(Written by Geneva – gid617)
If you are new to the Ninjago Spinners, you might want to checkout the first two parts of this article, especially Playing Ninjago Spinjitzu – Part 1: Essentials, but also Playing Ninjago Spinjitzu – Part 2: Cards.

Finally, the part ofย the Ninjago Spinjitzu battle that supports most of the fight – the weapons! So let’s talk about them in detail. ๐

As in many fights, there are two types of weapons; offensive and defensive. Of course, we all know that the best defense is a good offense, but having lost multiple times that way, I just might have to change my tactics! So we’ll start with the main defensive weapon: a chain. The most basic chain weapon (and in my opinion the best) is the “half-nunchucks” – a normal nunchuck with one T-piece missing.

The nice thing about the half-nunchucks is (yeah, I know, it isn’t really a fifty-fifty split) that it isn’t too heavy like some of its variations. And although you’ll rarely win against even a tolerably good weapon, you’ll almost never loose. You will have to trust almost entirely in your Spinjitzu card-deck to win, but that might not be a bad idea! ๐
Chains are especially good when your opponent has added LEGO bricks to their spinner – unless they’ve added Whip Attack. Especially if they turn the whips up. My brother once told me that he would spin hard if I put the whips up. Iย tried that, and both he and his chain went flying. ๐

Virtually all other Spinjitzu weapons are offensive weapons. Naturally, you can use these in a slightly defensive way, but since you are supposed to stick your weapon out at least enough to nick your opponent or their weapon, it’s a lot tougher.

Despite the brute force involved, there isย a technique to positioning your weapons; you are not trying (or perhaps I should say you should not be trying?) to hit your opponent, but rather their weapon. That way you can get enough leverage to knock them out of their spinner, especially if they are hitting your character.
If, on the other hand, you hit the character (unless their character isย on one leg – and sometimes even if your character is), you will likely find that you are the one that ends up going flying; they just stick to their spinner too well for that kind of attack.
If your opponent is using a chain, you can’t just force a chain around themย (which is what makes it such a good weapon); you have to catch it. A scythe or a scythe-variant are almost the only weapons capable of doing this. But even after you catch a chain, you still have a tough fight to prove who sticks to their spinner better.
Speaking of sticking to your spinner, I’ve found that the newer the character/spinner combination is, the betterย they willย end up sticking. And speaking of a scythe, it may be as well to mention that it is a very unpredictable weapon. If you hold it too far out, you’ll probably go half-way across the table – if not the room! But with a little practice, you can probably start doing some serious execution – and then again, not necessarily!

As may be expected, long weapons are not that good, and this includes most swords that are longer than a dagger (unless they are long enough that you can legitimately turn them in the opposite direction so that they are going across your character and then hitting your opponent).
The Dragon Sword of Fire is, like the scythe, an unpredictable weapon, but useful. And since you get three weapons (according to the official guide only one golden weapon, but if Sensei Wu can break the rules, why can’t you – even if he is the son of the first Spinjitzu Master), it’s probably a good idea to use one chain weapon, at least one of the most trusty hard weapons, and if you’re really adventurous, an unpredictable weapon.
Personally, I use a Golden Fang-Blade, along with an NRG Cole type scythe, which is my own invention (pajama style – that’s what my brother said it looks like with the black), and of course a chain. Previously, I’ve used a Staff of the Dragons (after all, “in the hands of a Spinjitzu Master, it’s an unstoppable force”), a chainsaw (which never did quite live up to its name), a normal Scythe, and the Dragon Sword of Fire.

