Below is episode thirteen of LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes. This episode is called “THE DAY OF THE GREAT DEVOURER”. You can watch previous episodes by following the links below this episode. You can also read the summary of each episode here: NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes – the Story…
Here we are at the last episode of the second season of LEGO NINJAGO! Despite all efforts made by Jay, Kai, Cole, Zane, Nya, Sensei Wu, and even Lord Garmadon and his son, Lloyd, the Great Devourer has been awakened and is destroying everything in its path! Will the heroes be able to stop this huge beast before it takes over the whole of Ninjago, including Ninjago City? Or will all be lost? Grab your popcorn and watch the show to find out what happens!
LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes – Episode Thirteen
➡ Watch Episode 1 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 1
➡ Watch Episode 2 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 2
➡ Watch Episode 3 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 3
➡ Watch Episode 4 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 4
➡ Watch Episode 5 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 5
➡ Watch Episode 6 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 6
➡ Watch Episode 7 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 7
➡ Watch Episode 8 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 8
➡ Watch Episode 9 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 9
➡ Watch Episode 10 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 10
➡ Watch Episode 11 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 11
➡ Watch Episode 12 here: LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 12
If you would like to see the whole selection of 2012 LEGO NINJAGO sets and where they are available check here:
Ok frth ok reveiws/preveiws of the Ninjago character books, there are two differnt stories in the book, so there will be two different parts. I am starting with Cole’s. Enjoy! 😀
Cole: Ninja of Earth
Story 1 of 2: The Real Hero
The four Ninja have already collected two out of the four Golden Weapons of Spinjitzu. Now, as they go for the third weapon, the Nunchucks of Lightning, they have run into some problems. In front of them lay a humongous chain extending into the cloud and beyond. But that is not even the least of their worries. Atop this chain lay the ruins of a floating city with a tower made of Lightning, built to protect the Nunchucks of Lightning. If that isn’t enough, the Lightning dragon is inside the tower, and the skeleton army close behind. Cole must show his friends the path they must take to lead them to success, or will that not even be enough? Find out in The Real Hero from Cole: Ninja of Earth! 😀
Story 2 of 2: The Phantom Ninja
When a Sneak attack on the skeleton army goes terribly wrong due to lack of teamwork, the ninja blame Cole and decide to find a new leader. That night, somebody breaks into the Ninja’s headquarters and steals everything, even the blankets the other ninja were using to sleep! Cole, who was suppose to be keeping watch, was found knocked out outside. They find a note saying “This is your first warning. I have taken your possessions and next I will take something much more precious from you. Your only hope is to surrender to me. –The Phantom Ninja.” The next night the Phantom Ninja strikes again, and this time, he takes Cole! The other three ninja must find Cole within 24 hours, as said by the Phantom ninja, or they will never see Cole again. Will the three ninja be able to team up and save their friend Cole and discover the true identity of the mysterious Phantom Ninja? Find out in The Phantom Ninja from Cole: Ninja of Earth! 😀
Quote from book:
“Sometime, the real hero is the one who lets others be heroes.” –Sensei Wu
Okay! I hope you all enjoyed my review/preview of Cole: Ninja of Earth!
I will post Jay’s next, then Kai’s. Proballynot tonight, most likely tommorow. Ninja-GO!!!
O i didint now You coud do that :0
The phantom ninja is either Cole or sensei Wu. I read Kai’s and Zane’s.
No, accually, there is an actual phantom ninja. Cole did impersonate him at first but then the actual phantom ninja showed up. You probally read that in Zane’s because it wasn’t in Kai’s, i can tell you that. 😀
Oh, great. all the sudden i am not feeling very well. 🙁
I might want to go to sleep. Probally am. Sorry i wont be able to finish adding all of you guy’s stories! 😳
UUGGG!!!!!! School tommorow. BOOO!!!!!!!!!! 🙁
so is anyone still on spring break?
I am
me too
whats everones favorite lego brand? mines STAR WARS. 😀
This is such an awesome website! Just testing something.
How do you link your name to your website?
dont no
Just fill in your website address under the website section when you leave a comment. Right now you put TBB in there. Instead you should put your own web-address. 🙂
what happne to my comment admin?
