(Written by Geneva – gid617)
LEGO Legends of Chima is coming soon, and as we are getting closer to the release date, more and more interesting details get revealed! The official LEGO Legends of Chima website is now open, although all you can see at this point is three rotating images. As you probably know already, Legends of Chima is said to be replacing Ninjago as LEGO’s main non-licensed theme. Also, just recently a German Game Shop listed all the Legends of Chima sets with pictures – although I’m not sure about the pricing (at least not in USD). So let’s look at the sets and see what this new theme is all about! 😛

➡ #70000 LEGO Legends of Chima Razcal’s Raven Glider – Since we don’t have the official descriptions as of yet (at least not in English), I’ll just point out what I’ve noticed about the sets. Here the glider is obviously supposed to look like a bird, and it has a nice silvery beak sticking out at the front. From what we’ve seen so far (see: LEGO Legends of Chima & Others on eBay), the printing on the LEGO Chima minifigure is very detailed with at least some of the minifigures with dual sided heads and torso printings both the front and back!

➡ #70001 LEGO Legends of Chima Crawley’s Reptile Grabber – It strikes me that LEGO paid much attention to the front and back of this vehicle and forgot the middle! The “grabber” could use something to beef it up (and provide more protection) in the mid-section! On the plus side, if you like building army vehicles, this one has just the pieces for you!

➡ #70002 LEGO Legends of Chima Lennox’s Lion Buggy – Finally one of those “Shoot the flick-fire missiles and bring the bad guys down!” sets! Not only that, but the mouth also fires discs – although it is the first lion I’ve seen to do that. LOL! Plus, the fearsome claws on the wheels will sure to terrify any attacker!

➡ #70003 LEGO Legends of Chima Eri’s Eagle Jet – Another beautiful bird vehicle with a prominent beak! I like this jet, except for the huge boxy legs – it looks like a whole minifig could fit inside them! But they’re probably necessary for stability. This one also has flick-fire missiles, plus a small Raven vehicle to give the Raven faction at least a shadow of a chance – not a fair match-up for sure…

➡ #70004 LEGO Legends of Chima Wakz’s Wolf Tracker – Now we’ve gone from flick-fire missiles to spring-loaded guns! This vehicle is fully armed and equipped for taking down even the toughest enemies! No measly eagle can stand in the way of its horned wheels, huge opening mouth, and grabbing hooks (located at the back). Plus, it also features massive flame-throwing engines, and most likely some remarkable suspension!
➡ #70005 LEGO Legends of Chima Laval’s Lion Quad – Take down the Crocs in this massive Lion Quad, complete movable laser beam (it seems like the seat actually goes up and down), claws on the sides, and all-terrain treads! Admittedly not as impressive in terms of functions as the Wolf Tracker, but hey, we need to give the baddies a chance…

➡ #70006 LEGO Legends of Chima Cragger’s Croc-Boat Center – Who wouldn’t be terrified if a giant crocodile with huge red eyes and a crooked smile came floating up to you in the dead of night? And what if the back legs and the tail suddenly took off like a helicopter, the two front legs detached and shot at you? Especially if you were in one of those tiny jet-skis the poor lions got…

➡ #70013 LEGO Legends of Chima Equila’s Ultra Striker – Save the best for last! Equila’s Ultra Striker is equipped with two spring-loaded missiles (one on each wing) “huge” claws ready to mow their way through the ranks of their enemies, and an opening wing function that allows the eagles to cover even more ground! And, I’m thinking that the body just might lift off as a flying vehicle like the LEGO Ninjago Ultra Sonic Raider. 🙄

And that is all the first wave of LEGO Chima sets. (Actually there is one more; the #70012 LEGO Legends of Chima Razar’s Chi Raider, but sadly, no pictures yet.) But that is not all! Chima, like Ninjago also has its on special game with cards and small vehicles. The game is called Speedorz. Below are the Speedorz game sets – check them out! 😀

➡ #70100 LEGO Legends of Chima Speedorz Fire Ring– Insert the ripcord into the vehicle, pull back, and send Razar flying through the Ring of Fire! (Please note, I am making this all up. For all I know, what you’re really supposed to do could be totally different.) Includes 5 Chima cards, Razar, two small fire, one fire ring, ramp, Chima crystals, two weapons, ripcord, and raven-vehicle.

