Below is episode twenty-five of the LEGO NINJAGO story, which is the continuation of the previous episodes of LEGO NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes. This episode is called “RETURN OF THE OVERLORD”. It may also be referred to as NINJAGO Season 3 – Episode 12, or NINJAGO Masters of Spinjitzu Episode 25 (the official title), or NINJAGO Rise of the Snakes Episode 25, or NINJAGO Darkness Shall Rise – Episode 12. Whichever you prefer. 😉
You can see the first trailer for this season’s episodes here: LEGO NINJAGO – Season 3 Trailer. And the second, extended trailer with episode-summaries here: LEGO NINJAGO Season 3 – New Trailer!
It seems that everything is going according to the Overlord’s plan and Ninjago will soon be taken over by complete darkness. Will the ninja able to stop the Overlord before it is too late? 😕
LEGO NINJAGO Episode 25 – Return of the Overlord
➡ Watch Episode 14 here: NINJAGO Episode 14 – Darkness Shall Rise
➡ Watch Episode 15 here: NINJAGO Episode 15 – Pirates vs. Ninja
➡ Watch Episode 16 here: NINJAGO Episode 16 – Double Trouble
➡ Watch Episode 17 here: NINJAGO Episode 17 – NinjaBall Run
➡ Watch Episode 18 here: NINJAGO Episode 18 – Child’s Play
➡ Watch Episode 19 here: Episode 19 – Wrong Place, Wrong Time
➡ Watch Episode 20 here: NINJAGO Episode 20 – The Stone Army
➡ Watch Episode 21 here: Episode 21 – The Day Ninjago Stood Still
➡ Watch Episode 22 here: NINJAGO Episode 22 – The Last Voyage
➡ Watch Episode 23 here: NINJAGO Episode 23 – Island of Darkness
➡ Watch Episode 24 here: NINJAGO Episode 24 – The Last Hope
➡ Watch Episode 26 here: Episode 26 – Rise of the Spinjitzu Master
You may also like to check out the LEGO NINJAGO section for more news, reviews, videos and discussions, or select from these related posts:
Goodness, the overlord looks very, weird……
CHICKEN SUIT MAN!!!!!!!!!!!! CMFs Sries 9…
😛 🙂 😀
Micho, it is best to post comments in the relevant section so readers who are interested in the same subject can get updates, interact, etc. This post is about Ninjago, so poor Chicken Suit Guy will likely not get the proper attention. He is cool though. 😉
SO.SO.SO.EXCITED.LOYD IS GOLDEN NINJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oooooh! That was so amazing. I can hardly wait for the finale, or for my Lego Lord of the Rings game to come a couple of days later. And by the way, the reason the Overlord is transforming into some kind of dragon form, from being a four-armed humanoid, so yes: He does look odd.
Ok, Nya looks totallyu weird… I only thought like red eyes but that is reallllllllllly creepy! :/
I know right!!!

When i first saw it, i covered my eyes for a few seconds with the blanket i was under!!!!!!! It FREAKED. ME. OUT. 😯
I swear, evil Nya will haunt my nightmares for the next week!!!!!!!
She has been completely corrupted by the purest evil possible. She has become the opposite of her old self: dark, twisted, under the Overlord’s spell.

I finnally got my school computer back!!!!!
I am feeling such mixed emotions due to the new epicsode. From fear (evil Nya and possesed garmadon), sadness (limping lloyd), and EPIC AWESOMENESS (the whole epicosde), and a little sillyness thrown in! (the usual jokes they make) 😉

I just don’t know what to think!!!!!!!
I’m dumbfound (i think. I’m not 100% sure of the meaning of the word :lol:)
I know. When Nya was lambasting the ninja, I was just flabbergasted!
(dumbfounded and flabbergasted mean bewildered. But everyone knows what lambaste means!)
one of the ninja (not sure who): It’s 4 to 1, and i think she’s winning!!!!
I 💭 it was Cole but not sure 🤔
“How could I? You were monologing.” My favorite line.
mine to so funy
What part was that from again? I reconize it, i just can’t quite put my finger on it…
It’s from the piece just after Garmadon activates the weapon, and it has to warm up. He snaps “Warming up?! You could have warned me it had to warm up!” to which the Overlord responds….
Oh, yeah! That’s what the overlord says to Garmadon!!

I didn’t realize until now WHAT the overlord said in that part. It’s actually really funny… 😆
Yeah, that was hilarious! 😆 😛 😀
Lol! Same I loved that line!!!!
that was amazing
so will the next vid come out next week friday
It actually comes out on Wednesday. [And knowing that makes me a better LEGO fan than you. 😈 ]
Cartoon Network is going to air every episode from the season! Which I will not get to watch. 🙁
I’m pretty sure he/she ment on the brick blogger. after all i don’t expect admin to be on during Thanksgiving!!!
oh………………. I forgot about Thanksgiving. I should probably look at my calendar every once in awhile. 😳
i will be able to watch the last episode on tv cause i am going to my grandparents house 😀
I have an important announcement!!!
I have decided to dedicate this week to ninjago and watch every epicsode (including pilot and mini movies) over the course of a week!!!!
This is how it will work:
today: Pilot episodes, episode 1 and 2 and mini movie #1
tomorrow: episodes 3, 4, 5, and 6 and mini movie #2
Sauterday: episodes 7, 8, 9, and 10 and mini movie #3
Sunday: episodes 11, 12, 13, and 14 and mini movie #4
Monday: episodes 15, 16, 17, and 18 and mini movie #5
Tuesday: episodes 19, 20, 21, and 22 and mini movie #6
Wednesday (premiere of episode 26): episodes 23, 24, 25, and the premiere of epicsode 26!!!!!
I am officially doing this and if anybody wants to join me, please do!!!! (my dad wouldn’t let me watch it all in one day so i am doing this instead ;))

good luck!
I think that I will, but I will start tomorrow (my dad only allows me to be on the computer when I get home to 4:00 (Central Time), and I already watched two episodes. 🙂
watched all episodes so sad about the last i saw it on youtube
Don’t worry, there are, like, 5 more seasons after! 😀😀😀😀😀😀
I just watched episode 25 and 26. They are awesome!
Sssspeaking of which, what happened to ussss? 😐
Oh, I guess you lot are stuck inside the Stone Army’s vault in perpetuum. Sad, but there it is.
The sad episode most ever!
But awesome most ever!
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllll

Jay: That is so cool!!! (ecos: cool! cool! cool)
(it’s from episode 5 ;))
😆 I know someone with that name!
aww saw the last episode so sad that it ended but has lots of surprises
weirdest ninjago show i ever seen
Um… TJ? What’s with all the “l”s?
Nya is so freaky.
I mean, the villagers weren’t really THAT freaky because I’m not as used to seeing them. Nya i’m used to seeing in every episode. So it just makes it that much freakier. 😯
ya know what? I feel like telling everyone what i think is going to happen next episode. If you already watched it, oh well. There is at least a few people here who hasn’t.

