Okay, let’s make it clear before I get stoned, or before someone get’s a heart-attack; no real LEGO bricks have been harmed in this experiment! ๐
Passionate fans of the LEGO brick often refer to other brick-brands as “clones”, deserved to be wiped off the face of the earth. When picking up a LEGO lot from a garage-sale or eBay,ย LEGO fansย carefully go though the stack and pick out any “clones” that could desecrate their LEGO collection. These poor clone-bricks often end up in the trash-bin, or sometimes get donated to charity. But… how about giving them what they really deserve for their miserable existence… ๐
Although LEGO fans do talk about how clone-brands should be burned at the stake, nobody I know has actually done it literally… except forย Seanย & Steph Mayo (yes, the builders of the sweet LEGO Fairy Forest I featured a few days ago), who were up to the brave and honorable task. ๐
Sean & Stephย builtย the lovely scene, pictured above, from LEGO clone-bricksย (mainly from Megabloks), then lit it up! Watch the video below to see what happens! WARNING! Not for the faint of heart! โ
Andย below is the final result of LEGO clones charred to the bone. In my opinion the diorama is quite beautiful and artistic, even in its death – or perhaps more that it was in life. The waterfall section has a mystical beauty, and did you notice the lone survivor Megabloks figureย at the tower? Maybe clones are not that bad after all… ๐

What do you think? Is burning LEGO sacrilege? How about burning LEGO clones? What was your reaction to the video and the experiment? And what do you think of the final result? Share your thoughts and comments below! Oh, and please don’t try this at home!ย ๐
If you need to de-shock yourself after watching this video, check out:
YES!! DIE MEGABLOKS!!!!!! DIE!!!!! ๐
to be honest with you, I have always wanted to do something like this. ๐ plus, this is the perfect post to use the ๐ face.
LOL! Yeah, I love that smiley! ๐
How do I do that smiley? ๐
: twisted: without the space.
Why spend all that money for those clones, all the time to make the scene, and all the preparation to burn it…and then NOT USE A TRIPOD when shooting the video?!!?
Otherwise, pretty cool stuff ๐
Good question. But turned out a prety boring video. though the result picture was cool. ๐
Maybe it was boring cuase I watched it w/out sound? ๐
Kai, you MUST have the sound on! It is a Hans Zimmer score, giving the video a really dramatic effect. ๐
Yes later I watched it with sound on. ๐ It turned out better that way.
Good point! We want to see the burning it all of its intricate details! ๐
If you’re going to do something that destroys the blocks use a clone. The aftermath looks pretty neat. I’d like to see close ups.
That burning plastic would have smelled awful.
Probaly, is’nt burning plastic’s smell toxsic? How do you spell Toxsic. ๐
Thanks! by the way would you trade 15 tires on mln for a pink jewl if you have one?
Sorry, no.
I would, except I need the pink jewels to. I might have an extra, if you have diamonds. ๐
I actually think the after shot looks better than the original, I really do!!!
Me too! ๐
me three! BTW when it was burned it showed how cheesey clones are.
Maxx, I really like the after-effect too. In fact when I first saw the picture I thought it was a diorama made for die-cast figures. ๐
I don’t consider burning LEGO sacrilige (just insanity ๐ ). But yeah, clone brands deserve it! ๐
yes die! LOL! ๐ i have wanted to light legos on fire! ๐ โ
Seems very dangerous the way they lit it with a fireball that basically exploded. And I’m sure the fumes were VERY toxic.
But very interesting experiment! I love the way the burned out castle looks. Very sad and lonely.
only mega blocks should be burned but toys shouldn’t be burned at all ๐
Sweet! That is for SURE what MBs deserve!!!!
yep for stealing lego’s ideas
Psssstttttt, LEGO stole the idea from Kiddicraft…..
So really, LEGO is a clone brick(c:
One nucliur bomb would do just fine
This topic requires a whole post in itself. I’m hoping that you or Gary will write it as you guys know so much more about the topic than I could ever hope to know. Yeah… the dark past of LEGO that will haunt them forever. ๐
Maxx, didn’t Kiddiecraft give them permission to use it?
Haha! It’s weird seeing a pretty cool creation (for megabloks) but in different colors than I’m used to.
Them wannabe bricks shall perish in the fiery portal to HELL!
I like the result better than the
original too!
I think I accidentally just saved the result picture to my 3DS.
I agree with Nace10, megabloks ARE really pretty cheesey.
I have actually found a pretty good clone brand: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=lego+clone+wars&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1280&bih=878&wrapid=tlif134636489873510&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&authuser=0&ei=6OU_ULWtLIaq6QGqy4GoDg
In case anyone is wondering, that was a joke.
R.I.P MEGA BLOKS. Long live LEGO forever.
Moar liek B.I.P (Burn in Peace)
LEGO doesn’t give you garabage to work with . It doesn’t fall apart after you pain stakenly try and put it together. The LEGO company respects there customers.
Ok, they clearly put fuel or something on and around the model. Otherwise fire wouldn’t have been burning straight on the ground.
One word….
AWESOME!!! always wondered how well megabloks would stand up to a real challenge.
so cool
I read all the comments: Festival of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes
Anyways, it was very entertaining ๐
LOL! Good thing this site is about LEGO and not grammar. Any self-respecting English teacher would scream in pain visiting TBB. What can I say? LEGO fans are smart people, except spelling doesn’t seem to be their strenght. ๐
I love that while saying that, you misspelled strength.
I was wondering if you will catch that. ๐
lisin here imm da bestest spelur evur sou watchh ouut lego fanatyics!
lol. what was the guy that made the video thinking about when he made it? mage blovks or testing? i thought those were legos at first
REPLAY REPLAY REPLAY…. HAHAHHAHAHAH DIE MEGABLAWKS DIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I’m going to use this as a science experiment, telling everybody that LEGO clones should GO2THEDEVIL….. *sigh* Wow… I see why it’s tiring being a LEGO-Clone tyrant…
yes lego is a kiddi clone but mega bloks dosnt deserve it well to me atleast…. but you guys want it to go to H**L i think its OK BUT IF IT WAS MB HALO MY BRO WOULD KILL YOU ALL IF HE SAW IT LOL my bro LOOOOVES halo if it was then id go NOOO NOOO YOU DONT DESERVE THIS NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Interesting?! Admin,should I email you the 4207 review custom car pics?
I like the look of the castle after it was burned it looked like real stone from the picture
I despise clone brands too. Nace is right, they are kinda cheesy. the only reason I get mega bloks is for Halo. If TLG had the rights to Halo i would ignore mega bloks completely.
They would have tried at one point, but they thought parents would disapprove of war based themes. D;
Congratulations, you’ve just exposed yourself to unhealthy levels of Hydrogen cyanide! Legos and clones are made of ABS plastic, which emits HCN when you burn it.
This kind of thing is why people shouldn’t burn their own garbage.
๐ ๐ ๐
Looks like Harrenhal from Game of Thrones
If I had a second set I would consider burning as a way to make the stone more realistic.
LEGOยฎ bricks should never be burned. Ever. The brick is a wonderful icon and a piece of history. While it’s primary function is that of a toy, it should be treated with respect it deserves.
Can you think of another toy that has stayed true to it’s original form for as long as LEGOยฎ and is still enjoying massive sales today?