Here is episodeย twenty of the LEGO NINJAGO story, which is the continuation of the previous episodes of LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes. This episode is called “THE STONE ARMY”. This NINJAGO episode may also be referred to as NINJAGO Season 3 – Episode 7, or NINJAGO Masters of Spinjitzu Episodeย 20 (the official title), or NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 20, or NINJAGO Darkness Shall Rise – Episode 7. Whichever you prefer. ๐
You can see the first trailer for this season’s episodes here: LEGO NINJAGO – Season 3 Trailer. And the second, extended trailer with episode-summaries here: LEGO NINJAGO Season 3 – New Trailer!
The story continues with the ninja having to deal with the unintended consequences of destroying the Great Devourer andย its venom bringing things to life. Big things. Bad things. From a long time ago…
LEGO NINJAGO Episodeย 20 – The Stone Army
โก Watch Episode 14 here: NINJAGO Episode 14 – Darkness Shall Rise
โก Watch Episode 15 here: NINJAGO Episode 15 – Pirates vs. Ninja
โก Watch Episode 16 here: NINJAGO Episode 16 – Double Trouble
โก Watch Episode 17 here: NINJAGO Episode 17 – NinjaBall Run
โก Watch Episode 18 here: NINJAGO Episode 18 – Child’s Play
โก Watch Episode 19 here: Episode 19 – Wrong Place, Wrong Time
โก Watch Episode 21 here: Episode 21 – The Day Ninjago Stood Still
โก Watch Episode 22 here: NINJAGO Episode 22 – The Last Voyage
โก Watch Episode 23 here: NINJAGO Episode 23 – Island of Darkness
โก Watch Episode 24 here: NINJAGO Episode 24 – The Last Hope
โก Watch Episode 25 here: NINJAGO Episode 25 – Return of the Overlord
โก Watch Episode 26 here: Episode 26 – Rise of the Spinjitzu Master
You may also like to check out the LEGO NINJAGO section for more news, reviews, videos and discussions, or select from these related posts:
So we just left are hotel in Albany. Don’t know where we are going next.
Admin have I reached 3,000 comments yet?
Jay, it is kinda hard to tell as you have changed names several times. Under Jay-MOL you have 72 comments. I don’t know about the other accounts. ๐
So question โ why was there the I wanna be ninja theme song if they haven’t even used it โ โ
That is a very good quesion, and I have no idea! ๐
Who thinks John Williams is the best composer ever โ
Taryn how come you don’t do you’re website anymore I thought it was awesome! And it was fun coming up with new ideas for you’re polls! ๐
Feel free to give me pipes and gypsum on mln guys! ๐
Admin, how long did it take you to make this website?
Hm… what do you mean? TBB is almost 2 years old. ๐
Here are the new ninjago sets:
I think that’s all 6, if anything’s wrong I can give you the rest!
And apparently I missed one:
Oh, the one I missed is Cole’s Power Drill ๐ .
I am a 3:45 in part 2 and i think they should have thrown the thing down that bottomless chasm thing
They do (not to spoil it for you. . .) ๐
the overlord thing looks like an amoeba.
Aw! Come on! Why did u spoil it for me! ๐ก ๐ฟ >:(
Huh? I was talking about episode 20. . . ๐
Or were you talking about what Samuel said about the overlord? He’s in episode 20 too, you know. . . ๐
Well I didn’t know u guys were talking about episode 20 sorry ๐ณ
You couldve waited to say that after the episode comes on tonight!
Soooo…..gid…. Maybe ya wanna spare 1 gypsum โ : mrgreen:
I’m geting confused here. . . are you and DX ZX etc. the same?
Oh, and, I don’t partucularly want to spare one gypsum. . . unless you paid me somehow. . . ๐
hhhhhhhm with clicks and a nubular crystal?
Hmm. . How about I send you one gypsum and you send me all pipes, gypsum, and loose sparks you ever have extra?
yeah sorry about that i keep switching devices
Dang I messed up on a face ๐ก
Well see yall later!
ninjago in 3 hours and 30 minutes! ๐ฏ
๐ ๐ ๐ โ โ
โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ ๐
wait all new time its at 7:30 i wouldve been so mad at my self if we missed it!
it going to come ๐ฏ ๐ฏ ๐ฏ
lol no i did not mis spell i was just exited the episode was coming tommorow i might be finn or kai but i dont know so can you guys help. man cant wait
yea the ninjess have the sonar back but kai and cole have to seat on the side when i wathch ninjago i fly out my house jump on nyan cat and smile. i was wathcing ninjago and zane part came on and i started blushing and shes like um why ate blushing um like nooooo :opps:
sry she was like why are you blushing
he he i have this second grade friend she has a crush on sensi wu. i was like um ok then ๐ฏ ๐ฏ ๐ฏ if i miss it i will be angry at my self
man i wish florida stayed hot forever too i dont like when turns cold
Does anyone know when Ninjago comes on tonight?