So here is what i think.
Lloyd will unlock his true potential (i’m guessing the reason has to do something with his ‘friends’ (the ninja)), turning him into the golden ninja and giving him the ability to lift the evil poision in anybody’s heart. I think then he will use it to turn Nya, the villagers and (of course), Lord Garmadon back to their normal selves.
I have a feeling it will also confuse the ninja or something like that, and that misako or Wu or maybe Lloyd himself will tell them something along these lines: “The prophecy never said Lloyd will have to defeat his father. It says he will defeat the DARK LORD. Yes, Lord Garmadon may have been the dark lord, and Lloyd did defeat him. But instead of destroying him, he turned his poisioned heart pure again. He defeated the evil in Garmadon, not Garmadon himself.” and i bet one of the ninja will but in saying something like, “that’s why only lloyd can be the green ninja!”
p.s. NO, i did NOT watch the episode!!!!! I am just guessing!! I do realize that the ending part sounds pretty detailed, but i have been thinking about this for quite a while!!
AWESOME idea! 😀 I can’t WAIT for the next episode! I NEED MORE NINJAGO!!! 😈
I so totally agree!!!
I too need MORE NINJAGO!!!! 😛
I’ll be sooooooo sad when it is over. I will cry. I know it. I really will. I’m already starting to get really sad thinking about it. 😥
AWSOME episode!
I wrote down all the info for my story to keep organized.
P.S. I changed my name 😉
😕 I changed my name!
here is the next part to my story.
Liam: But before we train Lloyd, we need to get off the Island of Darkness.
Jay: But all we have is the ship.
Liam: Exactly.
Kai: I’m not following.
Liam: We can use it as a boat.
Sensei: What are we waiting for?
Cole: Lets go.
Hours later…..
Liam: This storm is straying us from the course!
Cole: I think i’m gonna be sick.
Jay: What do we do!?
Garmadon: There is nothing we can do!
Liam: I see land! Brace for impact!
The ship crashes on land into a old serpentine prison.
Kai, Liam, and Jay are thrown off the ship.
Sensei: Is everyone all right?
Cole: I think so.
Jay had been swept away and thrown into the prison.
Jay: I think I broke my hand.
Nya: We can’t let you fight in that condition.
Sensei: Nya is right. you need to rest.
On the other side of the prison…..
Kai: Can’t we go around?
Liam: No, we are stuck here until the ship can be moved by them.
Kai: Where is Jay?
Liam: In the prison. He can either stay in there or come back out.
The end.
anyone who wants to be in my story can ask. I will only take around five people right now. You will stay until episode six. I will take more people when I release episode six.
Cool story! 😀
My cousin can’t hold the music!
Thank you Pythor.
GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe it is out but anyway…The last episode is out. Go to this link and you’ll find the episodes. Bad version though.
hey, did anyone else notice that at one point during this episode, Lloyd’s suit changes back to the original green ninja oufit?

It happened right after the falcon showed the ninja the Garmatron’s tracks. It’s pretty easy to catch if you look. 😉
funny thing is, i didn’t find this out by looking it up. I actually NOTICED IT MYSELF. I’m do proud!! (I tend to be very obvilious to things right in front of my face. Someone in the car will be pointing out a rollar coaster in the distance and it will take me a few minutes to find it IF IT WAS IN PLAIN SIGHT. If not, i’d never find it.)
I saw the episode last week on a leaked youtube video so Lexi you did not see it first:(
The final battle is almost here!!!
I didn’t see it at all yet!!!!!!
These are just my predictions!!!!

PLEASE don’t tell me this picture is what i think it is.
PPLLEEAASEE tell me they are just training.
If their not… 😯
I can’t really tell, but it looks to me as if Zane is fighting Jay and Cole. I can’t tell though because the colors of their suits seems a little messed up. here is a bigger version:,r:84,s:300,i:341
I actually am pretty sure that it is Cole and Jay. You can just look at their weapons. Their clothes still do seem off though. Jay’s seems almost as white as Zane’s with only a tiney tiny bit of light blue thrown in and Cole’s looks more like a really dark purple than a gray. 😕
I hope that is only because of the quality…
If not… 😯 😯
(if you still don’t get what i am getting at, i don’t know what to say.)
I really don’t think they are training.

Were some of the ninja turned…
(hey, can somebody who watched the epicsode tell me if i am right about that? NOTHING ELSE, just a simple yes (if i’m right) or not (if i’m not))
(not a response, i just sorta said not instead of no)
I swear, Zanes face looks a little too fierce for it to be training. Plus, why in the world would they train on steps in Ninjago city?!? (at least, that is where i think they are).
SOMETHING must have happened.
And i KNOW it won’t be pretty.
Im writing my story now. Lexi, I haven`t watched the last episode so idont know what it is. But I doubt in the last episode they turn evil.
not all of them. I also think that is how Lloyd will unlock his true potential (as i said earlier). he’ll probably be like,
“You can do ____, you can do ____, but you will NOT hurt my friends!!!!”
THAT would definitly put a spin on things.
and, hey, it’s possible.
Cole and Jay turn evil due to the Overlord, Zane holds them back so Kai and Lloyd can make it to the top, but Nya distracts Kai so he fights her.
you haven’t seen the leaked videos on youtube.
(***) = censored by admin due to inappropriate content
The overlord turns everyone evil except Sensei Dareth and his new army , Misako, Sensei Wu, Kai, Zane and of course me the ultimate spinjitzu master aka Lloyd Garmadon