Nya, which one? I know you have reposted the same poll like 10 times, so I kept one or two and deleted the rest. But other than that I believe all your comments should be there. 😉
because the poll no one see it and no one anyser it so i did it agen and agen but is ok
Nya, your poll is there, so if someone wants to participate they can. 😉
sup lloyd
my brothers being anoying
this weak i dont have any school (not cause of spring break) 🙂
heu guys i m eating ice cream !!!!!!! it is 88 degrees!!!!!!!!
It’s about… lets say fifty something digrees
so………… part whatever of my story……………..
Garmadon: *destroyed*
Lloyd:We did it!
ULTIMATE EPIC PWR NRG NEO NOVA NINJA SDZUX: yeah.. lets get the most powerful sword that will give anyone infinite power
Cole: I m getting it!
Zane: NO!!!!!!!!! ME!
Lloyd: where’s Neo?
ULTIMATE EPIC PWR NRG NEO NOVA NINJA SDZUX: ha ha! *grabs sword and becomes invincible*
Zane: urg………………. GIVE IT TO ME!!!!!!!!!!! *freezes Lloyd*
Cole: WHY U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * attacks Zane
Zane: the weapons!
pretty good i guess
and also tarn can u let me be able to post too? on your website
click on my name and it will take you to the second best website ever 😀
What do you think is the best?
Oh, wait. I think i know. I get it! Nevermind. 😀
has anyone clicked on my name?
i dont know
click on my name neo
so neo whats youre fav lego set?
Someone said on the ninjago season 3 page that Ninjago season 4 was coming out July 2, 2013! That would be awesome, since it wold be so close to my birthday. 😀
cool, i think
I once went back to see the first thing about ninjago admin posted and i saw the comments and they were funny to see because they were talking about what was to come in season 2 and i see that i am like, “nope, thats wrong” “yeah, that’s right” and itis just so funny to see that. When we see season 3 it might be fun to see what sort of weird thing people came up with for what will happen.Hey, you never know! 😀
i agree
i agree to
Lexi, I actually got the idea to write a post about Season 3 this early, after I went back to that first post you are talking about. I read the comments and I also thought they were so funny now that I look back at them, and I thought it would be fun to start a discussion like that about Season 3 too. 😀
hey guys 😆 😆
lexi the best website ever is TBB 🙂
Yeah, i sort of figured that out.

I so agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ya know guys season 1 was so short. i mean the episodes were 10 minutes long and their was only 4 episodes. season 2 was way longer
i know right?
i got tp ddo research on neptune…………….. i will be back!
i m ACK!
I agree. I always stay on websites longer that have comments. Comments can be so funny! It is part of the entertainment! 😉
hey guys
you still trere neo?
I really hope they come out with a ninjago video game. 😀 Nice finale I must admit. 🙂
eh i dont really care for a video game of ninjago, not that ninjago is not cool
They already have a season 1 video game. 😀
for DS? Or 360?
pretty sure it is DS. I think it was called Lego Ninjago battles. but i can’tbe sure. 😐
Oh. I don’t have one of those. I’ll look it up.
ok, forget looking it up, my internet is running really slow. 🙁
My mind was still on vacation for sure today. for starters, when i went to my locker, some people forgot their locker combo. now, i didn’t forget my combo, i forgot there were 3 numbers in the combo! I did the first two and then tried to open in and was like “WHY WON”T IT OPEN?!?!?!” then i saw what number it was on and was like “Oh.”
Then in Math i messed up on a really easy math problem and it wan;t just a little mistake, but a really BIG mistake and didn’t make any sense of how i got it. May not seem like a big deal but i am the Mathmatitian in my class and i was WRONG. I am never wrong!!!!! 😯
I had one more, but i sort of forgot it.
haha lol. 😆
not kidding i accually forgot the other one. 😛
Oh. gosh. sounds horrid. What math are you in? I’m home-schooled so I don’t need to worry about that kinda thing. 😀
I am in Pre-Algebra. I know it is something most peple take in 8th grade, but i am accually taking it in 7th. 😀
Yeah, we were doing a review for the EOG (end of grade) test
It was regular 7th grade math i messed up on. as i said before, i am ALWAYS right. I even proved my teacher wrong before.