I don’t have Cartoon Network, but it comes on at 7:30. ๐
yeah 7:30/6:30c
Geez, Nrg Jay, u sure do comment alot [not that thats bad ;)]
OMG! Click my name to see pics of 2013 ninjago sets! Its AWSOME! [The pics are somewhere on the website ;)]
Yeah i know i do ๐
Neeeeed to give spoilers! But iknowhiw it feels so i wont give spoilers
Sweet! Kimono ninja and lloyds golden! Those pics rule youre awesome pythor! But know spiners! ๐ฅ (starts crying) ๐ฅ
I ment “no”
Has anyone seen hotel tranzalvania?
I’ve heard about it. ๐
i heard about it too
YES!!!!!!!!!! I can comment agane!!!! and from now i will do everythis you say admin, thanks for take me off from the black list!!!! i am so happy that you take me off from the black list!!!! so thank you!!! alot ok ๐ and i am very sorry that everythis had happen on lest week ok ๐
Yeah that day was weird….
Just to make it clear; Nya is still on the blacklist. She simply used a different account, thinking that she can get around her ban. Not so… ๐
I mean (everythin)
And for anyone that didn’t get it, the part where Misako (or however it is said/spelled) says to Sensei Wu, “I should have picked you”, she ment like as the person she liked. (as is like-like)(or to put it simply, love :mrgreen:)
Also, I SO CALLED THAT!!! (about Sensei Wu ans Misako liking each other) I may not have said that on here (then again, i may have. I’m not sure. :???:), but if i didn’t (which i pretty sure i didn’t), I did tell my brother that.
And one more thing: OH MY GOSH MISAKO KNOWS SPINJITZU!!!!!! ๐ฏ ๐ฏ ๐ฏ
Her spinjitzu was SILVER!!!! And Sensei Wu’s is Gold! I wonder if there will ever be someone who gets bronze. Ya never know. ๐
Nice Sensei Lexi ๐
so i got to go so bye bye ๐
WOW. You responded fast. My clock must be slow, cause it says you posted at 9:35 and my clock still says 9:34!!! ๐ฏ
ya, my clock is very fast, some times, when i tell my friend what time it is, and i tell them, it is like 10:47 AM and thae look at ther phone and said it is 10:45 AM than i sad maybe my colck is too fast you know, so ya it is cool ๐ And BTW i so glad that i am back to TBB because admin have take me to the blacklist, so i did not comment like 3 week, but now i am gonna tell admin that may be admin can take me off from the black list on my email so maybe you can help me, and i can help you get to rank 10 on MLN so tell me if that works ok ๐
It’s ganna take you a LONG time to get to rank 10 Nya ๐ I have been doing it for about 4 and a half months and I am on rank 5 and it will be harder
Yes Yes Yes, i am so so happy!!
haha LOL i was listening to aa commercial on my radio and it said:
“Old Navy; Come fun come all!”
Since when was clothes shopping fun??? ๐
WOW! amazing sets so looks like there really is a gold ninja these sets are just amazing! for sure i am buying them all!
Hmm no NRG Lloyd, possilby the golden ninja is NRG Lloyd?
Geeeez people chill down hey Nya welcome back and I know she ment when she said I should’ve picked u ๐ silver spinjitzu!
Just got a new pic for Kimono Kai.
Hmm isnt loading yet
So I missed everyone like always!
Oh hey Kai!
I plan on buying the winter bakery set its really cool!
So what’s up?
Well looks like my picture updated so now im Kimono Kai insted of NRG Kai.
Don’t see the kimono only the nrg
Sweet name!
I hope the sets come out in november or later this month first set i get for sure is kai’s fire robot considring it has Kimono Kai and its cheap i will also get samurai bike hopefully.
They come out in 2013 cause it said 2013 Lego ninjago sets ๐
OH MY GOSH!!!!! You’re picture Is EPIC!
Hmm it seems the golden ninja Lloyd has the sword of fire in the golden dragon set thats odd it was destoryed and why would lloyd have it unless this is a box error like on the NRG Zane box art said NGR Zane and i beleive he is NRG Lloyd because lloyd has a golden face like the other ninja had pure red,blue,black,light blue and yea.
Kimono Kai, I had no idea that there is a golden dragon
episode 21 good quality
part 1
part 2
summer pics
Kimono kai, yes i also think that mabey golden lloyd is NRG lloyd. BTW, im going 2 try to get the garmatron and golden dragon ;). P.S. anyone notice the golden robot`s head is a skrall shield?