(and no, i haven’t seen the episode, haven’t i made that clear already?)
hey! The computer i have blocks youtube or any other website i try to watch ninjago on. I literally searched through over 35 pages on google looking for one that isn’t blocked.
This is not a place to call people names. Treat others as you would like to be treated, or better say nothing at all. Play well! 😐
episode 3: the other ninja
Sensei Wu: It is me. Wu.
???: What do you want!? Do we have to fight you?
???:Don`t listen to him, Wu! You finaly came back after years!
Sensei Wu: Yes, Aly, I have. And I brought some friends.
???: Friends? Looks like a circus!
Jay: Hey! It`s not my falt. Cole burnt the purple encyladas!
Sensei Wu:That reminds me, I must talk to you all know. It is urgent.
Aly: Ok, come om dad!
???:Wait how can we trust them?
Aly:be quiet Johnson!
Johnson: But I`m the smartest.
So Sensei and his group walk into the “other” Ninjas` house. While they walked down the hallway, there was many weapons on the walls.
Dareth: I think we entered a murderer`s house!
Garamadon: I`ll say.
Aly: Sit down. There is much to tell!
Sensei Wu: First I would like to introduce you to my group…
Sensei Wu tells the story of each person.
Aly: Interesting. And you will want to know about us!
Johnson: Ok, Im Johnson. I`m a ninja in a maroon Kimono!
???: No! He means more info! I`m Liam. Im am a ninja of grass. As you can see, my Kimono is dark green.
Lloyd: Almost like mine.
Sensei Wu: I can see you all have my dragon kimonos I gave you.
???:Yes. Btw, I`m Rory. Im a ninja of mechanics, but I dont like to fight much. Oh, and my turquiose Kimono faded a bit. Sorry Sensei.
Sensei Wu: I`m sure we can fix it
???: And i`m Zubashi, ninja of dragons. I am the leader and the first to get NRG!
Sensei Wu: Good job! And I see your yellow dragon kimono is doing well.
Jay: Why do they get dragon Kimonos!?
Nya: Hush!
Aly: And Im sensei daughter. I am the ninja of imaginiato! I made my Kimono blue! Lolipop!
Sensei Wu: Know that we all know each other, I will tell you my plan.
Zane: Cole, you should pay attention.
Cole: I am!
Sensei Wu explains again about the golden fagblade and the evil.
Sensei Wu: And I think they want to bring overlord back with it.
wait what r u guys talking about?
At least SOMEBODY actually listens to me!!!
Thank you Skales, the Ssssnake king.
unlike SOMEBODY, you actually answered my question the way i asked and didn’t call me a noob!
You’re welcome.
Yes, your right. But everyone is ok, don’t worry.
spoiler they turn evil
saw the episode
Online? If so, please link. If not… well…. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Also, Kimono Kai, please link to the same image somewhere else, because I haven’t been able to examine it much.
I just saw one of the REALLY old commercials for the pilot episodes and the announcer guy pronounced Ninjago wrong.
He said, “Ninja” “go” as 2 different words. instead of the whole “Ninjago”
Thats wierd. My story just didn`t show up. I could have sworn I pressed submit…
Oh well, I guess I will just do it tomarrow.
I have to remember, Johnson-time-maroon
did anybody else wonder WHY Cole has bongos? 😕
It isn’t obvious?: Cole is a homophone to “coal”. “Coal” comes from the same root as “coalition”, which is a treaty. Africa and Cuba probably had a treaty at some point. And because bongos are an Afro-Cuban instrument, it stands to reason that Cole would have them.
IT’S LOGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! 😈 *manaical laughter*
(I just found out that Africa and Cuba DID have a treaty: after the South African Border war. 😆 )
Not exactly.
Lots of other contries have had treaties too 😉
That is not relevant. It was THIS particular treaty that led to Cole having bongo drums. My logic is infallible!
Wikipedia, much? XD
Kai: Serpentine? Real?
from episode 1

In the beginning, Lloyd brought up the serpintine and then Kai said… 😉
I have seen the final Episode because I am in it
Yes, and I’m in it too 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
The final episode was awesome. I knew what happened at the end (no spoiler) was gonna happen! Customs for Mysako and (No Spoiler) are gonna be a pain.
I found episode 26 on youtube! Here it is. Poor quality of course but still pretty good.
ep 26 pt 1:
ep 26 pt 2:http: //
I dont know why the second link I put doesn’t work, but just click on the first one and the second one is right next to it on youtube.
Here, I found it. part 2:
the reason it didn’t work was cause you didn’t put a space in between (ep 26 pt2:) and the link. 😉
GOD DARNIT COPYRIGHT CLAIMS!!!!!! I can’t watch the episode now because I was too late D;
my science teacher’s voice is sooooo boring. I could go to sleep. I literally once almost did, and i wasn’t even tired when i walked in!!!!!!
We are talking about conserving water… Uggg…
I just want to go home so i can watch the 4 episodes of Ninjago!!!
I can’t watch it at night because i am going to a lock-in at my church!! We are going ice skating and LATE NIGHT BOWLING!! (ya know, where it is dark in the bowling ally and there are all those colorful lights flashing everywhere?)
I’m so excited!!!!!
I also made Indoor drumline!!! (i prefer to call it winter percussion because everybody always forgets about the other percussion instriments, especially mallets!) YAY!!!!
South Carolina sued North Carolina for taking too much water from a river.
Random fact of the day.
I described to one of my friends what Nya looked like when she was evil (she LOVES Ninjago but didn’t have the chance to watch the new episode yet). I described it and she looked and sounded disturbed. I felt the same way. SHE. LOOKED. FREAKY. BEYOND. WORDS.
I am scared to see what Cole and Jay turned evil will look like. 😯
They look like themselves expect there eyes are purple and there both a purpleish color.
Not worry, you only see them evil for about 2 seconds of the whole episode 😉
Well 30 seconds 😉
Ok, lets say 15 😉
I hate Day Pitney LLP. Every time I try to watch episode 26, it comes up with a message saying “Sorry, cannot open because of copyright claim by Day Pitney LLP.” Does anyone know how I can watch episode 26?
I may be gone today or tomarrow because Im going to see my cousin. We are going to play halo4 😉
That happened to me too!
Aw i was looking forward to more of your story 🙁
Aukai, yeah, I know what you mean… I don’t like them either. 🙁
A good version of Episode 26 hasn’t been uploaded yet, but you can find several poor quality versions on YouTube. 😉
Admin, could you possibly try to link to a Youtube video of episode 26 that HASN’T (thanks a lot, Day Pitney LLP -_-) been removed from Youtube because of copyright?
So sorry for the delay, responding t you rrequest. I’m out of town right now and only have sporadic Internet connection, so I can’t check this for you. But I’m sure others can help. 😉
I understand. I hate weird internet connection to. I see that connection may have caused your computer to lag, which means that your grammar online because messed up 😉
Guess what? My friend thought I looked like Nya and then he saw Nya evil… It’s very nice 😛
Hey everyone, I was just wondering: How did you find the BrickBlogger? I was searching for an early image of the Epic Dragon Battle on Google. 🙂
Well… I was looking for Ninjago Season 3 info… And that’s how I wrote fanfic. 🙂
Well i was looking for the rise of the snakes episodes when it led me here and i started posting shortly after that.
Also when i first started posting my name was acidcius but i had no gravtar then i changed to NRG Kai and got a gravtar and changed to how i am now.
I was looking for pics of the sets when I came here!
You’re Acidicus? I never even realized that…
I was looking for early 2012 set pictures last december…
No im not Acidicus the person who posted here some time ago my name had no capital was acidicus and it was around rise of the snakes but around a few days later i changed to NRG Kai
Hmm… wonder where Acidicus went then… 😛
Very interesting. 🙂
That’s an interesting question! Would love to hear the answers too! 🙂
I had just found out about Ninjago and was looking for a place to watch the episodes. 😉

I was originally just named Lexi, then just Sensei Lexi, and so on. 😛
The countdown continues!! (to epicsode 26 premiere)
I MIGHT have been searching for care and feed of LEGOs… 😐
It is difficult for me to remember things like that.
I don’t exactly remember… I think I came onto theBrickBlogger when I was searching for LEGO City review sets. Then I started being attached to Ninjago after watching Ninjago: Origins (the first 4 episodes) and I have stayed in the Ninjago “section” so far 🙂
I just got back from my AWESOME Lock in at chuch!!!!
We LITERALLY went midnight bowling (at midnight… and beyond!)
I got 2 strikes in a row!!! But then i blew it cause i got only 1 pin on the next turn… 🙄
I either got a stike or almost none. The words “in between” did not exist then. 😛
AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FREAKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
😥 (covers eyes).
I found the picture i have as my gravatar again, but this time a little bit bigger, so i actually saw Cole’s face clearly this time.
I’m scared. 😯
now who the heck is this?
Untill I know, I will call him Oliver.
Err its..Im not spoiling
If you want ill tell you…
I’m not spoiling either. But seriously, the guy doesn’t look himself like what you would expect…
i already kinda figured who he is.