➡ #70101 LEGO Legends of Chima Speedorz Disc Shooting– Poise the spring-loaded missile in just the right direction, start up your vehicle, run up the ramp, trigger the spring, and bring those ravens down! Or at least, that’s what it seems like you’re expected to do. Includes 5 Chima cards, Equila, ramp & missile, three brick-built “ravens-on-poles”, Chima crystals, two weapons, ripcord, and eagle-vehicle (with propellers!).

➡ #70102 LEGO Legends of Chima Speedorz Chi-Waterfall – Send Leonidas flying under the gateway right into the hammer and see how far you can shoot the ball! Includes 5 Chima cards, Leonidas, gateway, Chima crystals, two weapons, ripcord, and lion-vehicle.

➡ #70103 LEGO Legends of Chima Speedorz Boulder Bowling– Send Crominus right up the ramp and straight into the boulders! Bring any resistance down with a crash! Includes 5 Chima cards, Crominus, 5 boulders with stand, ramp, Chima crystals, two weapons, ripcord, and crocodile-vehicle.

➡ #70104 LEGO Legends of Chima Speedorz Jungle Gates – Help Lennox race through the jungle in style! See how far he can go. (I know, it sounds boring. What else is there to do with the gates? It’s certainly not instantly obvious like the rest.) Includes 5 Chima cards, Lennox, two gates, two small fires, Chima crystals, two weapons, ripcord, and lion-vehicle.

➡ #70105 LEGO Legends of Chima Speedorz Nest Jump – Speed Eglor up the leaves, and smash him into the nest! Send anything that happens to be in there flying into space! (No, I didn’t quite get this one either.) Includes 5 Chima cards, Eglor, nest, Chima crystals, two weapons, ripcord, and eagle-vehicle.

➡ #70106 LEGO Legends of Chima Speedorz Ice Tower– Make Winzar be the winner by sending him straight into the tower! Send the ball as far as you can! (Not sure on this one. Everything seems to have fallen apart after the Jungle Gates…). Includes 5 Chima cards, Winzar, ice-tower, Chima crystals, two weapons, ripcord, and wolf-vehicle.

➡ #70113 LEGO Speedorz Starter Set Chi Battles– Sadly, we don’t have good quality pictures of this one, although ironically, it was the first Chima set we got blurry pictures of! You can check it out here: 2013 LEGO Sets: Legend of Chima Pictures.
➡ #70115 LEGO Speedorz Ultimate Tournament – Send the Lion under the lion-head gateway and the Croc up the ramp into the tower and see who can launch the ball farther and crash into their opponent harder! Includes (at least if the other Speedorz sets are any indication) 10 Chima cards, a Lion and Crocodile, a lion-head gateway, a crocodile-tower (is it just me or does that look like a hippo?), two small fires, Chima crystals, four weapons, two ripcords, lion-vehicle and crocodile-vehicle.