It’s really quite fun to practice spinning with some crazy weapons (not during the Dragon Master of the Month Tournament, of course); sometimes you’d be surprised at what you can get to spin! ๐
You might also want to check out the official LEGO Ninjago Weapons Dictionary, which has a lot of fun facts about the weapons. For example, did you know that the spear is also know by the names of “Mr. Point”, “The Sharp One”, and “Owwww”! Or that the Double-Boned Skele-Scythe is “Made from the broken bones of fallen Skullkins”? “That’s why no Skullkin likes this deadly weapon. But none dare tell Lord Garmadon this, because no one wants to be his next Double-Boned Skele-Scythe.”
And how about you? Do you have a favorite Spinjitzu weapon? What is the winning combination you have found? Or is that a myth? Feel free to post any commentsย and questions below! You may also like to watch the 2012 Ninjago – Season 3 Trailer, head over to the LEGO Ninjago section for more news and discussion, or check out some of my previous posts:
Finnally, first to coment! ๐
Of Course, this is’nt much of a coment though.
You are right, it isn’t much of a comment. Neither is this I guess ๐
Admin, I meant that I used a Golden Fang-Blade (second weapon on the picture) along with a NRG Cole type scythe. (First weapon) Sorry if there was any confusion! ๐
Is it better now? ๐ณ
Yeah! Thanks! ๐
Cole must be pretty bad to loose nine times to Fang-suei! I guess that means the new spinners are probably better than the old ones ๐
That’s too bad, when the first spinners came out me and my sister bought some!
Of course – I bought several too. . . but after all, they still have cards! ๐
Once my friend and I were battling and he won as the original Cole on Lasha’s spinner, and I was Kai ZX on his spinner. I guess that means newer spinners and older characters might be better?
Nice post gid617! Loved it!
Thanks! ๐
i was random spinners and i lost abought 21 times straight against my brother ๐ (he was fang suie)
Does that mean fang-suei is really good? ๐ Uh-oh. That’s one of the ones I don’t have ๐
I am starting to change my views of this game, but it still doesnโt match up to my saturday chess tournaments!
Now you just have to try it. It’s fun! Me thinks it is more fun than chess. ๐
Yeah! It’s really nice because it’s not so much chance as a lot of games (not chess, of course) and there is actually a good bit of strategy ๐
This morning while I was brushing my teeth it occured to me (no idea why there and then) that one thing you haven’t addressed in your post is the weapons and other attachments that you can add to your spinner. Like the chains, those spiky thingies, etc. and how they effect your spinning and your chances of winning. ๐
Oh yeah! I had really forgotton about them. I guess the reason for that is that I only use Whip Attack, I think the others are just about worthless ๐ The other pieces on the botom of the spinner just slow you down, at least in my experience. Maybe the another reason I forgot about them is that you don’t really get to pick; unless you’re using some special rules, they come with the cards! ๐ Spiky things are pretty good – adding anything to the top of your spinner will do you good ๐ – if your opponent hits them he doesn’t have much choice but to knock them out or get knocked out ๐ – and your opponent will usually come out first ๐
They are really fun though. I especially like the chains! Yeah, they slow the spinner down, but anybody would get out of the way of a crazy ninja spinning chains all around themselves! ๐
Yeah, they’re a lot of fun. I like just trying to see how much you can possibly spin with ๐ – without getting your fingeers tangled in all that gear! ๐
LOL! Yeah! ๐
That’s what I do!
Admin, you probably thought of that from the scene when the ninjas were brushing their teeth with Garmodon.
Here is epsode 15 Ninjas vs. Pirates. A bit better qualilty than the other one, but it’s still really hard to hear what Sensei Wu says! ๐
It’s especially hard to hear when everybody is saying What did he say? Shhh! ๐
My best golden weapon is, mezmo`s double axe thing. Then my favorite normal weapon is… that double syth Garamadon has! P.S. i have Fang suei![ he is my best caracter card]
I like scythes too! They’re fun! ๐
wait… it’s july?
Sure is! ๐
Admin, what paint works best on LEGO bricks?
Skales, it depends on what you are painting and why. If you want to change the color of a piece that needs to be durable and permanent, you want to use vinyl-die. It is not paint, but it fuses together with the plastic, leaving no build-up and will not scratch off. The downside is that not many colors are available and also pretty expensive as it only comes in large spray-cans. I really like the Plasti-Kote brand.