I don’t see who else it COULD be.
I actually realized right after i posted.
I was just too lazy to type it… 😛
The Countdown Continues!
Then who do you think it is lexi?
Good Garmadon (haha alliteration :P) The only reason i was confused at first was because Garmadon originally had brown hair. Then i remembered that it would be a much older version of himself, so that color hair would make sense.
Correct garmadon is good now 😉
I would have thought that, but he is not pale enough. So I will now assume Garmadon’s first name to be Oliver.
What do you mean not pale enough he was pale when a teenager because his transformation of evil wasent finished.
Sorry Kimono Kai, but I’m thinking the theory is wrong, even if you watched the show early. I think that this might be young Wu, because after episode 25, Garmadon is too far on the “Dark Side”, because he’s some sort of freakish, 4-armed dragon/bear/human hybrid or mutant…
I am reading all of your comments and right now the 7th season is out! 😂😂😂 So When you see the picture of Garmadon as a teen with Lloyds hair but darker and with pale skin, he looks IDENTICAL to Lloyd in season 5. (In season 5, Lloyd is possessed by a spirit from the cursed realm.) 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
i finnally got a new computer and just in time for the last ep hooray!!!
pretty good timing to cause this turned out to be pretty interesting. still i really want the new ninjago sets to come out that garmatron looks like it would be fun to build.
Congrats on the computer!!! 😛

The countdown continues!
my brother just danced gandam style with a mitt romney mask on and called it “Romney style.”
I’m have been scar(ed) for life. 😯
I feel so sorry for you. 😯 Scarring stuff, what brothers do… 😕
It’s odd that almost no one spells Gangnam correctly but almost everyone likes the song. 😐
[And why does your brother have a mask of a political figure? 😕 ]
I actually DON’T like that song.

Oh, and the reason he has the mask is because that is what he dressed up as for halloween this year. My brother is very weird… 🙄
The Countdown Continues!
I did say Almost everyone. And I never voiced My Opinion on the song. I was only pointing out the irony that such a well-known song has such an obscure spelling. 😐
[Postscript: All brothers are weird. I know, having 4.]
I spell it correctly. Also, I can sing the whole song, but i dont know what im saying! 🙄
well, don’t go singing it in korea! It has a REALLY bad word in it…

The only reason i know this is when my brother wanted to show it to me, i asked him what the song was called and then i added lyrics at the end (cause i prefer lyrics over the music video, cause then i know exactly what they are saying).
The Countdown Continues…
DX ZX KENDO NRG PWR JAY-MOUTH OF LIGHTNING (seriously i have a mouth of lightning)
Yes… are you. Or are you someone else?
YAY!!!! (unless you were just trying to ask him something, and if that’s the case, he’s not here… :cry:)

The Countdown Continues!
So, Its not him?
I don’t know. Why don’t you ask? 😛

The Countdown Continues…
Ninjago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Nice. 😉 😛
Me and my friend were playing this game with Apples to Apples cards where you randomly draw a bunch of cards and (without looking), put them in this order:
3 cards for things you like
3 cards for things you dislike
3 cards for things you dream about
3 cards for things you eat
1 card for where you live
1 card for who/what you are (I am…)
She disliked Ninja!!! I started yelling (while laughing at the same time cause of the irony), “How DARE YOU!!!”
It was hilarious!!!
She also likes Japanese but disliked Japan. How does that work? 😆
The Countdown Continues!
Lol 😆
Im starting to think OVERLORD is NRG JAY… because, why would someone post NRG JAY…`s name?
I don’t think so. OVERLORD has a different default avatar.
She likes Japanese but dislikes Japan? And you tell her that if she puts Ninja on her dislikes pile again she will have to deal with me! *Nose flares and stomps hoof* 😀
Well, you could like ninjago but hate ninja. Somehow, you can…
If you like Nya the samurai maybe..
Or sensei wu
NO!!! She didn’t chose it!! It was totally random!!! It was kinda ironic though that it would just happen to be like that. At least it wasn’t what she ate… 😆

The Countdown Continues…
SO EXITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHO ISN’T?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

The Countdown Continues…
in this very message, i hold the link to the forbidden EPISODE 26. Enjoy.
I watched that when it came out last week.
I am typing my story now…
episode 4: The dark army.
In an allyway in Ninjago city, Krazak and the serpentine are planing their…plans.
Snike: Can we get pizza?
Lizaru: PIZZA!
Skales: Well, go get it your selves!
All the snakes leave except for the generals.
Pythor: Well, now its quiter.
Mid-knight:… I have a plan on how to return overlord and return Ninjago to its rightful owner. We will need to create the blade of life first though.
Skales: How do we do that?
Mid-knight: By combining all of the super weapons of Ninjago. Like the fangblades, snake staffs, the megaweapon,and the elemtal blades.
Skalidor: It all makes sense now!
Acidicus:It always has.
Mid-knight: But there is a problem. The ninja may be a problem, for they will try to stop us. So, we must form an unstopable army. We need the worst villians to do so.
Pythor:How about the stone army?
Mid-knight: I was thinking of that. We will get the snakes to dig underground and find any stone warriors left. Then we will give them the venom.
Pythor: Great idea!
Skales: Oh, and Kozu is still alive! We could us him!
Mid-knight: Good. But we must wait till the snakes finish their pizza.
Skales: Oh ya…
Back to the ninja,
Sensei Wu is training the ninja when he suddenly leaves.
Kai:Where did Sensei go? We just started!
Zane: He just walked inside the house.
Jay:Mabey he hates us!
Cole: Umm… guys?
Cole:He is coming back.
Sensei Wu walks back outside from the house.
Kai:Where did you go Sensei Wu?
Sensei Wu:To the bathroom.
Sensei Wu and, I brought this.
Sensei reveals four kimonos with golden armour on it and a armoured hood with a golden T.
Zane: Are those for us?
Sensei Wu: Yes. These are SX suits.
Kai: Cool! It has alot of armour. It looks heavy.
Sensei Wu: But its not!Its actulaly light.
Lloyd: Cool! When can we use them?
Sensei Wu: Well, Lloyd, you cant us it.
Lloyd:Why not?
Sensei Wu: Becaise you need to learn Kendo to use them.
Lloyd:Ok.But could I learn Kendo?
Sensei Wu:Of course. But not now.
Lloyd: Ok. Im going inside to talk to the others. Bye!
Lloyd walks back inside.
Kai: Can I put mine on.
Sensei Wu: Yes. Also training is over. I must go and see if the others are ready.
Zane: For what?
Sensei Wu:Everything.
Sensei Wu walks back inside.
Jay: Ok well, Im putting mine on!
In Ninjago city, Krazak and Pythor are looking for Kozu.
Pythor:If I was made of stone, where would I go?
Mid-Knight: Mabey over there.
Krazak points to a small building across the street.
Pythor: Lets go check it out!
Pythor and Mid-knight walk into the buildind to find it empty except for Kozu sitting at a table, drinking… grape juice.
Kozu:42, flower, Finland.
Pythor: Hello Kozu!
Pythor: Well Im Pythor, the snake king. And this is Mid-knight, the ice cream man.
Mid-knight:We would like your assistance. Together we could return overlord.
Kozu: Overlord? How?
Mid-knight: I will explian if you come.
Kozu: Ok!
Pythor:That was easy!
They leave and get back to the alyway to find the serpentine with a bunch of stone warriors and a new threat, a stone dragon.
Mid-Knight: See? We are already winning in numbers!
Good job.
Thanks 😀
Actualy, my story had was 2 posts long. The other diaspered. Sorry
I hate copyright….
And BTW do ninjago have season4? i see that some one on LEGO MB say ”Nya and jay are going to marre” and i just like WHAT!?! But please tell me that do ninjago have season 4 ?
That would be sooooooo sweeeeet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then they would have little samurais and ninjas jumping around!
I saw episode 26: lloyds the golden ninja garmadon turns good and the overlord is some big purple dragon
does anybody know when or if the new ninjago sets will come out? i have to build that garmatron.
They will be out a week or two before christmas.
Wow short ninja history But 2 things were wrong they say the serpentine decided to awaken the stone army and said that lloyd became a grown man when lloyd became a teenager and the serpentine dint the venom of the devourer did and also they never mentioned that the ninja let there dragons go and they came back as one.
They also never mentioned that nya turned evil or that they had to evcuate ninjago city
I have successfully talked about Ninjago from all altitudes!!! 😛