The only reason i don’t get 100% in math is the stupid math mistake of negitives. I for some reason will ge the right answer but forget to put the – (negitive) sign. and then i get it wrong. but other than that, i am literally ALWAYS right. 😀
I don’t like Negitives 🙁
Yah, I’m in 8th grade and I’m in Algebra 1. I used to detest Math with all my being, but now I’m beginning to like it. I hope you can maintain your skill on the subject. 😀
And I’m also relatively good at it. 🙂
Haha we are on a Ninjago TV show website comments and we start talking about Math. Isanybody thinking that is unusual? 😆
Not at all. 😀 😉 . Heard any good theorems lately?? 😀
Math or Ninjago?
Math i learned about the Patagrithum Theorem
Ninjago has quite a few dicorveries in the Ninjago season 3 blog. such as in season 4 there might be a episode called “Pytor returns” and :pyhtor and the great devourer” and there is 17 episodes in season 4 and many other things. 😀
Sweet. Pythor’s accent was great. 🙂 I feel like I learned the Pythagorean Theorem a long time ago, but I just had a lesson about it. 😕 What math curriculum do you use??
What do you mean by that? 😕
like what series of math books??
Glencoe Mathmatics North Carloina Edition. It has a rollar coaster on the front. with people on it. 😀
cool 😆
i was not talking abought youre mathbook 😆
Yeah, I was wondering about that! 😆
ah. I use Saxon. Really boring. 😛
Bedtime for me. Catch you all later. 🙂
peace 😆
I heard of that type before. I wonder where… 😐
Yeah I take Pre-Algebra too and I am in the 6th grade.
me to lol
Wait a minute! I remember the other one now!!! two things accually, but they correspond with each other
1. i forgot to get the new ch. 10 textbook section on the computer (we all have our own computers at my school)
2. i forgot to write down my math homework so i don’t even know what to do out of the textbook anyway! 🙁
LOL! Yeah, that happens after a vacation! 🙄
Yeah, but i never did that before! not even after summer break! I wonder what happened… 😕
were you thinking abought ninjago then? 😆
hey lego dude! i use saxon too and im homeschooled im doing pre algebra next year for 7th grade
btw, Lego Minecraft should be developed into a complete line. 🙂
so how many people on here are homeschooled? I am 😀
I am, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
yah im so glad im homeschooled 🙂
I am home schooled as well 😆
im homeschooled too
I’m homeschooled !
lunch time, be back in a bit
im getting my 12 year old shots today wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 😥 😥
y did almost everyone think that garmadon died cause he didnt 🙄
hey legodude i clicked on youre website and that set thats on the front and i have have it, i think its sweet
Thanks! I’ve kinda given up my blog. Since I found out I can’t get google adsense till I’m eighteen. 🙁 But now I write for the BrickBlogger!!! 🙂
You are very welcome to continue posting here, but just thought to mention that if you love your blog, there is no reason to give it up. I use Adsense because currently it helps pay the bills. This is a self-hosted website, so there are expenses involved. I’m grateful that Adsense helps to cover that, but it is not going to make me rich. 😆
Yah, I’d rather right here anyway, since people actually see what I post. 🙂
Yeah, that’s one of the hardest parts about blogging. Getting people to actually visit your website! My training is in SEO and traffic generating so I can make it happen, but it still takes a while. This website is just a bit over one year old, and it took this long to get 10,000 visits a day. So it takes time. 😉
10,000 a day????? NICE! thats certainly a good number.
Click on my name to go to the website my other gmail has. A lot of credit goes to you, Admin!
Nicely done! 🙂
Does the four headed dragon set rally come with NRG JAAYY???!!!
I’m working on my website right now!
Is my gravatar working?
My gravatar! why isn’t it working????
Okay, let’s try this again.