If you just want to do a little touch-up on a piece, or paint a piece that will not be snapped together with other pieces (shields and some helmets are good examples) you can use Testors or other very thin hobby-paint. I like Testors because it has great color selection (many already matches LEGO’s colors), readily available, and cheap.
You can also add a clear-coat on top of the paint to make it more durable, although I don’t use this method because I don’t like the shine it creates. But I do put a clear-coat on my decals.
Even with all the customizing I do, in general I would avoid paint. I only use it when absolutely necessary, and only on parts that will not be under a lot of abuse. I won’t just paint regular LEGO bricks that get snapped together hundreds of times – it is not worth it…
Also, I have seen kids using permanent markers, completely ruining their LEGO minifigs with their shaky hands and sloppy work. Some people have extremely steady hands and can do a good job, but that is very rare – usually adults who have training in the art of minature painting. Please don’t ruin your LEGO. You will regret it.
Yeah. My brother has ruined several plain minifigs that way ๐
Danger to legos: Sharpies! Although my friend used black sharpie to turn a bionicle mask all black once… it look good… in a way.
Also, do you know why the design on Lasha`s hood is fadind? It was fine when i got it, but now the only thing left of a design is 2 little dark green lines!
The oil from your hands will remove print. When I have a minifig with intricate print like that, as soon as I get it I put a very thin layer of clearcoat on top of the print, and in general try to avoid touching the minifig on the printed area. ๐
Yeah. It’s never a really good idea to rub your minifigs! ๐
Yeah, never-ever use Sharpies on LEGO! It makes me cry when I see a Sharpied minifig! ๐ฅ
so the moral of this is;
‘never customize your minifigs unless you know what your doing, or you could upset a few people’
Yeah, basically… ๐
Few people? More like every lego fan! ๐
Yeah, you can say it that way! ๐
Oh yeah! 25 character cards and 96 battle cards! Beat that! ๐
You beat me! ๐ I only have 22 character cards and 80 battle cards ๐ ๐
You still have a lot.
Yeah, at least my brother isn’t beating me ๐
hmm… i wish we had cable for the new episode… when do you suspect it will be on tbb admin? it usually can on the next day if i remember correctly
I guess it will be like with the last season; TBB members racing to find the episodes first! LOL! Good old days! But yeah, if you guys are up to it, and help find the episodes I will upload them as soon as they are available. ๐
does anybody else have all the snake GENERALS including Pythor?
I do!
Lucky you!
I don’t even have one! ๐
Then your missing out! I think the generals are the best! The only general i have is… Pythor! I wouldnt spend sooo much money on sets! Also does anybody know where i can buy generals for a reasonable price? [Not amazon] โ
I have Skales (interesting, isn’t it, I own myself ๐ ) and Pythor. I really want the others, but unless I find them on Ebay or Bricklink, I’m probably not going to get them until Christmas.
Also I was just playing Ninjago Spinners with my mom (the only one who’ll play with me and not cry) and I beat her with 2 weapons left ๐ .
Pythor, try BrickLink: https://www.bricklink.com/catalogList.asp?catType=M&catString=759
Although you will most likely have to pay a premium for the generals no matter where you look. They are in expensive sets, so yeah, they are not going to be cheap if someone is willing to sell them separately. Also, you can try eBay, but I just checked last night and the prices were high there as well. ๐
I actually don’t like them so mch becaues of their tails ๐ . I am going to try to get the USR, though ๐ In fact, I only have one snake right now! ๐ฏ
The tails are one of the best parts!
Hey gid617 do you want to write for my blog ninjaofninjago.wordpress.com?
Sure ๐ I think you actually asked me that earlier. . . ๐ Anyway, could you give me some idea of what kind of articles you are looking for?
Ok. Im going on bricklink…
hey guys what is the Dragon Master of the Month Tournament,
NRG Cole
It’s just a joke. In the second mini-movie (Flight of the Dragon Ninja), it referes to the competition they did the see who would be dragon master of the month. . . sort of. ๐
u menia toze iest nrg cole
Here’s the link for Ninjaball run:
Enjoy ๐
The Ninjago weapons are aaaaaaawwwwwweeeeeesssssssoooooooommmmmmeeeeeeee…………..
u menia eiest loid zx i nrg cole kruto!