(Written by Geneva – gid617)
A few days ago I discovered that the LEGO Ninjago September spinners are already listed at K-mart (although you can’t buy them!), and they also have some very clear images, plus the descriptions of each of the new Ninjago characters, excluding – unfortunately – Lloyd ZX. 😕
➡ #9590 LEGO NINJAGO NRG Zane – spinner & cards set. Description: Power up your Spinjitzu battles with NRG Zane! Spin your way to victory! NRG Zane has transformed into pure ice-energy. With his golden weapon and new NRG ability, those annoying snakes will freeze in fear when they see him coming! Use the 4 battle-cards to influence the outcome. Set includes minifigure, transparent spinner of ice, silver spinner-crown, LEGO bricks, golden weapon, 2 regular weapons, character-card, and 4 battle-cards.

➡ #9573 LEGO NINJAGO Slithraa – spinner & cards set. Description: Power up your Spinjitzu battles with the Slithraa! Spin your way to victory against the Spinjitzu masters! With his hypnotizing stare and mesmerizing golden weapon, Slithraa is about to catch the eye of his opponents, the ninja warriors! Use the 4 battle-cards to influence the outcome. Set includes minifigure, blue transparent spinner, blue spinner-crown, LEGO bricks, golden weapon and 2 regular weapons, character-card and 4 battle-cards.

➡ #9556 LEGO NINJAGO Bytar – small booster pack. Description: Customize your Spinjitzu battles with Bytar! Prepare to battle the Spinjitzu masters! The tough Bytar is strong enough to crush solid stone with his constricting body! Time to put the squeeze on those nasty ninjas! Customize your spinners like never before with the Bytar minifigure, shields, fang-blades, LEGO lift-brick, golden weapon and 2 regular weapons. Use the 4 battle-cards included in the set to influence the outcome!

➡ #9557 LEGO NINJAGO Lizaru – small booster pack. Description: Customize your Spinjitzu battles with Lizaru! Prepare to battle the Spinjitzu masters! Lizaru is armed with some cool weapons and is ready to enter battle against his sworn enemies the ninja warriors! Customize your spinners like never before with the Lizaru minifigure, shields, fang-blades, LEGO lift-brick, golden weapon and 2 regular weapons. Use the 4 battle-cards included in the set to influence the outcome!

Although there are still no pictures of Lloyd ZX’s spinner-case, there are some close-ups you may not have seen before. Plus, we know that he has the original smirking, two-sided head, and it’s also interesting that his spinner-top, while green, seems to contain traces of all the other elements.
So, how do you like NRG Zane? And what about the other spinners? Which one is your favorite spinner and Ninjago character? Feel free to discuss it in the comment section below! NINJA… GO!!! 😀
You may also want to head over to the LEGO Ninjago section for more news, videos and discussion. Or you can check out my previous posts here:
They look AWESOME!!!! Also
they are really cool!
im hope they do NRG llyod.
Yes, although he didn’t unlock his true potential yet!
Patience….. As said by Sensei Wu
I really like lizaru! also I got NRG Kai vs Chokun yesterday 😀
me to same day
Mezmo, yeah, Lizaru is awesome! 😀
he is! 😉 I would really like to get him, espceially since the his snake rank 😉 seems to have a lot of SP! 😀
I got it a couple days ago. I still do ‘t really like Kai’s expression, but hey, I was expecting that 😉
All I need is NRG Jay and I have 3 NRG’s. Lizaru’s spinner accesories are very unique.
All I need is NRG ZAne and I’ll have them all! 😉 all the NRGs, that is.
Lucky peeps in usa. U can order all new ninjago sites on toysrus, but in the uk, we have a few months left to go. 🙁 🙁
Jay, feel so sorry for you. I dodn’t know why LEGO doesn’t like the UK. 😕
In canada its June, almost here!!!
Lol, i guess they have a very strange relationship!!
My and friend are very excited for them to come out too!
Admin, The Minifigure Olympic team is only avilable in UK, so LEGO must like the UK a little bit.