I went up into a plane today (not a big plane, but a small one that will only fit a few people and isn’t terribly loud), and me and my little brother started talking about it!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! (we were 2,500 feet above ground. Everything looked like toys!!!! Cars, neighborhoods, schools, school buses, church, they all looked like one big dollhouse (although i hate dolls)
It was AWESOME!!!!! 😀
The Countdown Continues…
Do you know any alternatives to any parts of episode 26 than those who were removed from copyright?
Unfortunaly, no i don’t.

I haven’t watched the epicsode online and don’t plan to. Its the final epicsode for goodness sakes! The least you could do is watch it on the correct premiere date… 😐
The Countdown Continues… 😛
I can’t wait 72 more hours! D: I’m getting to the point of pretty much desperation that I don’t really care if there is spoilers or not…

I just thought of the PERFECT thing to say after the next and final epicsode. (hint: It is something Jay says. You’ll just have to see! It will fit in perfectly!)
The Countdown Continues…
(just so you know i type that out every time, i don’t copy and paste it) 😛
Once again- to repeat, do you know any alternatives to episode 26 than those who were removed from copyright?
And once again i say:

NOPE! (not in a mean yelling sort of way, more of a jokeing way 😛 I’m in a good mood)
The Countdown… aaahhh, you get it… 😉 😆
Episode 26 part 1 good quailty hope you enjoy this stewbrick 😉
Thanks! Though it’s only half of the episode, because the person split it into 4 parts and only 2 is out…
I’m so eager!!!!!!!!!!! D; Why can’t part 3 come out!
Ima typing my story now! Im just going to do the other half of my last story and the next one.
Episode 3, part 2,
Lloyd:So I cant wear my SX suit?
Sensei Wu: Sadly, no.
Lloyd:Could I learn Kendo and then wear it?
Sensei Wu: Of course. But not now. training is over.
Lloyd: Ok! I`m going to go talk to the others! Bye!
Lloyd runs off back inside the house.
Sensei Wu: If you like, you can wear you suits now. But dont do anything bad. You havent mastered the power of it.
Jay: We will be fine!
Ninja put on suits and Sensei goes to have tea.
Cole: This is so cool! My armour looks all rocky.
Kai: Mine looks like fire. And my kimono is quit nice.
Zane: As long as it helps us, it doesnt matter how it looks.
Jay: I going to see what it can do!
Jay picks up a katana and throws it.
Jay:Wow. That was so light!
Zane: It seems to make things lighter.
Cole: I wonder…
Cole kicks Kai in the chest, but sends Cole flying.
Cole: Oww. Well it has good defense.
Kai: Dont kick my again!
Back in Ninjago Mid-knight and Pythor are looking for Kozu but have not found him all night.
Mid-knight: We have been looking forever for Kozu. Are you sure he is alive?
Pythor: Yes. We have to start looking in random buildings now!
Mid-knight: How about that one?
Mid-knight points at a small resturant that looks as if it has hade no visiters. So Mid-knight and Pythor enter randomly this building to find all the tables empty except for one. Kozu was sitting there…drinking grape juice.
Pythor: Hello Kozu!
Pythor: Who are you. Anyways, me and my friend here would like you help to form an army.
Kozu: Who are you.
Pythor: OMG. Well, Im Pythor,the snake king, and this is Mid-knight, the iceream man!
Kozu: Ok. I`ll help. I like icecream
Pythor:That was fast.
Mid-knight: Yes. Anyways,Kozu, with you, we can now form a great army to stop the ninja from stopping us from returning overlord
Kozu: How will you do that?
Mid-knight explains how they will return overlord while they walk back to the allyway where the snakes
are digging up the rest of the stone warriors.
Kozu: So far you,our, army is big!
Fangtom: Mid-knight, while we were digging, we came upon a new stone warrior.
Mid-knight: Who is it?
Fangtom: Its not realy a”who”.
Fangtom shows them a huge dragon made of stone. It was different though, it hade a longer neck and hade a double tail. And it was covered in armour.
Mid-knight: Good! Now no ninja will stop us!!!
Actualy, I`m not doing episode 4.
Awesome! 😀
It disapeard again! I`ll just type it again.
episode 3 part2
Lloyd: So I cant wear my suit?
Sensei Wu:Sadly no.
Lloyd:Well, could I learn Kendo?
Sensei Wu: Of course. But not now. Training is over.
Lloyd: Ok.
Sensei Wu: Ninja, you can try your suits on, but be careful, you havent mastered it yet.
Jay: Nothing could happen
Sensei Wu: Ok…
Sensei Wu and lloyd walk back to the house. The ninja try on their suits. The armour for each ninja looks like their element and their Kimonos have golden lining. The hoos for all of them have a golden T and 2 “horns” sticking out of it with the color of their element.
Cole: AWSOME! Mine is very detailed!
Kai: Mine looks like my element! Plus it is light.
Jay: Im going to see what these suits can do!
Jay picks up Katana and tosses it in his hands.
Jay: Wow! The sword is light too!
Zane: It seems to make things lighter.
Jay: Yes! I can throw katana!
cole: I wonder…
Cole kicks Kai in the chest, but sends Cole flying.
Cole: Oww. Well it has good defense.
Kai: Dont kick it again! You will get it dirty!
Back in Ninjago city, Mid-knight and Pythor are looking for Kozu, but have not found him all day.
Pythor: We have to start looking in random buildings!
Mid-knight: How about their?
Mid-knight points at a small bathroom and they both walk up to it. Just by chance, Kozu is standing there.
Pythor: Hello Kozu!
Pythor: Im Pythor, the snake king, and this is Mid-knight, the icecream man.
Kozu: What do you want? Im already mad. I lost my army. That darn brown ninja!