You know the Ninjago mini-movies? If it weren’t for them i wouldn’t even have been here or even liked ninjago! 😀
Reason: I was going to watch a recorded show of Pokemon (my Ultimate favorite show at the time), but before it came on (this was in January) I saw the dragon racing mini movie and was like. “okay. That was interesting.” I liked it because it was funny and i found it interesting. I don’t quite know why, though. 😀
A few weeks later, i was on this TV station called Kids on Demand, where they have a few shows from multiple places including boomerang, cartoon network, disney, nick, and the Hub (don’t ask what is is becasue i don’t know). So i was looking for something to watch since i was bored. i was going to rewatch a pokemon episode when right above it i saw (since the shows were listed in alphabetical order) NINJAGO. I said “hmmmm, that commertail( i din’t know it was a mini movie at the time) seem pretty cool. Maybe i will check this, Ninjago series out.”
I was hooked almost immeadiately.
Weird part about it is i watched episode 2 BEFORE episode 1. i saw episode 2 and i was like “That was AWESOME!!!’ and continued on to watch episode 1. Then i later showed my brother.
I LOVE NINJAGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀
Where does the Ninjago team even make the seasons? In the US? For some reason I think it might be in British Columbia or something.
taryn are u my follower?OR NOT!
That’s a good question! LEGO is a European company, and as far as I know they design everything there, but perhaps the episodes are made somewhere else. It would be interesting to find out! 😉
well, since the episodes come out in korean first (as we all have seen), maybe they were made in korean? 😉
Okay, this is final. WHY IS MY GRAVATAR NOT WORKING???!!!
Lloyd, did you confirm your gravatar? If I remember correcly you supposed to get a confirmation email and follow the directions to finalize your gravatar account. It was a long time ago when I set up mine, so maybe someone else who has done the steps recently can confirm.
also if u rated it above g then it won’t show up
i was trying to add a poll on my website but it isn’t working 🙁 can someone help me?
Hm, I wish I could help you, but I’m not that familiar with blogger plugins. 🙁
that’s okay i figured it out now
hey guys i have a new poll on my website!
and what if the four headed dragon became the 5 headed dragon? (green ninja dragon head)
Oh, dear! 🙄
sup guys 😀
hey hey hey
WHAT????? 😐
i just got my shots OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!
ya think lol
i got shots once
ONCE! i have gotten them like 5 times no actully like 8 or 9
me 4
ya, but there was no tears lol, but wy would i cry right
i didn’t cry either
😆 i did when i was 4 though
i never did
and guys please vote on my website
ok ill do it wright now be back in a bit
neo i clicked on venomarai and then clicked view results but it didnt do anything
um that’s weird
my arms are so sour
oops i speled soar wrong 😳
try again
still doesnt work bbl
and u havve to click vote when u press it
probably that is wwhy it is not working
What do I do? First, my gravatar doesn’t show up (Admin, I think you are right!), and now, I have two websites. Click on my name to see my second.
Yep, your gravatar is visible just fine. 😉
just vote!
guess everybody is gone…..
im back neo 😆
now try my poll i fixed it
okay i fixed the poll iit should work now
ok ill try again
thanks 😉
sorry neo it still doesnt work bbl
ok im back.
anyone else on?
am i to late
oh hey
can i just say POKEMON STINKS…………… offense
pokemon rocks!
im mean whats the cards for?……………………………LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey neo you havnt killed me as jay yet only as kendo cole…………shouldnt have said that
actually i kuillled everybody on bricckblogger *killls everyone on brick blogger except himself*
wa know guys people have stopped commenting that much after ninjago season 2 ended
Yeah. I was afraid that would happen. 🙁
i asume im to late (to talk)
i wish the ninjas were fighting robots (cool robots) in season 3
you weren’t too late! I was waiting. i just sort of got distracted trying to make a poll on my website. and i am having MAJOR difficulties. 🙁
not abought youre diffuculties
im new
but ive been on this website for a while
you still there lexi?
yes, i was just trying to fix the MAJOR difficulties of posting this poll. Question: are you good with tecnology? Maybe you could help me! 😀
not at all im not good with tech
I though you left! don’t worry, i am still on. 😀
oh good
lexi when i click on youre name it doesnt take me to youre website
so how was youre day?
mine stunk
alright i have to go but my brother will be on soon
ok im back on. my brother talks to much 🙄
😆 😆
ha ha ha 🙄
hurtfull 😆
If you ask me, it is a good thing! I like people who talk alot. I like to aswell! i just am not the fastest typer. and i wait for people to respond! 🙄
plus i write alot in one post most of the time
Of corse he will…
I finally figured out how to post a poll!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!