Nace, that’s true… just a little bit though. 😉
Cool! Nice that you were able to get pics! Cool post!
Thanks! 😉
gid617, I think your’e a great asset to the LEGO Community 😉
Thanks! 😉 😉
I love Toby Mac
cool ya i like his music!
Love ZANE and LIZARU and NRG LLOYD. don’t need the others
I actually don’t think Zane looks very cool, but I’m probably going to get him anyays (he’ll be the only NRG I’m missing) Aa far as the others – well, I’d love to get both Lizaru and Bytar, but I don’t think my mom would like that (although my brother is determined to convince her 😉 ) But I would love to see Lloyd – especially his character card! 🙂
Does anybody know the spinners SP?
Zanes is 0 fire 🙁 0 lightning – another 🙁 , 400 earth, and 500 Ice.
I’m not sure about looyds or slithraa’s. Lloyd’s might be 300 fire, 400 lightning, 200 earth, and 200 Ice. Not sure about that though – and I’m not sure on any of the snakes either. 🙁
lloyds gonna be like 5000 everything cause hes a boss
Hm. . . I’m not so sure about that. He doesn’t even know spinjitzu yet, plus he isn’t really that much better than the other ninjas. He’s just destined to defeat his father, that’s all.
he’s actually not NRG Lloyd- I think that will prabably come out somethime next year. It’s just Lloyd ZX:
well actually what you said is partly true. lloyd is not more powerful than the other ninjas YET. he will become more powerful. remember… all 4 ninjas couldnt defeat garmadon TOGETHER. of course theyll get more powerful too but in the end lloyd will be the strongest. this concludes my thoughts
well, he might end up the stongest, but I’m not sure about that. It seems like his ZX character card only has 1100 (although I’m not sure) – so he could end up stronger. Anyway I don’t know why you said all four ninjas together couldn’t defeat lord garmadon (although it maybe true). They never fought hand to hand.
eh i meant his plans….
What! Thats so not fair. I was so looking forward to the weapon pack! Oh no. Whens it going to be out in the UK.
Yeah, feel sorry for you guys… 🙁
But Zane is kinda lame.
Yeah agreed but I’m probs gonna get him.
I love the transparent blue snake that comes with me lol. I do like how Lloyds spinner crown has all the elements on it. And I love NRG Zane’s weapons. Bytar and Lizaru both are awesome
I love transparent snakes too 😉 And Slithraa’s character card is also very cool! 😉
I wonder if they will make a transparent red snake…………..
a transparent red snake would be as awesome as the others!
Everything about the Zane pak is cool exept Zane is kinda blah…
I would have to say Zane does look pretty cool. When we saw the NRG Ninja at first, we were all like “UGH, THEY LOOK SO CREEPY ” but now, the entire LEGO Ninjago community is going “OMGZ THE NRG NINJAS ARE SO AWESOME” ….. so I think that ALL the NRG Ninja look pretty cool to the fellow LEGO Community.
-Once Again, the Anonymous Ninjago Fan
Not to me. But then, I may not be normal 😉 And I don’t like any of the NRG (although I’m getting them all) becaues of their faces – other than that, they are prettygood.
Anonymous, I gotta say I don’t know that much about Ninjago,
but NRG Cole is really cool looking!!! 😆
I love all of the NRG’s. I could imagine Lloyd NRG being a transparent body 😛
That would be awesome! 😉
guys i got nrg cole at target yesterday! he was awesome!
I dont have much ninja. I mostly have snakes!
Don’t we just ALL love our little ninjafigures? 😀
-Once Again, the Anonymous Ninjago Fan
I got him yesterday as well! He looks realy good with a normal cole head – at least I think so.
thats funny… u said u got it on the 28th but when the original comment was posted he got it yesterday (the 27th)!!!!!!! .3.
Oh. I didn’t notice that; I got it the 28 😀
I do belive that “September” In ToysRUs Language means “June or July” Insert Ninja wink smiley here 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛
Tydroid, yeah, you are very right! 😆
Ik ben Nederlands. Wie weet wat ik schrijf?????