So what do you think? How do you like the Legends of Chima theme so far? Which one is your favorite animal faction? Are any of the sets appealing to you? And what about the Speedorz game? Do you think it will be fun? Share your thoughts and discuss in the comment section below! 🙂
And you might also want to check out the following related posts:
- 2013 LEGO Sets – See What’s Coming!
- 2013 LEGO Sets: Legends of Chima Pictures
- LEGO Legends of Chima & Others on eBay
- LEGO Legends of Chima: The Story Revealed…
- LEGO Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pictures!
- 2013 LEGO Sets: LEGO Star Wars Pictures!
- 2013 LEGO Sets: LEGO Ninjago Pictures
- 2013 LEGO Sets: LEGO Friends – More Coming!
Hey admin, when were you going to post my review?
Shorty. Please be patient. There are a lot of news to cover, as well as reviews, etc. I’m guessing yours will be posted by this weekend or early next week. 😉
Ok, sorry about the impatience, i’m just really excited because its my first post here. All of my friends are asking me about it too 🙂
Sure, I can understand. Don’t worry, it will be posted soon! 🙄
The game faction looks much better than the Ninjago spinners!
yes these are soo cool
These are cool, but I still like Ninjago.
I agree that ninjago is better so i decided to stick with ninjago but im going to use these sets to add to my games. If we can have snake men in ninjago then i can easily add some crocodile men 😀 feel free to copy me if you want to stick with ninjago.
Great idea! Creativity rules! 😀
Thanks admin 😉
I can’t believe I’m saying this but they’re not bad, not bad at all…
Legend of Chima will be great for Egyptian God MOCs.
I like how the main colors schemes are actually made up of somewhat rare colors for the most part (one of the reasons I didn’t like the Atlantis sets). The birds have a large amount of dark blue, the Crocs the new olive green color, and the lions have either Keetongu/ hazmat guy yellow, or a new color. The figures have a nice amount of detail (actually, in some cases I think too much). The bird faction looks to have good and bad guys within it. I am curious if any of the others are like this, or if its the only case. Also I really like the new weapons, and I plan to replace some the BIONICLE Inika Minifigure weapons with them, as they are much more accurate than the ones they originally came with.
The only real complaint I have right now is that on the lion vehicles, the axle goes completely from one wheel to the other. I would think that independent axles would work and look better, but I think this can be modified.
I agree about the lion vehicles. My guess though is that the axle from one side to the other provides additional stability. But it really messes up the crouching lion look. 😕
These are superior sets, but they should not altogether drop the NINJAGO line, do’nt we all agree ?
Well, aparently LEGO agrees too, they’re having one more 6 set Ninjago release. After that, I think they’re right in considering it time to move on. Personnally, I’m likeing Chima more and more, and the Speedorz sets have lots more pieces than spinners.
One thing someone pointed out – and this is a valid point – is that because of the very few pieces in the Ninjago game (just a spinner, a minifig and a weapon, plus optionally some cards), you could easily take the game with you anywhere. With all the little pieces in Speedorz this is going to be a lot harder task. It may still be a great game, and I definitely like some of them, it just makes the game a lot less mobile than Ninjago. 😐
HaHa. . . well, you may not be refering to me, but I remember pointing that out on EB. . . quite a while ago! I’m impressed that you remembered! 😀 😆 😉
It could have very well been you, as I’m subscribed to that thread on EB and read it every day. I thought that was a very good point, that is why I remembered. 😉
If it was this post:
then it was me. . . 😀
Yep! 😉
very cool! I’m thinking something to combine with star wars . From bounty hunters to maybe jedi.
Have you guys seen the list for CMFs Series 9??? In my opinion it will be in the top 3 CMF series.
Alien Trooper
Chicken Suit Guy- Want 4
Maid Marion- Want 4
Heroic Knight- Want 6
Cyclops- Want
Mermaid- Want 6
Fortune Teller
Dr. Splitz- want
Roller Derby Girl
Battle Mech- want
Caesar- Want 2
Downtown Cop
Hollywood Starlet- Want 2
Yeah, saw that, if it’s true, seems like there will be several nice minifigs!
which ones interest you Geneva?
Maid Marion, I really need some more Medieval Era ladies,
Ceasar – Hoping he has a laural crown. . .
Plumber (probably won’t be useful, but I liked the Mechanic, so chances are I’ll like this one too. . .)
Heroic Knight – especially if he has the new LotR sword
Waiter, depending on the accessiories
IDK about the Cyclops. I liked the Minotaur, so maybe. . .
Roller Derby Girl sounds cool, I just hope there’s no skull & crossbones. . .
Chicken suit guy – I’ve got all the suit guys so far, so I really want this one! Especially if he has an egg!
