early! You never know what could pop up! Or fall asleep! :lol:)
🙄 (means i am in a silly mood. No more Sassy and Grumpy girl! :lol:)
Hey! I know i am on a little earlier than usual, but hello to whoever is on! (if ther is anybody. ;))
there is someone on. ME! 😆
i would have been on earlier but i was looking at legos
Waaaa… nobody is here! Oh, well. I really should go to bed. part one of my math EOG’s are tommorow! ( i like math, so i am dredding it a little less! :lol:)
🙄 (silly mood)
youre gone? 😥
LEXI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁 😥 🙁 😥
No, i’m right here!
Did you know if you press F1 on google crome it opens a new tab? (i accidently pressed F1 instead of 1 about 5 times trying to put the exclimation point at the end of “No, i am right here!”
Drat, did it again! (i wish there was a pouty face. :lol:)
oh hey lexi
Ya know how i have seemed to start posting my mood at the end of all my comments? Well, if i ever don’t, that means my mood is forgetful! 😆
🙄 (silly)(odviously)
sup 😎 😆 (i was not just crying) 😆 😆
hey lexi you might wanna tell youre brother someone cussed on his website 🙄
Really? (he probably saw that because he has been on the computer since i came home till about 30 min. ago. He didn’t even eat dinner. He was really upset because he didn’t have enough time to finish the last 4 questions on his EOG’s and thinks he wont get into gifted/AIG reading class next year. I keep saying 4 questions aren’t going to have that much affect but he is worring like crazy. He is more stressed out that all my stress combined muliplied by 100 (Which isn’t saying much. i dont have, like, any stress)(at least i think i dont. :???:)
To what? 😕
haha it’s a new personal record! (shortest comment ever) (for me) 😆
abought him noticing it
(haha lol that is exacly what the original comment was. :lol:)
haha here is a quote from a commertial
“Guys don’t give guys thank u presents!”
later(in the commertial)…
“Guy1: Are u crying?
Guy2: No. This is just the nicesst not thank u present i have ever gotten!”
(haha lol :lol:)
LOL 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 🙄 😆
So there u are! Where do you keep dissapearing to? If i know u, you would have commented at leat 4 times before now! 😆
Are u, like, writing a sotry or something? (using that as an example)
meant 5 not 4. Supid dark! 😡 -_-
(haha i LOVE that face!) (the -_- face)(it’s like a “REALLY?!?” sort of face. It makes me laugh every time i see it. :lol:)
oh, and i ment story not sotry! (now that wasn’t the dark’s fault. -_- … :lol:)
Hey Jay didn’t y’all (haha southern accent :lol:) Down in florida take the FCAT’s Already? My friend in 3rd grade did. She did the FCAT’s and then moved here doon after and she now has to do the EOG’s! She is in 3rd grade, so she just started taking those kinds of tests. I feel bad for her. 🙁
😀 (not really that silly anymore)
I realize u are homeschooled, just wondering if u knew or not from friend or if u had to take it at home. I really dont know how thr whole homeschooling thing works with the FCAT’s. 😕
I am also homeschooled too
I am home schooled online and still do the OAA’s
Oh, i noticed the comments are fixed! Let’s hope it stays that way! (i accually know the reason why the comment get messed up. When someone says “Hi” or “anybody there?” and admin deletes the comment, any replies to that has nowhere to go, so it ends up at the bottom) 😀
no i dont do the FCAT but im going to bed. night 😀
y would admin delete “Hi”? 😕
Jay, each comment takes up resources I have to pay for. Also, they don’t add to the conversation. As I have pointed out several times; this is not chat. If there is enough interest I may install a chat plugin, but so far only one person expressed any interest. 😐
Ok I am here. And guess who’s here with me? Lexi! The 1 who was stuck in the hospital. She on a medication but after all she is back to her old self again! I am soooooooooo happy!!!!!!
Timber, I’m glad your friend is doing much better! Have a good time! 😀
Uh, Lexi? R u there???
Hmm guess not. 🙁 well I guess I should get going to bed now. (I have a big day tomorrow) going fishing with alexia (Lexi) and she is so exicited. See u guys tomorrow nite!
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 :D!!!!!!!! And a jillion x’s more!!!!!
Hello, i finally have time to come on!