Dirk, nice to have you but this is an English speaking community, not Dutch. 😉
Awsome you can speak Dutch!
Naw, I just used Google Translator. 😉
Ik gebruik ook de vertaler! Figure that out! 😀
According to Google you just said: “I also use the translator.” 😉
Ik must be I then!
you just said “I am Dutch. Who knows what I write?????”
cool story! : P
Lloyd is…. SPECTACULAR!!! Good job lego!
I do think he is awesome, but I wonder why the upside-down fancy T on his hood (I don’t know what else ot call it 😉 ) is not the same color as his brackets?
good point, although i dont think that is the real lloyd i have seen the epic dragon battle set in-store and they match
Really? Are they both dark grey or light? I know that in his character card they are both light.
they are not gold or silver but more of a… grey-ish shiny awesome cool color!
ps its kinda dark
hmm… now that i think about it… it seemed to look kind of bronze too! XD
But is the top one greyish too? That’s what I meant.
yes the shoulder pads and the head peice are the same color
im getting the epic dragon battle set some time around the 22nd so i will be able to tell you the truth soon!
guess what i got the samurai x meck suit !
My brother also got it; unfortuantly he’ll have to wait until his birthday to open most of it! 😉 Lloyd’s caracter card (shown inside the instructions) is really cool! 😉
Awesome! How do you like it? 🙂
Cool! I have to wait for the price goes down on the ultra sonic raider, its 114 + 5.99 shipping! Also the price changes evey day almost!
tee hee i love having it it takes a lot of waiting off of me! XD
here are some funny anacondrai! https://lego.fandom.com/wiki/Custom:Anacondrai_Tribe
I AM STUNNED! 😯 those awe AWESOME!
Can you get the summer sets in store?! The purpel ninja said, that he saw it in stores! Right?
Pythor, yes, they are showing up in stores, especially TRU. 😉
AND TOYS R US! (thats where i saw it anyway)
Hm… that’s what I just said TRU = Toys’R’Us amongst LEGO fans. 😉
Admin i havebeen posting onleggo ninjago spinners, but i want to post on the latestpost you realeased. Is this the latest. I know you usually tell us, but i think imight have missed it.
this is the latest ninjago, if that’s what you were wondering.
Saad, you can always see which is the latest post by going to the Ninjago section from the left-hand side-bar under LEGO PRODUCTS (it is also identified as #5). Just click on LEGO Ninjago, and you will be taken to the Ninjago page with all posts related to Ninjago with the newests articles listed first. Hope this helps some. 😉
i dont wanna brag but when they were just introduced on this site i knew they would be the full potentials and look i was right WHOO
it is funny because so much people are snakes (by user name) but i havent seen a great devourer and sorta on the same topic there are a lot of pythors but pythor didnt come out of the great devourer like sensei wu so hes dead lol
Oh ya! Well ill be Pythors ghost! I still am waiting for the ultra sonic raider because im not going to pay 89.99 for it at TRU when i can get it for 79.99! 🙁
lolz at tru its more like 93 dollars (i bought it there so i no)
ok thats worse! 🙁 😥
nrg zane is second coolest ninjago spinner and minifig yet (green ninja is the coolest)
I like the ZX ninja the most. Of course the Green Ninja, but also the others. I think their designs are the nicest and most realistic. Although I don’t like that shoulder-thingy that much, and have taken them off of my ninja. I just wish Jay would really have a chrome arm! The NRG ninja are also really cool! Especially the holographic print! 😀
I wish Jay’s arm were crome too. And I do like the sholder-thing – although not so much in the movie, but I think it makes the ninjas look bigger – although they don’t look bad w/o it.
BTW, why aer all my comments pendiing moderation, Admin?