Downtown Cop will probably be nice, but not particularly useful
Battle Mech sounds interesting – and looking back I see I haven’t included the
Judge – he doesn’t sound instantly awesome, but I’d like a powdered wig.
And if the Fortune Teller has a nice torso I might not mind him to much. In general though, I don’t like Fortune Tellers. . .
Hmm. . . that’s almost all the minifigs.
So I’m (deffinatly) not interested in the Alien Trooper and probably not the Hollywoood Starlet either. If the Meirmaid has a harp I’d want one. If not, no thanks. And I have no idea what a Dr. Splitz would look like! :O
someone pointed out that Dr. Splitz might be Dr. Jekyl Mr. Hyde, so he might look like Dr. Frankenstein from Monster Fighters or something like that is my guess. I love mermaids so I want a bunch, I made like 9 custom mermaids this year, for my City of Atlantis set so I need more, and i have the Diver from S 8 with them, they will attract him then eat him LOL
Yep, saw it too this morning. I decided to hold off posting about it until it is confirmed or at least solidified. Also would like to have some kind of a picture. But you guys are welcome to talk about it. 😉
yeah, I’ve been going crazy and very anxious looking for pix, I wanna see what kind of pattern maid Marion has, or if the mermaids are any different from the ones i made. I also want to know if the heroic knight will be anything like the Castle Golden Knight, so I can build me a little army
Micho, if you find any pictures let us know. A lot of people are excited about this series. Please note though that according to what I have read the names are not official. It is more like someone saw the series and named what they saw according to their interpretation (we have had this happen with previous series as well). So I think we are getting a good general idea, but don’t be too attached to any of the descriptions as what we will be getting could be different – at least to some extent. Still fun to speculate though. 😉
I will definitely keep u posted if I find anything.
Let’s see. . . I think I’ll have pics before you! 👿
Hmm. That’s wasn’t exactly the face I was looking for. . . 😀
I really like the eagle faction, and if this replaced ninjago the only thing that would make me sad is that the tv series would end.
Most likely, LEGO will have a TV series for Chima as well. 😉 (Yeah, at the moment animals fighting animals doesn’t sound like it will quite make it to the coolness of the Ninjago TV series. But who knows? 😉 )
Yes, there is definitely a TV series. It has already been announced. I fully expect it to be excellent, dazzling, suspenseful… and all the other things Ninjago has been. 😀
really, sounds cool.
hey Geneva, you’re doing a great job on your articles
Thanks! 🙂
nonono… thank YOU!!! 🙂
I love the eagle stuff but i like the ninjago spinners better
(I found this on you tube admin can you make this a post for everyone?)
Wow! Great video! Very impressive army! Yeah, this could make a great post with a little work and additional info. I will make a note of it. Thanks for sharing! 😉
I likenjago so this will never replace ninjago…but the bird sets blew my mind because i love bird!:)
I like them, but they are all vehicles. No buildings or anything like that. All. Vehicles. I hate it when they do that…
sorry its birds up there(points up)…
To me, speedorz are confusing 🙁
I hate most of these sets but i do give credit to the speedorz
THX Admin 😀
These look cool… It’ll be interesting to see how Lego does the show. I think it could be really epic.
is lego trying to mix thunder cats and beyblade? (think about it beyblade and speedorz use ripcords) and thunder cats? look at it in a smart way, youll see it….. I LOVE this idea and ill mix ninjago and LOC like someone else here… “=I<3A"
O.0 it totally is thundercats and beyblade….
Legend of chima is coping ninjago!!!!!!!
more like replacing 🙁
It’s looks like a good set of..well sets. I’m looking forward to some of the new weapons. That thing Eris has looks like a good head piece for a Mega Weapon for good old Garmadon!
You’re right, I hadn’t noticed that about Eris’ weapon! I like the fact that these weapons have some transparent and some gold to them especially, that makes for a great combination!
The weapons are good. If only ninjago had these weapons 🙂
does somebody knows the price of them, beacuse they look awesome
but i still love ninjago
We don’t have the official prices (at least in USD). but the Speedorz are supposedly $15, the Starter Set $20 (ID the other one) and from the sets are:
70000 Razcals Raven glider $10
70001 Crawleys Reptile grabber $15
70002 Lennoxs Lion-Buggy $20
70003 Eris Eagle Jet $33
70004 Wakz Wolf tracker $33
70005 Lavals Lion-Quad $40
70006 Craggers Croc-Boat Center $80
70012 Razars Chi Raider $40
70013 Equilas Ultra Striker $40
Galaxy Squad teaser: http://lego.wikia.com/wiki/File:Lego_Galaxy_Squad.jpg