Mid-knight: I know, but if you join us, you will be part of a bigger army which will help in returning overlord!
Kozu: Ok. I will join you. I hope we destroy those ninja! Wait! How will you return overlord?
Mid-knight explains to Kozu how they will return Overlord with the blade of life while they walk back to the allyway where they find the snakes
It did show up though.
Thats wierd. Oh well, now you get to versions`:D
Noticed: My Kamehameha looks a lot like Lloyd’s Green Ninja Beam ( i like to call it.). Oh, and I watched Ninjago episode 26 Part 1 and Part 2, in HD Good quality, but not Part 3 yet. Bionicle was awesome. Hero factory is kind of, well, boring. Ninjago is awesome. I hope Chima Doesen’t end up the way Hero Factory did.
Who is/are your favorite voice(s)? I think Kathleen Barr and Paul Dobson (Misako and Sensei Wu).
Paul Dobson also voices General Kozu
Title says it all.
Wow, no one has commented for a long time! If its like this for a longtime, i`ll moving to that post with alot of people. Anyways, Im writing my story now!
Episode 4: The start of it all…
The ninja and sensei`s buddies are all sleeping In the living room [because there isnt enough space for everyone to have a room] except for Rory who is fixing a heater. But although it is a calm night, things will soon get worse. And it starts with a crash off in the distance which makes Rory jump.
Rory:What was that?!
Rory walks around the hose looking out of the windows for something, when he bumps into Dareth.
Dareth:Watch where you are going!
Rory:Dareth? What are you doing up?
Dareth:I was… walking…looking…It doesnt matter. What are you doing?
Rory:Looking outside for that sound.
Dareth:I thought that was you!
Footsteps are heard outside.
Dareth: Oh no, Its the cops! They`ve caught me!
Rory:What did you do?
Dareth:It was the noodles…
Dareth and Rory quietly walk out the back door to see what is making the noise. It was a huge vechicle carring serpentine and stonewarriors. And a twisted looking 4-armed black skeleton creature.
Rory:Who are they?
Dareth:Well, Those snake are serpentine, and the others are stone warriors.
Rory:What about the creature-thing?
Dareth:I dont know, mabey its overlord`s mommy.
Rory:Umm… hey look! Swords.
Rory and Dareth pick up two swords lying on the ground.
Rory and Dareth jump in front of them and are imediatly surrounded by them.
Dareth:I think we should have got the others.
Rory:You think?
Mid-knight:Who are these peasents who threaten us?
Rory:Peasent? I`m a ninja…in pajamas.
Dareth:I`m a peasent!
Mid-knight: tie them up and put them on the roof.
Dareth:Oh no.
Two snakes tie them up and throw them onto the roof.
Mid-knight:Now that they are finished, go find the anacondrai blade and elemental swords now!
Stone warriors and serpentine:Yes!
Pythor:Um, sir?
Pythor:There is a problem, there are now nine ninja,a sensei,a samurai,and
Mid-knight: Dont worry, we will be stealthy, right?
A group of snakes and stone warriors sneak in through an open door and start to look for the blades.
Kozu:Where are they!
Slithraa:Um, the ninja are holding them!
They look to see they sleep with the blades.
Kozu:Well, there is aanswer to evey problem!
Kozu gets an air-horn and presses on it causing a loud noise that wakes everyone.
Jay:Uhhh, five more minutes Gary.
Kai:Wake up look!
Sensei Wu:Serpentine and stone warriors?
Mid-knight suddenly appears behind Kozu.
Mid-knight:Yes my dark army! Now give me the blades, or prepare to be irratiated!
Liam:We will never give you anything! Even though I dont know what you are talking about.
Kozu:We have power far greater than you!
Lloyd:Let me take them on!
Lloyd jumps at them but is pushed aside by mid-knight.
Mid-knighy:Fine, I guess we will do this the har…
Jay throws a katana at mid-knight cutting him in half.
Sensei Wu:Look! He is made of dark matter!
But while they where talking, Mid-knight got up and put the dark matter on him, which fixed him.
Mid-knight: Stupid ninja of lighting. Nno one can defeat me!
Mid-knight stunes all ninja and orders kozu to search them for the blades.
Garamadon:Well this is nice.
Zubashi: Im confused.
Ralph:Me too.
Kozu:I`ve got them all! Even the anacondrai fang blade.
Mid-knight:Finaly!It returns to its master! Now, lets leave these people and get to phase 2.
Mid-knight and his army leave the house with the blades getting closer to his goals.
Sensei Wu:How long are we going to be stunned?
Jay:Sensei, We are fine now.
Sensei Wu:Oh.Well now we must follow them. Hurry up and get ready if we are to stop a war that is to plauge ninjago.
And with that they all get ready,with everyone in a different suit, and start to head of in the dierection from where Mid-knight came…
Sorry, usually i come on around that time, but i was kicked out of my room to sleep in the playroom, so, yeah. I just brough my computer up there. I have to go to school, so i’ll explain why i was kicked up here later. 😉

Plus we are doing this weird thing at school where the whole school reads the book and then goes around for 2 days doing all kinds of activities related to the book. BORING!!!!!!! I was extreamly bored. We were looking up the location of mountains for 40 minutes on google earth for goodness sakes! SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!
Oh, yeah, and because of that we aren’t suppost to bring anything but a pencil to school, so that is why i haven’t been commenting during school either.
Bye for now!!!
The Countdown Continues…! 😛
What if your book was those Ninjago books?
Oh, and i also met a girl in 6th grade who loves Ninjago too!