Geneva, our server is facing some major issues. I have been on the phone with them for 24 hours pretty much straight! Because of the server issues right now everyone’s comments fall under moderation. Please be patient. I have had a horrible day yesterday trying to get them to fix the issues, and this morning it is still not fixed. Again; it is the server. They are working on it. Now back on the phone with them. Running a website is really painful at times like this! 😥
Suer; I was just wondering if it was me 😉
No, not at all you! BTW, it seems like the server issue have been fixed. I’m crossing my fingers…
yes, it does seem to be working! 😉
Yeah, I’m so glad! No glicthes for the past six hours! Yay! No back to talking about Ninjago… 😉
Yay! I noticed that i could’nt get here….It only showed me where the topics would be 😛
Tydroid, all the issues are fixed now, so we should be good to go again! NINJAAA, GOOO! 😀
Great! 😉
im going to not buy spinners until september because i just got the ultra sonic raider which is big.
lolz i have it i LOVE pythor (sadly his mouth is stuck open) he has super golden skales and purple epicness (hope he doesnt catch too many flies) i love his tail too
yeah, he would be cooler with his mouth closed. At least I think so. And it’s funny that he has black arms! 😉
NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Kevin Hinkel said Ninjago is ending in 2013 after season 3! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! 😥 😥 😥 😥
I have to repply to the lates post (which is done by NRG PYTHOR [ NOOOOOO! Ninjago is ending in 2013!]), its the only way for me to have the last post
anyway admin do you think lego should have posted the ninjago episodes more slowly, because all we do is wait now.
ps. have you seen the wiiu?
Saad, in one sense it doesn’t matter where you put your comments, as I see comments very differently then you do;oOn the admin dashboard all comments on all posts show up in chonological order on one page, so I never miss any an even older posts. I go thru comments at least a couple of times a day to see if there is anything I need to respond to. 😉
As far as the Ninjago espisodes, there are so many factors involved in releasing a series like that; when it is it ready, how does it fit into the TV channel’s schedule, what is best for the target audience, and a bunch of other things. I think LEGO did well as far as making sure that kids are still in school when the episodes air, and they are not busy with finals and stuff. 🙂
I have no idea what is a wiiu. 😕
Thanks admin 🙂
If you go on wikepidia
It sais some stuff about season 1 and the two episodes and then it sais this
“Five episodes aired in Canada Nov. 25th. Two episodes aired in the United States Dec. 2nd. The series once again aired in the United States from January 11, 2012 to April 11, 2012. Ninjago has been recommissioned for a second season, which will come out sometime in July.”
What do you think (season 2 refering tothe one which is to come )
Saad, I don’t trust Brickipedia. Not by a mile. I only use it for info that has been already confirmed somewhere else. Otherwise it is a bunch of rumors that constantly change. Brickipedia can be edited by anyone at any time. It is not something endorsed or authorized by the LEGO company, nor is it even trusted by LEGO forums and blogs.
Having said that, it would be sweet if the next episode would start in July, although I have consistently heard November. November would make more sense, as it would repeat the pattern of the previous year. July/August is usually slow for LEGO as a lot of people (including kids) are on vacation, at the beach, or in general outside. It is not the best time to run a TV show.
But we shell see! 😉
I wish we had news, what can we do, we have nothing to talk about. We need somthing! 🙁
Saad, what do you mean? There are lots of things to talk about! Like that Kevin Hinkle just announced that next year is the last year of Ninjago and it will be replaced by something even more awesome. What will it be? Then there is still plenty to talk about the new Ninjago sets as many people are just getting them. Then there are Spinjitzu techniques and ideas to share, cards to collect… so many things. If you always think about the future you will never live in the present and you will never be happy because the future is always… well… in the future! 🙄
Finally I got somthing, but anyone speak German…
Even nore admin!
Saad, if you read the comments below that, you will see those are ideas, not facts. Brickipedia is a terrible place full of misinformation and rumors that constantly change and only confuse visitors! 🙁
In season 3 itmight be sort of difficult to see the main charecter. I think lloyd will fight garmadon, but then there has to be a main charecter like kai and lloyd have been done.. We can not have lloyd being the main person again.