I have to go to but i will be back in about 10 minutes. 😉
or 5 minutes. I don’t know, really, but it will be in a sort time. 😀
oh, and it’s spelled AWESOME!!!
(and make sure to capitalize it! 😆 )
whatever lol
i cant post cause i cant get on youre website
well jay is known for talking to much lol 😆
I have said this before the reason is because i haven’t published it yet. If it makes you log in you can help me by using this log in (not the actual one or my real email but it works)
password: thebrickblogger
Lexi youre website is awesome, and what havent you finished, it looks done
No i didn’t finish it because i didn’t finish putting up the most recent stories. I only have the ones from this episode to do! 😀
okay let us know when its done 🙂
hey cole 😆
i guess youre gone 😥
yep youre gone…………. 😥
I’m not gone
oh hey………………i like youre stories
ok so how many people are 12 on here i already know lexi and the purple ninja, including me
im 12
you still there jay?
guess not…….. 😥
im on 😀
are you still on?
dude youre gone……………….REALLY!
ATTENTION!! im changing my name to RATTLA 😀
does anyone know what the grean ninjas elemant is? im assuming lightning since thats what lloyds is
im changing my name back.
ok i must admit nya’s cute 😀
sort of
taryn i voted for NUMCHUCKS OF LIGHTNING
taryn i have 1 new ideas for youre websites poll, favorite snake tribe leader…………………… probably not that good though iv just like run out of ideas……………………….might think of one though
so did i
what does that mean? (i don’t text)
be back later 🙄
ok, so now u are back. 😀
Are you two just, like, taking turns? 😆
ok im going to bed
i will check for Jay and anyone else who turns up. I am usually on till 12 every night at least, so even if my last post was a while ago i will probally still be on, jsut waiting for somebody. 😀
il be up longer than him since im 12 and hes 10
I am 12 too!!!
oh and by the way lexi i dont text
il be back in like 5 miutes or a little more
youre right lexi i do talk to much
I am here! I was jst updating my website a little! My goal is to finish ny tonight/tommorow morning (like 1 a.m.)
lexi im on………………..
I see that! 😀
oh youre still on
I’m alwys up till like 3, 4, or 5
i dont know when il be on next probably soon though………… maybe
I hope so! 😀
as i said i will be on it just might be a few moments before i see you came back. so if i don’t respond at first i will, just give me a minute! 😀
Hello, Legodude19!!
so, how was math today! I didn’t mess up this time! Back on track! 😀
I actually didn’t do math today! 🙂 but I need to get off. sorry. 😀
Oh, ok. Bye!
Have a nice night! 😀 😀
Ninjago The Golden Legend Episode 7 (I forgot to name it in part 1, It’s called Close Call) part 2
Sarah: Garmadon?
Garmadon: Capex! I’ve had enough of you!
Garmadon took out a sword and started trying to fight Capex
Capex: Oh how pathetic I can’t stand how slow youre moving, youre like a turtle, yes a black turtle
With that, Capex dissappered. Cole hit Garmadon
Cole: Dude, youre so confusing. Kai had his sword, how come we don’t have our weapons?
Garmadon: Because Kai is going to be alot of help to defeat Capex
Sarah: Garmadon, I need to tell you something important… oh, uh yeah I forgot
Sarah closed her eyes. Suddenly, Kai popped up next to Sarah
Jay, Zane, Cole: Kai!
while they were all crouding around Kai asking him questions, Sarah pulled Garmadon back
Sarah: I heard Pythor was lose
Garmadon: I saw him. Pythor was talking to Capex about taking over together. I couldn’t hear them much because I only got to hear Pythor say something about taking over together, then I heard Go ninja Go
Sarah: Well, thats not surprising
Garmadon: Is there anything else?
Sarah: Yes, one more thing. I figured that Capex can take form of anyone
Garmadon: what?