Every good tv show has a giant robot battle at some point.
BTW, I also posted links, but they got pushed back a page or two before Admin could moderate them. But if you click on my name, that will take you to the photos them selves (probably more than in the video) ๐ .
Im changng my website back to !!! โ
IM SO EXCITED ABOUT THE 2013 SETS! ugh i didnt change my name on this computer?
ok who should i be finn or kai i cant chouse and plz dont spoil it i did not get to watch it. hey wolcme back nya i read what happened to you im new so hi ๐
I don’t know if you guys have seen this yet, but I have pics of the 2013 Ninjago sets.
yeah we already saw those thanks anyway ๐ and gid i gave u clicks and a nebular crystal so could u give me 1 gypsum?
Uhh. . . well, that wasn’t really what I wanted. . . oh well, guess I’ll send you one.
oh sorry…… ๐ณ
has anyone seen those huge lego sets like the pet shop and the grand exportiam? (i know i spelled that wrong) but anyways those are huge! and so detailed! but i am going to buy the winter bakery and if you have that set can u tell me if its worth buying (wich i think it looks worth buying) but if u own it please tell me how it is ๐ my uncle has all the winter sets and i am so jealous! yeah he has a TON of lego sets like pretty much from every LEGO product! ๐ they have 1 room full of legos its crazy!
๐ ๐ ๐ โ โ โ
I have figured:
Kai’s Fire-Bot-$10
Samurai Bike-$20
Cole’s Drill-$20
Golden Dragon-$30
Temple of Light-$60-65
My wallet already hurts.
i think the will be more money than that mr. samruai x ๐
I don’t really think so.
A while ago we got the prices from guy in korea or somewhere and they were exactly the same.
Oh, the Temple of light was $65 ๐
Yeah, $10 is about that of a spinner. I doubt Kai’s Fire Robot or the Golden Dragon will be so low. Perhaps the others would also be higher, but I wish they were that price. I wonder if you can order something from a sealed tomb. ๐ Now to figure out how to get out… ๐
I don’t think so. Kai’s fire robot isn’t that big – maybe $12, and the Golden Dragon is just a little bit bigger than Zane’s.
Yes my fire robot is quiet small so it would be the same price as a spinner and the golden dragon does a look a bit bigger then shard.
Yeah, now that I think about it, the Fire Robot is kinda small, but the golden ninja seems rare, so it might be a little more expensive. Like the green ninja. ๐
Yea but seems like golden ninja lloyd is the ninja to appear in the most sets of 2013.
I think that they put golden lloyd in a small set because they want you to get him, unlike the green ninja. Btw, Skales you can escape the tomb by finding your true potential ๐
I also changed my website back to Toysandbricks ๐
OK, now its Toysandbricks
Really? Lloyd ZX comes in a normal $10 spinner. Unless you were talking about his first Kimono verstion, but that’s only $13 in the Character encyclopedia (at least, as far as preorder is concerned).
I meant in how easy it is to find him.
Hmm the golden ninja had un-ushal eyebrows it is not thin like lloyd’s or bushy likes cole’s or having a cut in it like jays or being big and small on each side like zane’s or having the small part missing on kai’s ,it is lloyd but it still is odd he has diffrent eyebrows…
I think it’s supposed to be Lloyds but LEGO decided to stop with the mischevious winking face. After all, how could you make an NRG ninja like that?
Yeah, true potential! Fire, Lightning, Earth, Ice! Come to MEEEEEEEEE! ๐
Impossssible! Ridiculessssss even to conssssssider ๐
NOOOOO! Nothing is impossssible! I am the Ssssnake King and a magician (actually true)!!! One day, I will free the Sssserpentine, be I alive or dead! You have not heard the lasssst of me!!! ๐ฟ ๐
I wonder what the next episode is.
I have something to say. I got news that Kai, Cole, Jay, Zane, Nya and Sensei Wu get captured leaving Lloyd alone. I have no idea if the news is true.
so cool
I think the samurai (How is he so big when the leader isn’t, + he has 4 arms!) Looks like Darth Maul, with the face
samarai is like the best part of the stone army
how can i see how much my old vintage stuff is worth
How do i check how much some of my old vintage lego is worth? plz tell me
Go you and use their price-guide. That should tell you everything you need to know. ๐
the snakes were driving me crazy those serpertine ediots!
i’m going to use my mega weapon by getting rid of sensei wu
and those pesky ninjas i’m going to turn ninjago in my own image
and i’m going to block the potenchal map and the propercey
and the potental scrolls so lloyd will never reach his true potenchal
so i can turn anything in this world into my image
i became the master of the stone army i wore the helmet of justice
this is all the serpertine’s fault!!!!!!