The Countdown Proceeds… 😆
Seems alot of people you know liike Ninjago.
Main heroes in my story:
Sensei Wu
Dr. Julien
Rufus McAllister
Samurai X (as a Samurdroid)
Chronicle, Ninja of Time and Space
Charlotte, Ninja of Water
Xavier, Ninja of Sand
Chima, Ninja of Sound
Zubashi, Ninja of Dragons
Izuna, Ninja of Creation and Destruction
Saviour of all. (can’t tell you anything yet!).
And Neido, Ninja of Imagination
Does anybody know where THE FULLY completed episode 26 is? Because I am about to lose my sanity here D;
That imbecilic law firm sued the internet for posting it early or something {probably something}. We just have to wait. 😐
Very good use of vocab and grammar there. I sometimes use long vocab that people never understood before in public.
Yeah, I often boondoggle [best word ever] by reading an SAT vocab book when I should be doing my homework. 😛
(And “imbecilic” does not get comments put under moderation like its better-known synonym.) 😉
ok the overlord looked liked he needed pants nya was freaky i cound not sleep
but that was AWESOME so is pytors story im still sad that ninjago but im moving on 😆
tell this a awesome pic of ninjago wow this girl draws good
hahah i saw a funny pic it say if the boys get mlp the girls get ninjago heres the funny pic
That is so IRONIC XD
There’s a ninjago story contest!
Sadly, I dont have time to enter 🙁
Im not doing my story because, im too tired 🙁
I might do it. Seems legit.
theBrickBlogger! I missed you! 😥 [What happened? 😐 ]
I know!!!!! Where did it go?!?!?! 😥
I have no idea.
Meloetta, sorry about that. For some reason our domain registry had a mix-up. Got it cleared now. All should be good. 😉
I was wondering what had happened there…
question for everybody . wich is your favorite season?
You know there is only 3 seasons (IF you decide to count the pilot episodes as a season). 🙄
Despite how many times you guys may hate me for saying this, i have to say it.
The last episode kinda dissapointed me. I expected it to be much better.
Although, i do like the fact that they kinda made an opening to continue if they wanted. I’m not sure if they just did this for the fans (for stories and whatnot), or if there is a possiblility they would continue with it some time later. Yeah, i saw the Legends of Chima commercial. But that doesn’t mean that it is gone forever. I have a feeling that they might just go for another season AFTER Legends of Chima. After all, i found out that they were supposable going to stop making the sets for LEGO Star Wars, but you still see that going, don’t you? After all, they must have a pretty good reason to be doing that to the second most profitable LEGO theme they have. They kinda made it seem like the Overlord may return. If this isn’t true (which is a 99.99999999% chance it isn’t, so you don’t have to start telling me that it’s not true), then i think they should at least have some sort of an epilouge. I mean, by the things they said (about fighting everyday crime) and Garmadon turning good, i would like to see it actually play out for an episode or mini movie or something like that. Just a thought. 😉
i totaly disagree
i totaly disagree actually too and don’t try to copy me
Jay awesome we all know that’s u 🙄 admin doesn’t like when people copy her!
Admin impersonators are really obvious because the real admin has a blue line next to her comments, has her name linked to thebrickblogger, and can spell correctly.
LOL! Yeah. Just the impostor under moderation. 🙄
I agree, I thought the sane thing. Lego would make sooooo much money with the return of Lego ninjago after LoC
ntk743 actually contacted LEGO who said that they were not cancelling Ninjago [it was on his website], but I am not getting my hopes up. 😐
I agree. The main reason is that Lord Garmadon played no part in this episode, unlike in the last episode – I think that (switching back and forth) was really awesome! And LEGO didn’t make the ending very clear at all – was the Overlord completely defeated?
Maybe it’s just because episode 25 got my hopes up for a really good ending, and then we ended up with…
a fight between two dragons on a scyscraper. IDK.
I spelled skyscraper wrong. Does that have anything to do with my comment being under moderation? 😕
Sorry about that. I’m not sure why your comments went into moderation. A glitch from the website gremlins, I guess. 🙄
Here is a question:
They probably moved to Sealand.
They never were really that smart… They pretty much just faded out of the picture after Ninjaball run (where they were the first out or the race…)
Ya know, the funny thing is that this episode was called “RISE of the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master.”
Sound familiar?
(Episode 12: Rise of the Great Devourer)
They like rising things, don’t they?
I just noticed that Lloyd’s eyebrows do not become as impressive as his minifigure’s eyebrows when he is the Golden Ninja. They must have learned a lesson from when the eyebrows revealed the identity of the Green Ninja.
How about… Darkness Shall Rise? 😛
Well Ninjago is done…But 2 themes will keep me intrested into lego for some time…
I dont know about myself. The only lego themes i LOVED was, bionicle,HF, and Ninjago. I dont know what theme I will like now.
Also, why would LEGO make a whole TV series and game for Chima, like Ninjago, and then replace it again? I think If Ninjago did come back, It would be in a couple of years.
Episode 26… and it has a preview for LoC (Legends of Chima) at the end!
Legends of Chima doesn’t seem to have as good of a storyline as Ninjago, but it will be interesting to see where LEGO takes it!
AWESOME!!! Now i can finnally download the whole Ninjago series onto my laptop!!!! Since i can’t actuallly click on the link, i downloaded the program to my flash drive from a different computer (since it wont let me download anything either), and pull it up on this computer and copy the link and download it!!!!!