Pretty much like I expected it to be quality wise. But I have great hope.for the little Speeder Cars. At least you will be able to aim them. (And Zane goes…spinning right off the table. So not like the advertisements.) The spinners were not good.
Hmm. . . I didn’t (and don’t) have too much trouble aiming my spinner – what’s harder is to know what to aim at! 🙄 But these cars do look like they’ll be a lot easier.
To me, they are worse than spinners.
I agree, the sets are cool but the cars are not. The speedorz game has too many things to do. In ninjago you just try to hit each other.
We don’t ecsatly know what you are sapposed to do! Especially with the cards.
Probably you have to put the ripcord in and pull it, like thebrickblogger said.
And anyway, we don’t need to know yet because IT HASN’T COME OUT YET!
Apparently though, the Speedorz will have basically three different games, since the first set we saw said “three ways to play!” on the back. 😉
And the Speedorz go… down a crack in the floor
Yeah, with very little results
LOL great Ninjago joke
you just have to know how to spin them. personaly i think that ninjago was much better than this. i like how they made the carractors look like animals, but other than that i like ninjago better!
Now we have pictures of the two of the CMF S9 minifigures:
Alien Trooper:
and “Dr- Zplitz”
No more Ninjago 🙁
I wonder of they will sell the little motorcyces separately. I mean without the arenas and rings of fire and stuff. Also I think I am the only one here who won’t miss Ninjago. Much more prefer Medieval.
I agree, in terms of what I tend to build Ninjago had much better pieces, you can really use ninjas and other Asian minifigs in an MOC, but Chima will be tough!
I doubt the vehicles will be sold separately, at least by LEGO, but there are other places where you can get just about any (released, of course) brick/piece you want.
True, Chima would be tough.
Btw, has anybody seen the LOC pic on the back of the club magazine?
I haven’t got mine yet, but I know the question mark was actually from an Australian (?) magazine. Chances are the Nov-Dec one will have this picture:
BTW, does anyone know if there are two different Club magazines (girl/boy) in the US? I think mine has expired, and I certainly don’t want a girl one. . . 😕 😉
I’m subscribed to both a boy and girl magazine, but lately I have been getting two boy ones. So I think the girl version may have been canceled. 😕
OK, thanks, I think I’ll just go with girl then. . .
When someone finds out how speedorz works, tell us!
Yup, thats the one I have
My brother just said he thinks Chima looks awesome, just saying.
Legends of Chima looks epic. Lego have really been pushing the boat out when it comes to stories over the last decade or so. Bionicle, Exo-force Hero Factory, Ninjago..and now Legends of Chima! Where next?!
We will never know…
Yes we will, because we will know because it will come out and then we will know. If we will never know, it will never come out and then there won’t be another boat in a lego series to ‘never know’
Anyway, I predict a Lego series BASED ON BOATS!!!
One thing you got wrong: you said the lions were bad guys during the ‘lion quad’ section. This is wrong because from what we’ve seen so far, the lions and eagles are good guys and the crocs, wolves and ravens are bad guys. It really should be obvious to anyone.
It sucks for the heros. They have less… people.
Isn’t that a normal story convention? Victory against overwhelming odds? The thing that definitely intrigues me about the storyline is that it sounds like a Final Fantasy storyline, like FFVII or FFXIII.
I think you mis-understood me. When I said we need to give the baddies a chance, I meant that since the good guy vehicle (Lion Quad) wasn’t as impressive as the Wolf Tracker, the bad guys (wolves) would have more of a chance at winning. 😉
like the cars yeah only the cars (the small ones)
On google images., there are more pics of, wolf, and eagal minifigs withand without their armour!
This is what they meant when LEGO told Ninjago fans that the theme that replaced Ninjago would make them “Wish Ninjago would’ve ended sooner”? These sets look terrible. The only one I like is #70012 Razar’s Chi Raider. Otherwise, they’re just…. bad. Now, the orange robot from Galaxy Squad is epic, so go check him out.
dumb! lego ninjago is WAY better!
Lego Ninjago shouldn’t be replaced!
Chima seems dumb! I like ninjago better
It had to end so fast! Now I am angry. Chima looks weird. They should make a new lego show called “It’s a lego life” and in each episode it should star different lego people.
I agree with my friend, Benjamin B. Ninjago shouldn’t be replaced and lego Chima looks weird and dumb! All my fave shows are ending so quickly! Now stuff on TV is just garbage cuz they end good shows too soon.
I really am gonna miss Ninjago. I just hope Chima is just as good or i’m never gonna buy legos ever again. And I MEAN it.
My 2 friends Ben and Lloyd are right. Go NINJAGO! Down with Chima!