WOW when you left i just got on!:cry:.Today i whent to Target[ fav store] and bought spitta! Odviously i like the venomari
gooood morning guys
YOU GOT SPITTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LUCKY!!!!!!!!!! at the end of the month i am ganna get like nrg jay and nrg cole then i will only nead nrg zane and i will have all the nrg ninja 😀
so um nrg pythor what is “spore”? 😕 😕 :????: 😕
you could just type : ? (without the space of course)
sorry guys i wasnt on 🙁 i was talking with my ninjago and other lego things cusins on the phone. 😆
Nice to have a cousin you can talk about LEGO! 😀
ok that sentance that i did didnt make any sence 😕 😕 😆 😆
i meant to say there nuts abought ninjago
oh and admin i told them abought TBB and they were on but they said they were getting emails from here so there mom doesnt let them on here 🙁 😕
Tell them to unsubscribe.
they wont listen
Oh… probably they subscribed to comments. I don’t know why people subscribe when they can’t or don’t want to received emails. 😕
yeah they probably did 🙁 😕
Yeah, I like to know when someone replies to me, and I like to see what other people are talking about.
well i have to set the table for dinner now so bye
first. its almost dinner so i will only be on for a little bit longer 😀
second. WHERE IS EVERYONE?!?!?!?!?!
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEXI IS GOING TO POST HER STORY TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😛 🙂 😎
The 2 faces i use the least:
😛 and 💡
I am sooooo excited to post it! Almost as excited as u are to see it!!!!! I feel like i am about to EXPLODE!!! (but if i did i would be able to post the story, so i am holding back 😆 😆 :mrgreen:)
😆 (EXCITED MOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
guys please someone come on 🙁 😥 🙁 😥 🙁 😥 🙁 😥 🙁 😥
guys of the 23 comments today i have done 15 of them! 😆 and lexi dont say “Are you proud that you have done that?” 🙄
I wouldn’t say that. 😕
That sounds kind-of mean! I would never be mean! 😥
Except to my brother who today alone has done 3 mean things to me for NO REASON WHATSOEVER.
1. He held onto the dogs leash while i was holding it. It is one of my pet peeves when people do that. I have the leash in my hand, but the only thing i have control of is the person holding the leash! 😡
2. He held up his hand to give me a high five and right before i was about to slap it he slaped me IN THE FACE. What the heck was that for!!!! 😡 😡
3. when i asked for this half dried up playdough dice i mad he threw it at me and it hit me in the face on my lower jaw so my lip and bottom part of my mouth hit my teeth. I am REALLY mad at him!!!!!!!! 😡 😡 😡
well now theres 25
im on (i was looking at ninjago spinners )
Hello! and GUESS WHAT my class got to do after we were done EOG’s!?!?!?
We got to watch Cartoon Network!!! (i am serious! Tom and Jerry was on)
I saw a Ninjago commertial and i was thinking, “Curse u cartoon network!!!! 😡 🙁 (cause they are showing a commerial for ninjago when it wont be on for another 1 hundred eighty-something days!! :cry:)”
I will be on for a while. Might go off for a few minutes at one point, but other than that i will be on till at least 8:00 (when i post my new story! :mrgreen:)
Jay, did u leave? I thought u were still on! 😥
😆 (excited mood) (to post the story of course! :mrgreen:)
haha my story is all prepared and ready for posting! I am super excited!!!!
😆 (excited!!!)
hey lexi 😀 wow youre brother sure has been mean to you today! 😡
There u are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
5 more minutes!!!
8 more minutes till my story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am just as excited to post it as Jay is to see it!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀
YEAH I CANT WAIT TO SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im spinning my nrg kai in front of me right now 😆
Stop making me Jelious! (of the spinners). I cant wait till my birthday! I am finnaly getting spinners!
Keeps trickin u too, huh? 😆
Yeah, that gets me really fustrated. I have to constant;y go back and forth between the page when i post! 😡
Oh, well. 😀
i know right 😡 😆
hello guys
The comments are messed up again. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! 🙁 😡 🙁
Oh, well. It will be back to normal in a few days. And if u all dont mind, can u all not post down here? It is really agrivating when the newest comment is in the middle of the page with the tiny scroll bar. 😀
awe man!!! 😡
I don’t understand, what’s wrong?
the comments are messed up again
so are we posting down here?
Good question…
Let me just say this. The more we post down here the longer it will be till it is fixed. 😉