I have to sayzane is quite special being a ninjabot and jay is amazing of course (maybe lloyd will be the ninja of lightning?) but cole is normal. He does not even act like a leader.
saad, I think Mr. Hinkle might be trying to say that in 2013 Ninjago will go off the shelves, but the series will continue. I’m not saying it’s likely, but it is a possibility.
at least theres lego batman to look forward to!
I just read the lego magazine! NOthing much on ninjago, it sias the next issue comes out in september, but i think the topic will be on lego lord of the rings…
Saad, thanks for the update! Yeah, I was also expecting that the hot topic will be LOTR.
Maybe, Mr. Hinkle said that Ninjago’s final year will resemble this year’s pattern. The 1st and 2nd quarter of 2011 was for the first season of Ninjago, and the 3rd and 4th quarter of the year was for Rise of the Snakes, and ended in the 1st and 2nd quarter of 2012. So, most likely it’ll be the same pattern. Like 2011, the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2012, and the 1st and 2nd quarter will be for season 3. And the 3rd and 4th quarter will be for season 4. Just listing a (somehow likely) possibility.
Yes, that’s quite possible. Although I’m not sure about Season 4. From Kevin’s description it seemed that Ninjago will taper out with Season 3, with products still on the shelves till the end of 2013. But we will see. I’m really curious about that Ninja vs. Pirates scenerio we have been hearing about! 😀
do you think it will be like the arr mihati’s or landlubbber pirates. With a wooden leg and an ey patch lol 🙂
LOL! No idea! That is why I’m curious! 😀
why is there nobody saying anything!!!!
Saad, you need to be on the right forums. There are whole conversations going on in the other ones both about the new Ninjago trailer and the new episodes. Please familiarize yourself with where the action is. 😉
Saad, those pictures are definitely photoshopped. Perhaps the text reveals something interesting. You can use Google translator to find it out. 😉
it’s on Lego.com now! 😉
That’s what I’m doing. I already saved
My money for the Epic Dragon Battle and
Samurai Mech, now I play the waiting game
you can order them off lego.com in the US now.
YESSSSS! I finally got the ultra sonic raider on lego.com! 😀
How is it? I’m hoping to get it too!
I got the Ultra Sonic Raider yesterday…It is awesome! 😀 😀 😀 .
You lucky!
gettin epic dragon on tuesday.
getting the epic dragon battle sometime this weekend
(my grandpa got it for me and it finally arrived)
😀 I’m getting the epic dragon battle!!!!!! I ordered it from Lego.com.
Anyone find anything about Ninjago season 3? Yes? No?
Xi, nothing new lately. 🙄
I hope we figure something out soon 😉 I’d like a picture of the pirates 😉
I’d like a pic of the pirates also, gid. But unfortunately, no teasers, not even a leak (seriously LEGO?) has come out about Season 3. But Xi, I think in the nearby future that we’re seeing teaser posters and teaser trailers for Season 3!
I can’t wait until season 3! I don’t think it’s fair that lego has to put on ninjago season 3 so late. . . And by the way, on June 22nd I am moving from CA to NJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you mean season 2
Yep, neither can I, but season 3/2 will be the last season. 😥
Skales, no it woln’t, silly! At the end of season 2, Sensei Wu mentions that one day Lloyd (the Green Ninja) must face his father one day (Lord Garmadon) and must kill him, because the Green Ninja is destined to destroy Lord Garmadon. I don’t think that’ll happen in season 3, because the season mostly revolves around pirates. And in the season finale, Lloyd unlocks his true potential. So yes, there will be a season 4. 😀
You got the Ultra sonic raider!
What do you mean season 2? Rise of the Snakes was season 2!
It’s actually very confusing, but the first series was not season one but basicaly just an introduction. Rise of the snakes was the first Season (and therefore Season One). So Season Two is the one we’re waiting for 😉
Admin do you like my new image!
Its good that yourwebsite is working again! Still the lego magazine was meant to come in May, but it’s allready June?