I’m still a little dissapointed with the last episode. Not saying it wasn’t good, just not as incrediable as i expected it to be. 😐
Yeah, I can understand that; it had me a bit disappointed too. It would have made a great in-between series transition – but as the end?
Although, they do suggest that the Overlord may have not been defeated completly.
Kai says (and i quote cause i just looked it up), “…if the overlord ever decides to show his face again, we’ll be ready.”
and then:
Cole: It’s been quite a ride, fellas
Zane: You think that there will be others?
Cole: I hope so. I liked being a ninja! It’s not like we have many other skills.
Jay: Ha! Speak for yourself! I’m look forward to doing a little inventing, maybe some model building, dabble in poetry…
Kai: Jay’s right. We’ve come a long way, and there is no reason we can’t use what we’ve learned in our everyday lives. And who knows? We may have gotten the balance right today, but there is always tomorrow. There’s no way of knowing what’s around the corner. But as long as there is something worth fighting for, there’s always a need for a ninja, and we’ll be ready.
Seriously!!! They keep going back and forth there! Basically, they made it so that they CAN go on if they want to, but can also stop it there as well. ARG!! This is so confusing. 😕
Okay, if anyone wants a screenshot from any scene of Ninjago, tell me and i can give it to you. 😉
I actually just made a blog for it.
I always got annoyed at not being able to find pictures i can use for my gravatar, but now i can do whatever scene i want!!
Sensei: I… don’t know.
Jay: You’re SENSEI! You always know! You have a long white beard!
my favorite part is this part:
Lloyd: If sensei doesn’t have a lesson, then i do. I used to be nothing but trouble, but then i met you guys. You took me in, showed me the importance of being brave, being strong, but most importantly, being good. When this battle first began, when the first spinjitzu master first fought the overlord, and his back was up against the wall and he knew it was all over did he quit? No. He found a way to keep the fight going. He passed his elemental powers to us, of all people a bunch of kids! But there must have been a reason he chose us. I’d like to think to think it was becuase he knew we’d never back down, we’d never give up! We’ve learned the ancient ways of the ninja, and ninja never quit.
Kai: He’s right. If that means we have to swim the sea to get off this island, then so be it.
It’s so…
i guess you can say it’s…
I’m really not sure how to describe it, but i love that part.
I also like the part where they people though that the ninja were coming from the dark spiraling cloud in the sky. Seriously people? SERIOUSLY?!?!?! 🙄
Yea Dareth,Lou,Ed,Edna,Brad and all of those students of dareth though it was ninja why would they come from an evil looking black portal.
Exactly.How would they even get a portal?
P.S.I cant do my story because Im sleeping in.
travelers tea
Tht was awesome but i was crying happy tears and sad tears. You may never know when ninjago may come back or chirstmas special but i cant move on im obbsed with it but legands of chima is there it wont be the same I miss you NINJAGO X3 i was really all big eyes 0.O
why doesnt just Lloyd turn gold in this episode and beat the crap out of him
and the ninja could do the tornado of creation dont you think 🙄
Lloyd garmadon is a garmadon he’s my big brother he’s not going to be the green ninja i’m the green ninja he’s not the green ninja because he’s my big brother he’s twelve years old he takes so much care of me
lloyd garmadon takes care of me while the ninjas are at zane’s father’s house for a sleepover for 1000,00 nights and lord garmadon and
lloyd garmadon and the stone army were at the dojo with me he brought his dog sparky lloyd garmadon cuddled and hugged and kissed me and holded me lord garmadon and lord garmadon and stone army and sparky and me are sitting on a porch watchinh the stars eating parmagrant seeds.
Um the return of the overlord doesn’t work for me WHY?!?
Probably another attack by lawyers who forced to remove the video. I will check on it…
Episide 1 (Extra Long) A Close Call
Just outside of Ninjago City:
Lord Frakjaw:Mwu hu hu hu hu Now nobody can stop me i have the Staff of Fire Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Meanwhile in Ninjago City:
Cole:I’m Bored
Cole:I Want To Fight Whoop-paw!
Zane:How about the training dummies?
Kai:I think he means Real Enemies
Lloyd:How About my old Dragon Battle video-games?
Nya:Guys come outside
Cole:No Enemies!
Dr. Julien:Like It?
The ninja stare open-mouthed
Sensei Wu:Amazing you fixed the bounty!
Nya:(On deck)Welcome Aboard!
Lloyd:Um where are we going?
Cole:The dark island!
(Good) Garmadon:Remains of the Monestery of Spinjitzu!
Nya & Kai:The blacksmith shop!
Jay:Umm the Floating Ruins?
Misako:Going with Garmadon.
Sensei Wu:Then the Monestery it is!
A while later
Lord Frakjaw:Is that the Ninja ship what a perfect thing to test the Staff of Fire’s power Ha Ha Ha Unleashes Beam Of Fire
On The Bounty
Lloyd:Sensei everyone come fast!
Sensei Wu:What Happened?
Misako:The Staff of Fire Has been unleashed!
Cole:Another one? Yes!
Jay:Cole look out!
Cole:What the heck is that
Lloyd:Just dodge! Pulls Cole to the side
Beam of Fire hits splitting The Bounty!
Everyone:Zane Kai!
They jump to the other side.
Lord Frakjaw:Yes it works Ha Ha Ha Lets try it again Unleashes Beam Of Fire
Nya:Kai look out!
Kai:NINJA-GO blocks Beam of Fire with Spinjitzu
Lord Frakjaw:Pesky Ninja of Fire again Unleashes Beam Of Fire
Zane:NINJA-GO blocks Beam of Fire with Spinjitzu
Nya:We have to descend fast or we will crash
Jay:Then whats the question?! get to the wheel fast!
Nya:Ok ok i’m going
Lord Frakjaw:Pesky Ninja of Ice again Unleashes Beam Of Fire
Cole:NINJA-GO but the Beam of Fire slices right through his Spinjitzu
Jay:Now why did that happen to Cole but not to Kai or Zane
Misako:Simple Kai is the Ninja of Fire and Zane is the Ninja of Ice.
misako:Dont you see?
Jay:Uhh…ohhh now i get it
Lloyd:But i dont
Misako:Because Kai Ninja of Fire Was Able To Bear it and Zane Ninja of Ice was able to cool it down.
Sensei Wu:Good.
Lloyd:Sensei dodge!
Beam Of Fire misses but hits the bounty again
Misako:We have to run!
The Four Ninja:But what about Cole?
Misako:Carry him! We have to get away fast!
They get away
Lord Frakjaw:Arghh!
Meanwhile at the Mojo Dojo:
Dareth:Is everything alright? Gosh what happend to cole?!
Sensei Wu:The Staff of Fire has been unleashed!
Misako:In order for good to win we must go back to the Temple of Light.
Cole:(in weak voice) What?
Nya:(giggles)Lloyd! anyway how are we gonna get to the Temple of Light?
Misako:Umm i did not think about that.
Dr. Julien:I can help
Garmadon:But where will we get the parts?
Dr. Julien:Uhh…my treehouse Workshop! everyone lets go!
At the Workshop:
Dr. Julien:Finely we are here Jay can you help me?
Jay:Yea lets go inside
They go inside:
Lord Frakjaw:Hmmm…ah i got it The Dark Island!
At the Workshop Clanking is heard and the door opens:
Jay:We got the parts
A few hours later…
Dr. Julien:Finaly Its ready
They Get In:
Dr. Julien:Ready to go?
Dr. Julien:Then we are of to the Island…
Meanwhile on the Island…
Lord Frakjaw:Yes yes my dream come true.
Henchmen:Yes Lord Finely
A few hours later…
Garmadon:I think i see it ahead!
Sensei Wu:Yes there it is
Dr. Julien:To the top of the Mountain?
In the Temple the Ninja stand in there place…
The Ninja:Ready!
In there NRG Suite’s:
Kai:So you mean we now have our True Potential Powers Permanantly?
Meanwhile outside:
Lord Frakjaw:Mission Acomplished they will never get of the Island in time Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha…
Garmadon:How will we get of the Island?
Sensei Wu:How about a Portal?
The Ninja:Yea a Portal
Sensei Wu:How about you Misako?
Misako:Fine with me.
Sensei Wu:Then a Portal it is!
Every one goes In but it closes before Kai or Zane can get in…
Zane:I have a solution
Zane:Watch-presses some buttons
Robot Voice:Boat Mode Activated!
Zane:Hop on
Dr. Julien:Oh-no
Dr. Julien:Kai And Zane were left behind!
Moments later..
Lord Frakjaw:Pesky Ninja again Unleashes Beam Of Fire
Lloyd:See ya Creates Powerball
Kai:I see Ninjago
Minutes Later…
Kai:We are here
Zane:Lets go
They Arrive And See What’s Happaning…
Lloyd:Your Back!
Garmadon:I got the Staff
Everyone:Yea we did it!
Lord Frakjaw:you defeated me this time Ninja but i’ll be back
Lloyd:Yea right
Like it?
In my personal feelings, I say that Ninjago is much better than Chima and I can’t wait for season 3! Nothing could be any awesomer! Peace to the Spinners!
omg a year tell next seoson
Naw, not a year. Ninjago should be back by he end of this year/beginning of next year. That’s only 6 months! 😉