Sarah: In the whole world
Kai came over to Sarah
Kai: Thanks for saving me
Sarah elboed Garmadon
Garmadon: Alright, here are your weapons
Garmadon gave the four ninja theyre weapons
Zane: Thank you Garmadon
Garmadon: Well, I guess I’m not all that evil. From now on we’ll have to do teamwork to defeat Capex. Good Luck.
Episode 8 will come out soon
I only messed up once
I ment to say I figured out. Not just I figured sorry 😉
Episode 8 is gonna be kinda sad and feaky 🙁
k cant wait 😀
Me too!
Now that Ninjago won’t be on for another 7 months (exactly), You guys (and girls!) stories are what i am most looking forward to!
me to 😀
the PWR suits look like power rangers……….lame
i no they’re like having uh i don’t no maybe golden snow? PWR suits on ninja are soooooooooooooooo LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im on
you still on???????
to do faces go to the, how to comment thing at the top
IM NOT A POWER RANGER! IM A GOLDEN NINJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lexi, where is your webite? I want to read stories!
Ha ! i am in Science. I have really funny teachers. He was slingshoting clear beads under my Language Arts teachers Door. 😆
😆 😆 😆
i was hoping to get done last night but i sort of fell asleep…
Yeah, most mornings i wake up in my bed with the computer next to me. I don’t worry about the batteries running out because i always keep it pluged in. Otherwise it would die in about 2 minutes or less. It looses 1% of its battery power ever two second, Unfortunatly. 🙁
I am at school right now in Science class and i found out how to get on this website without it being blocked! I used Google Crome! (in my school everyone gets their own laptop) No i am not homeschooled. I wish i was though. That would be cool. 😀
NINJAGO IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
being homeschooled rocks!
Just don’t get yourself in trouble! 😉
some people in my classes go on a games site called coolmath4kids (not really about math) while they are in class. 😐
He-he… so when you go to TBB during class what do you call that? 🙄
I call it…
hi guys i’m new
Hey helloooooo i am on (I’m a boy if your wondering)
REMEMBER!!! THIS IS NOT CHAT!!! Click on my name to go to my first website. Look here to see my blog:
Haha! You said this isn’t a chat when you are one of the most chattiest people on here! Plus, he is new here, so give him some slack. from the liioks of most of the comments above, he may think it is a chat! 😀
oh and epic ninja…….. we werent wondering if you were a boy
EPIC NINJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
idk what just happened. I was trying to reply to someone
Hey Admin? Can you put season 3 on The Brick Blogger?
Sarah, I’m not sure what you mean Season 3 isn’t even coming out till the end of the year! 😕
Ninjago The Golden Legend Episode 8 Goodbye Ninja part 1
Sensei Wu was drinking tea in his room of the ship when he heard yelling and fighting.
Cole: No Kai, Jays right, It’s your fault
Zane: Well, you were trying to destroy us
Jay: Oh, I forgot, Capex didn’t even take form of you when you tackled me!!!
Kai just atared at his feet
Sensei Wu walked over to the ninja. They turned to him
Sensei Wu: This is NOT how you should be acting to your BROTHER! Apoigise! NOW!
Jay: -rolling his eyes- I’m sorry Kai… Kai?
Kai was nowhere to be seen. Cole looked down from the ship. There was Kai.
Everyone: KAIIII!!!!!!!
Kai landed on the ground easly
Zane: Phew, It’s good he’s okay
Jay: Yeah but where is he GOING!??!!?
Kai ran off into a narrow and dark pathway
A voice: Kai is that you?
Kai: Wh-who are you?
The voice: It’s me Pythor. Listen, you need to get out of here or he’ll kill you too!
Kai: Who?
Pythor: Capex!
Kai noticed all around him. There were lots of chains all around.
Suddenly, the narrow pathway was fine but he was closed in!
Pythor: Please don’t hurt me I bet you!
Kai: I won’t just show yourself
Pythor went out of his hiding place but quickly zipped back in saying
Kai looked behind him to see Capex
Capex Well hello, Kai
Capex knocked Kai out
Sorry for the spelling errors
I meant I BEG you not I bet you
why are my comments in the middle?
the pwr suits look
hey jay
anyone on?…………….
u spelled green wrong
there i am now RATTLA
ok i must admit nya’s cute
New poll on my blog! Click on my name to go.