Sadd, yes, your avatar is AWESOME! I never figured out how the LEGO Magazine works. It seems like sometimes I get them right one after another, then nothing for a long time. 😕
Admin do you like my new image!
Its good that yourwebsite is working again! Still the lego magazine was meant to come in May, but it’s allready June?
Admin my comment is not going on the bottom of the page, it is going somewhere else?
Saad, it is there somewhere because I do see it. Sometimes it takes comments to figure themselves out where they want to go. They have their own mind. 🙄
Admin I post at the bottom on the page, im not repplying, but when I post, it goes a bit up, as if I am repplying to a post
Saad, yeah it happens sometimes. It usually clears out after a while though. I’m not sure how that works, but it has been noticed by several of us already. 😕
Wow admin I have been behind ….
Who’s Kevin Hinkle and how do you know that he said that next year is the last year of Ninjago and it will be replaced by something even more awesome. Where is the proof?
does thatmean we will have to wait till 2013 for new ninjago or what?
I think I must have been asleep for the last 100 years…
Saad, Kevin works for LEGO and he made the announcement at a recent LEGO convention. What he meant is that 2013 will be the last year Ninjago will be on store-shelves, so the next season will be the end, with another wave of products that will be available thru 2013, but then that is it. 🙁
I am excited for LLOYD ZX!!!
So there is nothing to talk about season 3. We know nothing about it. Do you know when the next lego conference is, so we may have some news of ninjago??? And the lego magazine has still not come out!
Saad, there is a LEGO conference this upcoming weekend in Chicago, then there is another one in July (don’t have the dates handy). Maybe something will emerge there, although I doubt it. Still too early. And yeah, I didn’t get my LEGO Magazine yet either. 🙁
Just got NRG Cole, Jay and Kai. (And Chokun!)
gold ninja … kai
Kai is the gold ninja!
do some of you already have a sonic raider please tell me how much is it please
Her admin, I found a picture of Lloyd ZX’s spinner via google images, here it is: https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTezTeYp3n8xhZsQHbIT7S84YY9_EsNH4ubZpKfHxtUPc6VxetWjw
Thanks, James! Can’t wait for its release! 😀
Why are there not many people writing anything. There is soo much to talk about.
Admin are you going to get the new lego batman?
theres bound to be a lego lotr coming out later this year
Saad, I’m so not into gaming. I’m on my computer way too much, and try to get away from it as much as I can. However you can discuss the subject with others. Stewbrick901 has a nice post about the LEGO City: Undercover game with some nice discussion about LEGO games: http://thebrickblogger.com/2012/06/lego-city-undercover-video-game/
Also, nace10 has a nice post coming on LEGO video games in the next few days. 😉
UPDATE: The NINJAGO Season 3 trailer is now uploaded! Watch and discuss here: NINJAGO Season 3 Trailer Enjoy! 😛
when i go to the lego store in new york in the fall im ganna get either nrg zane or the green ninja (whichever one they have) and lizaru he looks super cool
I like the green ninja spinner. It has a lot of cool details. I wonder why they made the green ninja so tall?
Is this right?
Nice to have you, Dutch LEGO fan. 😉
Most of the time I’d be on the latest episode or the new trailer.
Just Slithraa and NRG Zane, and I will have all ice spinners/boosterpacks available! Yaaay!
I got the green ninja Tuesday September 4.
My favorite Ninjago character is Lloyd zx witch I have.
I am NRG Great Devourer, Aaron. I really want to talk to admin cause he is awesome. Admin, ur awesome, like Lizaru :D. I can’t wait any longer for Episode 20 of Ninjago! On Minecraft, i was like this: Villager Hey pipola! Me: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Villager: There is a Zombie behind u. Me: where?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Villager: In ur underwear! LOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats what happened when i was playing Minecraft. You should try it, it is fun. Simply goto minecraft.com/. Is LEGO Minecraft out yet?
Woops, a mistake 😀
I love Lego Ninjago very very very……………..much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!