;p I’m so mad at the lego company right now and they better not delete me and my friends comments!
Ben, Lloyd, and Nick make great points. Spinners actually work for me… depending on what I put them on. Oh and I like Ninjago better
It seems ok but… they need to change a few things. I have a few suggestions. 🙂
:p @Nick ninja You are wrong.
Go Chima! All you ppl hate Chima…. I hate you! Hahaha! I’m cool! 🙂 You’re not as cool as me! 😛
Oh be quiet @Dark Wolf you’re not cooler than us. I know you’re just Derek. -_- Ninjago is cool. I’ll miss it and I know there’s nothing I can do… but still I don’t think i’ll like Chima!
What the? Lego Chima looks… weird. Benjamin B is so right.
Oh get out of this, Alicial and Benjamin B and gid617 And everybody except me cuz I rock!
Dark Wolf its nice that you like chima im excited for it to and i like ninjago and telling pepole there not cool makes no sense consdiring no one is really “cool” and saying you rock is basiclly insulting everyone else here on TBB 😐
What, a one man conversation? (Don’t think I can’t see through your name change 😛 ) 😉 “How could I? You were monologing!” 😀 😆
hi ppl
hi hi hi hi
i like pie.
well, all our laptops broke and we needed to share a computer at a library. So it wasn’t a one man convo…. and we’ll never go on this website ever again
Please somebody tell me the prices !
Roger, exact prices are not yet known. The first wave of sets should be released in about a month, so we should know the prices soon enough. 😉
Here are the first wave prices (just discovered them today!):
Speedorz sets are $14.99
70000 Razcal’s Glider ~$11.99
70001 Crawley’s Claw Ripper $14.99
70002 Lennox’ Lion Attack $24.95
70003 Eris Eagle Interceptor $34.99
70004 Wakz’ Pack Tracker $29.99
70005 Lavals Royal Fighter $39.99
70006 Cragger’s Command Ship $79.99
70113 CHI Battles $19.99
70115 Ultimate Speedorz Tournament $29.99
Thanks, Geneva! Awesome! I will definitely get some Speedorz sets as they are not so pricey. Actually, none of the sets in this first wave or too expensive. I guess LEGO wants to make sure we can get them. 😉
Yeah, I’m really glad the Speedorz are $15, not $20. Plus in general they have a good bit of foilage, and that’s always useful!
I still have a hope that this will make a good successor for Ninjago :\
As far as I have heard it is going to be great; with a TV show, a game, online game, and a host of other features. Plus the story looks pretty interesting. So yeah, give those animals a chance. 😉
We it seems to have an ok story line but I’m sure everybody will miss ninjago
I can’t wait till these come out! My favorite faction is the ravens and I think this will be just as good (or even better) than Ninjago.
Razar is awesome.
I don’t really get the laser sword thing.
oh there so cool! 😀 but i am ganna buy the hobbit sets! 😀
inspired by Gatchaman ?
Hm… interesting… it could very well be an inspiration, along with probably many others. Thanks for sharing that! I wasn’t aware of Gatchaman! Looks cool! 🙂
Hey I-man u wrote NICE1 I think u need to use a !
Looks epic though from what i’ve seen so far, I loke the ninjago show better than Chima. 🙁
“Before man had risen to power,animals dominated the world! They learned magic and technology and made warfare with one another. The lion clan,crocodile clan,raven clan,eagle clan,and wolf clan fight for supremacy!”
I MEAN IT! :p :p :p :p
cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!vool krass cool cool cool !!!!!!!
cedric-linus Ninjago will continue in 2014 this website actually talks about it continuing!
My favorite animal faction so far is the Eagles. Eagles are my favorite animals. Can’t wait to see the special one hour Chima presentation on January 16th!
Yay, CHIMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chima is cool ninjago is bad
The bad thing is eris is just the only female minifigure
There is also the female croc. 😉
just EPIC
Admin, I just got Razar’s CHI Raider yesterday. I also heard there’s going to be new sets this month and August! 😀
Raver, have fun with your CHI Raider! Yes, more sets are coming throughout the year. 😉
I can’t wait till they come out!
I hate Lego Chima. Ninjago better be back by 2014. If it’s not then………. I will punch my wall until I break my hand.
after the last episode of ninjago,at toys r us they gave out posters of ninjago that said:”we will be back in 2014.”
I saw the first episode of Chima and it was so dumb. I gave that show one chance and I will never watch Chima again! A show about animal people? STUPID IDEA!
When I first heard of Chima and watched the previews, I thought it was dumb. But when I watched the four episodes, I got a better feeling for Chima. But, I still don’t like how they used animals. A show about animals fighting over an orb is a little silly, if you ask me. My favorite character is Eris because she is an Eagle and I like her personality! She reminds me of myself! I got Eris’ Eagle Interceptor today for $35 and that is a really good price for that set.